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Fantasy Light-Hearted Adventure in which a group of bizzare, colorful characters make their way on an advent


Name: Brill 

Aliases: Brill, son of Brill, self-learned bard, grandson of Brill, amateur tinkerer, great grandson of Brill

Age: 23 Gnome Years

Gender: Male

Race: Gnome

Class: Bard (and Tinkerer)


Sexuality: Heterosexual

High Concept: Brill exists to live and be happy, to tinker and to entertain bored maidens, children and others willing to listen.

Character Alignment: Chaotic Good

Relatives: Brill's father, Brill, and Brill's mother, Anna.

Organizations\Affiliations: Brill's only affiliation is Brill.

Personality: Many thing can be said about Brill - for example Brill is friendly. He'll try to be a friend to anyone he meets, whether they like it or not. Which can get quite annoying when the person dislikes Brill.

But on that note, Brill will never change for another person, no matter how much he considers that person his friend. Brill is true to himself and won't let anything come in the way of it.

Brill takes boundaries a little hazy. He won't see any problem in telling an inappropriate joke or emoting in the wrong situation. This doesn't mean he doesn't mean he has no idea of what boundaries are - for example he usually won't walk into a room where maidens are dressing.

Brill is stubborn. He rarely gives himself goals, but when he has one, he'll keep on it. Doesn't mean he can't drink and sing a little on the way, thought. He is also stubborn in the way of emotion. Its hard to make him mad, even harder to get him down, but at the same time its hard to calm him down or cheer him up.

Brill is an optimist, through and through. He believes that the positive chance will win over the negative, at least most times.

Last, but not least, Brill is cheerful. Whether he be wandering beautiful forests or traveling through dark caves, he'll usually have a big bright smile on his face. 

Backstory: Brill was born to his mother, whos name wasn't Brill as she was female, some time in the past. Her mother was a great person, as her father said, but Brill never got to know that, because as great as she was, sickly was his main attribute and he fell to it soon after Brill's birth. And because of that Brill was raised by his father, whos name was Brill. Brill's father, Brill, tried as hard as he could to raise Brill into his own person, instead of just a little clone of himself.

His efforts were not in vain, however, as Brill started to do what he thought was best, learn what he was most interested in and go where he wanted to go. He made himself a small lute and started practicing it, to the pleasure of the bored people in the village, and on the side he started taking an interest in every little gadget and thingy. Being raised in a gnome household meant you have at least some interesting trinkets with special abilities laying around and unless his father had banned him from touching them beforehand, Brill had to take it apart, learn what each little bit achieves and how it all makes the full product, then try to put it back together and if it didn't work, take it apart and put it together again and again until it does.

But Brill, being his own person, needed to find his own way in the world. The small farm village where he grew up wasn't enough of life for him and so he took his most important belongings and went on his merry way to travel the world.




Weapons & Armor: A knife, a leather cuirass, a green hooded robe that reaches to around his thighs, strong leather boots and cloth pants.

Items & Personal Belongings: A flute, a lute, an concertina and a few things he has tinkered (tiny explosives, "smoke bombs", noise makers) and a mostly functioning pocket watch (which he only carries because he think it looks cool, he doesn't really care about the time).

Skills & Abilities: Playing flute, lute, concertina, violin and harp, singing, dancing and tinkering.

Spells & Magic: None.

Weaknesses: Hes a lover, not a fighter. While the things he has tinkered may prove to be of some fight, he'll usually need the help of another person to survive most fights.

Emotionally, he is always at extremes. Because of his cheerful nature this means he is usually extremely cheerful, but this can also mean hes extremely angry or extremely sad.

He has an affinity to break interesting gadgets down and build them up again. This can be a problem when he doesn't actually own the gadget. 

FLUFF (Optional)

Hobbies: In theory both his musical abilities and his tinkering are his hobbies. In the past "helping housewives get rid of boredom" was also his hobby, but he has since learned how dangerous this hobby can get and has left it behind. For now.

Quote\s: "Hello, miss, my name is Brill, son of Brill, self-learned bard, grandson of Brill, amateur tinkerer, great grandson of Brill and over all an excellently skilled lover."

"Gracious sir, I understand how your prized possessions not working might not exactly cheer you up, but give me a week and I'll figure out how to fix it... probably."


I'll try to find something later

Additional Notes: -
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@guul66 Your character concept is amazing! I'm amazed of this character, it really seems like you put a ton of effort into them! Plus, I love the fact that he's a gnome, and not a human. You sir are more than definitely in.

Name: Alexis Braun

Aliases: Alex | Black Death | Lexi | Le Brat

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Human Being (Hooman)

Class: Magician - Sorcerer | Blue Mage Apprentice


Sexuality: Bisexual (though he still doesn't know it yet)

High Concept: Nothing is impossible if you're smart enough to find a way around it, and stupid enough to do it.

Character Alignment: Chaotic Good

Relatives: Linda Braun (Mother); Mason Braun (Father); Emma Lifton (Sister)

Organizations\Affiliations: Previously affiliated to The Coterie, a safe haven for young witches and warlocks. 

Personality: Alexis is a cheerful, laid back teenager who tends to do things without thinking it through. While it has worked in his favor many times, this very trait has landed Alex in all sorts of unfavorable scenarios. He can be very straightforward and tends to stick to sarcasm. Alex can never stay still. He's very hyper and will get bored easily.

Alex is very loyal to those he loves. While he does trouble them with his antics, he will do whatever it takes to keep them out of harms way. That being said. this teenager is a clutz when it comes to following instructions. Alex hates being told what to do. If it annoys him, he'll tend to do the opposite on purpose. 

Backstory:  Alex is a laid back person who loves spending most of his time as a black cat. He specializes in zoolingualism and therianthropy (the ability to morph/shapeshift into animals). While his father is a wizard, his mother is a regular human who believes her family to be normal. This made it difficult for Alex to practice at home, even in secret. If he wanted to grow, he needed to go. 

With that objective in mind, Alex moved to a place known as The Coterie; a safe haven and training school for the magically gifted. He wanted to expand his abilities beyond the realm of regular fauna. But as his luck would have it, the Coterie was infiltrated and destroyed by witch-hunters a few months after his arrival. Disappointed, Alex had to leave before he was caught. He decided to travel the world to help him achieve his goal instead.


Appearance: Alexis prefers to stay in the form of a black cat. But his human appearance is~

Alex maybe.jpg

Weapons & Armor: A Wand which transmutes into a staff | Dagger 

Items & Personal Belongings: snacks | Rope | Tracker-pod (a small self-made device which enables the user to track an item which they own, but lost) | A Compass 

Skills & Abilities: Card tricks | Hiding in plain sight

Spells & Magic: Zoolingualism | Therianthropy | Mime | Basic protection charms

Weaknesses: Athazagoraphobia (Fear of being left behind/forgotten) | Claustrophobia | Being chained/trapped 

FLUFF (Optional)

Hobbies: In his free time, Alex likes to annoy people, scheme to take over the world with his fellow feline friends and eat 

Quote\s: (To his crush/room mate) "It's nice to sleep with yo- I MEAN EAT with you... Meet with you?"

