Main Rp Area

The doctor's eyes flickered open but only just. He had been sleep deprived and exhausted. This was literally the deepest and more comfortable rest he had had in almost a week. Yet, strangely it wasn't the light of the dawn that had awoken him.

No, it was something else. A smell was tickling his nose. Food? How? Hathom lived alone. There was no way that anyone would be coo-

A hard coughing fit interrupted his thoughts and he fell back into the couch with a pained groan. He felt as if he was tearing his throat apart with those coughs. They did serve to wake him from his stupor and in doing so, he remembered the situation they were in. 

Hathom felt horrible. In the moment that he finally relaxed it seemed the virus that was threatening to get him sick finally got hold of him in his sleep. Bloodshot eyes and a slightly paler complexion told the tale but its not as if the doctor had a mirror to check. 

He dragged himself from the couch and stumbled to the source of the smell to find Kara cooking. 

"Cooking breakfast? You're going to make me fall head over heels for you Kara." He said with a tired smile followed by a few coughs. The bacon smelled heavenly to the sick man. 

@Lola Shimmer
*****************************NEXT DAY*************************************

Tate walked down the street at the same time he did every morning a slight whistle in his voice and his keys jangling in his hands. When he finally reached the door to which he was getting read to unlock he stared at the man waiting there and raised an eyebrow. "Young man either you are dangerously addicted to our coffee or you have had a rough night" the man said simply and shook his head opening the business, He was glad to be back to his routine and even more glad that he could ease up some of the pressure he knew had been on Kara's shoulder's this past little while. The older man didn't like leaving so much on his daughters shoulders. The door opened easily and the man walked on inside. 


Liani had moved to the couch within the office and she wasn't sure what time she had woken up in the chair stiff with the shape she had fell asleep in. her back ached and her vision was blurry with sleep...she had moved in the darkness until her hands had found the couch before promptly collapsing on it. She was surprised that no one had been in Ryuu's office to check on it but then she supposed perhaps no one was allowed in it. 

Anyways it was early morning and she was still on the couch, fast asleep with her jacket draped over her as a blanket. Coral colored hair spilled over her face hiding it from view, The young woman was curled up into a tight ball ignorant of the world and both her rings placed back onto each of her fingers where they belonged.

"I may like the coffee but it seems Miss Kara isn't around. If you see her let her be aware i was around." Ryuu stated to the man as he pushed off of the wall. "And keep making the stuff you do Sir. It's well made." With that, Ryuu was off to find Kara.

For him to find people he normally had scouts look but this meeting couldn't be well known. He was looking around and didn't stop for questioning when requested so he had people following him. When one grabbed his shoulder he grabbed their wrist, bending it backwards.

"If you know whats good for you guardian, i'd leave." Ryuu whispered before letting the man be tossed to his partner, rubbing his wrist before they went off. The pyro wasn't in the mood for anything besides talking and that was final. Talking to Kara about the war he knew they were going to be sucked into.

(Wolf incoming?)
By the time the doctor had made it into the kitchen Kara was frowning at her phone thanks to a message her father had just sent her, It held the description of a man that had been asking about her and the reason for her frown was because she knew exactly who it was. She sighed inwardly why on earth was Ryuu looking for her. That god damn exile there was just something about her that rubbed her up the wrong way. She did not like the man. Her face titled up when Hathom came in and she smiled...though it lessened " look like crap." She said simply. "Or ya know oops i mean good morning" she painted a sweet grin on her face that in the elite just looked terrifying. 

The woman laughed heartily at his statement though "Oh is that so? and well i don't mean to brag's bacon" she waved the pan around like it held some magical substance which...well lets be serious it basically did. "You look worse this should rest today. For some reason Ryuu is searching for me. I shall send grey to greet him and see what he wants" Kara explained meaning her large grey wolf that she had circling the perimeter of Hathom's place. "I will find a secluded place to  meet him, I don't want him to know where you live." That being said she slid the bacon onto plates along side some toast and scrambled eggs. 

Sliding one over tot he doctor and bringing one toward herself "I didn't even dare to attempt to make the tea, I shall leave that one to you"  she spooned some eggs into her mouth having already sent a mental order to her beast, she would wait a short while before checking in with the animal again to see if it had actually found Ryuu in which case she would have to leave her body and enter it's for a moment so as she could lead Ryyu to a space they at meet....oh and she needed clothes. The woman looked down at what she had on hmm yup she was going to need clothes.



As soon as Ryuu had left Kara's father had contacted her of course. The man might spend most of his times running the cafe these days but he was an elite and master guardian first.  He could tell the boy was an exile, He had always been able to and of course any young man that came asking about his daughter were always met with suspicion. 

The large grey wolf had been meandering around some tree's near the house in which her master now slept. The wolf never left kara's side far anyways. The beast stilled when it was connected to Kara's mind and she had just about finished sending the mental order or it was sometimes more like a compulsion before the wolf was off at a run. Animals thoughts were different more like pictures than strings of words and that was exactly what Kara had sent a picture of Ryuu with the intent FIND! behind it. 

It only took the wolf afew moments before it was walking along the tree line adjacent to where Ryuu walked now. Grey was no fool and it didn't wander out into the open during the day after all a rather large grey wolf would send afew people into panic. It walked afew more steps before sitting on it's hind legs and letting out a soft whine to notify the man it was there. It stared at he figure with an all to unsteady gaze for it to be a wild animal...hopefully the exile would take the hint and follow it into the trees.

@The Broken Mind
By the time the doctor had made it into the kitchen Kara was frowning at her phone thanks to a message her father had just sent her, It held the description of a man that had been asking about her and the reason for her frown was because she knew exactly who it was. She sighed inwardly why on earth was Ryuu looking for her. That god damn exile there was just something about her that rubbed her up the wrong way. She did not like the man. Her face titled up when Hathom came in and she smiled...though it lessened " look like crap." She said simply. "Or ya know oops i mean good morning" she painted a sweet grin on her face that in the elite just looked terrifying. 

The woman laughed heartily at his statement though "Oh is that so? and well i don't mean to brag's bacon" she waved the pan around like it held some magical substance which...well lets be serious it basically did. "You look worse this should rest today. For some reason Ryuu is searching for me. I shall send grey to greet him and see what he wants" Kara explained meaning her large grey wolf that she had circling the perimeter of Hathom's place. "I will find a secluded place to  meet him, I don't want him to know where you live." That being said she slid the bacon onto plates along side some toast and scrambled eggs. 

Sliding one over tot he doctor and bringing one toward herself "I didn't even dare to attempt to make the tea, I shall leave that one to you"  she spooned some eggs into her mouth having already sent a mental order to her beast, she would wait a short while before checking in with the animal again to see if it had actually found Ryuu in which case she would have to leave her body and enter it's for a moment so as she could lead Ryyu to a space they at meet....oh and she needed clothes. The woman looked down at what she had on hmm yup she was going to need clothes.



