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Fantasy Red Hood Society

Ragnarok: The Demon Sin of Greed


Ragnarok sighed, raking a hand through his jet black hair. His blue eyes blazing with an uncontrollable flame, staring into the Wolfs Soul. "I'm a Demon, Alpha, of course I've made Contracts. Though Sadly . . . My Contract with Lucifer ended a while ago . . ." He thought black to the Black Winged Fallen Angel, one of his best companions, and Contract holders. Sadly, the Contract was the only thing binding him to the world, so he could no longer be summoned.

Ragnarok shock himself back into reality, nodding at the Wolf. "So how have you been doing Alpha? Any new followers? Or any at all? I was sealed away for a long time, but I came back, and found out that wolves were almost extinct. And to be taken down by humans . . . I'll tell you, it was definitely a shock. Speaking of, I meant to ask about that."

He leaned back, floating in the air as he placed his hands in his Pockets. "What in the fuck happened while I was gone? Humans and Witches are suddenly friend, Magic is Common-folk, and the wolves, dear Gods your wolves, are being killed. By Mortals. Dear Gods I have to say I'm disappointing."
Axeykins Axeykins
Sylvia would feel a small ball of warmth flush against her body and a calm would wash over her. Absentmindedly, her right hand would fall to the mass of warm fur. Another breath of air fills her lungs and the same smell of freshly baked bread follows. A slight groan would escape her, the smell of bread brought her back to the forest…it was odd. She was very slowly piecing the truth together…well whatever she could recollect. The baked bread in the woods, wolf in the woods, the smoke outside her window, the cuddly animal in her presence, and now the same baked bread smell in the hut…these would be coincidences to anyone yet she couldn’t shake the feeling they were all connected. Sylvia’s eyes would shut for a moment before fluttering open, she felt so tired…yet something wouldn’t let her sleep – probably the hunter-side of her refusing to relax for once in her life.
Moolock Moolock
"That is unfortunate demon. Hopefully you will be able to gain more powerful ones once again." His gaze never broke from the demon's. "I could not tell you what happened. As I too am surprised at the state of the world. I have only recently woken up to it after a long hibernation. My wolves are on the brink of extinction and those vermin have spread. It makes me sick." He spat.
"Nothing that cannot be fixed easily of course. I will turn and control every last one of them I see. Men, women, children. All valuable assets to our ultimate goal."
Black Jade Black Jade
Ackara took Marius' hand, nervously surveying the room. (She had a clipboard to record customer satisfaction XD) "W-What if Honus tries to do something..." She mumbled. "It wouldn't be good. We'd have to go, but that might not be a bad thing. Are you sure they're okay to trust?"
Axeykins Axeykins
"I trust that if he tried anything she would put him in his place. And same goes to us if we act out. Fair is fair. I swear to you that we will be just fine here Ackara and that we will get out if things take a turn for any reason." He reassured her. Keeping his focus on the witch and Honus though to hopefully ease her worries. "Now, I think tea sounds wonderful Madam. Thank you for the offer. It will be nice to be staying in a house as well. While a den is nice and all that is only optimal during the summer. During these months it is hard to beat solid protection from the elements on all sides and all the comforts you need nearby." He shot Honus a slight glare. His comments were becoming more and more insulting. "Excuse me Hunter. I am sorry our mere existence and asking for help is an inconvenience to you."
FireMaiden FireMaiden Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed JokerValentine JokerValentine
FireMaiden FireMaiden Axeykins Axeykins Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Malice Queen Malice Queen Moolock Moolock

"Respect, that's funny considering how because of creatures like them Syl is very injured, how I nearly lost myself, perhaps how Marius did as well..." Honus said as he mused in response to Harken, "but it feels as if this day shall never end. We shouldn't be here still, I should- we should be home, Syl and I, and the other hoods." Harken's request for tea did simmer Honus down a bit, but not fully. "I'd very much appreciate the tea, Harken. Just be sure that the glasses don't get tainted with their venom. I prefer to drink my own poison, my own thoughts." He eyed the female especially, who seemed to even have a stronger disposition to him than he thought. "Trust too is fickle. For when the Hoods make deals, to spare your wretched forms from our own form of justice, as soon as you can you backcross it. That is the trust of your kind."
"Respect goes both ways dear," Harken said, getting a few cups to pour the tea in. Rather plain tea cups, just white porcelain. The tea, looked like any other jasmin tea, though it held a flora scent, and a strong taste. She gave a cup to each person in the room, before she sat. "Marius, please tell me again what you needed besides a place to rest." JokerValentine JokerValentine Axeykins Axeykins Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Red purrs as the hand is rested on her, blinking slowly a few times up at the Huntress. On second thought and based on her reaction, the bakery smell wasn't the best comfort for now as that had laced the forest. She flicked her tail, that small movement being all that was needed for the aroma to fade into something fainter and perhaps more soothing: Pine trees and wildflowers. She sat there under the Huntress's hand, waiting for a reaction. Maybe it was influence from her taking the form of a cat but the being felt comfortable just sitting. The hunger in her belly faded- not gone but not bothering her, either. Something in her didn't want to hurt this girl. If Red could ever forge a deal, she wouldn't play any tricks. The cat wrinkled her nose. Stop letting your own illusions get to you... She flicked her ears, jaws parting in a short-lived yawn.