"Be careful there. If my gloves come off, these claws come out."

Theme: I'll edit it in in a bit

Additional Notes:
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Name: Alexis Braun

Aliases: Alex | Black Death | Lexi | Le Brat

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Human Being (Hooman)

Class: Magician - Sorcerer | Blue Mage Apprentice


Sexuality: Bisexual (though he still doesn't know it yet)

High Concept: Nothing is impossible if you're smart enough to find a way around it, and stupid enough to do it.

Character Alignment: Chaotic Good

Relatives: Linda Braun (Mother); Mason Braun (Father); Emma Lifton (Sister)

Organizations\Affiliations: Previously affiliated to The Coterie, a safe haven for young witches and warlocks. 

Personality: Alexis is a cheerful, laid back teenager who tends to do things without thinking it through. While it has worked in his favor many times, this very trait has landed Alex in all sorts of unfavorable scenarios. He can be very straightforward and tends to stick to sarcasm. Alex can never stay still. He's very hyper and will get bored easily.

Alex is very loyal to those he loves. While he does trouble them with his antics, he will do whatever it takes to keep them out of harms way. That being said. this teenager is a clutz when it comes to following instructions. Alex hates being told what to do. If it annoys him, he'll tend to do the opposite on purpose. 

Backstory:  Alex is a laid back and chill person who loves spending most of his time as a black cat. His parents are music directors in big record companies, so he spent a lot of his time alone in their peaceful and quiet house. His abilities began to kick in when he hit his teens, but this was not a surprise to him. Alex's father was a wizard, so he grew up with magic. Their only task was to keep it all a secret from his mother. He specializes in zoolingualism and therianthropy (the ability to morph/shapeshift into animals). After a point, however, it became difficult for Alex to practise his abilities at home in secret. If he wanted to grow, he needed to go. 

With that objective in mind, Alex moved to a place known as The Coterie; a safe haven and training school for the magicaly gifted. He wanted to expand his abilities beyond the realm of regular fauna. But as his luck would have it, the Coterie was infiltrated and destroyed by witch-hunters a few months after his arrival. Disappointed, Alex had to leave before he was caught. He decided to travel the world to help him achieve his goal instead.


Appearance: Alexis prefers to stay in the form of a black cat. But his human appearance is~

View attachment 252308

Weapons & Armor: A Wand | Dagger | usually dressed in casuals

Items & Personal Belongings: iPod |  some animal snacks (mainly the kind for cats) | Rope | Phone | Tracker-pod (a small device which enables the user to track an item which they own, but lost) 

Skills & Abilities: Card tricks | Hiding in plain sight

Spells & Magic: Zoolingualism | Therianthropy | Mime | Basic protection charms

Weaknesses: Athazagoraphobia (Fear of being left behind/forgotten) | Claustrophobia | Being chained/trapped 

FLUFF (Optional)

Hobbies: In his free time, Alex likes to annoy people, scheme to take over the world with his fellow feline friends and eat 

Quote\s: (To his crush/room mate) "It's nice to sleep with yo- I MEAN EAT with you... Meet with you?"

"Be careful there. If my gloves come off, these claws come out."

Theme: I'll edit it in in a bit

Additional Notes:

lol I thought this was a fantasy rp?
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Name: Brill 

Aliases: Brill, son of Brill, self-learned bard, grandson of Brill, amateur tinkerer, great grandson of Brill

Age: 23 Gnome Years

Gender: Male

Race: Gnome

Class: Bard (and Tinkerer)


Sexuality: Heterosexual

High Concept: Brill exists to live and be happy, to tinker and to entertain bored maidens, children and others willing to listen.

Character Alignment: Chaotic Good

Relatives: Brill's father, Brill, and Brill's mother, Anna.

Organizations\Affiliations: Brill's only affiliation is Brill.

Personality: Many thing can be said about Brill - for example Brill is friendly. He'll try to be a friend to anyone he meets, whether they like it or not. Which can get quite annoying when the person dislikes Brill.

But on that note, Brill will never change for another person, no matter how much he considers that person his friend. Brill is true to himself and won't let anything come in the way of it.

Brill takes boundaries a little hazy. He won't see any problem in telling an inappropriate joke or emoting in the wrong situation. This doesn't mean he doesn't mean he has no idea of what boundaries are - for example he usually won't walk into a room where maidens are dressing.

Brill is stubborn. He rarely gives himself goals, but when he has one, he'll keep on it. Doesn't mean he can't drink and sing a little on the way, thought. He is also stubborn in the way of emotion. Its hard to make him mad, even harder to get him down, but at the same time its hard to calm him down or cheer him up.

Brill is an optimist, through and through. He believes that the positive chance will win over the negative, at least most times.

Last, but not least, Brill is cheerful. Whether he be wandering beautiful forests or traveling through dark caves, he'll usually have a big bright smile on his face. 

Backstory: Brill was born to his mother, whos name wasn't Brill as she was female, some time in the past. Her mother was a great person, as her father said, but Brill never got to know that, because as great as she was, sickly was his main attribute and he fell to it soon after Brill's birth. And because of that Brill was raised by his father, whos name was Brill. Brill's father, Brill, tried as hard as he could to raise Brill into his own person, instead of just a little clone of himself.

His efforts were not in vain, however, as Brill started to do what he thought was best, learn what he was most interested in and go where he wanted to go. He made himself a small lute and started practicing it, to the pleasure of the bored people in the village, and on the side he started taking an interest in every little gadget and thingy. Being raised in a gnome household meant you have at least some interesting trinkets with special abilities laying around and unless his father had banned him from touching them beforehand, Brill had to take it apart, learn what each little bit achieves and how it all makes the full product, then try to put it back together and if it didn't work, take it apart and put it together again and again until it does.

But Brill, being his own person, needed to find his own way in the world. The small farm village where he grew up wasn't enough of life for him and so he took his most important belongings and went on his merry way to travel the world.




Weapons & Armor: A knife, a leather cuirass, a green hooded robe that reaches to around his thighs, strong leather boots and cloth pants.

Items & Personal Belongings: A flute, a lute, an concertina and a few things he has tinkered (tiny explosives, "smoke bombs", noise makers) and a mostly functioning pocket watch (which he only carries because he think it looks cool, he doesn't really care about the time).

Skills & Abilities: Playing flute, lute, concertina, violin and harp, singing, dancing and tinkering.

Spells & Magic: None.