As soon as Ryuu had left Kara's father had contacted her of course. The man might spend most of his times running the cafe these days but he was an elite and master guardian first.  He could tell the boy was an exile, He had always been able to and of course any young man that came asking about his daughter were always met with suspicion. 

The large grey wolf had been meandering around some tree's near the house in which her master now slept. The wolf never left kara's side far anyways. The beast stilled when it was connected to Kara's mind and she had just about finished sending the mental order or it was sometimes more like a compulsion before the wolf was off at a run. Animals thoughts were different more like pictures than strings of words and that was exactly what Kara had sent a picture of Ryuu with the intent FIND! behind it. 

It only took the wolf afew moments before it was walking along the tree line adjacent to where Ryuu walked now. Grey was no fool and it didn't wander out into the open during the day after all a rather large grey wolf would send afew people into panic. It walked afew more steps before sitting on it's hind legs and letting out a soft whine to notify the man it was there. It stared at he figure with an all to unsteady gaze for it to be a wild animal...hopefully the exile would take the hint and follow it into the trees.

@The Broken Mind

Ryuu heard a whine, then saw something on its hind legs. Looking at it he frowned, walking towards it. "Wolf. I hope you don't think i'll let you kill me." He said as he followed it into the woods.

When his escort stopped and sat down Ryuu leaned against a tree. "I have a feeling you know who i'm looking for. It's about the war and the sketchy patrols." Fire sprouted around the beast in short intervals before it stopped. "If you do know who i search for i'll warm your pads. Until then i'll continue my firecracker ability." The man said as the tiny balls of flames continued once more.
"Thanks. You look lovely too." Hathom said with sarcasm as he planted himself in a chair before the woman. When she wasn't looking, he let his eyes roam down her form and shook his head slightly. Even in oversized men's clothing, her body still showed its curves. When she turned back around and handed him his food, the doctor placed it in front of him and quickly stood to go prepare the tea. 

At the mention of Ryuu's name, Hathom's expression visibly darkened, even through the sickness. The burns permanently marking his flesh, an everlasting reminder of the Flame Exile's "games". 

"Normally, I would say be careful Kara but this isn't a normal situation. I hope you aren't offended but I'd like to go with you. I can't have you walking into a potential trap, wounded, and by yourself. "

The doctor took the pot off the oven and poured out the earl grey. He coughed a few times and waited politely for the Elite to finish so they could eat together

@Lola Shimmer
The grey wolf looked at Ryuu with eyes that were a little too intelligent and slightly un-nerving for an animal. It growled softly at the fire but aside from that it made no moves and in fact started to look around as if it had become disinterested in the man completely. In all honesty it had the animal had been around many a gifted person in it's time and so therefore very little unnerved it. Eventually it whined and lay down resting it's snout on its front paws. Grey waited patiently knowing that her master would soon be here.

"Well" kara flicked her hair like some sort of preppy teenage girl in a shitty movie and out her hand on her hip "I don't just wake up like this you know..matted hair, and men's clothes are a hard look to pull off. It totally takes like prep time" she gushed but the brunette was unable to hold a straight face for long and just burst out into laughter. Her laughter cut off when he suggested he come with her and she simply gave the man a flat look. She most certainly did no need babysat. Not even a little injured or not.

A short while later and more than one argument later about Hathom coming or not, both of them were on their way. Kara wasn't very happy about it and had said as much but they were both also as hard headed as each other and didn't exactly have time to loose. Though there was enough time to finish breakfast...she was starving. A quick check in with Grey had told Kara where Ryuu was waiting and what it was he wanted to discuss. She could already feel the headache coming on from this conversation. She didn't like him and liked even less having to go meet him. 

She was still in Hatom's clothes of course but had opted for a fresh t-shirt and at least to brush her hair, she would stock up n clothes at some point but these were comfy and the smelt nice. Kara twirled her staff fully extended in her hand out of habit as they walked through the trees and soon came into the clearing. The elite's eyes darkened immediately "If you do not remove those flames from around my wolf this instant then this meeting is over before it even began exile!" She slammed her staff into the ground and stopped a few feet away. She leaned on it slightly to ease her ribs  but was ready to leap into action at any moment. 

@shadowz1995 @The Broken Mind
It's not as if Hathom wanted to upset the Elite but he wasn't about to let her meet a known Exile with nothing but a wolf and broken ribs for company. He knew she could take care of herself but this wasn't negotiable. Not while she was injured.

As the pair walked to the meeting spot, Hathom clicked the chamber on the M1911 he brought with him to make sure everything was working as intended. Satisfied with his arms check, the doctor slid the weapon back into its holster. Black jeans, navy blue V neck shirt, and a black leather jacket over it all to cover the side holster and to offer some decent protection against....well everything. It made the doctor look like a muscled biker rather than a doctor but he didn't care. This wasn't the time to think about appearances.

The doctor did trim the beard he had growing but since Kara mentioned she liked it, he left it at a rough stubble. 8 o'clock shadow, action movie style. 

They barely even arrived when things were already going wrong. Hathom's hand twitched to reach for the gun on the inside of his jacket but this was Kara's show and he resisted. 

Hathom didn't speak and merely glared at Ryuu, their last encounter still fresh in his mind. The shadows of sickness and lack of sleep only making Hathom look more intimidating. He looked like a man who was about to lose his mind and that wasn't far from the truth. Hathom had had enough with this war.

@The Broken Mind

@Lola Shimmer
It's not as if Hathom wanted to upset the Elite but he wasn't about to let her meet a known Exile with nothing but a wolf and broken ribs for company. He knew she could take care of herself but this wasn't negotiable. Not while she was injured.

As the pair walked to the meeting spot, Hathom clicked the chamber on the M1911 he brought with him to make sure everything was working as intended. Satisfied with his arms check, the doctor slid the weapon back into its holster. Black jeans, navy blue V neck shirt, and a black leather jacket over it all to cover the side holster and to offer some decent protection against....well everything. It made the doctor look like a muscled biker rather than a doctor but he didn't care. This wasn't the time to think about appearances.

The doctor did trim the beard he had growing but since Kara mentioned she liked it, he left it at a rough stubble. 8 o'clock shadow, action movie style. 

They barely even arrived when things were already going wrong. Hathom's hand twitched to reach for the gun on the inside of his jacket but this was Kara's show and he resisted. 

Hathom didn't speak and merely glared at Ryuu, their last encounter still fresh in his mind. The shadows of sickness and lack of sleep only making Hathom look more intimidating. He looked like a man who was about to lose his mind and that wasn't far from the truth. Hathom had had enough with this war.

