
Sorry for taking ages to reply, but I was outta town this weekend and then there was Zelda, and then there was catching a cold. So... :P Appearently we have a dead bear on our hands now. You have anything special in mind with it, V viska ? :)
it was mostly just an ex machina to say that something capable of killing a bear (other then Branka lol) was near by
Seems like my wishes went unfulfilled and my prayers unanswered xD

Are we still into this or should I stop hoping and just take it down? (Would be a shake though, I actually enjoyed this).
Sorry, I just keep god damn forgetting about this...
That is if others are still in.
I'm just a piece of shit with the memory of a gold fish. X.x
She's been a little swamped with work due to layoffs. Betting alerts just weren't working for her again though.
Sorry. >< like yuuki said they laid off almost every one on my shift. I just now got the notification from the tag.
I didn't even realize I was up

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