Weaknesses: Hes a lover, not a fighter. While the things he has tinkered may prove to be of some fight, he'll usually need the help of another person to survive most fights.

Emotionally, he is always at extremes. Because of his cheerful nature this means he is usually extremely cheerful, but this can also mean hes extremely angry or extremely sad.

He has an affinity to break interesting gadgets down and build them up again. This can be a problem when he doesn't actually own the gadget. 

FLUFF (Optional)

Hobbies: In theory both his musical abilities and his tinkering are his hobbies. In the past "helping housewives get rid of boredom" was also his hobby, but he has since learned how dangerous this hobby can get and has left it behind. For now.

Quote\s: "Hello, miss, my name is Brill, son of Brill, self-learned bard, grandson of Brill, amateur tinkerer, great grandson of Brill and over all an excellently skilled lover."

"Gracious sir, I understand how your prized possessions not working might not exactly cheer you up, but give me a week and I'll figure out how to fix it... probably."


I'll try to find something later

Additional Notes: -


Amazing. *Claps hands together*

I had a character similar to Brill once, but he was a Trickster Demon disguised in pink clothes. (Image in spoiler.) He always screwed with people and did random stuff for the sake of laughter and fun, but at the same time - he taught the people around him valuable lessons. He died when he was beheaded for doing illegal things (obviously.) The thing nobody knew (except a precious two other characters,) is that he got away with illusion magic and had a peaceful retirement afterwards.




Name: Alexis Braun

Aliases: Alex | Black Death | Lexi | Le Brat

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Human Being (Hooman)

Class: Magician - Sorcerer | Blue Mage Apprentice


Sexuality: Bisexual (though he still doesn't know it yet)

High Concept: Nothing is impossible if you're smart enough to find a way around it, and stupid enough to do it.

Character Alignment: Chaotic Good

Relatives: Linda Braun (Mother); Mason Braun (Father); Emma Lifton (Sister)

Organizations\Affiliations: Previously affiliated to The Coterie, a safe haven for young witches and warlocks. 

Personality: Alexis is a cheerful, laid back teenager who tends to do things without thinking it through. While it has worked in his favor many times, this very trait has landed Alex in all sorts of unfavorable scenarios. He can be very straightforward and tends to stick to sarcasm. Alex can never stay still. He's very hyper and will get bored easily.

Alex is very loyal to those he loves. While he does trouble them with his antics, he will do whatever it takes to keep them out of harms way. That being said. this teenager is a clutz when it comes to following instructions. Alex hates being told what to do. If it annoys him, he'll tend to do the opposite on purpose. 

Backstory:  Alex is a laid back and chill person who loves spending most of his time as a black cat. His parents are music directors in big record companies, so he spent a lot of his time alone in their peaceful and quiet house. His abilities began to kick in when he hit his teens, but this was not a surprise to him. Alex's father was a wizard, so he grew up with magic. Their only task was to keep it all a secret from his mother. He specializes in zoolingualism and therianthropy (the ability to morph/shapeshift into animals). After a point, however, it became difficult for Alex to practise his abilities at home in secret. If he wanted to grow, he needed to go. 

With that objective in mind, Alex moved to a place known as The Coterie; a safe haven and training school for the magicaly gifted. He wanted to expand his abilities beyond the realm of regular fauna. But as his luck would have it, the Coterie was infiltrated and destroyed by witch-hunters a few months after his arrival. Disappointed, Alex had to leave before he was caught. He decided to travel the world to help him achieve his goal instead.


Appearance: Alexis prefers to stay in the form of a black cat. But his human appearance is~

View attachment 252308

Weapons & Armor: A Wand | Dagger | usually dressed in casuals

Items & Personal Belongings: iPod |  some animal snacks (mainly the kind for cats) | Rope | Phone | Tracker-pod (a small device which enables the user to track an item which they own, but lost) 

Skills & Abilities: Card tricks | Hiding in plain sight

Spells & Magic: Zoolingualism | Therianthropy | Mime | Basic protection charms

Weaknesses: Athazagoraphobia (Fear of being left behind/forgotten) | Claustrophobia | Being chained/trapped 

FLUFF (Optional)

Hobbies: In his free time, Alex likes to annoy people, scheme to take over the world with his fellow feline friends and eat 

Quote\s: (To his crush/room mate) "It's nice to sleep with yo- I MEAN EAT with you... Meet with you?"

"Be careful there. If my gloves come off, these claws come out."

Theme: I'll edit it in in a bit

Additional Notes:


I mean, we didn't specify this but... this is a Fantasy roleplay.
Amazing. *Claps hands together*

I had a character similar to Brill once, but he was a Trickster Demon disguised in pink clothes. (Image in spoiler.) He always screwed with people and did random stuff for the sake of laughter and fun, but at the same time - he taught the people around him valuable lessons. He died when he was beheaded for doing illegal things (obviously.) The thing nobody knew (except a precious two other characters,) is that he got away with illusion magic and had a peaceful retirement afterwards.


Damn man i should write more, so much praise for this little effort XD

Brill isn't really mischievous or the sort. He'd much rather tell a funny tale to laugh along the people he entertains than prank someone XD .

Hes also much less likely to teach people valuable lessons :-D
Damn man i should write more, so much praise for this little effort XD

Brill isn't really mischievous or the sort. He'd much rather tell a funny tale to laugh along the people he entertains than prank someone XD .

Hes also much less likely to teach people valuable lessons :-D


I know, but the two seem to be the same archetype. You know?
The "do funny things for the sake of random funny" type.
Name: Vulus Talron

Aliases: Fen'Mi, a nickname the eleven people gave him that translates to "Wolf Blade".

Age: Since Elves live for a very long time You could say ... Is about 1,270 years old and looks like he's in his early to mid twenties.

Gender: Male

Race: Elviris

The Elviris, or the Elves as some people like to say, is an ancient race said to have existed since the dawn of the world itself though whether this is true or not is unknown since such history has been lost. Compared to humans they stand a little shorter but are the most knowledgeable, they are also highly skilled in many things but their combative abilities are amazing mainly at the bow. They are not capable of tremendous strength that humans possess but it is not impossible either, the Elves typically resort to more skill based weapons as their agility makes up for the loss of strength.

Elves came in all sorts of color distinction but to each other they are Elviris.

They are known to have the most sophisticated and most technologically advanced Cities and kingdoms, sadly nowadays there are so few left of them and most other races hate the Elves because of some beef on the past.

Class: The Samurai/Sword Master


Sexuality: Bisexual

High Concept:  The most calm, Philosophical, and poetic life ending warrior elf who has a great singing voice.

Character Alignment: Neutral Good


Mother: Meiris Talron

Father: Ostron Talron

Organizations\Affiliations: "The Sentinels" Basically a group of highly Elite warrior Elves tasked with protecting important Elvish people, buildings, or artifacts. One of the best warrior groups the elves employed.