A little more magic, not an illusion but a part of her actual power, a warmth would begin on the cat's back and spread to the Huntress, first via her hand as it was in contact with her soft white fur. The warmth was healing- nothing major but if they stayed touching long enough, Sylvia might feel the soreness start to fade.

Malice Queen Malice Queen
Ackara held her stomach, letting out a small groan as the baby kicked. "Marr, can we sit down?" She asked, trying to get the pesky child to stop. It didn't want to and she held her head in annoyance. "And Honus, we're not here to harm you, but I'd expect the same from you..." She mumbled, ears folded slightly.
Axeykins Axeykins JokerValentine JokerValentine FireMaiden FireMaiden
FireMaiden FireMaiden Axeykins Axeykins Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Malice Queen Malice Queen Moolock Moolock

The tea tasted very warming, soothing to the man's rather dark soul. He felt at peace for a moment, that there was no war and that he could go home to see his son one day. He forgot, just in that one sip, that Marius ever was stupid enough to ruin his fate. He could've exchanged more heated words, but he was rather paused the girl's sudden pains. Of course she had to be pregnant, meaning that there was about to be one new creature, cursed from its birth, to live out its days as an enemy of the people. But for the first time in a while, Honus spoke rather odd words to Marius. He knew that he was exchanging words with Harken, but he could not hold his feelings in anymore, the truth rather. "If you are Marius, the one who so very long ago gave his life for the cause, there's something you never knew. When you joined the Hoods, there was someone named Pegham, an older guy who tended to be scrutinizing to the new bloods. He told me that Marius wouldn't last through the week, that he would run off and get himself killed. I told him to shut his mouth. And I guess I was right," he said rather subtly. It seemed both an insult and a compliment, a push and a pull. He seemed to have some form of admiration for what Marius once was, and perhaps whatever he had left.

"I'll leave the jungle be, I guess. You...... whatever you are can converse. Syl needs me."
The short-lived scent of baked bread would slowly fade, a thing she wasn't inclined to notice, it was replaced with a more natural scent. This put Sylvia at ease, her eyes would cease their rapid movement under her eyelids. Her breathing had shifted from shallow and pained to steady and normal. "N-Nnn...Good kitty..." her fingers would stroke the warming cat a few times before the rest of her body began to feel the warmth radiating inhumanly from the cat. Her muscle aches were soothed and her fractured bones were partially mended, she was feeling a lot better. The woman would soon sit up from the bed, feeling more energetic and capable of moving around. Slowly her body would turn on the bed, her feet hanging off the side of the bed. Sylvia takes a short breath and holds it as she pushes herself onto her feet – she was desperate to get out of bed. The huntress would be able to stand on her feet with less sways than the original attempt but as she moves to take a step the pain surges back through her. A wince would appear on her face, knowing she still couldn't move she set herself back on the bed softly. A grunt and groan of frustration coming from her lips. "Worthless cripple!..." she scolds herself harshly and turns her attention to the white cat, "At least you're keeping me company...Not that I really have a choice..." she would say the last sentence with a chuckle in her voice. It was incredible to her that she was being defeated...not by a were-mutt or a beast...it was because she was too weak to do a thing. "Rgh...I just want my bones to heal and my strength to come back. I don't want to be a burden to Honus any longer..." a sigh would escape her lips this time and sadness grips her heart and throat. Moolock Moolock
Another purr escapes her at the ear-rub. Her eyes flicker half-closed for a few moments, watching Syl through a haze. That moment of healing left her a little tired. Usually using her powers on mortals was after the boost of a deal. The bed shifts, she blinks. Red gets to her feet as the huntress does, worry flashing in her eyes. She watches the small movement, then steps closer to Syl as she sits back down, noting the wince and the scolding remark. With a tilt of her head, Red registers a... a request? Inwardly, she smiles, and nuzzles Syl with the same warmth as before. Her mouth doesn't move but her thoughts do and they travel to Syl as a silky voice resonating calm.

