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Fandom Pokemon: Miraculum Academy (Seeking New Members!)


Umbreon? More like DUMBreon!
  • Summary

    Many years ago, a tragic event struck the planet, wiping out the human race. It is not known for sure what killed them off, but its catastrophic effects did not seem to affect the Pokemon of the world. It also left many of the structures intact and much data was left over. Pokemon, creatures already capable of extremely fast evolution, evolved slowly to use the technology left over by their precursors, who'd already exposed them to so many ideas and concepts, and many became bipedal and gained more nimble fingers to replace their foreleg paws. Slowly but surely, their society evolved to match the human societies from so long ago, with schools, governments, and more active religions in regards to the Legendary Pokemon. To this day, battling still holds as a worldwide sport, though no longer done by trainers, but by individuals, who pit themselves against other opponents. Contests are simply replaced by performers and entertainers. Still more research the world around them, using their abilities as Pokemon to find secrets that no human could've ever learned or teaching the next generation. One such Pokemon, known as Adagnitio the Noctowl, decided that he had taken his Archaeological career as far as it could go and decided to use the wealth he had accumulated through hard work and dedication to found the Miraculum Academy, an institution dedicated to higher education and educating the bright young minds of today to make a difference in the future, whether that be in the performing arts, a career in science, or any other job one wanted to pursue. You have been allowed to enter this prestigious school, not for your wealth, but your dedication to better yourself for Adagnitio did not believe that wealth should be a factor in one's education. Welcome...to Miraculum Academy, student! I hope your stay is a long and happy one!

Please make sure to read all of the Roleplay Rules. Reading the School Rules are optional, but recommended.
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I'm willing to try this out~ It has definitely grabbed my attention and sounds like fun OWO

Probably won't be able to start working on CS till Monday tho, I'm visiting my parents and they decided we'll go to the beach in the weekend >w<
So just a heads up!

After that I'll do my best =^-^=

I'm interested!

Quick Questions though

1. Is any pokemon species allowed
2. How many clubs are they allowed to be apart of or is it however many they want as long as they have enough space in their schedule
3. Is multiple chaarcters allowed
Webs Elk Webs Elk All of those are great questions and I will answer them.

1.) Yes just refrain from Legendary Pokemon.
2.) I would suggest a maximum of 3
3.) It depends on how many people start out at first, but I will consider letting people make another after some time has passed regardless of how many there are.
4.) What's the 4th question?
Are we waiting for you to make a CS thread or are we posting characters here?
Webs Elk Webs Elk All of those are great questions and I will answer them.

1.) Yes just refrain from Legendary Pokemon.
2.) I would suggest a maximum of 3
3.) It depends on how many people start out at first, but I will consider letting people make another after some time has passed regardless of how many there are.
4.) What's the 4th question?

1. No Problem
2. Dang it. There goes my person being in everything and breaking down from the stress. Oh well.
3. No Problem again.
4. Didn't have one. Just wanted to put the number 4. ^.^
Webs Elk Webs Elk Well it's not that they can't still have that. It can just stem from the other normal classes(Though I don't really plan on roleplaying them unless someone has something they want specifically done during that time period)
ACTUALLY! Kira's question just reminded me, but here's my CS.

The Essentials:

Name: Zachary Penumbra

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Umbreon

House: Caligo

Electives: Outdoors Club, Battle Team, Archaeology

Alignment: Neutral Good

Fatal Flaw: Zach has absolutely no regard for staying out of a friend's business when it comes to them being in some sort of trouble and will take it upon himself to help them. In fact, this can extend to nearly anyone, willing to help a complete stranger. This stems from him being from Agate Village, which is more of a retirement village than anything else, meaning that he's used to helping others without being asked and used to stubborn people only saying no out of pride rather than any actual ability to perform the task themselves. Needless to say, this makes him socially awkward around people his age, who'd have less or no difficulty performing those same tasks, which can come off as annoying when he butts in.

Saving Grace: That said, Zach has an immense desire to do good in the world and to live life to the fullest and when his help is accepted or desired, he will do everything his power to help, usually shoving his own problems or tasks to the sideline until he's helped the person. He's got a genuinely good heart and an adventurous spirit.

Appearance: Zach is a blue-eyed Umbreon standing at about 3' 6". He's lean, but athletic, spending a lot of time outdoors and exploring, which usually involves a lot climbing for himself, increasing his stamina and agility. He's often seen wearing a plaid shirt beneath a beige climbing vest and matching cap with blue jeans adorning his legs and black tennis shoes. If he's about to go exploring, he might be wearing knee pads and mountain boots, especially if he feels he's going to be doing a lot of climbing. He commonly wears fingerless gloves and a hiking backpack if he's about to head out as well, but otherwise wears an over the shoulder bag, which contains his laptop, some books, and a handheld music player. He's always wearing a digital watch on his wrist. He's almost never seen without an orange scarf on, which was made for him by his mother.