Personality: Vulus is typically described as Calm and collected, not giving in to the temptation that is fury and anger. He calculates his foes and studies them, waiting for opportunities to strike and render them dead on the spot. He enjoys company like the next guy but is not open to starting a conversation like others are but he won't outright ignore you unless you committed a grave offense that cannot be forgiven in a traditional way. Because of his training with the sentinels he may seem cold and apathetic to people who try to warm up to him, sadly they misinterpret this as being cold and uncaring when it really isn't the case, it's just that when you've known something all your life and you must suddenly change because you must do something different is harder than most people can imagine. Give Vulus some time and he'll stop bottling up his emotions and be more open but this will hinder his ability to communicate with others and so that is why he keeps to himself so he can teach himself how to be more social than Apathetic. How he does this varies but it is a.... Work in progress to achieve this social barrier his organization created for him.

Backstory: Vulus comes from a family dedicated to the Sentinel order, with his own father being one of its high commanding officers. Vulus was trained to wield a sword from an early age and perfected it over the many years he's been alive. When he was at the ripe age he committed his body and soul to the Sentinels, hoping great glory awaited him, instead he soon face the horrors and the true dangers associated with being a Sentinel. He Participated in many wars against the humans during their uprising and he has seen the danger or corrupt and greedy human, most wars were about their intense greed for land and power and the prime target was Elvish lands. And so the elves began to dwindle in the ever increasing and lengthened combat against the humans without end in site until the elves gave up and gave a considerable amount of land to the humans. The wars drew out hatred against each other as both sides lost many friends and family members but the humans could make that number up quickly, the elves with so few didn't have such luxury.

Vulus never grew a hatred towards the humans like many of his brethren did, nobody truly knows why and he has yet to reveal why but some have speculated that he was once friends with a human or was even a secret lover of one, though none of this is confirmed and many think it's thanks to his apathetic nature or uncaring of conflicts is what gives him this ability. Well one day his fate shall change and a quest of great proportions will become available to him though there will be many official and unofficial reasons as to why he would do it. Along this journey he will make many friends and know what the world outside the forests would truly look like again after so many years.




Weapons & Armor:

Armor: In picture above

Weapon: Revas "Freedom"


Items & Personal Belongings: His Armor, Sword, and some casual wear clothes.

Casual clothes:


Skills & Abilities: Outside of Combat Vulus doesn't have much other than knowing how to speak Human and Elvish, and has a much easier time persuading other Elves should the need arise. But he has no real social skills and he is no their so he can't do that either. Really he's a warrior but I guess you could say he is quite knowledgable and can be a giant history book if you need one.

Spells & Magic: He has no magical capabilities.

Weaknesses: Vulus has many fears, such as falling in love and having that love be rejected might affect his combat abilities.

He has a hard time trying to be social with other people or making them feel comfortable which could affect combat as they might not trust him with his Cold attitude. He's a master of combat and has no real exploitable weakness there but his social weakness are nothing to scoff at, they can be a big hindrance when they come up and not knowing to communicate or responding correctly at something can really..... Effect the scenario badly.

FLUFF (Optional)

Hobbies: Well a currently hobby is that Vulus tries very hard to practice his social skills by using mirrors and he actually has Note cards to use when placed upon the spot, even some ones with pickup lines for the occasion. He also trains a lot too! To keep in shape and to not get rusty.

Quote\s: "Ummm....."

"There is no suitable response in these cards....."

"You wish to learn what I know? Then I shall tell you."

"I.... Um..... H-how's it going? G-good t-that's nice..... Argh! That would at all! I need to stop stammering...."

"Hold on let me look through my note cards a second here...."

"Yes? What requires my aid?"

"A question? Then I have an answer."

"That's a big enemy.... I think I shall liberate it's soul from its mortal coil.... That was too creepy... I should stop saying stuff like that."


Additional Notes: Nothing.

Name: Alexiel W. Lucifer

Aliases: (Formally Evil) Neutral, Good.

Age: (Cat Age; 2) (Human Age; 22)

Gender: Male

Race: (Former Elf Servant) Cursed Cat.

Class: (Former Personal Servant) Mage


Sexuality: Pansexual

High Concept: Extremely caring, but a quiet introvert.

Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral.

Relatives: Queen Analissia V. Lucifer (Twin Sister.) Harlan B. Leonhartt (Adoptive Father)

Organizations\Affiliations: Oakwood Elven Association (Northern Elven Kingdom)

Personality: Alexiel is a quiet, openly good-natured and selfless cat who was damned from the start from royalty. Unfortunately, his good deeds often lead him to being brutally used, and he still takes your side, no matter the cost of the situation. Despite this selfless personality, he's very cheeky with his attitude. This leads him to having witty comebacks, and this even leads to most thinking under that lackey attitude is a tactical genius.

Backstory: Alexiel was his twin sister's servant at the age of 14. And for years, he served her every whim. Her greed got the best of her, and she began damning the people of elven society. Eventually, Alexiel was the last man standing to protect her, and to save her from the revolution that came with it. He helped her escape the royal temple, and now she lives as the birth of the singing sirens by the sea, and the root of their cruelty. Alexiel managed to escape, and a witch stopped him on his way, before he could break free of her grasp. She knew exactly who he was, and how he helped the queen ruin her family. She transformed him into a lowely cat, and left him to survive in the forest on his own. Since then.. he's lived alone for two years. Surviving off canaries, and magic he's self taught himself from magical engravings in stones of the forest.


Appearance: Alexiel is a white longhaired cat, his build is average, but small. His eyes are a glistening gold, like his previous self's. He wears a black shoulder cloak, and two canary feathers by his ear. Adorably, he has a cute little ponytail on the back of his head. Even as a cat, he ties his hair back like a servant with a black ribbon. (He can also be seen carrying potion bottles on his hip. The most is 3.)


Weapons & Armor: He is the definition of a mage. So his main weapons materialize within his paws. The shoulder cloak can block magical blows like a shield, and along his hip, he carries potion bottles. They can be any kind of potion on a given day. Some are even throw-able. Whether it be a poison in a bottle, a healing potion, a night vision potion, a flight potion. It depends. But they only last for 30 minutes at the most. Most of them last for 15 minutes. (His claws count? XD)

Items & Personal Belongings: In his cute cat pockets, he carries a fake golden rose. He remembers his sister with it, it even still carries the scent of her perfume. He carries potions as I stated before, and he calls his hair-tie lucky.