@The Broken Mind

@Lola Shimmer

The grey wolf looked at Ryuu with eyes that were a little too intelligent and slightly un-nerving for an animal. It growled softly at the fire but aside from that it made no moves and in fact started to look around as if it had become disinterested in the man completely. In all honesty it had the animal had been around many a gifted person in it's time and so therefore very little unnerved it. Eventually it whined and lay down resting it's snout on its front paws. Grey waited patiently knowing that her master would soon be here.

"Well" kara flicked her hair like some sort of preppy teenage girl in a shitty movie and out her hand on her hip "I don't just wake up like this you know..matted hair, and men's clothes are a hard look to pull off. It totally takes like prep time" she gushed but the brunette was unable to hold a straight face for long and just burst out into laughter. Her laughter cut off when he suggested he come with her and she simply gave the man a flat look. She most certainly did no need babysat. Not even a little injured or not.

A short while later and more than one argument later about Hathom coming or not, both of them were on their way. Kara wasn't very happy about it and had said as much but they were both also as hard headed as each other and didn't exactly have time to loose. Though there was enough time to finish breakfast...she was starving. A quick check in with Grey had told Kara where Ryuu was waiting and what it was he wanted to discuss. She could already feel the headache coming on from this conversation. She didn't like him and liked even less having to go meet him. 

She was still in Hatom's clothes of course but had opted for a fresh t-shirt and at least to brush her hair, she would stock up n clothes at some point but these were comfy and the smelt nice. Kara twirled her staff fully extended in her hand out of habit as they walked through the trees and soon came into the clearing. The elite's eyes darkened immediately "If you do not remove those flames from around my wolf this instant then this meeting is over before it even began exile!" She slammed her staff into the ground and stopped a few feet away. She leaned on it slightly to ease her ribs  but was ready to leap into action at any moment. 

@shadowz1995 @The Broken Mind

The flames vanished slowly. "So it was your wolf after all." Ryuu stated, tilting his head at the two. "And it seems we've got a couple? Questions aside lets be honest. Doctor, Miss Kara. You both know about the war so i won't explain it." He crossed his arms.

"If i was sorry for giving  you work doctor i'd be lying. And for killing your comrades Kara? Nothing. They attacked my people handled it." Ryuu let his heat influence encompass the group. "I've news you couldn't like if you already hate the war. But first let me say this. I'm against this war. Already murdered traitors and also personally patrolled watching suspects." Ryuu's face darkened.

"Guardians are not responding to calls for help. Killing innocent people for minor things so no one tries to disobey orders given by them. Worst report i've had is that their planning to let the war come in through the west river and from the south via a underground mine system. Haven't confirmed it because the personnel who told me were former members who were on the list of possible war assistors. What's more is that Guardians are recruiting death row inmates and captured Exiles, forcing them to do something i've not a clue what. I know this because of Jonza the riddled poet. He was killed by his superior for looking into where the prisoners were going right before he could tell Sluice two hours before their meeting. Had a note in his mouth." He closed his eyes, remembering it as he dead stared Kara.

"In Watch out for the guild's true eyes. When they open fire everything will level, with no one left to cry, not even the devil. On the back it had the numbers three dash eighteen, seven fourty five." Wind ruffled his red tipped hair. "I believe the guild has an attack coming and they may have been pushing this war towards the city so it can be used as a sufficient reason to level it to the ground and get away with thousands of innocent deaths as they hide something." 

"If you two know things about the message I need to be know. I rather not lose my main office and my workers and i doubt you want to die yourselves let alone live to see what that message meant. I even dare say these next words." He let out a huff. "As the secret head Exile guardian, I, Ryuu Okobani, shall pledge myself alongside you both as equals against this impending attack and aid you in any predicament thereafter if you need it. Under me, the Exile council of nine and their groups will also answer to you as they would me, providing you all info you seek as long as we know it. Do you accept this offer or deny it?" Questions he knew were imminent. 'Until they accept i'll answer with limits. They don't like me but would they not understand that saying no could end in everything they care about vanishing?' Ryuu asked himself, heart skipping. 'There's somethings i cant lose either and i wont lose it either.' A picture of a ring hitting the ground entered his mind and Ryuu snorted smoke, awaiting their decision.
"Yes, she is mine" Kara said simply to the first question and she made no reply to what he said after that. It really was none of his or anyone else business why her and Hathom had arrived here together. So tough. The woman just waited patiently for him to get on with it. She really had a million other things that she could think of doing than standing in the woods having a cosy chat. 

"I am fully aware as to why they ended up dead hence why no action has been taken against you or your people for their death." As the flames had left the wolf had gotten to its feet and with some unknown signal it had yelped once at Kara before trotting off to do whatever it is wolves did. Nothing showed on the Elites face but she was surprised he was against the war. Most seemed for it. Tired of feeling like they were hiding she imagined but still it was how they had all lived this long. 

"Will you just get to the point this is hardly the safest thing to be doing in the middle of war" Kara pointed out hoping he would get down to it and stop going on. However when he did start to go on the Elites stomach twisted with sickness. was already spilling out onto the innocents she had hopped it wasn't that far yet and as for this recruiting exiles? she didn't have a clue since there main goal seemed to bee eradicate them completely and this contradicted that. Unless there were two groups at play here? the mere thought of that gave her a headache. The woman's jaw was tight. "The city will not be taken i won't allow it" she said firmly "As for this murdering of innocents and recruiting exiles. That is news to me i wasn't aware."

Kara ran a tired hand down her face and glanced over at Hathom to see just what he was thinking about all this before she simply looked back to Ryuu again, she took his words and weighed them up. This was a heavy deal to make if she agreed she too would have ot be open with the information she had. Ugh in league with a exile? what had her guardianship become? but then was she so stubborn and big headed that she would allow her pride to hurt the protection of the town. She dared not look at the doctor before she spoke she knew how he felt about Ryuu. "I do not need them to be under my command however i cannot deny that we are all going to need to make a truce here" she sighed and leaned on her staff. "The guild is compromised" she admitted. "I am not sure how deep bit compromised indeed and until such a time as i know who is on side and who is not it seems that there are very few between the humans of this town and our people's war that is spilling into its streets." Her face was mournful at this. "The war is certainly coming and i shan't let it have this town. As i am sure you have things here you don't wish it to have. It would seem that for the meantime Ryuu. We will have to be on the same side."

 The elite glanced over at Hathom come this point and smiled slightly. "It is no secret we do not trust him. You i know have good reason especially but...we need the man power" she pointed out " really wanna look back on this and think you let your hate get in the way of the better good for the people of this town?" she knew it was an unfair question because he was a good man but she needed him to understand how she could make a deal with a man like Ryuu. Speaking off she looked back to him. "We will ALL work together that means all three of us. Hathom is involved in this too. That also means that from here on in everyone will be treated with respect. I do not trust you Ryuu and i am sure you do not trust me but for now...we have the same goal"

@The Broken Mind @shadowz1995
"Yes, she is mine" Kara said simply to the first question and she made no reply to what he said after that. It really was none of his or anyone else business why her and Hathom had arrived here together. So tough. The woman just waited patiently for him to get on with it. She really had a million other things that she could think of doing than standing in the woods having a cosy chat. 

