Heroes of Tomorrow

"Psh!" Lunatic exclaimed "It's fine, anyway, let's do thing!". Lunatic then began to make out with the woman

(Fade next post, K?)

@Echo Dreamsong @JPax


Chara fell asleep next to Lunatic, leaning against him. She didn't really have any dreams, just distant thoughts. Like 'Chocolate, beer' Man, Chara could really go for a beer. Opening her eyes, she poked Lunatic. "Hey, heeeey! We're gonna go out, comeon!" She stood and changed into a form fitting black dress and about two inch heels. "Let's go!"
Lunatic groaned and got up. He liked Chara's company and now was ready to go out. He then said to her "Sure! And you know, we should cause some trouble. Maybe blow up a few buildings, take a hostage to force a hero out, rob a bank,". He then put his pants and shirt on to then scoop up Chara bridal style

@Echo Dreamsong


Qsa and Qtai

The strange demons stormed into the government building, red eyes darting around the place. How unfortunate, that there were only two city council members at the demon's disposal. Guns were trailed on Qsa and Qtai, the latter of whom just stared around the place. "Q-Qsa...no...you're here already?!"

"I'm guessing you're going to say a terrible joke regarding never." 

A bullet whizzed past Qtai's head, but didn't land. Instead, the little girl caught it between her teeth. She swallowed the bullet as the two continued towards the council members. The older demon reached out to the man's face... "Y-You can have the money please don't-H!!!"

. . .

"Tch. The bus is stained." Qsa began to lick the human blood off of the side of the bus. "Qtai, get them to clean."

The little strange demon girl squeaked and jumped off of Qsa, running inside and tugging at Lunatic's pants with her mouth. She almost thought about eating it. The tugging increased and she pointed outside where Qsa was cleaning the bus.

@Echo Dreamsong @Broncos
Lunatic groaned and got up. He liked Chara's company and now was ready to go out. He then said to her "Sure! And you know, we should cause some trouble. Maybe blow up a few buildings, take a hostage to force a hero out, rob a bank,". He then put his pants and shirt on to then scoop up Chara bridal style

@Echo Dreamsong


Qsa and Qtai

The strange demons stormed into the government building, red eyes darting around the place. How unfortunate, that there were only two city council members at the demon's disposal. Guns were trailed on Qsa and Qtai, the latter of whom just stared around the place. "Q-Qsa...no...you're here already?!"

"I'm guessing you're going to say a terrible joke regarding never." 

A bullet whizzed past Qtai's head, but didn't land. Instead, the little girl caught it between her teeth. She swallowed the bullet as the two continued towards the council members. The older demon reached out to the man's face... "Y-You can have the money please don't-H!!!"

. . .

"Tch. The bus is stained." Qsa began to lick the human blood off of the side of the bus. "Qtai, get them to clean."

The little strange demon girl squeaked and jumped off of Qsa, running inside and tugging at Lunatic's pants with her mouth. She almost thought about eating it. The tugging increased and she pointed outside where Qsa was cleaning the bus.

@Echo Dreamsong @Broncos

Chara chuckled at Qtai's strange antics and shook her head. "You'd have better let her have it or you might lose a limb~!" Chara sang to Lunatic. "We should go help Qsa, then fun..."
"Eh, why not?" Lunatic said as he walked to the outside after filling a bucket with water and soup plus a couple of sponges. He then walked over to Qsa and began to clean it. He then said "I know this is obvious, but you aren't a human, right?"

@JPax @Echo Dreamsong

Qsa and Qtai

"No. Simple as that." Qsa then proceeded to lift up the side of the bus so Qtai could get the blood under it with her tongue. Once a squeak of approval was heard, the small girl skittered out and Qsa set it down. "Excellent. Anyways, we have a twenty thousand budget. Don't spend it on condoms."

@Broncos @Echo Dreamsong

Mr. Light

"What!?"  Alex said through clenched teeth while on the phone, anger was enveloping him but he did his best to let it fade away.  "I'll get HOT to pay for the damages.  I need to find these criminals....What do you know?"  He looked back at Tusk, finally processing his question when a loud thud was heard.  It caused him to flinch slightly but that was it, he'd get her in a minute.  He didn't answer it though as he didn't like talking about others identities or powers, only the higher ups like him or Sierra should know.  He gripped his phone tighter, waiting for the heroes response on the other line.
@JPax @Salex The Baldie @Cipah
"Ha ha, very funny," Lunatic said sarcastically. He then cleared his throat and said "So, Qsa, how are we going to make our move?". Lunatic wondered how exactly they were going to strike at the anti-heroes and Death herself

@JPax @Echo Dreamsong
Toby waited for Alex to reply, but was met only by silence. He was too busy on the phone to bother with him.

"Hey! You don't get to ignore me. What the hell was that?" He raised his hand and the phone was wrenched from Mr. Light's grip, dangling in the air beside him.