Skills & Abilities: He's pretty damn crafty with his potion mixing, he can do it in less than 45 seconds flat. Not to mention he is a great speaker. He can talk someone into selling their own clothes if he really wanted to. His cheeky attitude and charm and send anyone into believing what he tells you. And his grace is unlike any other, due to the cat abilities he can do acrobatics. (Oh. And if he wants to, he can make any human swoon with his signature; *Kitten eyes*) That, and his stealth is pretty damn good. He needs sunlight to have power, but his quiet cat feet make him able to sneak around to hunt prey.

Spells & Magic: (Because he's a mage, I gave him twelve spells he has, and abilities.)

First let's start off with spells.

Spirit Spear; Spirit spear is a long ranged attack, where honing light spears appear. (No more than 4) They target his target, and hit with 60% accuracy. He can summon these rapidly, but if he were to do this, he'd wear out his mana. Which I'll tell you how much mana he carries in a bit. (Mana count; 25 per firing)

Guardian Shield;  The Guardian Shield is a magical shield from physical attacks only, which he can summon this only 3 times before having an hour break in between, and it only lasts for 30 seconds at best to hold it. It only guards in one direction, not a bubble. (Mana count; 35 for using 1)

Dragon's Claw; This is one of his best attacks, and it can vary between four elements; Fire, Water(Ice), Poison, and Electricity. (Which he can only choose one for the time he uses it. No alternating) It's a close range attack, and it upgrades his paws and claws to claw with fire, water(ice), poison, or electricity. Whichever he chooses at the moment, he chooses. It can cut through Wood, Gold, Silver, and most mage cloaks. But it cannot cut through anything stronger than Iron or steel, or a dragon's scale/NightShade fabric cloak. (Nightshade which is his shoulder cloak.) It lasts for a pretty good 20 minutes, and can be used with three hour breaks in between. (Mana count; 55 per use)

Solace's Beam;  This attack is only powered at day, and can be saved within the night. And, it can only be used twice. Once will even get him to pass out if he's halfway down with mana. It's a magical beam that can cause burn trails through soil. If used twice... it can kill him. It's a power only within his family line's, and he can only really use it if he's driven to extreme emotional acceptance, or happiness. (Mana count; 150 per use)

Avarian Elven Flute: This spell is a flute he can summon without much effort. He used it to comfort the queen when she was upset. This flute uplifts other's moods. And it can heal real animals, and even children. Hilariously, it summons canaries to the cat. Giving him an easy meal. (It cannot heal adults unfortunately.) (Mana count; 5 per use)

Golden Petal's Wish; Believe it or not, he can grant a user who takes him as their servant one wish. But it cannot involve the following; Love, Immortality, Giving Life, Death of Another, Time Travel, or Teleportation. But it can involve objects, food, shelter, health, wealth, or anything else you could imagine. (Mana per use; None, as it can only be done once.)

Now, let's go to natural magical abilities.

Telekenisis: Only when he's in full health can he mindlessly float things over to him. But it cannot be anything large, or a ton of items. Say he's sitting and he wants to float over a stick? He could do it easily with full health. (Mana per use; 15)

Solace's Warmth; Adorably, Alexiel is naturally always warm. He can be your lap warmer, or your tiny warm blanket. Whenever you touch his fur, he is always warm. This means he can't freeze to death. Ice attacks are normally (if he's in good health) pointless. (Mana per use; None)

Solace's Guidance: If he wants to, he can light up his paws, and use them as low quality flash lights. But most importantly, if in complete health, he can use the tip of his tail like a lantern in the dark. Which can be extremely useful in some situations. (Mana per use; 5)

Solace's Restoration: When he's in sunlight. His mana slowly restores, and if badly injured, it can slowly restore his health bit by bit. 1 health is restored every 5 minutes. While 5 mana is restored every 5 minutes. But his health cannot be restored if he's ample enough to keep going in sunlight. (Mana per use; None)

Mage's Empathy;  Alexiel, is actually more in touch with tension in the room than most. He often can sense the environment, and can look through some people and see how they really feel (Depends on how strong their magic is), but he doesn't know what you're thinking. (Mana per use; None)

Master's Desire; The master that takes him on as a servant, really lucks out. Because often, his soul becomes in sync with that "master." Meaning, he can often feel the pain the master does. From this, he will do everything he can to make them feel joy again, or to protect them. (Mana per use; none.)

Mana count;

He has 250 mana, which is pretty strong for a boy in the wild. He originally only had the elven born 75, but training and effort got him to 250. Mana points taken with each attack is in the spell area.

Weaknesses: Alexiel unfortunately does have a plethora of weaknesses, first, I'll state combat weaknesses, then I'll state personality weaknesses.

Combat Weaknesses

He is extremely prone to range attackers. Anyone with a sharp eye could shoot him. If they can match is extreme agility in the battle field with accuracy, he is done.

He has extremely low health. One accurate shot at him, whether it be close combat or far away can leave significant damage. He may be fast, but right targeting accuracy can get him down immediately. Hence why he carries health potions at cases. (He only has 50 health at best.)

His shield is only one direction, meaning it's easy to shoot him from the other three directions. And his cloak doesn't protect him from range physical attacks. This means he quite literally has no armor for physical attacks, that cloak only shields magical attacks.

He's actually very frail, meaning, if you managed to grab his leg while he's flying (not actually flying, but flung) in the air, or if you mishandle him too much. His bones can snap. He has to be frail to be so agile, and swift.

Magic wise, he is very weak in darkness, leave him in the dark, and his energy slowly drains. He cannot replenish anything, instead he'll be in low energy.

Alexiel still hasn't gotten fully used to the cat senses he has now. At moments, he has a sensory overload when he's in a high intensity fight. He can hear absolutely everything going on, he can smell a lot better, and his balance is much more in tune than his elven form. Unfortunately, this is also one of his greatest downfalls. The sounds, the taunts, the dizzying flipping. Overtime, he will snap, and possibly flee altogether from how much it hurts him in the head. To put it into perspective, it feels like the sharp pain of slamming your head on the corner of a table, only that is everywhere in his brain. Even his vision is blinded from how painful it can be.

Personality Weaknesses;

Despite his sweet personality, I mentioned before he's cheeky. This can lead to him being extremely cold, and unfeeling when he says something bitter. And more often than not, it sticks, and he holds no regrets for saying it either. And he keeps smiling at you even after he's said something so terrible.

He never really tells you what he's feeling, meaning he'll more than likely lie to you with a placid smile when he's actually feeling the opposite. And the ability to keep everything bottled in the way he does, leads to the sensory overloads from earlier, and panic attacks in short notice.

He will overwork himself while forgetting the definition of fun. He cracks jokes, he has a cheery disposition, but he HATES the thought of sitting still. The servant mentality keeps him working for you, even after it's clear his body's had enough. Often leading him to hurt himself in the process.

He may lie to you about his mentality, but he's as naive as a child when you tell him something. He can sense your emotions, but he will believe a lie you tell him (If your emotion doesn't contradict it), even if he's a great lie teller. Or he's great at convincing others of something, he will believe you if you tell him squirrels have wings.

