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Fantasy New Atlantis Characters


This is the character sheet for the New Atlantis Roleplay
Quote: (optional)
Name: {S} (at least first and last name)
Title/Nicknames/Alternative Names:
Age: (can you move? Then it´s allowed)
Sexual Orientation:
Guild Affliation:
Appearance: (anime or description, convince me if you want anything else, if they are heroes or villains,also needs the costume) {S if their outward appearance is different from inward and you want to hide the inward}
Personality: (two paragraphs at least)
Likes: (at least 3)
Dislikes: (at least 3)
Fears: (at least 2) {S}
Items: (non-combat related, combat related items go into skills or are bought in the shops) {S- only for hidden items}
Power Type: Third Strand/Atlantean Blood/ Racial Power/ Pyschic/ Mythos/ Special Tech/ Mahou Shoujo {S}
Power: {S} (obviously only 1)
Mana Costs: (what parts cost what)
Skills: {S} (this is referring to hero skills)
Theme Song: (optional)
Other: {S}
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Quote: (optional)
Name: {S}
Title/Nicknames/Alternative Names:
Sexual Orientation:
Guild Affliation:



Likes: (at least 3)
Dislikes: (at least 3)
Fears: (at least 2) {S}
Items: {S- only for hidden items}
Power Type: Third Strand
Power: Silver Strings- this power allows them to sprout eight silver-colored metal strings from their back, which can extend up to four times their body´s length, and can become either sharp and thin as needles or can join together with one another to make thicker, thougher ones. The silver strings can become diamond-hard at their thickest and can split small rocks at their thinnest. Extreme temperatures can cause the strings to stiffen or become too flacid, making them hard to move or control, but normally they can move twice as fast as regular whip. The metals strings can absorb incoming metals, faster depending on the object´s speed, and can thus be sometimes used to control certain metallic structures of up to twice the user´s body size.
Skills: {S}
Theme Song: (optional)
Other: {S}
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Quote: Humans are simply scum to be coodled and protected unless they gain some unforseen power. It they do, they may be seen as dirt to be used.
Name: Kaladin Markonian
Title/Nicknames/Alternative Names: Forester
Age: 90
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Hero
Race: Wood Elf
Occupation: Hero
Guild Affliation: Magic Guild
Appearance:owari_no_seraph__mika_by_dessa_nya-d8qqrjc.jpg Costume: vchkfifyg7xukbjsknkg.jpg
Personality: Naturally, as an elf, he is somewhat smug. No he is smug. He considers his own life above that over a normal humans. Power is a important part of how he treats people. Hence those with greater or equal power to his own are the only people he can respect. Because of his age, he exceedingly cynical toward other people. As far as his interaction with his colleagues at work, he is rather brusque when ever possible.

However his personality is very respecting towards nature, and natural forces. Rare races, he give special deference to also. Further more, he loves to simply enjoy nature and the various species. Despite his love for nature, he is never hesitant to use his powers over nature to protect himself. His philosophy is that he must live as long as possible to enjoy his pleasure even more. Using people and animals is simply a given.

Likes: Power, Fine dining, expensive items
Dislikes: Weak people, cowards, and abuse of power
Fears: Being powerless, losing people important to him.
Items: Elfish tight fitting clothing,
Power Type: Magic
Power: Nature magic capable of summoning that which he has cataloged and studied at least for plants. Animal summoning only happens when he has the animal with prior control, tamed by himself. His summons are a lion, a bear, and a Great Dane. This is mainly limited by the fact he can only summon one animal at a time and maintain it for half an hour. Plants on the other he is limited by the fact he can only grow a plant to its natural length, and only grow out one plant at a time. The rate of growth however is rather quick, but it is often random and his control over it is tenuous at best. The same is with his animals. He can issue only basic commands such as attack or defend.

concepts on them.
E rank sustainability
A rank adaptability
B rank increment capacity
C rank fundamental control
D rank area of effect
C rank special
D rank weakness
B Reflexes
B Agility
E Speed
C Awareness
E Stamina
E Perceptive

Camoflage: Tier 0
Weapon's Mastery: tier 0
Sense Training: Tier 0

Relationships: None
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Quote: "It is good war is so terrible, or we would love it too much." Robert E. Lee
the quote should be a quote from your character...