"I am fully aware as to why they ended up dead hence why no action has been taken against you or your people for their death." As the flames had left the wolf had gotten to its feet and with some unknown signal it had yelped once at Kara before trotting off to do whatever it is wolves did. Nothing showed on the Elites face but she was surprised he was against the war. Most seemed for it. Tired of feeling like they were hiding she imagined but still it was how they had all lived this long. 

"Will you just get to the point this is hardly the safest thing to be doing in the middle of war" Kara pointed out hoping he would get down to it and stop going on. However when he did start to go on the Elites stomach twisted with sickness. was already spilling out onto the innocents she had hopped it wasn't that far yet and as for this recruiting exiles? she didn't have a clue since there main goal seemed to bee eradicate them completely and this contradicted that. Unless there were two groups at play here? the mere thought of that gave her a headache. The woman's jaw was tight. "The city will not be taken i won't allow it" she said firmly "As for this murdering of innocents and recruiting exiles. That is news to me i wasn't aware."

Kara ran a tired hand down her face and glanced over at Hathom to see just what he was thinking about all this before she simply looked back to Ryuu again, she took his words and weighed them up. This was a heavy deal to make if she agreed she too would have ot be open with the information she had. Ugh in league with a exile? what had her guardianship become? but then was she so stubborn and big headed that she would allow her pride to hurt the protection of the town. She dared not look at the doctor before she spoke she knew how he felt about Ryuu. "I do not need them to be under my command however i cannot deny that we are all going to need to make a truce here" she sighed and leaned on her staff. "The guild is compromised" she admitted. "I am not sure how deep bit compromised indeed and until such a time as i know who is on side and who is not it seems that there are very few between the humans of this town and our people's war that is spilling into its streets." Her face was mournful at this. "The war is certainly coming and i shan't let it have this town. As i am sure you have things here you don't wish it to have. It would seem that for the meantime Ryuu. We will have to be on the same side."

 The elite glanced over at Hathom come this point and smiled slightly. "It is no secret we do not trust him. You i know have good reason especially but...we need the man power" she pointed out " really wanna look back on this and think you let your hate get in the way of the better good for the people of this town?" she knew it was an unfair question because he was a good man but she needed him to understand how she could make a deal with a man like Ryuu. Speaking off she looked back to him. "We will ALL work together that means all three of us. Hathom is involved in this too. That also means that from here on in everyone will be treated with respect. I do not trust you Ryuu and i am sure you do not trust me but for now...we have the same goal"

@The Broken Mind @shadowz1995

"I'll do as i can to respect you both. I hate to say, this, truce? Not complete. You need the man power yes. I just want to show those old decrepit fools they made a mistake messing with me and the mistake everyone makes, underestimating me. I never said i didn't like you Miss Kara. It's mutual but i understand not trusting me."

Ryuu blinked slowly. "You needn't tell me anything unless i specifically asked for  it. It's how i'd do it with you." His eyes sparked a bit. "Of course... I warn you. They may not take the town but if i actually join the fight, the town may become charred rubble in my wake." He knew they'd get angry at that. "I say this because if i decide i rather wipe them quickly, i'll have a firewall burn them alive." He snorted. "Or light a firewall up to halt their advances if they do indeed attack."

Looking right to Hathom, Ryuu tilted his head. "Doctor. You will rest and i won't get an argument from you. My people can cover for a brief time if you choose to join. I'll make sure they are good people unless you rather. If you choose not to join, don't get in the way. It'll possibly lead many six feet under before they're ready." The man knew the doctor dispised him after their first actual encounter. And it was seemingly a nice idea to pressure him into joining if Kara's words hadn't quite pursuaded him. Of course, Soft heat washed over the woman, a guesture he didn't often use, making her know the statement wasn't complete. Not entirely true.

This whole thing stunk to the highest levels of heaven. Hathom had a hard time believing anything Ryuu said, despite the fact that Kara seemed to take him at his word. As the two spoke, Hathom stayed in silent anger. He merely watched and listened to the exchange go down. After all, he was not the one who was invited to this little meeting and was only there to provide an extra pair of eyes. 

Whenever Kara glanced at Hathom, the only thing she would see on his expression was mute distaste. He truly hated everything this meeting stood for. 

Now, under normal circumstances, Hathom would immediately be against making a truce with this Exile but these weren't normal circumstances and everyone knew that. As Kara said, he wasn't about to condemn everything because of how he felt personally. That being said, It didn't mean Hathom had to agree or even oblige by this truce. This meeting was for Kara and Ryuu. Not Kara, Ryuu, and Hathom. The doctor was quite literally a tag along.

When Kara glanced at him again to try and explain, Hathom shook his head and responded curtly, "It's not my meeting Kara. It's yours. So you don't have to try to explain nor do I really have any say. I'm just here to have an extra set of eyes watching your back." It would have ended like that too until Ryuu started telling Hathom what to do.

The human's eyes narrowed dangerously at the Exile and he had to take a calming breath before responding with a glare as hot as the flames Ryuu controlled, "I will NOT do a damn thing you say if I don't want to. THAT is not an agrument. You will also send no one to cover and you will NOT speak to me as if I am part of this little truce of yours."

"Forgive me for saying this Kara, but I trust you about as much as I trust the guild right now and that is none. So your word is about as good as the dirt I walk on."

"I am on HER side. Not the guild, not the Exile's, and most certainly, not YOU. If she wants to make a truce with you then that's her choice and I respect it. But you didn't invite Hathom Long to this meeting so don't come around acting as if you care about my opinion. You made THAT extremely clear the day we met."

"So spare me your words Exile. By helping Kara, I'm indirectly helping you and that is enough to make me want to throw up. As it is, saving the lives of some of YOUR men has been hard enough. Don't push my reluctance."  

The doctor the crossed his arms and said nothing more on tthe subject but it wasn't a gesture of bravado. The man was feeling the gun in his leather jacket that was perfectly concealed. Even with his senses dulled by illness, Ryuu was only as fast as a human being. That means Hathom was capable of reacting to anything the Exile did. Ryuu could keep his cocky attitude. The doctor wasn't about to let his guard down.

He stayed on his toes, watching every movement the flame evolved made with hateful scrutiny. Nothing would go unnoticed by Hathom. That includes the sudden wave of heat but the man didn't know what that meant, exactly. It only served to put him further on edge.

@Lola Shimmer

@The Broken Mind
This whole thing stunk to the highest levels of heaven. Hathom had a hard time believing anything Ryuu said, despite the fact that Kara seemed to take him at his word. As the two spoke, Hathom stayed in silent anger. He merely watched and listened to the exchange go down. After all, he was not the one who was invited to this little meeting and was only there to provide an extra pair of eyes. 