[+] Social [+]Attentive [+] Caring [/] Talkative [/] Adventurous [/] Strong-willed [-] Overly prying [-] Short-tempered [-] May get involved in situations that don't involve him [-] Will sometimes enter locations he shouldn't

For the most part, Zachary Penumbra is a social, friendly individual that would spend most of his day either talking to people or exploring his surroundings if his education didn't, to his parents, take priority, having a strong desire to know more about the world around him, taking careful notes of the places he visits and people he meets in his journal. He's a kind-hearted person, more than willing to hear out someone's problem and help them fix it, promising that person his assistance until the issue is resolved. In general, Zach can keep a conversation up for hours when given the chance, simply enjoying conversation. He also enjoys using his time off of school to try and explore new locations, never letting others deter him from doing so. As nice as he can be, Zach's got a bit of a temper and does not take bullying, taunting, or mockery very well, even if he's not the target of it. Zach can also seem a little too blunt sometimes and can ask odd questions or ones that seem spontaneous, which can make him seem nosy. This can also occur when he tries to help despite being explicitly told to back off. While he doesn't normally do this, he will if he feels that the person truly needs it and it may take a bit of a tongue lashing to make him stop, after which he'll usually apologize. The most common time this happens is when he believes or is told that the person in question is being bullied, as he can't stand to see someone be antagonized and not have something done about it. He also has a slightly bad habit of occasionally ignoring 'Warning' and 'Do Not Enter' signs as his curiosity will get the better of him sooner or later, leading him into serious trouble. Overall, though, he is a loyal and accepting friend who'd do anything to help someone.

History: Zach grew up in Agate Village, a retirement village in the Orre region and a peaceful, quiet location, where his family moved to after his father, a Leafeon, retired from his battling career after a long, successful, but tiring life of professional battling, buying a building to set up a shop while Zach's mother, a Sylveon, stayed at home to take care of Zach. Zach was home schooled by his mother as Agate Village had no schools due to the large lack of children, largely in relation to the fact that it was mostly a retirement village. Zach only had one or two friends that he hung out with and, to his disappointment, they were unable to keep up with his youthful energy, as he'd always go and explore the nearby forest, having quickly grown bored of hide n' seek, as he'd already explored the town, rendering most hiding spots moot, and tag, as he'd usually outrun his friends. While his friends followed him out from time to time, they rarely were able to keep up with him, as Zach would speed through the areas he'd already explored, eager to get to the next adventure. In fact, Zach's energetic personality got him into trouble several times, as he'd had problems holding still. His father, however, had just the solution to tire the young Eevee out.

Starting at age 12, Zach's father would hold mock-battles with him after work to serve as Battle Class, which would expand on Zach's battle knowledge as well as expend any extra energy he had. To his father's happiness, Zach took to battling extremely well, enjoying the rush as well as paying close attention to his father's movements. This occasionally led him trying to mimic them and, through practice, successfully pulling off moves he'd otherwise have trouble with, though they were few. Due to his father being Grass-type, he simply couldn't learn the better ones, though he was gifted the TM Work Up. He would continue to improve as a battler as he got older, always taking time out of his day to train.

After Zach started learning at a middle school level, he started taking exploring in a deeper meaning, his mind slowly expanding to notice the fine details In his environment, leading to him revisiting places from his early childhood and becoming amazed all over again as he started to see things that, when younger, he'd ignored. He also started to become more drawn to the people around him and could be seen striking up conversation with the customers at his father's shop. He actually learned a great deal, as Agate Village was, as previously mentioned, a retirement village more than anything, and the elders had no issue with sharing a bit of history with the youngster. Zach would record all these experiences, between exploring, battling, and talking to people, in his journals, which filled up quickly as he'd take notes of almost anything he depicted as significant.

At age 15, Zach, while having a rather intense sparring session early in the night, evolved into an Umbreon, much to his parents' pride and his great excitement. This change marked Zach's first step towards becoming an adult, causing him to be far more capable in battle and enhancing his stamina, allowing him to keep up for longer. Noting his son's new capabilities, he gifted him with the TM Dark Pulse and began to look into greater teaching opportunities for him, feeling that Zach deserved a better future than what home schooling would allow. While it would be difficult, he was sure Zach would meet the requirements to attend one school in particular, though it would take a great deal of preparation. Up until his 17th birthday, Zach studied harder than ever, cramming as much knowledge as he could before his parents sprung him with the news that he would be attending a prestigious school for special Pokemon like himself.

The Extra:




-Talking to others



Doing nothing

Being alone

Talents: He's a talented battler, though he lacks refinement, and a great climber.

Hobbies: Updating his journal, listening to music, and reading.

Fighting style: Zach is a huge fan of battling, having learned a lot about it from his father and unlike normal Umbreon, he actually has a strong preference towards quick, hard hits, liking to stay maneuverable and on the move, dodging hits while attacking. Due to his preference towards this fighting style, he's got high attack and speed, but his natural Special Defense isn't as strong as a normal Umbreon's and his Defense is rather lacking.

Fears: Zachary actually has a fear of the dark, though his evolution into Umbreon has aided him greatly. Mostly because he glows. He's also afraid of needles.

Crushes: None as of right now.

Orientation: Heterosexual

Theme Song: To The Ends of The Earth – NateWantsToBattle


-Has since upgraded his journal to a laptop for convenience and keeps them on a drive.

-Has little experience with kids his own age, making him a bit of a social idiot

-While he hasn't listened to much, he's as huge fan of music and can usually be seen humming to himself

-He is an avid note-taker, which helps him a great deal in his classes.

-While a strong battler in a straight fight and has a good deal of tricks up his sleeve, he's susceptible to taunts and tricks he hasn't seen before.

-His last name is actually his mother's last name, as his father took it to prove that he'd gotten over his pride (which had been a deep issue for their relationship prior to their marriage and Zach's birth).
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If our character is doing any electives, do we put that in our CS. And if so, what section do we put it under.
Oh yeah I realized that after I posted that thing. But it's fine, still not turning back.

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