Guild Affliation: ??
what guild your character belongs to

Personality: Naturally, as an elf, he is somewhat smug. No he is smug. He considers his own life above that over a normal humans. Power is a important part of how he treats people. Hence those with greater or equal power to his own are the only people he can respect. Because of his age, he exceedingly cynical toward other people.
needs to be

Items: Enchanted armor capable of standing C level attacks with no damage,
this is supposed to mean items without combat use... should have specified that, my bad

Other: His elf nature provide him with enhanced physical strength and speed along with dexterity.
no, no it doesn´t. As explained, you don´t get any bonus from belonging to a nonhuman race

Power: Nature magic capable of summoning creatures of the forest or using plants of different sorts to attack and defend.
I need more specifics, such as how long he can do it, to what extent the control can go, reach etc...
Name: {S} winter
Title/Nicknames/Alternative Names: seamstress / spider
Sexual Orientation:heterosexual
Race: spider Human thing ( I really need to figure out what there called)
Guild Affliation:
Appearance: white hair, yellow eyes,light brown shirt, green flannel shirt over it, blue jeans, no shoes has spider legs coming out of her back, covered in spiders, ratty appearance as in torn clothes and dirty all over
Personality:calm, quite, serious, escapist
Likes: (at least 3)drawing, reading, writing
Dislikes: (at least 3)fire, bright lights, being alone
Fears: (at least 2) {S}fire , ice
Items: {S- only for hidden items}dagger,
Power Type: Mythos?
Power: {S}climbing walls inside down as if she where on the floor, making webs come from her palms and fingertips, making items such as handkerchiefs, shirts etc. By using the webs she makes as string, talking to spiders, controlling them
Skills: {S}pick pocketing, drawing,
Theme Song: (optional)
Other: {S}she's an orphan who's parents abandoned her when she was nine she's learned to survive with the help on the spiders that are normally on her or around at
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[ WIP ]

"Being a villain is better than being some guy with a cape and ego the size of the moon screaming ''I am the symbol of peace!'' like a dumbass all the time, right?"

Cahir Wolfe

Title/Nicknames/Alternative Names:
Cuan [kew-in] (Little hound)
{A nickname given to him by his past business partner that stuck. He gained that nickname because of his willingness to do just about any job.}

Old Man
{He's not old but his attitude makes some of the younger villains refer to him as such.}



Sexual Orientation:



Guild Affiliation:

Note- Height: 6'1 ft | Weight: 157 lbs

Cahir can be described as two things which are lazy and bad-tempered.

This man always seems to be annoyed about something be it the weather or the time of day and his mood doesn't ever seem to improve by itself making it a rare occasion to see him be anything else but irritable. As a result of his constantly foul attitude he's difficult to approach, that is if you don't have a decent reason to and though he won't go snapping at people randomly he'll be extremely sarcastic,brief, or simply unresponsive to anybody who attempts to make conversation with him unless they're someone who has caught his eye in some way or has worsened his mood significantly.


  • Long naps
  • Uncrowded bars
  • People who know when to shut up
  • Delicious meals
  • Easy and simple jobs (props if they pay well too)
  • Being called old (he doesn't even look that old and isn't even old in human years plus he's pretty young for his species)
  • People who call themselves ''heroes''
  • Large amounts of optimism (especially where it's not needed)
  • Rainy weather
  • Overly complicated jobs
Fears: (at least 2) {S}
Items: {S- only for hidden items}

Power Type:

Power: {S}
Mana Costs: (what parts cost what)
Skills: {S}
Theme Song: (optional)
Other: {S}
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yet except for the ones marked optional, none of them are meaningless or without impact, unless you are rolepaying your character poorly.

Not really, I mean you could feasibly get by with just name, appearance, occupation, and abilities. The rest don't have to be revealed all the time, if you're roleplaying well they'll come up naturally.
Not really, I mean you could feasibly get by with just name, appearance, occupation, and abilities. The rest don't have to be revealed all the time, if you're roleplaying well they'll come up naturally.
you could...in a simple roleplay. Furthermore, I didn´t say all the information was strictcly necessary I said it could have an impact. If you don´t want to do it, then it´s simple, no one is forcing you to be here
Name: Ned Kelly
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
Race: Human
Occupation: Thief and brigand
Guild Affliation: None