Whenever Kara glanced at Hathom, the only thing she would see on his expression was mute distaste. He truly hated everything this meeting stood for. 

Now, under normal circumstances, Hathom would immediately be against making a truce with this Exile but these weren't normal circumstances and everyone knew that. As Kara said, he wasn't about to condemn everything because of how he felt personally. That being said, It didn't mean Hathom had to agree or even oblige by this truce. This meeting was for Kara and Ryuu. Not Kara, Ryuu, and Hathom. The doctor was quite literally a tag along.

When Kara glanced at him again to try and explain, Hathom shook his head and responded curtly, "It's not my meeting Kara. It's yours. So you don't have to try to explain nor do I really have any say. I'm just here to have an extra set of eyes watching your back." It would have ended like that too until Ryuu started telling Hathom what to do.

The human's eyes narrowed dangerously at the Exile and he had to take a calming breath before responding with a glare as hot as the flames Ryuu controlled, "I will NOT do a damn thing you say if I don't want to. THAT is not an agrument. You will also send no one to cover and you will NOT speak to me as if I am part of this little truce of yours."

"Forgive me for saying this Kara, but I trust you about as much as I trust the guild right now and that is none. So your word is about as good as the dirt I walk on."

"I am on HER side. Not the guild, not the Exile's, and most certainly, not YOU. If she wants to make a truce with you then that's her choice and I respect it. But you didn't invite Hathom Long to this meeting so don't come around acting as if you care about my opinion. You made THAT extremely clear the day we met."

"So spare me your words Exile. By helping Kara, I'm indirectly helping you and that is enough to make me want to throw up. As it is, saving the lives of some of YOUR men has been hard enough. Don't push my reluctance."  

The doctor the crossed his arms and said nothing more on tthe subject but it wasn't a gesture of bravado. The man was feeling the gun in his leather jacket that was perfectly concealed. Even with his senses dulled by illness, Ryuu was only as fast as a human being. That means Hathom was capable of reacting to anything the Exile did. Ryuu could keep his cocky attitude. The doctor wasn't about to let his guard down.

He stayed on his toes, watching every movement the flame evolved made with hateful scrutiny. Nothing would go unnoticed by Hathom. That includes the sudden wave of heat but the man didn't know what that meant, exactly. It only served to put him further on edge.

@Lola Shimmer

@The Broken Mind

A tree burst into flames. "Careful Hathom. By coming YOU clocked yourself into the meeting. I may not have asked for you but by knowing this meeting occured YOU are also branded mentally." Ryuu snorted jet black smoke as the tree behind him crackled. "I didn't ask you to trust me but if i really had hidden plans you'd be correct. No one is in danger by them but if i told you my power stance in the Exiles isn't that giving you both a bit of blackmail?"

As Hathom was trusting him as much as the guild, it wasn't very helpful. "I will offer my people if i choose so you don't run into an early grave. Miss Kara wouldn't like that nor would your staff i can guess." The tree pulsed again with flames going down, heating the ground as it burned the roots. "If you don't trust me as much as you don't trust the guild then i suppose you want a direct attack against them? I'm not intimidated by them and i could kill them if i chose too." The tree went out and toppled backwards, shattering into dust and coals. "But unlike humans such as yourself, i will not give a mercy cry seconds to go off." He gave a look of dull amusement. "Miss Kara. If i didn't want the doctor here, don't you think he'd be the tree by now? Or something akin to it. He's either joining or not. If he doesn't i'll hold you to keep quiet about key things. Understand? I will not risk a possibility of leaked information even if i would trust him normally. This is not a question. Only a yes or no response." He softened his look as he watched the woman.

"If he by some means decides to turn without being in this pact i can't guarantee his survival let alone his hospital staying upright. I may control Exiles well but if everyone doesn't get the information,  they will see it as an attempt to defy what we stand for and hurt him in any way possible." When he put a hand in his pocket he remembered his note to her. "Ah. I forgot this ." Pulling it out he re read it to himself in his mind.

`Even if you didn't agree to join you are protected under a command not to harm anyone close to Miss Liani unless briefed otherwise. However this does not protect those close to you except her, leaving many in a possible termination zone unless they don't threaten us. Joining extends the command to anyone by you except they can be held for questioning and beaten lightly if information they hold is vitally needed. ~Ryuu Okobani, Current Exile Leader` He sighed slightly, burning a light stamp on it. "Shall you accept the letter Miss Kara? If you're weary i'll allow your wolf to deliver it to you but the doctor can not read it. Nothing in it involves him directly in truth." The pyro stated, hair blown from his eye so he wasn't irratated.
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It is a new day, Louis had woken up giving his gaze upward, at the roof not long ago, he had become a guardian, he had just came in from another group, not long ago he had just came from the elites his, he had changed his mind, change his mind about what he wanted to do with his life, he had become a guardian, standing up from where he was laying down, he start sniffing around taking in a breath of air in his lips, letting it go from his nose going to the side he would pick up his long brown coat where he had put it before going to rest.

Slipping into it, putting his arms in each sleeves, his eyes shooting forward, lowering his arms into his pocket, starting to walk off, and outside of the room thinking back, thinking how he had become a guardian. Reaching upward with his hand messing it about in his brown hair a bit, before putting it back into his pocket. Yawning some as he did, looking.

Trying to find someone to talk with or something to do, yawning again, as he did, as he walked looking around everywhere, maybe he could go find a bite to eat or something, not sure if anything could be done, he had nothing to keep safe just yet or much of anything to do. (Open for interaction)
"Calm down there fire boy. Ain't nobody here impressed by your little display. You aren't scaring anyone here" The elite muttered when the tree was suddenly on fire infact she looked practically bored. Big talk, showing off and in her opinion stupid displays of power were just that. Stupid and quite often the people that did them followed that same trait. 

"You will not attack the guild. They may be in the grey as far as trust goes at the moment but they are still A GUILD  and to attack them would be to break our laws as you well know Ryuu and it is still MY guild so i won't condone such an attack You and i would find each other at logger heads if you were to do such a thing" Kara warned. True the guild was corrupt right now but that didn't mean all of them in it were and it was still an elite institution it was going to have to be dealt with delicately and barging in to kill everyone was certainly not that. 

Kara's eyes narrowed instantly at the man and rage flashed through her. The elite stood up straighter and her grip on her staff tightened "you really are horribly arrogant. You think so much of yourself and that you can just walk in and do as you please? and place casual threats and that it is all ok" she let out a short laugh "you know Ryuu i don't think this truce is going to work you are to full of yourself and your own head. You think you can take anything you want and believe nothing to be stronger than you. It foolish and it will be your downfall." she shook her head.