You can have what you want, young one... if you will it...

The demoness's chest seized up after she "spoke" to the huntress. If the woman accepted, could she charge her usual fee..? The girl wanted her there, to some degree- at the very least the cat-being hadn't been kicked across the room yet. Her crystal blue gaze turned to Syl, glowing slightly as she attempts to meet the Huntress's eyes.

Malice Queen Malice Queen
Malice Queen Malice Queen Moolock Moolock

Departing the conversation, Honus felt that it was right to give his tea to Syl. She was injured, and she could use it more than he could. The male went up the steps slowly, not wanting to awaken her in case she was sleeping. He felt something inside him building up, something that was part compassion but part rage. It was as if he had a rival that arose to something that he or she shouldn't have, and although Honus may have hated such a person with his full heart, he would want to give his congratulations to the person. Such was his feeling, part wanting to talk to Marius, part wanting to cure him.
"Of course. You take it easy and relax. Stress cannot be good for you now. I am not particularly sure what to do but try some tea?" He rushed to pull out a chair and get a hot cup of tea for Ackara. "If you can, we only need a place to stay for a short while. Regain or strength and health. And to make sure that everything is okay with the er...the. Well. I do not know if you have experience with such things but you are an old enough woman." He made a motion to his companion's large belly with his eyes. Still very uncomfortable around anything to do with pups.
Clearing his throat he turned his attention back to Honus as he spoke up again. "I do remember something like that. The name mostly and this face connected to it. Nasty old thing, judged everyone he saw and even joked about and made bets on who he thought would die first...it was disheartening to say the least."
JokerValentine JokerValentine Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed FireMaiden FireMaiden
Edit: forgot about blue lol

Kendra's eyes widened as three more beasts leapt out of the trees and into the fray, just as terrifying and abominable as each of the original three. Geez, they're creepy, she thought with a frown. The weredrak wondered rather abruptly if they had names. She supposed they probably did, although it was weird to think that such monstrosities could have a title. She bet their names were ugly - names like Olga and Bloodrayne. How could such a creepy-looking creature brandish a name that wasn't ugly?

As she stepped further back to size up her six opponents and realized just how outmatched she was, Kendra found herself feeling fearful for the first time in quite a while. She wished Quinn was here - Quinn and Henry and Celeste. She missed them. If they were here, then these monsters would already be dead. Henry would be clapping her on the back while Celeste cheered and Quinn sat quietly in the background, just as awkward and adorable as he always was. But they weren't here, and Kendra would just have to learn to deal with that. But damn, was it hard not to think about them...

It was then that Kendra took notice of the scythe-wielding smart-ass she'd encountered earlier, who was now standing in front of the weredrak defensively. Aw, that's adorable, She thought with a small smile. The poor mortal actually thinks he can protect me from 6 fucking demons. Well, at least he believes in himself... The dragoness snorted to herself. She had little confidence in the abilities of humans and assumed the man worthless, unaware of his power.

The dragoness snapped back into battle mode, shaking her head and outspreading her wings again. "You could send twenty of these fuckers after me and I'd still fight! Now let's get this shit over with so I can go home and EAT, dammit!" She bellowed, leaping atop the scorched carcass and shielding it with her wings defensively, eyeing the monsters, waiting for them to make their first move.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
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Sylvia would stare at the feline beside her as it...spoke to her. Her wide-eyed stare locked to the cat's glowing blue eyes. Thoughtlessly her mouth would open and the word would pass her lips "Yes..." She hadn't even thought about the repercussions of saying that single word. Just as she uttered her response, she would notice Honus enter the room with a cup of tea in his hands. It was an odd sight to behold...a rugged, old, and battleworn man with a cup of tea in hand like a nanny. It made Syl smile and laugh, albeit painfully so. A couple of coughs escape her lungs and despite it hurting the need to laugh was too much.

Once her odd fit of laughing had passed as well as her coughing fit, Sylvia would wipe the tears that welled in her eyes from the laughter. She hadn't laughed like that in ages...suppose it's the simple things in life that really bring you pleasure – more often than not they also occur with the ones you love. "Thank you Honus..." she would smile sincerely at him...he had helped just by being there and not even uttering a single word...
Moolock Moolock JokerValentine JokerValentine

The feline flicked its tail with quite a satisfied look on its face. After Syl's confirmation, the being noticed the hunter, not finding anything strange with his appearance of bearing tea so when the huntress broke out laughing, Red flinched. With the moment of happiness over, Red settled back down beside Syl, curling her tail around the huntress's back gently. The first card had been played, now to keep the game going. It would be tricky, she mused, and the hunter didn't trust her much. Lingering in the blankets, the scent of pine remained from earlier, ever comforting, ever subtle. Subtlety. That would be her key to success.