He can work as a temptation to something you enjoy. Meaning, if you want to gorge yourself gluttonously, or if you want to tell a lie? He more than likely will smirk, and state; "... You only live once... who else has to know..? Other people don't matter, it's your life. You deserve to gain her trust. You deserve to love him. Or you deserve to feel happy in what way pleases you. Enjoy yourself, it's the one chance you'll get.. my dear."

FLUFF (Optional)

Hobbies: He is more than a fantastic chef. He can bake nearly every treat under the sun. His specialty is seafoods, and this can come in handy for survival, as he can make a survivalist's meal decent. And, he is skilled with the flute, and can definitely rip it at the Piano. What starts as a quiet, soft melody grows into something as insane as a fast paced guitar solo. As exemplified here; https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=LUq49NecOeE (Remove the space, copy, and paste.)

Quote\s: (Bold are his catchphrases, the italics are phrases that will be repeated, but for powerful affect. Both is from his soul.)

As exemplified in the royal mansion; "What kind of a servant would I be? If I couldn't serve your every whim?" -Alexiel to his queen.

"My sun, you mustn't let the clouds of misery cover your beautiful rays. The clouds are your enemy's jealousy and hatred, your sun is your glory, and your beauty. Let it shine, I'll blow those clouds away, come my dear, let me bestow some brioche for your aching soul." -Alexiel to his queen.

"Come on, it's okay to just endorse yourself every once in a while. Have another taste, you won't live this exact moment tomorrow, might as well take every sliver of glory with it." -Alexiel to his queen.

"Why of course, I am nothing more than a mere servant. You say you're uncomfortable with the thought of making a friend a servant. But you see.." He laughed, "It's all I truly know. My cheeky smile says I'm a tactful genius, but I'm not better than the fool fueling the fire. May as well move along!" -Alexiel to Traveler

"Oh please, get over yourself you filthy kraut. I may be a cat but that doesn't mean you can go and grease the fur I worked TIRELESSLY on. Blimey, where are your manners about ASKING to pet me?" ".... Oh, you asked? Then go right ahead my dear. Just don't touch my underside standing, do we hold an agreement?" -Alexiel to traveler.

"CARED ABOUT YOU! Cared about you, that's a bloody joke. I don't hold myself accountable when I say... you're more hideous than the corpses laying around the oceans of Pompeii. I wouldn't want to touch you with a 10 foot pole. LOVED ME?! Please. Get over yourself. Your bastardizing tears are too juicy, I'm currently on a diet, I have to take in tears with no salt in them. But thank you for the offer!" -Alexiel becoming a full on traitor to his kind.

"... Well.. to be quite honest.. thank you..." "Thank you for what you ask..? Thank you for actually treating me somewhat.. like a human being again." He smiled softly, "I may seem heartless but... in all honesty. Behind the cruel tricks and games. I really just want to love and protect someone again. And.." He laughed a bit, "I never thought I'd get that chance until I met you... human." -Alexiel to traveler

"Hm? Should I be sad that I'm a cat? Not exactly. You see.." Alexiel gave a soft giggle, "I take pride in what I've done. I have no regrets in slaying my adoptive father for the life of my twin. Does it meet with regrets? Of course! But if there was a price I had to pay for damning my entire country's welfare, it's becoming a creature of sin. The killer with an innocent face, doesn't that ring a bell of disdain? No? Then either you're more forgiving than I thought, or you're a fucking imbecile." -Alexiel to Traveler.


Additional Notes:

XD There's a high chance he probably has bi-polar disorder to a degree, and it's clear he's got psychopathic schizophrenia, but he's a peach to have.

OMFG. FINALLY. IT TOOK ME HOURS INTO THE NIGHT XD. Judge on him as much as you'd like.

(It seems like he has a lot of powers. But in all actuality, only four of those are real attacks. So, don't worry about that.)

Name: Alexiel W. Lucifer

Aliases: (Formally Evil) Neutral, Good.

Age: (Cat Age; 2) (Human Age; 22)

Gender: Male

Race: (Former Elf Servant) Cursed Cat.

Class: (Former Personal Servant) Mage


Sexuality: Pansexual

High Concept: Extremely caring, but a quiet introvert.

Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral.

Relatives: Queen Analissia V. Lucifer (Twin Sister.) Harlan B. Leonhartt (Adoptive Father)

Organizations\Affiliations: Oakwood Elven Association (Northern Elven Kingdom)

Personality: Alexiel is a quiet, openly good-natured and selfless cat who was damned from the start from royalty. Unfortunately, his good deeds often lead him to being brutally used, and he still takes your side, no matter the cost of the situation. Despite this selfless personality, he's very cheeky with his attitude. This leads him to having witty comebacks, and this even leads to most thinking under that lackey attitude is a tactical genius.

Backstory: Alexiel was his twin sister's servant at the age of 14. And for years, he served her every whim. Her greed got the best of her, and she began damning the people of elven society. Eventually, Alexiel was the last man standing to protect her, and to save her from the revolution that came with it. He helped her escape the royal temple, and now she lives as the birth of the singing sirens by the sea, and the root of their cruelty. Alexiel managed to escape, and a witch stopped him on his way, before he could break free of her grasp. She knew exactly who he was, and how he helped the queen ruin her family. She transformed him into a lowely cat, and left him to survive in the forest on his own. Since then.. he's lived alone for two years. Surviving off canaries, and magic he's self taught himself from magical engravings in stones of the forest.


Appearance: Alexiel is a white longhaired cat, his build is average, but small. His eyes are a glistening gold, like his previous self's. He wears a black shoulder cloak, and two canary feathers by his ear. Adorably, he has a cute little ponytail on the back of his head. Even as a cat, he ties his hair back like a servant with a black ribbon. (He can also be seen carrying potion bottles on his hip. The most is 3.)

View attachment 252269

Weapons & Armor: He is the definition of a mage. So his main weapons materialize within his paws. The shoulder cloak can block magical blows like a shield, and along his hip, he carries potion bottles. They can be any kind of potion on a given day. Some are even throw-able. Whether it be a poison in a bottle, a healing potion, a night vision potion, a flight potion. It depends. But they only last for 30 minutes at the most. Most of them last for 15 minutes. (His claws count? XD)

Items & Personal Belongings: In his cute cat pockets, he carries a fake golden rose. He remembers his sister with it, it even still carries the scent of her perfume. He carries potions as I stated before, and he calls his hair-tie lucky.

Skills & Abilities: He's pretty damn crafty with his potion mixing, he can do it in less than 45 seconds flat. Not to mention he is a great speaker. He can talk someone into selling their own clothes if he really wanted to. His cheeky attitude and charm and send anyone into believing what he tells you. And his grace is unlike any other, due to the cat abilities he can do acrobatics. (Oh. And if he wants to, he can make any human swoon with his signature; *Kitten eyes*) That, and his stealth is pretty damn good. He needs sunlight to have power, but his quiet cat feet make him able to sneak around to hunt prey.