"This pact does not work with casual threats and you thinking you are in charge and can kill who you please because in your opinion that is what needs to happen. It wont work unless we work as a team Ryuu.. that means with respect and trust for myself and Hathom. As for Liani i am done telling that foolish girl to stay out of it. Her decisions lay on her own head now she is old enough to make them." Kara ran her hand over her face. "My terms for this are simple. we share all information. if my people do anything that needs dealt with you let know know and i will deal with it like wise i will so so with your people. as of yet the guild is untouchable i still have some digging to do. Our main goal must to always be to protect this town." The woman shrugged at that if they both combined what forces they had to protect the town it would take that off her shoulders leaving her free to investigate the guild more and therefore able to deal with it effectively without starting an inside war when they were already fighting a much larger one. 

@shadowz1995 @The Broken Mind (sorry if its not great i am hungover to fuck)
"Calm down there fire boy. Ain't nobody here impressed by your little display. You aren't scaring anyone here" The elite muttered when the tree was suddenly on fire infact she looked practically bored. Big talk, showing off and in her opinion stupid displays of power were just that. Stupid and quite often the people that did them followed that same trait. 

"You will not attack the guild. They may be in the grey as far as trust goes at the moment but they are still A GUILD  and to attack them would be to break our laws as you well know Ryuu and it is still MY guild so i won't condone such an attack You and i would find each other at logger heads if you were to do such a thing" Kara warned. True the guild was corrupt right now but that didn't mean all of them in it were and it was still an elite institution it was going to have to be dealt with delicately and barging in to kill everyone was certainly not that. 

Kara's eyes narrowed instantly at the man and rage flashed through her. The elite stood up straighter and her grip on her staff tightened "you really are horribly arrogant. You think so much of yourself and that you can just walk in and do as you please? and place casual threats and that it is all ok" she let out a short laugh "you know Ryuu i don't think this truce is going to work you are to full of yourself and your own head. You think you can take anything you want and believe nothing to be stronger than you. It foolish and it will be your downfall." she shook her head.

"This pact does not work with casual threats and you thinking you are in charge and can kill who you please because in your opinion that is what needs to happen. It wont work unless we work as a team Ryuu.. that means with respect and trust for myself and Hathom. As for Liani i am done telling that foolish girl to stay out of it. Her decisions lay on her own head now she is old enough to make them." Kara ran her hand over her face. "My terms for this are simple. we share all information. if my people do anything that needs dealt with you let know know and i will deal with it like wise i will so so with your people. as of yet the guild is untouchable i still have some digging to do. Our main goal must to always be to protect this town." The woman shrugged at that if they both combined what forces they had to protect the town it would take that off her shoulders leaving her free to investigate the guild more and therefore able to deal with it effectively without starting an inside war when they were already fighting a much larger one. 

@shadowz1995 @The Broken Mind (sorry if its not great i am hungover to fuck)

Ryuu smirked. "Hathom can't be reguarded with full respect if he doesn't join Miss Kara. And if i knew who were primary targets, only they'd die." The smirk widened "I can do as i need. Don't try and push a man who already is condemned. You'll make it all the the harder to escape unscathed. Believe me, i know." Rarely had he grinned as evilly as he had. This was actually exciting him. "I'll leave you be now. Your job is to protect the city not mine. I'm bad remember?" The grin lessened but stayed.

"Our information will be shared to eachother when needed, we'll meet if requested and able. Forces will help eachother and i'll actually have fun." The heat vanished by the two as it shrunk to normal. "It's obvious rashness won't work here as i thought. Next conversation will be much different. I will not lie, I had to test the waters a bit. Sorry if i offended either of you. Good day." Ryuu stated as he turned and walked off out of the woods and back to the concrete jungle.


Ryuu exhaled. That hadn't went as he expected but the information gathered was helpful. The doctor clearly hated him, the guardian hellbent on doing her job even in corruption. Sure, he'd gotten a little mad. And he'd admit he looked maniacal smiling like he did but it happened and he had to prepare. 

Stepping into his office he cracked his neck. 'Miss Liani is still present. She didn't want to speak so i shan't. Her ultimatum, my choice.' The man thought as he noticed the missing rings. Sitting in his chair he cracked his knuckles, smoke popping out. "Califa? I'd like some rubber dummies ordered or something akin." He asked through a com. Her voice responded, "Assuming you're going to try and-?" Ryuu cut her off. "Yea. I'll be trying to control my lightning before the war and i haven't the time to stand still." The pyromaniac had a special technique that he hadn't yet controlled. Besides his Dragon's rage, he also could conduct Electricity.

Just like normal static, it couldn't harm non conductors. The man can't really control it once it leaves a tiny radius around him either. (Grab/reach) But as a pyromaniac, Wood could be lit much easier than if struck by normal lightning. Course, he isn't impervious to his electrical current if thrown back at him but he's trying. Also, it can still lash out at nearby people even if he's controlling it so be careful! (End lesson)

Looking at a few papers Ryuu burned one as it was useless. "Tonight i'll possibly patrol but later i'll have some folks secretly go and help that stubborn doctor at his hospital. Better he be pissed then six feet under." The guy said, typing a message to the incognito people he was choosing to go. Food had already been set by the woman in his office and he had yet to eat. Wasn't hungry but he had planned to dine later if time went well. 'She'd better eat. If not i'll have someone make her if she completely refuses too in front of me. Miss Liani is at my office and will be well cared for until she leaves, despite me not talking too her.'

*It's fine Lola. Don't kill yaself from drinking cause you hate me that badly. LOL!*
"Go fuck yourself, Kid." Hathom spat out as everything came to a shaky conclusion. Supposedly, it was all just to test them but with people like Kara and Hathom, exactly what kind of result was he expecting? Of course, they weren't going to cowtow to violence, rashness, and passive agressive threats. Neither of them were weak-willed nor impressionable or maniputable. The exile would not get his way through force....ever.

When the flaming bastard moved on from the area, Hathom let a long, heated breath escape his lips before turning to the Elite at his side and giving her something between a glare and a smile. "It took absolutely everything I had not to try and shoot him." The doctor's tolerance for bullshit was getting less and less everyday with everything going on. 

"So, instead of nearly making Dr. Hathom a murderer or a burnt corpse, how about we just go buy you some female clothing? Much as I like to see you wearing my stuff, I'd rather save that pleasure for after this war." The doctor coughed a few times but quickly returned to his regular demeanor and gave Kara a full smile this time. 

The medic said everything on his mind. He didn't trust the guild, didn't trust the exiles, and didn't trust Ryuu. He only trusted Kara and that was who he was going to support in all of this. Helping her now merely benefited Ryuu and his crew. As much as the thought poisoned Hathom's mental well-being.