This is not his regular clothing, which is usually black slacks and a T-shirt.
Personality: He's the classical Robin Hood type. However, he has none of the dignity and honor of his namesake, although he did take on the profession of the original Ned Kelly. He's an Aussie tried and true, and a patriot. He shows his patriotism by supporting anarchy and government upheaval wherever he goes. A joker, a rascal, a flirt, and a child.
Likes: cold cash, hot weather, and hot women.
Dislikes: anything that can't be bought.
Fears: He's from the Bush. He's not afraid of anything.
Items: Clothing, 20 bucks, a lighter, and wallet.
Power Type: Third Strand
Power: He has the ability to form fast-moving, mass-altering projectiles that can either increase or decrease the mass of an object. (These don't technically alter mass, but they alter the way physical forces affect an object: F=ma, and Ned manipulates the net forces acting upon an object to adjust the direction and magnitude of the acceleration. I guess it's a very limited form of time and spatial manipulation.) He also uses this on himself in order to fly at high speeds.
Resistance- E
Stamina- E
Jump- A: He can fly.
Speed- A: He can fly.
Reflexes- E
Strength- F
Agility- E
Perceptivity- C
Awareness- C
Memory- E
Wit- B
Skills:(No clue what this is)
Relationships: (No clue what this is)

"I fight in the name of justice. I fight for those who are made victims by the evil in this world. I fight because I am a symbol of peace. Come, fight, and we shall see who remains victorious."

Marx Caesar Danning

Title/Nicknames/Alternative Names:
The Indomitable Warrior



Sexual Orientation:


Hero/ Part-time Personal Bodyguard

Guild Affiliation
The Fight Club Guild



Martial arts, physical training, ice tea, tattoos, other heroes, winning anything and bears.

Modern weapons (like guns and explosives), chocolate, villainous or evil people/organisations, inherently loud or annoying people, constant loud noises, losing in any possible way and ranged combat.

Not being able to protect those in need and losing a battle ever.


Power Type:
Third Strand

The ability is "Seal Damning". The ability allows you to create small green marks that immediately turn invisible until triggered, lasting up to a year unless they are triggered. These marks can attach themselves up to once on either arm, either leg, either hand, either feet, the neck, the torso and the forehead of a person. The mark on the forehead can only be placed if a mark has been placed on every other specified segment. Marks can be transmited from an object to a person by touch, if an unmarked part of the person touches the object. By snapping your fingers, you trigger any number of marks on any number of nearby people, causing a variety of effects on the part with the triggered mark. This can last from a few minutes to a whole day depending on how many marks are triggered at once (the more are triggered, the longer the effects will last).


Lesser Elemental Generation - a mark when triggered may create a random elemental effect on the surface/bodypart it is attached to. These effects vary from fire (mild combustion, no immediate damage, creates fire-damage over time), water (surface becomes wet), earth (surface becoming encased/covered in rock), ice (surface gets frostbite or is covered in ice) or nature (surface grows plants or is constricted by plants). All lesser elemental effects have a low risk of causing death unless left uncured soon prior to receiving the effects or if the specific effect is stacked with other marks on a different body part of on the same surface.

Greater Capture Cursing - a mark when triggered may cause a random curse effect to restrict, bind or capture a target. These effects vary from paralysing the specific body part a mark is triggered on and attaching a strong metal chain between two triggered marks of this type. All greater capture curses have no risk of causing death and may only do so by means of accident or severe weakness of the target.

Self/Ally Buff Effects - a mark wen triggered on a body part only may cause a specific effect when every mark that can be placed on a person's body is placed. Buff marks must be predetermined and do not turn invisible when placed. One must wait some time (roughly half a post, takes five posts to fully buff mark a body) before placing the next buff mark on the same person's body. Requires a person's body to be completely marked before any effect can be achieved. Effects can vary from enhanced strength, enhanced speed, temporary general invulnerability, enhanced senses, flight, etc... A fully marked body when triggered can grant one buff for a temporary amount of time (eight posts) or two buffs for half that time (four posts). The user may still apply other marks like normal to any surface or body part during this process.


Miscellaneous Tactical Effects - a mark when triggered may cause a specific effect to the surface/body part that does not fall under any of the previous categories. These effects vary from generating a large volume of smoke to obscure a person's view, the generation of a lesser kinetic "push" or force that may launch an object or person 10m into a certain direction at half the speed of sound (may be applied as a buff effect) or the generation of a non-tangible identical copy of the user that mimics their every move and word (may only be triggered on a stable surface and not a body part, requires two marks, copy will disappear on command or if it is interacted with physically).


Martial Arts(?)


Theme Song:

Marx has never lost a fight to this day.

Marx is Russian.