"What is she? Something happened between me an' her. I wanna know what." His hand that was raised lowered and both became clenched fists. He gritted his teeth, holding himself in place. He lifted the phone above the man, out of reach. He would not be violent. He would be demanding, yet civil. Yes, that's how he would get the answers. Be firm, be assertive.

@JPax @Shammy the Shamrock @Salex The Baldie



"Mother Earth"

The phone instantly lowered back into Bolt's hand, unable to be manipulated any further, even by telekinesis. Sierra was manipulating the metal directly. There was a look of straight up annoyance on her face as she grabbed Toby by the back of his neck, light enough not to choke him but firm enough to cause discomfort. "Hey. This is more important than what you think. Heard of Strangest? Well, they'll tear you limb for limb if you continue acting like a brat. Let Mr. Light speak first, then he'll get back to you."

The air around Sierra was now cold, dark, and intimidating. Sierra shifted her already tight grip to Toby's arm and began dragging him towards the solitary confinement. "You're going to spend fifteen minutes in solitary for this behavior." The way Sierra saw it, Toby was lucky not to have re-evaluations. Those were intense enough to cause permanent brain damage to heroes.

@Cipah @Shammy the Shamrock
Toby was stunned when the phone lowered against his commands, though his disbelief continued when the gentle woman who had picked him from that alley grabbed him by the nape of his neck. Her attitude was completely different from earlier, and as she spoke of a group called the Strangest (a group that Toby had heard passing remarks about) her voice was laced with a grave tone that stole any protest from Toby's mouth.

He stared, wide-eyed, as her grip moved to his arm. She dragged him away, speaking of solitary confinement. The hairs on his skin stood on end.

Before long they had arrived and he was placed into his cell. It was bare of all but the essentials. The four walls threatened to suffocate poor Tusk with their closeness. Fifteen minutes in solitary confinement? Did they think he was a child?

No, no. They must have his best interests at heart. They were all heroes, after all. All on the same team. Yes, teammates.

Toby sat in the far corner, knees drawn to his chest in an attempt to make himself as tiny as possible. He spent his time pondering many things. He thought about Sierra and the mysterious Strangest of which she mentioned. Tear him limb from limb? These were the kind of people Toby wanted to oppose. They were the bad guys.

He also thought of the girl. She had shared some neural wavelength with him in such a way that his telepathy had affected her greatly. It seems his questioning had only caused her more grief. He needed to meet with that girl again at some point. Perhaps by then he would have found the words with which to quell her and have her answer his questions. Perhaps he did not even need words, but instead some mental touch. Some 'hey, how are ya?' between psychics. Some mental soothing that only he could administer.

Yes, Toby sat and thought. As he thought, he began to calm. The drug was in full affect now. It was racing through his bloodstream, keeping him safe from the very powers that lay in his mind. He knew that when he left these four walls behind he would take some action that would propel himself to be hailed as a hero by all. Perhaps he would take on these Strangest. Tear him limb from limb? He'd like to see them try.

@JPax @Shammy the Shamrock



Sera managed to do it. Finally! As the darkened world of the astral plane overshadowed the natural world of the human eyes, Sera floated higher into the sky. She looked down at her body, sleeping so peacefully on the ground. Without breathing, of course. 

Sera floated up the stairs, however disoriented by the lack of gravity on the astral plane. She turned upside down, invisible, and began floating towards the walls. Her projection simply passed through the solid matter like it was nothing. And then she tried to make herself visible.

The projection of Sera's body appeared in front of Toby, upside down. She was partially transparent and there was a grin on her face. Her soft voice sounded echoing and hollow. "Hello...T-Toby?" 

@Cipah @Shammy the Shamrock

Mr. Light

Alex waved goodbye to the two before going back to his phone call.  While waiting, he decided to work on his meatloaf, after putting the phone on speaker obviously.  He thought about Tusk's question, it was lingering in his mind, he kinda didn't know as well.  She had become part of HOT by means not by him.  He snapped back to reality after getting burned by the oven.  "Shi-"  Alex stopped himself mid swear in case children were around, he wasn't going to pull a Ty.  He gritted his teeth before going back to making the meal.
@JPax @Salex The Baldie @Cipah
Was this some hallucination? A new power? Toby wasn't sure, but an apparition of the girl from before had just floated through the wall of his cell with an upside-down grin.

"Oh, uh, hey… miss?" Not the most eloquent of greetings, Toby was painfully aware. He felt he could be forgiven, however, as he doesn't know anyone that would react casually to what in all essence is basically a ghost. Then again, he didn't know many people.

"Did you, um, kill yourself because of me? Are you haunting me?" Toby felt stupid for asking he questions, but they seemed to make sense to him. Well, sense is relative, really. Toby has lived a pretty nonsense life so far and he supposed this maybe-dead girl has lived a similar kind of life.

@JPax @Shammy the Shamrock
" i know two face.... namely qsa's child, and qsa was there as well. also i saw another, a new recruit maybe, don't know his name yet.... i engaged, nearly got one of em, qsa flipped me off and the little one just sat there sitting gummy worms" he said as he went up with still his hood on... strangely in all the years, almost none has ever seen his face... only few have. 