@The Broken Mind

@Lola Shimmer

(HHey girl, I feel you. I was like thay not too long ago lmao. I wasnt hung over tho)
"Just leave the Guild to me" was all kara had to say in parting to the exile. When Ryuu finally left she ran her hand over her face and let out a long sigh, She really hoped she didn't regret this but if every meeting went how this one just had then she sure would. "Hey come on...don't look at me like that. We're stuck between a rock and a hard place here...." Kara flashed the man her best winning smile and held her hands up in defeat. "And yeah trust me i would have loved nothing more than to bonk him over the head with my staff..." the elite admitted and laughed quietly at that mental image. 

Kara laughed even harder at what the doctor said next and the woman looked down taking in her attire before nodding "Hmm yes...i think some female clothing would probably be a good idea..." she pointed out and smirked hitting a button her staff folded in on itself again and became small. "Doctor, doctor doctor  if you get real lucky and we don't end up dead...who the hell knows i might not be wearing anyones clothes" the elite winked at that with a wicked laugh as she brushed past the man to head back out of the clearing "Come on then" she called over her shoulder


Liani had stirred somewhat when the man had come in but not completely however the smell of food and plated being set down beside her was what brought her fully to the waking world. The coral haired woman reached up and rubbed her eyes blinking and sitting up. It took her afew moments to remember where she was and what exactly had went on that left her to be sleeping on an office couch. Liani pushed her hair out of her face and looked around the office immediately catching sight of the man at the desk. "You're back" she stated surprised and then looked at the time on her watch "You didn't wake me?" she asked.

Sitting up properly now her feet landed lightly on the floor and she surveyed the food. Truth be told she was starving she hadn't ate since yesterday morning and so she started to eat without hesitation. She could feel a slight tension in the air though in all honesty she was unsure on what to say.  after afew moments of eating in silence Liani sighed unable to deal with the awkwardness of it anymore. "Are we going to fight again or are we allowed to forget about it and start over" she asked simply.

@The Broken Mind
Hathom laughed along with the Elite at her clothing comment and shook his head lightly, "I'm not religious but that may just get me to start praying." He joked before giving her a playful smirk of his own. This sense of flirting and playing was nothing new to Hathom but it was the first time he enjoyed playing with someone so much. Despite himself, this woman whose company he truly enjoyed was brightening his spirits despite the mess they were in.

"Right behind you." He replied as they returned to his car.

@Lola Shimmer
"Just leave the Guild to me" was all kara had to say in parting to the exile. When Ryuu finally left she ran her hand over her face and let out a long sigh, She really hoped she didn't regret this but if every meeting went how this one just had then she sure would. "Hey come on...don't look at me like that. We're stuck between a rock and a hard place here...." Kara flashed the man her best winning smile and held her hands up in defeat. "And yeah trust me i would have loved nothing more than to bonk him over the head with my staff..." the elite admitted and laughed quietly at that mental image. 

Kara laughed even harder at what the doctor said next and the woman looked down taking in her attire before nodding "Hmm yes...i think some female clothing would probably be a good idea..." she pointed out and smirked hitting a button her staff folded in on itself again and became small. "Doctor, doctor doctor  if you get real lucky and we don't end up dead...who the hell knows i might not be wearing anyones clothes" the elite winked at that with a wicked laugh as she brushed past the man to head back out of the clearing "Come on then" she called over her shoulder


Liani had stirred somewhat when the man had come in but not completely however the smell of food and plated being set down beside her was what brought her fully to the waking world. The coral haired woman reached up and rubbed her eyes blinking and sitting up. It took her afew moments to remember where she was and what exactly had went on that left her to be sleeping on an office couch. Liani pushed her hair out of her face and looked around the office immediately catching sight of the man at the desk. "You're back" she stated surprised and then looked at the time on her watch "You didn't wake me?" she asked.

Sitting up properly now her feet landed lightly on the floor and she surveyed the food. Truth be told she was starving she hadn't ate since yesterday morning and so she started to eat without hesitation. She could feel a slight tension in the air though in all honesty she was unsure on what to say.  after afew moments of eating in silence Liani sighed unable to deal with the awkwardness of it anymore. "Are we going to fight again or are we allowed to forget about it and start over" she asked simply.

@The Broken Mind

Ryuu wasn't leaving everything guild related to Kara. It just wasn't going to occur. Truth be told he already sent a report to be printed on another death he'd committed on his way back. Blew his face up on his way through. It helped him quite well. But as he pictured the image he stopped dead. She was awake and speaking.

"People can't forget something in the sense of starting over. An ultimatum was decided by someone right Califa?" Ryuu asked, seemingly into his comm. "Only they can end it with the correct words. You did once. You made it so when you scrape a concrete plate i'd have to not speak to you until spoken too again." Of course, when he lifted his hand off the button, no noise occured as it was never touched.

Looking over a report he scorched it before drinking a bit of water. Liani had been indirect in her ultimatum so he snaked around it. It was how he was. Cunning and attentive. Ryuu started typing once more, sending an email to his cousins as well as a weapons company run by an associate he had funded a few times asking about their stock, amounts, actual tests preformed on the product, materials it was made out of and what they told normal buyers.
Liani sighed she should have known he wouldn't give her a straight answer. She set down her food and got to her feet walking over to sit in the chair opposite his desk "People can start over if they so choose too" she pointed out and ran her fingers through her hair in an attempt to brush it "So since we have had a fight i will simply ask you a question. Will you be my friend again or not? I'm sorry about what i said but i was angry...and you hurt my feelings" she admitted reluctantly but sighed heavily. "I had hoped you would have come back sooner last night, that's why i waited..i hope you don't mind i am still here" the girl looked around the office...eugh she needed to go change she felt gross sitting here in clothes she had slept in. "i'll go if you want" she added that part quietly hoping he wouldn't go with that one or her night waiting here will have been wasted effort.

".....Either way i must go soon i need to change...i..i would stil like to get that tour though?" she asked hopefully and Liani gave the exile a warm smile. She played with the smaller ring that was on her finger, The other was tucked safely in her pocket for now as she felt a little overdressed wearing along with well what she just had on. 

@The Broken Mind


Less than an our later and kara had saved the doctor from to much torture of clothes shopping and was exiting the mall in a new outfit actually made for her gender. Nothing fancy simply some jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt. Practical. She had picked up afew more as well that would keep her going afew days as she knew her house would be the first place they would watch. "Ya know..i am going to have to go to the guild...i am meant to be working they will wonder where i am" she rubbed the back of her neck...she would have to go back eventually if she ever wanted to find anything else out too. "You fancy it?" she asked and looked over to the man as they reached the car. 

She frowned thinking of what was best to do, She should go she was going to be the easiest way to find out who was on her side and who wasn't. She was going to have to think of the best way to go about this. "I need to come up with a plan for confronting the guild...i dunno how high up the corruption goes" kara got into the car and sat still thinking for a moment. "What do you think we should do?" she asked honestly curious. The elite was used to kinda trudging on with things herself but since she had someone else on her team at the moment well she may as well ask.