Marx got his nickname from his time spent in a village in the cold wastes of Russia. He had been training there rigorously for several years and he was dubbed "The Indomitable Warrior" for both having never lost a fight and for having won a fight against a bear.
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Blitzer Blitzer raven flame raven flame Gizaira Gizaira 0stinato 0stinato Kloudy Kloudy I know you haven't finished yet, but a brief piece of advice: consider where nicknames and titles come from, and who uses them. I often see nicknames spawn from nowhere and go nowhere. What's behind that other name? Who uses it? Your guildmates? Your friends? Your family? Someone else?

For instance - my nickname back in school was a condescending one. They took my surname and added a "ee" sound to the end to make it sound childish. That stemmed from nastiness and condescension - but with time I ended up just rolling with it, and it became affectionate term among my friends. But if other people out in the world called me by that name, I'd be pretty uncomfortable.

Consider where your nicknames or titles came from, and think about who would and wouldn't use them. Why do these people refer to you by this nickname or title? Does your line of work mean you need a secret identity, perhaps? Is your real name too long, so you have a pragmatic nickname? Perhaps people don't like you and have a childish name for you - or on the flip-side, do your peers regard you with respect and greet you with a respectful title?
Power: Ego - Kitsune's power is his ego and charisma. Because of a few factors, (occupation, personality, personality disorder/s?) Kitsune is able to channel his narcissism into and almost physical form. With its core deep inside his mind, it seems to emanate outwards like an invisible field. Should you be caught in its grasp, your will should change, causing you to want to kneel before the man, losing any will you had to attack or defend him. Whether you see a glowing golden light all around him though is uncertain, and could depend on the strength of your own will. As for control, he must have some degree of control over it - it seems to be activated as his own sense of self-worth becomes larger.

I can't say much for balancing and whatnot, but while using narcissism as part of your power is neat, outright domination powers that change wants and whims are a tad problematic. Balance it as much as you like, but a player character is likely going to be very unhappy with being mind-controlled in such a way. Of particular concern is:

"Should you be caught in its grasp, your will should change, causing you to want to kneel before the man, losing any will you had to attack of defend him"

Looking to the system, I'm interpreting any mind-altering powers as being under the governance of "Fundamental Control". At A-rank, Fundamental control allows: "Large Generation, mental influencing, simple telekenisis or medium control over general elements (like fire, water, ice, etc...)"

Your described kind of mind control, in my interpretation, goes beyond mere influence - meaning that it would be beyond A-rank and would fall into the category of OP. More subtle mental influences, however, would work out. Calming, irritating, charming - that kind of thing rather than outright changing desires. With a silver tongue and some cunning, a little influence goes a long way to persuading others.
Name: Ned Kelly
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
Race: Human
Occupation: Thief and brigand
Guild Affliation: None

This is not his regular clothing, which is usually black slacks and a T-shirt.
Personality: He's the classical Robin Hood type. However, he has none of the dignity and honor of his namesake, although he did take on the profession of the original Ned Kelly. He's an Aussie tried and true, and a patriot. He shows his patriotism by supporting anarchy and government upheaval wherever he goes. A joker, a rascal, a flirt, and a child.
Likes: cold cash, hot weather, and hot women.
Dislikes: anything that can't be bought.
Fears: He's from the Bush. He's not afraid of anything.
Items: Clothing, 20 bucks, a lighter, and wallet.
Power Type: Third Strand
Power: He has the ability to form fast-moving, mass-altering projectiles that can either increase or decrease the mass of an object. (These don't technically alter mass, but they alter the way physical forces affect an object: F=ma, and Ned manipulates the net forces acting upon an object to adjust the direction and magnitude of the acceleration. I guess it's a very limited form of time and spatial manipulation.) He also uses this on himself in order to fly at high speeds.
Resistance- E
Stamina- E
Jump- A: He can fly.
Speed- A: He can fly.
Reflexes- E
Strength- F
Agility- E
Perceptivity- C
Awareness- C
Memory- E
Wit- B
Skills:(No clue what this is)
Relationships: (No clue what this is)

Sorry mate, but you need to read the rules in their entirety.

If you're a criminal character, your "occupation" is either a Lawbreaker, Villain or Traitor. I'm sure you could expand on this and give specifics, but you still need to be one of the three classifications.

On the note of anarchy and government upheaval - I really don't think he'd last long going about "supporting" government upheaval in Atlantis. The Atlantean government seems pretty big on not-being-upheaved. You don't openly talk shit about Atlantis and flaunting its laws. They're also pretty big on enforcing their laws - what with their super-advanced technology and military power and all that. I'm sure there's some way of being an anarchist - but being open about will get you arrested right-quick.