Spells & Magic: (Because he's a mage, I gave him twelve spells he has, and abilities.)

First let's start off with spells.

Spirit Spear; Spirit spear is a long ranged attack, where honing light spears appear. (No more than 4) They target his target, and hit with 60% accuracy. He can summon these rapidly, but if he were to do this, he'd wear out his mana. Which I'll tell you how much mana he carries in a bit. (Mana count; 25 per firing)

Guardian Shield;  The Guardian Shield is a magical shield from physical attacks only, which he can summon this only 3 times before having an hour break in between, and it only lasts for 30 seconds at best to hold it. It only guards in one direction, not a bubble. (Mana count; 35 for using 1)

Dragon's Claw; This is one of his best attacks, and it can vary between four elements; Fire, Water(Ice), Poison, and Electricity. (Which he can only choose one for the time he uses it. No alternating) It's a close range attack, and it upgrades his paws and claws to claw with fire, water(ice), poison, or electricity. Whichever he chooses at the moment, he chooses. It can cut through Wood, Gold, Silver, and most mage cloaks. But it cannot cut through anything stronger than Iron or steel, or a dragon's scale/NightShade fabric cloak. (Nightshade which is his shoulder cloak.) It lasts for a pretty good 20 minutes, and can be used with three hour breaks in between. (Mana count; 55 per use)

Solace's Beam;  This attack is only powered at day, and can be saved within the night. And, it can only be used twice. Once will even get him to pass out if he's halfway down with mana. It's a magical beam that can cause burn trails through soil. If used twice... it can kill him. It's a power only within his family line's, and he can only really use it if he's driven to extreme emotional acceptance, or happiness. (Mana count; 150 per use)

Avarian Elven Flute: This spell is a flute he can summon without much effort. He used it to comfort the queen when she was upset. This flute uplifts other's moods. And it can heal real animals, and even children. Hilariously, it summons canaries to the cat. Giving him an easy meal. (It cannot heal adults unfortunately.) (Mana count; 5 per use)

Golden Petal's Wish; Believe it or not, he can grant a user who takes him as their servant one wish. But it cannot involve the following; Love, Immortality, Giving Life, Death of Another, Time Travel, or Teleportation. But it can involve objects, food, shelter, health, wealth, or anything else you could imagine. (Mana per use; None, as it can only be done once.)

Now, let's go to natural magical abilities.

Telekenisis: Only when he's in full health can he mindlessly float things over to him. But it cannot be anything large, or a ton of items. Say he's sitting and he wants to float over a stick? He could do it easily with full health. (Mana per use; 15)

Solace's Warmth; Adorably, Alexiel is naturally always warm. He can be your lap warmer, or your tiny warm blanket. Whenever you touch his fur, he is always warm. This means he can't freeze to death. Ice attacks are normally (if he's in good health) pointless. (Mana per use; None)

Solace's Guidance: If he wants to, he can light up his paws, and use them as low quality flash lights. But most importantly, if in complete health, he can use the tip of his tail like a lantern in the dark. Which can be extremely useful in some situations. (Mana per use; 5)

Solace's Restoration: When he's in sunlight. His mana slowly restores, and if badly injured, it can slowly restore his health bit by bit. 1 health is restored every 5 minutes. While 5 mana is restored every 5 minutes. But his health cannot be restored if he's ample enough to keep going in sunlight. (Mana per use; None)

Mage's Empathy;  Alexiel, is actually more in touch with tension in the room than most. He often can sense the environment, and can look through some people and see how they really feel (Depends on how strong their magic is), but he doesn't know what you're thinking. (Mana per use; None)

Master's Desire; The master that takes him on as a servant, really lucks out. Because often, his soul becomes in sync with that "master." Meaning, he can often feel the pain the master does. From this, he will do everything he can to make them feel joy again, or to protect them. (Mana per use; none.)

Mana count;

He has 250 mana, which is pretty strong for a boy in the wild. He originally only had the elven born 75, but training and effort got him to 250. Mana points taken with each attack is in the spell area.

Weaknesses: Alexiel unfortunately does have a plethora of weaknesses, first, I'll state combat weaknesses, then I'll state personality weaknesses.

Combat Weaknesses

He is extremely prone to range attackers. Anyone with a sharp eye could shoot him. If they can match is extreme agility in the battle field with accuracy, he is done.

He has extremely low health. One accurate shot at him, whether it be close combat or far away can leave significant damage. He may be fast, but right targeting accuracy can get him down immediately. Hence why he carries health potions at cases. (He only has 50 health at best.)

His shield is only one direction, meaning it's easy to shoot him from the other three directions. And his cloak doesn't protect him from range physical attacks. This means he quite literally has no armor for physical attacks, that cloak only shields magical attacks.

He's actually very frail, meaning, if you managed to grab his leg while he's flying (not actually flying, but flung) in the air, or if you mishandle him too much. His bones can snap. He has to be frail to be so agile, and swift.

Magic wise, he is very weak in darkness, leave him in the dark, and his energy slowly drains. He cannot replenish anything, instead he'll be in low energy.

Alexiel still hasn't gotten fully used to the cat senses he has now. At moments, he has a sensory overload when he's in a high intensity fight. He can hear absolutely everything going on, he can smell a lot better, and his balance is much more in tune than his elven form. Unfortunately, this is also one of his greatest downfalls. The sounds, the taunts, the dizzying flipping. Overtime, he will snap, and possibly flee altogether from how much it hurts him in the head. To put it into perspective, it feels like the sharp pain of slamming your head on the corner of a table, only that is everywhere in his brain. Even his vision is blinded from how painful it can be.

Personality Weaknesses;

Despite his sweet personality, I mentioned before he's cheeky. This can lead to him being extremely cold, and unfeeling when he says something bitter. And more often than not, it sticks, and he holds no regrets for saying it either. And he keeps smiling at you even after he's said something so terrible.

He never really tells you what he's feeling, meaning he'll more than likely lie to you with a placid smile when he's actually feeling the opposite. And the ability to keep everything bottled in the way he does, leads to the sensory overloads from earlier, and panic attacks in short notice.

He will overwork himself while forgetting the definition of fun. He cracks jokes, he has a cheery disposition, but he HATES the thought of sitting still. The servant mentality keeps him working for you, even after it's clear his body's had enough. Often leading him to hurt himself in the process.

He may lie to you about his mentality, but he's as naive as a child when you tell him something. He can sense your emotions, but he will believe a lie you tell him (If your emotion doesn't contradict it), even if he's a great lie teller. Or he's great at convincing others of something, he will believe you if you tell him squirrels have wings.