@Shammy the Shamrock



"Mother Earth"

Sierra walked down to the kitchen, currently fuming with irritation. Gray sand particles from her clothes began to levitate off, since she was known to keep her clothes coated with iron filings whenever she slept. She took one look at the meatloaf before walking down to a monitor. Sierra pulled one of the monitors down and began to search up files about all the current students which weren't family. "Tch. Alex...what's gotten into him? He's usually never this unruly."

@Shammy the Shamrock



"N-No?" Her grin disappeared and she floated a full turn in the air, sitting down in front of Toby cross-legged. Sera even felt she was uncomfortably close in solitary, even though her physical form was downstairs, unconscious. "I heard you being dragged...and I didn't want to make Mrs. Tesla mad..." The girl's head sank into her hands. She let out a hollow sigh before pushing her hair out of her face and looking straight at Toby. "A-Are you okay...I think I scared you..."

Toby inspected the form of the girl as she sat before him. Looking at her felt taxing in some way, the same way your eyes strain a little as they adjust to the darkness. Her form was comprised of some ethereal glow—it was as if her form was comprised by some white fire. It never stayed completely still, bits breaking away and dissipating into the air like flames.

"Are you…" he said quietly. He didn't want another outburst from the girl. He was all alone with her now, and who knows what she is capable of. She may have the ability to decimate him with a wave of the hand for all he knew. He cleared his throat as gently as he could, knowing that he could not hesitate at a time like this. He spoke again, his voice more level now. "Are you like me?"



Sera tilted her head and rested her hand so that her fingers were touching her collarbone, almost as a nervous twitch of some sort. "N-No...I'm not an esper." Sera had to show him something, but that would probably be extremely awkward for both her and Toby. She floated upwards and her form flickered. "I'm lying downstairs, and...I...I can't take the noise...it's hard to move."

Sera was referring to the sound of the oven, the meatloaf, things that wouldn't hurt a person without enhanced senses. But Sera's body was in pain, it was pretty easy to tell by the way Sera's current form was flicking. "Your door's unlocked..." Sera pointed out that Sierra forgot to lock the door, just seconds before her form collapsed through the floor and back into Sera's real body.

Sera gasped as she switched to her body and let out a cry of pain from all the sounds and noises that she could hear. She tried to roll onto her back and barely managed to before succumbing to the noise again.

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The form fell away through the floor and Toby realised that he had to move quickly. He glanced at the door and it swung open for him. Keeping low to the ground, he navigated the building. He moved slow and cautiously, keeping an eye out for any people who may be wandering around. 

The journey felt like it spanned millennia but eventually he managed to reach the room where her body lay. He dropped to his knees and slowly lifted her head up to rest upon them. 

"Are you ok?" he asked. "What noise is hurting you? What do I have to deal with to make alright?"


Mr. Light

"I don't know, he was searching my mind.  He was getting...nervous to say the least.  Almost like he was hiding something."  He let out a sigh, putting the meatloaf in the oven and sitting down on a chair to wait.  "Rin's tucked in?"  He asked before grabbing his phone again, the name Qsa made his eyes widen as he thought back on it.  Those were weird times for sure, she was such a affectionate derp....or maybe he was thinking about the imposter.  "Anything else you can give me on the situation?"
@JPax @Salex The Baldie


Sera shook her head and pointed to the wall as the noises slowly subsided in her ears. "T-There..." The girl sighed and tried not to move from Toby's knees, though it was very hard. She looked pretty young, no older than sixteen, but there was a stress in her eyes that said that there was more to it than sixteen years. Sera tried to focus her eyes towards Toby's face and reached out a hand towards the door.

"Mrs. Tesla seems mad..." Sera slowly got to her own knees, resting a hand on her neck to feel her pulse. There were exactly two heartbeats. One on top of the other. They were too fast to say which was which. But there were two. She took a few breaths to slow them down before trying to get to the door. She had to go out, she couldn't stay inside for long. It was dangerous for HOT residents to go out, but Sera needed some time outside. "W-Want to get something to eat...?"

" yeah, they headquarters appeared to be a charter bus, pitch black and all" he said "it has a barrier which nto even my lightsaber can go through, and can be electrified but the thing is.... the bus, it's like it doesn't even exist, because i can't lift it or affect it by any way possible" he said as he grabbed a diet coke from the fridge and guzzled it down

@Shammy the Shamrock
27 minutes ago, Salex The Baldie said:

" yeah, they headquarters appeared to be a charter bus, pitch black and all" he said "it has a barrier which nto even my lightsaber can go through, and can be electrified but the thing is.... the bus, it's like it doesn't even exist, because i can't lift it or affect it by any way possible" he said as he grabbed a diet coke from the fridge and guzzled it down

@Shammy the Shamrock


@Shammy the Shamrock (yo dude?)
Yin and Yang were just getting back onto the streets after a long recharge period. They walked into a bank and the alarm was pressed due to people being scared. They didnt hear it so they just were waiting in line. Being robots and such they wanted to ask a simple question 

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