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Fantasy Is The Demon Lord A Myth? (Out of Character/Lore)

Hey, sorry for taking so long. I don't know if I'll ever finish my character sheet, but I think it would be better if I dropped out now.
Heeey, I'm back from the show with a post! I'm completely exhausted and I'll have to return to work tomorrow for another big week 😂 Hopefully I won't be rolling around in my grave and be able to post regularly now.
Heeey, I'm back from the show with a post! I'm completely exhausted and I'll have to return to work tomorrow for another big week 😂 Hopefully I won't be rolling around in my grave and be able to post regularly now.
How was the show? (exhausting obviously 😂)
How was the show? (exhausting obviously 😂)
It was good, I guess? Less people than I expected, met a few clients here and there, but I expected to be busier than this. This week been quite busy due to the show's follow-ups but it was much less intense than what I anticipated. It really does beg the question if these expositions are actually worth the time and effort to make. Guess I'll see next year 🤷‍♀️. At least I've had a full weekend for the first time in a month so I'm pretty rested up !

TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen I'm sorry, I don't know if it's writer's block or I'm just not very good at playing out 1x1 situations (especially because Rosearia isn't much of the talkative person), but I really can't think of anything worthwhile to answer to your IC post. Maybe you could move the scene up to the actual celebrations? That could give an opportunity for Bluffly and Daylight to bring their characters up to the story.
It was good, I guess? Less people than I expected, met a few clients here and there, but I expected to be busier than this. This week been quite busy due to the show's follow-ups but it was much less intense than what I anticipated. It really does beg the question if these expositions are actually worth the time and effort to make. Guess I'll see next year 🤷‍♀️. At least I've had a full weekend for the first time in a month so I'm pretty rested up !

TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen I'm sorry, I don't know if it's writer's block or I'm just not very good at playing out 1x1 situations (especially because Rosearia isn't much of the talkative person), but I really can't think of anything worthwhile to answer to your IC post. Maybe you could move the scene up to the actual celebrations? That could give an opportunity for Bluffly and Daylight to bring their characters up to the story.
Tried my best to read some of the lore, but I wonder if there is a spot for a preistess?
Tried my best to read some of the lore, but I wonder if there is a spot for a preistess?
If you want to play an ogre, you can be a high priestess of Afura, the chief ogre deity or Jiseki, the ogre goddess of merit. Otherwise for normal priestesses you can be of any deity. Aevith is the chief/creator deity in the land or the chief deity for humans and elves mostly.
Note: Difference between ogres and demons in this rp. Ogres look mostly human with human ear shape, usually tanned skin and brown or black hair, rarely white. Eye color can be anything except red or black. Horns are either straight or curled and come from the sides of the head, usually black, brown or grey. Demons have pointed ears like elves, lighter skin tones but can also be reddish in skin color, red or black eye color, silver, red or blonde hair, rarely brown, never black, horns grow out of forehead sides and are almost never curled. Also demons have tails and are shorter and less muscular than ogres.
Note: Difference between ogres and demons in this rp. Ogres look mostly human with human ear shape, usually tanned skin and brown or black hair, rarely white. Eye color can be anything except red or black. Horns are either straight or curled and come from the sides of the head, usually black, brown or grey. Demons have pointed ears like elves, lighter skin tones but can also be reddish in skin color, red or black eye color, silver, red or blonde hair, rarely brown, never black, horns grow out of forehead sides and are almost never curled. Also demons have tails and are shorter and less muscular than ogres.

Well shit I’m stuck between two choices now, if demons have tails makes me want to do a Lycan of sorts, but I also still have my idea of a priestess that’s a hidden vampire

Actually I might go ogre predates, if pink hair is ok
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Well shit I’m stuck between two choices now, if demons have tails makes me want to do a Lycan of sorts, but I also still have my idea of a priestess that’s a hidden vampire

Actually I might go ogre predates, if pink hair is ok
Pink hair would be unusual, but as long as you have an excuse for it.

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