He can work as a temptation to something you enjoy. Meaning, if you want to gorge yourself gluttonously, or if you want to tell a lie? He more than likely will smirk, and state; "... You only live once... who else has to know..? Other people don't matter, it's your life. You deserve to gain her trust. You deserve to love him. Or you deserve to feel happy in what way pleases you. Enjoy yourself, it's the one chance you'll get.. my dear."

FLUFF (Optional)

Hobbies: He is more than a fantastic chef. He can bake nearly every treat under the sun. His specialty is seafoods, and this can come in handy for survival, as he can make a survivalist's meal decent. And, he is skilled with the flute, and can definitely rip it at the Piano. What starts as a quiet, soft melody grows into something as insane as a fast paced guitar solo. As exemplified here; https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=LUq49NecOeE (Remove the space, copy, and paste.)

Quote\s: (Bold are his catchphrases, the italics are phrases that will be repeated, but for powerful affect. Both is from his soul.)

As exemplified in the royal mansion; "What kind of a servant would I be? If I couldn't serve your every whim?" -Alexiel to his queen.

"My sun, you mustn't let the clouds of misery cover your beautiful rays. The clouds are your enemy's jealousy and hatred, your sun is your glory, and your beauty. Let it shine, I'll blow those clouds away, come my dear, let me bestow some brioche for your aching soul." -Alexiel to his queen.

"Come on, it's okay to just endorse yourself every once in a while. Have another taste, you won't live this exact moment tomorrow, might as well take every sliver of glory with it." -Alexiel to his queen.

"Why of course, I am nothing more than a mere servant. You say you're uncomfortable with the thought of making a friend a servant. But you see.." He laughed, "It's all I truly know. My cheeky smile says I'm a tactful genius, but I'm not better than the fool fueling the fire. May as well move along!" -Alexiel to Traveler

"Oh please, get over yourself you filthy kraut. I may be a cat but that doesn't mean you can go and grease the fur I worked TIRELESSLY on. Blimey, where are your manners about ASKING to pet me?" ".... Oh, you asked? Then go right ahead my dear. Just don't touch my underside standing, do we hold an agreement?" -Alexiel to traveler.

"CARED ABOUT YOU! Cared about you, that's a bloody joke. I don't hold myself accountable when I say... you're more hideous than the corpses laying around the oceans of Pompeii. I wouldn't want to touch you with a 10 foot pole. LOVED ME?! Please. Get over yourself. Your bastardizing tears are too juicy, I'm currently on a diet, I have to take in tears with no salt in them. But thank you for the offer!" -Alexiel becoming a full on traitor to his kind.

"... Well.. to be quite honest.. thank you..." "Thank you for what you ask..? Thank you for actually treating me somewhat.. like a human being again." He smiled softly, "I may seem heartless but... in all honesty. Behind the cruel tricks and games. I really just want to love and protect someone again. And.." He laughed a bit, "I never thought I'd get that chance until I met you... human." -Alexiel to traveler

"Hm? Should I be sad that I'm a cat? Not exactly. You see.." Alexiel gave a soft giggle, "I take pride in what I've done. I have no regrets in slaying my adoptive father for the life of my twin. Does it meet with regrets? Of course! But if there was a price I had to pay for damning my entire country's welfare, it's becoming a creature of sin. The killer with an innocent face, doesn't that ring a bell of disdain? No? Then either you're more forgiving than I thought, or you're a fucking imbecile." -Alexiel to Traveler.


Additional Notes:

XD There's a high chance he probably has bi-polar disorder to a degree, and it's clear he's got psychopathic schizophrenia, but he's a peach to have.

OMFG. FINALLY. IT TOOK ME HOURS INTO THE NIGHT XD. Judge on him as much as you'd like.

(It seems like he has a lot of powers. But in all actuality, only four of those are real attacks. So, don't worry about that.)


A cat mage with bipolar disorder...

Is something wrong with the strong sensation I have, one that demands that I cuddle him? Kyooot!
He hissed with anger, "Hey! How dare you, you bloody, disgusting waste of life! LET ME GO! YOU'RE GOING TO KILL ME! YOU NEVER ASKED!" He growled deeply, His paws and claws flailed, "I WILL KILL YOU! I WILL.. I will.." His throat couldn't stop rumbling, "Damn it you! Let me... let me.." His paws slowly hung over the side, ".... love me.." A little smile grew as his eyes closed. "... Just don't do this to my underside. Thank you.. dear.. it's astounding you care about a mere servant.."
He hissed with anger, "Hey! How dare you, you bloody, disgusting waste of life! LET ME GO! YOU'RE GOING TO KILL ME! YOU NEVER ASKED!" He growled deeply, His paws and claws flailed, "I WILL KILL YOU! I WILL.. I will.." His throat couldn't stop rumbling, "Damn it you! Let me... let me.." His paws slowly hung over the side, ".... love me.." A little smile grew as his eyes closed. "... Just don't do this to my underside. Thank you.. dear.. it's astounding you care about a mere servant.."


ALRIGHT! Everyone. I have an announcement to make. And this is important. So, PLEASE READ THIS!

We are missing two very important roles to make this roleplay happen.

We still don't have the;

Damsel in distress, or Character B.

Or the antagonist of the story, Character C.

I'm sorry to say, but we are not accepting anymore helping hand characters within the story. We cannot have a bunch of helpers in a story without the main story's conflict in play. IF ANY of you know someone who could do a fantastic Character B, or C. Please, let one of us know. That's at the bird and me.

We are not taking anymore helpers. We are glad to have Character A and D, the ship captain and the protagonist. But two more before this can really start. Thank you all!

I hope you have a wonderful day!


That's at my user, and Birdsie.
ALRIGHT! Everyone. I have an announcement to make. And this is important. So, PLEASE READ THIS!

We are missing two very important roles to make this roleplay happen.

We still don't have the;

Damsel in distress, or Character B.

Or the antagonist of the story, Character C.

I'm sorry to say, but we are not accepting anymore helping hand characters within the story. We cannot have a bunch of helpers in a story without the main story's conflict in play. IF ANY of you know someone who could do a fantastic Character B, or C. Please, let one of us know. That's at the bird and me.

We are not taking anymore helpers. We are glad to have Character A and D, the ship captain and the protagonist. But two more before this can really start. Thank you all!

I hope you have a wonderful day!


That's at my user, and Birdsie.

There is a problem with one of us being the damsel in distress and the antagonist....

We have no idea what the rp is basically about or what to do.

The best decision for you to do is, sorry to say, make them yourselves.

you two are the only ones that really know all about the rp
Also... Can I make a Rouge character that is kind of forced to tag along with the group? I have a lot of my character done atm and want to know in case I have to change anything

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