But the prospect of a deal left her feeling emptier than her hunger- and more worried. The hunter would probably not let Syl out of his sight and if she were mysteriously healed, questions would rise. Eyes downcast, Red wondered if she could stomach the fee. Rules would be broken- not drastically so but still broken. Regarding Syl with a new gaze, one of a calm, cool determination, Red nodded ever so slightly.

Then I can help you... but your Hood friend cannot know... not yet...

Malice Queen Malice Queen
Moolock Moolock Malice Queen Malice Queen FireMaiden FireMaiden

Entering the room, Honus easily saw the cat wondered how it got in. As far as he knew Harken never talked about having a pet, but Syl seemed comforted by it. The male made his way to her bedside, and gave her the warm cup of tea. She looked a bit jovial all of a sudden. "I know I know, I'm the maid for you," he joked, looking at her with so very strong sympathetic eyes. He smiled a bit, something Marius would be ever surprised to see. "Unfortunately she didn't have much else to give, she's saving the rest for the dogs apparently."

Honus turned to the cat, seemingly right near her. "The cat looks like it's protecting you, or plotting to nibble your toes," he said rather casually, "is it Harken's?"
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"That is unfortunate demon. Hopefully you will be able to gain more powerful ones once again." His gaze never broke from the demon's. "I could not tell you what happened. As I too am surprised at the state of the world. I have only recently woken up to it after a long hibernation. My wolves are on the brink of extinction and those vermin have spread. It makes me sick." He spat.
"Nothing that cannot be fixed easily of course. I will turn and control every last one of them I see. Men, women, children. All valuable assets to our ultimate goal."
Black Jade Black Jade
Black Jade Black Jade
Ackara slowly sat down in one of the chair's, picking up a small cup of tea. "Marr, what should we name them?" She asked quietly, meaning the pups. It had been on her mind for a while, and she knew that they would be showing up soon. "If its a girl, I was thinking Luna maybe... What do you think?"
Axeykins Axeykins FireMaiden FireMaiden
Edit: forgot about blue lol

Kendra's eyes widened as three more beasts leapt out of the trees and into the fray, just as terrifying and abominable as each of the original three. Geez, they're creepy, she thought with a frown. The weredrak wondered rather abruptly if they had names. She supposed they probably did, although it was weird to think that such monstrosities could have a title. She bet their names were ugly - names like Olga and Bloodrayne. How could such a creepy-looking creature brandish a name that wasn't ugly?

As she stepped further back to size up her six opponents and realized just how outmatched she was, Kendra found herself feeling fearful for the first time in quite a while. She wished Quinn was here - Quinn and Henry and Celeste. She missed them. If they were here, then these monsters would already be dead. Henry would be clapping her on the back while Celeste cheered and Quinn sat quietly in the background, just as awkward and adorable as he always was. But they weren't here, and Kendra would just have to learn to deal with that. But damn, was it hard not to think about them...

It was then that Kendra took notice of the scythe-wielding smart-ass she'd encountered earlier, who was now standing in front of the weredrak defensively. Aw, that's adorable, She thought with a small smile. The poor mortal actually thinks he can protect me from 6 fucking demons. Well, at least he believes in himself... The dragoness snorted to herself. She had little confidence in the abilities of humans and assumed the man worthless, unaware of his power.

The dragoness snapped back into battle mode, shaking her head and outspreading her wings again. "You could send twenty of these fuckers after me and I'd still fight! Now let's get this shit over with so I can go home and EAT, dammit!" She bellowed, leaping atop the scorched carcass and shielding it with her wings defensively, eyeing the monsters, waiting for them to make their first move.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Blue098 Blue098

