Roleplay Pet Peeves

I think my biggest pet peeve is when someone throws a tantrum when something doesn't go their way. Not calling anyone out here, but I've met people on other boards who have done this. And God damn... it is aggravating. XD

*Leek spin song plays*

ROBLOX Grade characters: These characters contain a heavy amount of edge, or try to constantly one shot you. Normally try to kill you for no reason at all, or never progress the plot. Commonly Jesus children or some half animal half human that gets more than a pro*Censored for the underaged*

.u.' I unfortunately rped there long ago... *Sigh*
Then you learned what not to do

And thank christ I did. I recently visited there what.. a few weeks ago to just check out what happened? I occasionally do just to take examples of what not to do. Omg... it was just.. it was like watching something from a Mel Gibson movie. The grammar, the ||| Symbols between roleplay. The need for ' ' as quotation marks to be "cool." I mean... what the hell. I changed so much from so long ago. God I'm so glad I came here XDD

The pure horror was disgusting.
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||フ Y O U   M E A N   S P A C I N G   L I K E    T H I S   I S N T     ' C O O L ' ||フ

And thank christ I did. I recently visited there what.. a few weeks ago to just check out what happened? I occasionally do just to take examples of what not to do. Omg... it was just.. it was like watching something from a Mel Gibson movie. The grammar, the ||| Symbols between roleplay. The need for ' ' as quotation marks to be "cool." I mean... what the hell. I changed so much from so long ago. God I'm so glad I came here XDD

The pure horror was disgusting.
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I didn't read past pages so it very well could be mentioned, but I don't like when I put a lot of effort in a post or start an opener only to get complaints about how much I write or since it was longer than someone's expectations they don't bother to even fully read what I wrote.

If you don't like a bit more detail you shouldn't have bothered to write with me in the first place. I'm not going to stop putting everything I have in a post to make you happy about length.
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When people refer to detailed RPs as "semi-lit" or "literate." I consider it to be rude because it implies that people who can't churn out three paragraphs every one or two days is a bad writer. Also, the definition of "literate" is to be able to read and write.
When people refer to detailed RPs as "semi-lit" or "literate." I consider it to be rude because it implies that people who can't churn out three paragraphs every one or two days is a bad writer. Also, the definition of "literate" is to be able to read and write.

While I can't defend "literate," I hope I can explain what (at least, in my mind) semi-lit and lit are supposed to mean. 

Again, I don't know if I'm speaking for everyone, though I certainly hope I am, but I believe its supposed to be "lit" as in "literature" rather than literate, meaning the writing style requirements within are supposed to be upholding something like a book's standards rather than one-liners or other very brief posts. 

I hope my explanation is coming off in a way that doesn't judge quality. Its just a matter of stylistic preference, I think. 
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people who act like they can do no wrong even though they're 100% in the wrong and then act like everyone else is the problem.
While I can't defend "literate," I hope I can explain what (at least, in my mind) semi-lit and lit are supposed to mean. 

Again, I don't know if I'm speaking for everyone, though I certainly hope I am, but I believe its supposed to be "lit" as in "literature" rather than literate, meaning the writing style requirements within are supposed to be upholding something like a book's standards rather than one-liners or other very brief posts. 

I hope my explanation is coming off in a way that doesn't judge quality. Its just a matter of stylistic preference, I think. 

Actually your probably right on the money, most of the lit variations I've ever seen refer to posts in a novella style ( of varying paragraph levels ) so they probably are talking in terms of literature as the posts are supposed to be structured the same way a book is 

complete sentences

 quotations for speech, italics for thoughts

 Commonly in the third person

I'm well aware of that.

Also if there is a gap between when you post an interest check and when you start the roleplay without finding a way to keep me engaged I honestly just flat out forget. I work, I got my CW shows, and I'm highly active on another site.

so when people say yo ya wanna do this roleplay? And I say sure. Then like four weeks go by with nothing from the GM and no progress is made in the roleplay I'll just forget
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Also if there is a gap between you post an interest check and a roleplay without like keeping me engaged I honestly just flat out forget. I work, I got my CW shows, and I'm highly active on another site.

so when people say yo ya wanna do this roleplay? And I say sure. Then like four weeks go by with nothing from the GM and no progress is made in the roleplay I'll just forget

I once joined a game where most of the players thought this one guy was ST because he was the one answering all the rule questions (It was Exalted, so the answers were in the books).  The real ST barely posted in his own topic.  The game died because the ST just wasn't active enough on the topic.  
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I once joined a game where most of the players thought this one guy was ST because he was the one answering all the rule questions (It was Exalted, so the answers were in the books).  The real ST barely posted in his own topic.  The game died because the ST just wasn't active enough on the topic.  

ST? haven't heard that one before, what's it stand for?
Storyteller.  It's a White Wolf term for Game Master.

other games use Storyteller as well. but most Dice RPGs come up with their own Thematic Term for Game Master that is intended to fit the Vibe of their System, or at least fit the Vibe they wish to Portray,
When a character is created just to cause useless drama between other characters. 

When someone decides to throw a bitch fit because their character can't be the center of attention.
Aniroleplay Grade Characters. the only thing worse than Roblox Grade. Edgelords with Tragic Backstories, no personality, no flaws, and an intense knowledge of every broken superpower out they, but most of the time, they use their outdated and bandaided prep system in a poor attempt to balance their characters because they bitch and moan about how fantasy characters shouldn't be impacted by logic, when logic is what balances most characters and causes most of those Aniroleplay Godmodding Sacks of Horse Bile to be murdered by their own actions.

-Snipped for the sake of Shortening the Post-

People who build "Fantasy Characters" and bitch that some form of logic and consistency shouldn't affect their characters unless it is convenient. commonly seen On Ani when fighters dodge at lightspeed and don't want to be killed by the G-Force of Going from standing still to light speed, let alone die by wearing down to light. they generally use horse bile excuses like their healing factor or their species and bitch to a ref if somebody calls them out on their action. thier excuse is always some variant of "It's Fantasy" as some cheap copout.

and don't forget how annoying it is when a roleplayer compares the majority of bad scenarios to forced sexual abuse. the R word gets bandied around way too often. i get it, somebody reading your thoughts with Telepathy would be an invasion of personal space or somebody controlling your thoughts with hypnosis would be a betrayal of trust, but i wouldn't equate either one to being impaled against your will by a larger, more forceful, and more domineering individual.
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Me: "It isn't an autokill if logic would dictate it as such, by moving lightspeed without any form of accelleration, you technically autokilled yourself."

This kids is why you have teleport (dont kill me plz)

RPers that dont have any power limit on characters. Teleporting should cost about half the turn magic limit (in a combat system i'm creating), but they just say "F*** it, i'll spam teleport".

Side note: The system i am making is based off of fighting games like MvC. I tested it with this Combat RP Einstein. So in the system, there are Supers that cost 100% Super Power to use. Supers aren't able to build super power. His character is pure Chip Damage, but his super deals damage equal to how much hp his character is missing, based on %. He said "All of my character's attacks are considered Supers, so i cant build up power by dealing damage, but taking damage instead". I love this dude

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