Final note: Atlantean currency is Dracmas. No dollars.To be fair, that part is easily missed (wrapped up in a spoiler tag on one page - though, it's still good habit to pick through all the spoiler tags). For purposes of currency conversion - average weekly wage is d|1050.

Idea Idea any particular currency symbol for Dracmas? Otherwise I'll use placeholder 'd|'

Lastly: "Relationships", I assume, means friends, family and associates. Who does your character socialize with? Who do they like, who do they hate, who do they spend time around?
The ability is "Seal Damning". The ability allows you to create small green marks that immediately turn invisible until triggered, lasting up to a year unless they are triggered. These marks can attach themselves up to once on either arm, either leg, either hand, either feet, the neck, the torso and the forehead of a person. The mark on the forehead can only be placed if a mark has been placed on every other specified segment. Marks can be transmited from an object to a person by touch, if an unmarked part of the person touches the object. By snapping your fingers, you trigger any number of marks on any number of nearby people, causing a variety of effects on the part with the triggered mark. This can last from a few minutes to a whole day depending on how many marks are triggered at once (the more are triggered, the longer the effects will last).

Lesser Elemental Generation - a mark when triggered may create a random elemental effect on the surface/bodypart it is attached to. These effects vary from fire (mild combustion, no immediate damage, creates fire-damage over time), water (surface becomes wet), earth (surface becoming encased/covered in rock), ice (surface gets frostbite or is covered in ice) or nature (surface grows plants or is constricted by plants). All lesser elemental effects have a low risk of causing death unless left uncured soon prior to receiving the effects or if the specific effect is stacked with other marks on a different body part of on the same surface.

Greater Capture Cursing - a mark when triggered may cause a random curse effect to restrict, bind or capture a target. These effects vary from paralysing the specific body part a mark is triggered on and attaching a strong metal chain between two triggered marks of this type. All greater capture curses have no risk of causing death and may only do so by means of accident or severe weakness of the target.

Self/Ally Buff Effects - a mark wen triggered on a body part only may cause a specific effect when every mark that can be placed on a person's body is placed. Buff marks must be predetermined and do not turn invisible when placed. One must wait some time (roughly half a post, takes five posts to fully buff mark a body) before placing the next buff mark on the same person's body. Requires a person's body to be completely marked before any effect can be achieved. Effects can vary from enhanced strength, enhanced speed, temporary general invulnerability, enhanced senses, flight, etc... A fully marked body when triggered can grant one buff for a temporary amount of time (eight posts) or two buffs for half that time (four posts). The user may still apply other marks like normal to any surface or body part during this process.

Miscellaneous Tactical Effects - a mark when triggered may cause a specific effect to the surface/body part that does not fall under any of the previous categories. These effects vary from generating a large volume of smoke to obscure a person's view, the generation of a lesser kinetic "push" or force that may launch an object or person 10m into a certain direction at half the speed of sound (may be applied as a buff effect) or the generation of a non-tangible identical copy of the user that mimics their every move and word (may only be triggered on a stable surface and not a body part, requires two marks, copy will disappear on command or if it is interacted with physically).

Wew lad, slow down.

A lot of nice ideas here, but you probably don't want to tack them all on right at the start. Your character will develop as you go along, so maybe save some tricks for later. Even if you do get all these abilities from the get-go, it's likely going to leave you with very few points to put into stats.

Sidenote - please stick a [WIP]/[Work In Progress] tag of some kind at the top of your post so we know you're still making changes to it.
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I can't say much for balancing and whatnot, but while using narcissism as part of your power is neat, outright domination powers that change wants and whims are a tad problematic. Balance it as much as you like, but a player character is likely going to be very unhappy with being mind-controlled in such a way. Of particular concern is:

"Should you be caught in its grasp, your will should change, causing you to want to kneel before the man, losing any will you had to attack of defend him"

Looking to the system, I'm interpreting any mind-altering powers as being under the governance of "Fundamental Control". At A-rank, Fundamental control allows: "Large Generation, mental influencing, simple telekenisis or medium control over general elements (like fire, water, ice, etc...)"

Your described kind of mind control, in my interpretation, goes beyond mere influence - meaning that it would be beyond A-rank and would fall into the category of OP. More subtle mental influences, however, would work out. Calming, irritating, charming - that kind of thing rather than outright changing desires. With a silver tongue and some cunning, a little influence goes a long way to persuading others.