Zera couldn't help but burst into laughter at how the human was protecting the beast. Walking forward and in front of the six monsters she smiled. "You really think you can protect her human? This was her own choice. She chose to die today so why protect her? I gave her a chance to talk this over peacefully and yet she still chose to fight. So step aside and I won't hurt you. Maybe I'll even keep you if your a good little boy." Zera spoke to the two as her eyes started to glow a mixture of sinister purple and seductive pink before she spoke in a demonic language. "Diagi! Boruka! Niagu! Nadashi! Haruda! Adari! Hesss anagadri. Venashiored de lamborodi." She Yelled making the beasts all hiss and growl viciously as there eyes locked on the dragon and the human
Kendra's attention flickered toward the human once more as Zera spoke. She felt kind of bad for the poor little guy - she still figured he was a typical, powerless mortal, fully unaware of his strength. Appreciative of his actions even though she assumed they were futile, Kendra stepped toward the man protectively, hissing at the nearby beasts. "Aw, c'mon, monster lady, leave the human out of this," She sighed, raising her head to glare at Zera. "Oh, and, uh, what exactly do you mean, I chose to die? If anyone's dying, it's your greedy little pets. Now, come on, let's get this done so we can all go home and sleep or some shit," Kendra growled, rattling her wings.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
"If course I bags experience. My mother, though a witch like me, she would deliver children if both the humans of the nearby village and the creatures of this forest. I learned first hand." Then, the woman with Marius brought up names, though it was quiet. "I know you didn't ask me, but I think Luna is a lovely name. It's graceful, yet powerful once you think about it," Harken said sipping on her tea. "Have you eaten yet? Im sure I have some cookies or something you could snack on. I somehow always have those types of things," she ended her state with a small mutter, something about how she was slowly turning into a grandmother. Well, she was over 200 years old, it wouldn't be that weird. Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Axeykins Axeykins
I considered her words, but all that was in my mind was protecting her, I won't let her die. I lost her once already, not again...Looking behind me, I saw my sister trembling in fear, and as I looked back forward all I saw were the creatures that surrounded her. That took her away from me. "I...will...protect" I spoke softly, I felt something go down my fast, as reached down onto my lips, it tasted salty. Looking at the woman, I clenched my hands around the scythe, "Don't take her from me". I roared loudly, the aura around the edge of the scythe was now shining, visible for all to see its bright red edge.

I found myself near my old house, looking up towards the sky. Letting the sun's embracing warmth cover me whole. Closing my eyes, I heard her. "Time to get up sleepy head!" She yelled from afar. Opening my eyes I look to my right and see my sister...I see Tera. Standing up quickly, I waved to her and yelled back "I'll be right over". With every step, the sky was growing darker, and darker. By the time I reached our house it was pitch black. It was then I heard a scream. Running onto the main road, everything changed. I saw my parents and my sister all outside. Father was being beaten by three men, but they were furry. I was too scared to yell, to stop the men, I just stood frozen. After a while father didn't move. "Stop, please stop" no matter how much I spoke, my voice was too soft. Then it was mother, they brought her near father and did the same thing. "Please..." I couldn't speak any more. Looking up I saw them grab her. "Why am I so weak, please give me power to stop them." I begged. I dropped to my knees. I heard every hit, each one breaking me, breaking who I was. Then I heard a voice, "Brother, please help..." As I looked up, her pleading eyes looked right at me. A look of betrayal, At this moment, I stood up, It wasn't me any more. Then I heard one more voice, "I'll give you the power you seek...on one condition" I blinked and found myself in front of a rusty scythe. With no speaker and looked around. " You must give up your life to take others, you will become my servant.... and in return you will receive the power you seek" It spoke slowly, and deliberately. I quickly nodded, "help me, stop them." I whispered..."and I'll be your champion for eternity" With this the contract was sealed and the scythe giggled, "good, NOW KILL" It yelled. A darkness, shrouded me, though I felt tension at the edge of the blade, I felt my own movement, but I was no longer in control. When I regained control, all the men were dead, though I was too late. To late to save her.
astrodrak astrodrak Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Sylvia was happy that Honus hadn't forgotten to smile, throughout the time she had known him a smile was a rare treat for him to share! "Then you should have a uniform on...and I suppose you'll have to make a duster out of your arrow !" Her happiness would fade away as soon as he mentioned the wolves being here. "Damned beasts...Should've just killed them, Honus!", her hatred of the werewolves ran deep...the poisonous words she spat from her mouth had changed her demeanor and she ceased being Honus' precious little girl. It wasn't like she could do anything anyway...a bedridden hunter is as good as dead – from boredom and the insanity that came with it anyway.

After the fire in her heart and eyes dimmed, Honus would mention her furry friend beside her. "Heh...She's a sweet thing, been keepin' me company. Those mutts will have a feisty feline if they show their ugly muzzles." she was serious but...mainly she just wanted Honus to leave so she could get back on her feet with the help of the cat. "No way I'm ever going to tell him, whatever it costs...I want to be healed." Sylvia thought, hoping that the cat would hear – magic was a weird thing to her...perhaps she could read thoughts too?

"Of all the times you decide to visit..." she would think to herself, not annoyed at him more at his timing. "Hurry up and leave..." she would desperately hope but still maintain her composure...well as much as she could. "It's good to see you Honus...You look..." she would tilt her head and her eyes would move over his figure. "Old..." she would grin playfully at him.
JokerValentine JokerValentine Moolock Moolock

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