Liani sighed she should have known he wouldn't give her a straight answer. She set down her food and got to her feet walking over to sit in the chair opposite his desk "People can start over if they so choose too" she pointed out and ran her fingers through her hair in an attempt to brush it "So since we have had a fight i will simply ask you a question. Will you be my friend again or not? I'm sorry about what i said but i was angry...and you hurt my feelings" she admitted reluctantly but sighed heavily. "I had hoped you would have come back sooner last night, that's why i waited..i hope you don't mind i am still here" the girl looked around the office...eugh she needed to go change she felt gross sitting here in clothes she had slept in. "i'll go if you want" she added that part quietly hoping he wouldn't go with that one or her night waiting here will have been wasted effort.

".....Either way i must go soon i need to change...i..i would stil like to get that tour though?" she asked hopefully and Liani gave the exile a warm smile. She played with the smaller ring that was on her finger, The other was tucked safely in her pocket for now as she felt a little overdressed wearing along with well what she just had on. 

@The Broken Mind

Ryuu looked her over slowly. "Depends on how you view it. You're a special case and as expected, you've returned asking for forgiveness. Be greatful you've still those rings. They saved you from more torment than could have occured." The man said stalely. "I hope you understand i've done this for you as well as me. Keep in your head your the first i've let return without making extra rules on their ultimatum, let alone letting you live. Dedication also influenced my decision as you didn't even leave the office room." He let out a whisp towards her. 

"Go or request clothes from someone unless you prefer to obtain your own from our stocks. Be warned, Not all of them were necessarily donated." He stated as he looked at her eyes, his own gaze softening as he untensed a little bit. 'I must learn she is vital and not follow my regime towards her as strict as others.' Ryuu told himself, smiling inside. He felt it again. It was like a lightness in his chest that didn't make logical sense. It irratated him but also made him feel pleased in a way he hadn't been before though it felt a little like it. 
"Kara, they more than likely know you took those files. The corrupt within the guild, I mean. I can assume that means that they arare actively looking for you. Like you said, we don't know how deep the corruption runs but for all you know, it could be the majority."

"I'm not going to tell you not to but I will advise against it. There are too many unknowns. We need some sort of plan. Just in case the worst case scenario comes along." 

Hathom stroked the hair upon his chin thoughtfully but it was clear even with all of his intellect, the doctor was struggling in finding a satisfying solution to the problem. In reality, there was none. Everytime Hathom thought of a seemingly good idea, weakness would open up elsewhere. 

The doctor drove quietly and it was obvious his mind was still at work. "I know you're good Kara. But nobody is that good." he stated. He was assuming she was possibly thinking he didn't think she could take care of herself again. Like with the meeting they just got out of.

@Lola Shimmer
Liani watched the man carefully and shook her head slightly at him but she let out a breath of relieve and relaxed back in her chair. A small smile crawled onto her face and the girl laughed wafting the smoke out of the air that he wisped toward her with her hand before settling them on the desk between them, "So that means we are friends again then!" she stated her eyes twinkling and her smile grew larger. She was taken off guard by how happy that made her and how much lighter she felt. 

When the man mentioned the clothes she frowned slightly...specially at the not necessarily donated part. "Yeah umm no thanks i'll go grab some from home...i should shower anyways and besides i think i have taken up quite enough of your offices time. Don't you?" she asked in a joking tone. "That couch is surprisingly comfy though " she glanced over at the piece of furniture that had served as her bed. " have an plans today?" Liani asked

@The Broken Mind

Kara sighed softly and stared out the window as the doctor spoke. She knew he was right of course the smart thing to do was stay as far away from the guild as possible but the stubborn streak in her just wanted to march right in there. That and the sense of right! these people were going around hurting innocents they were supposed o protect...and hunting those that had already been dealt with? Shifting in her chair the elite rubbed the back of her neck in agitation. She just didn't know where to go with this. "I know you're right" she admitted.

Although she didn't like to admit it...she knew it was true..she couldn't take them all on. The woman nodded in thanks when he said he knew she could look after herself.  "Hmm well...we need to do something that IS that good because we cannot just let it go unchallenged. It will only get worse." the woman pointed out. The needed to act..and fast. Kara smiled fiantly and reached over resting her hand on the doctors arm. "Thank you. for your help. and basically telling me straight" she laughed.


(short and sweet guys sorry!)
Liani watched the man carefully and shook her head slightly at him but she let out a breath of relieve and relaxed back in her chair. A small smile crawled onto her face and the girl laughed wafting the smoke out of the air that he wisped toward her with her hand before settling them on the desk between them, "So that means we are friends again then!" she stated her eyes twinkling and her smile grew larger. She was taken off guard by how happy that made her and how much lighter she felt. 

When the man mentioned the clothes she frowned slightly...specially at the not necessarily donated part. "Yeah umm no thanks i'll go grab some from home...i should shower anyways and besides i think i have taken up quite enough of your offices time. Don't you?" she asked in a joking tone. "That couch is surprisingly comfy though " she glanced over at the piece of furniture that had served as her bed. " have an plans today?" Liani asked.

Ryuu Inhaled, exhaling smoke like fog from a door. "It's meant to be comfortable Miss Liani." He stated. "And if you choose too, go ahead. My office time hasn't been wasted as you've only been in here, out of the way. As for plans i haven't any until night falls. I'll be training tonight. You could accompany me however you'd have to wear some special things to avoid getting hurt." 

Typing a few things the man huffed. "My session won't be for many hours so i'm available unless called upon. Those calls will not take long unless it's something that needs to be addressed carefully." Ryuu stated. "Why ask if i have any plans? Do you have something you'd like to ask me?"
(tonight is likely to be the last chance i will get to be on until monday! just letting y'all know )

Liani let out a light laugh and she blew into the smoke causing it to swirl to the sides and out of the way of their faces. "I will start calling you puff the magic dragon if you aren't careful" the woman teased with a slightly mischievous grin. Wiggling in her chair to get comfortable she looked around the office once more this time being able to see it in daylight and see allot more detail. It was a really nice office. She fiddled with her ring for a moment or two before she looked back to Ryuu "I could come? really?" she asked and raised an eyebrow.

Liani smiled getting an idea "Ooooh hey maybe some day you could teach me how to fight" She asked hopefully but her grin went ever so smaller when he asked her if she had anything t ask. Liani cleared her throat and sat up straight "Ah well actually yes or more so i have something to tell you" she crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a confident stare. "We are going to the movies" the woman stated matter of factually before getting to her feet "All i have ever see you do is yes we are going to the movies" she nodded her head firmly and headed for the door "You can pick me up in afew hours" she called over her shoulder and headed out the door. 

@The Broken Mind

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