Well, I really liked that idea for a singular power but I see your point. I'll see what I can do, be it altering the power or altering the character I'll be playing with. I could see Ego as being a self-enhancing power but Kitsune isn't a super-strong human. So don't be confused if you see him replaced by someone else.
Thanks for the feedback though.
Ego - Kitsune's power is his ego and charisma. Because of a few factors, (occupation, personality, personality disorder/s?) Kitsune is able to channel his narcissism into and almost physical form. With its core deep inside his mind, it seems to emanate outwards like an invisible field. Should you be caught in its grasp, your will should change, causing you to want to kneel before the man, losing any will you had to attack or defend him. Whether you see a glowing golden light all around him though is uncertain, and could depend on the strength of your own will. As for control, he must have some degree of control over it - it seems to be activated as his own sense of self-worth becomes larger.
Pros - Well practiced at silver-tonguing it in front of clients, bosses, judges and the public, Kitsune's ego is huge anyway.
Cons - He obviously believes this is stronger than it truly is. Overestimating his own power, he would be prone to entering something he wouldn't be able to stop. The power is not anything physical, purely mental/mindset-changing. So any physical attack just has to depend on his own body (may give him a physical weapon once points are figured out). And, finally, the hallucination he suffers (visual and auditory) causes him to see all the bad things about himself. If this hallucination is in the vicinity, Kitsune is driven to avoid it; it distracts and detracts from his ability.
the range and sustainability factors aside (since you didn´t mention them), this would be an OP rank in fundamental control, A rank in adaptability and it would be a B rank in defense.
The ability is "Seal Damning". The ability allows you to create small green marks that immediately turn invisible until triggered, lasting up to a year unless they are triggered. These marks can attach themselves up to once on either arm, either leg, either hand, either feet, the neck, the torso and the forehead of a person. The mark on the forehead can only be placed if a mark has been placed on every other specified segment. Marks can be transmited from an object to a person by touch, if an unmarked part of the person touches the object. By snapping your fingers, you trigger any number of marks on any number of nearby people, causing a variety of effects on the part with the triggered mark. This can last from a few minutes to a whole day depending on how many marks are triggered at once (the more are triggered, the longer the effects will last).

Lesser Elemental Generation - a mark when triggered may create a random elemental effect on the surface/bodypart it is attached to. These effects vary from fire (mild combustion, no immediate damage, creates fire-damage over time), water (surface becomes wet), earth (surface becoming encased/covered in rock), ice (surface gets frostbite or is covered in ice) or nature (surface grows plants or is constricted by plants). All lesser elemental effects have a low risk of causing death unless left uncured soon prior to receiving the effects or if the specific effect is stacked with other marks on a different body part of on the same surface.

Greater Capture Cursing - a mark when triggered may cause a random curse effect to restrict, bind or capture a target. These effects vary from paralysing the specific body part a mark is triggered on and attaching a strong metal chain between two triggered marks of this type. All greater capture curses have no risk of causing death and may only do so by means of accident or severe weakness of the target.

Self/Ally Buff Effects - a mark wen triggered on a body part only may cause a specific effect when every mark that can be placed on a person's body is placed. Buff marks must be predetermined and do not turn invisible when placed. One must wait some time (roughly half a post, takes five posts to fully buff mark a body) before placing the next buff mark on the same person's body. Requires a person's body to be completely marked before any effect can be achieved. Effects can vary from enhanced strength, enhanced speed, temporary general invulnerability, enhanced senses, flight, etc... A fully marked body when triggered can grant one buff for a temporary amount of time (eight posts) or two buffs for half that time (four posts). The user may still apply other marks like normal to any surface or body part during this process.

Miscellaneous Tactical Effects - a mark when triggered may cause a specific effect to the surface/body part that does not fall under any of the previous categories. These effects vary from generating a large volume of smoke to obscure a person's view, the generation of a lesser kinetic "push" or force that may launch an object or person 10m into a certain direction at half the speed of sound (may be applied as a buff effect) or the generation of a non-tangible identical copy of the user that mimics their every move and word (may only be triggered on a stable surface and not a body part, requires two marks, copy will disappear on command or if it is interacted with physically).
A rank adaptability
E rank destructive potential
C rank defense
C rank increment capacity
D rank deadliness
E rank fundamental control
C rank reach
D rank weakness


overall you are 4 points above the limit, at OP rank. You need to weaken the power.

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