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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

I'm gonna update Skyla's move set. Mostly her Bow moveset and then maybe give her an ultimate since she doesn't have one.
I'm gonna update Skyla's move set. Mostly her Bow moveset and then maybe give her an ultimate since she doesn't have one.
Desert Nation Arc Skyla is gonna be a problem. And yoo, I gotta go back and read the arc where she got the bow. Because I genuinely forgot how she got it in the first place. I just remember she used it during the battle with that one knight and she's had it the whole time since then.

Also, does Skyla already have her ultimate, or is it inactive or she doesn't attain it until her arc?
And....I wanna get an idea of how she looks during her ultimate, so I just looked up regal desert clothing.

You think it'd look like this but just with a galaxy-ish pattern on it? Or maybe purple? (i'm assuming this because it said "astral".
Desert Nation Arc Skyla is gonna be a problem. And yoo, I gotta go back and read the arc where she got the bow. Because I genuinely forgot how she got it in the first place. I just remember she used it during the battle with that one knight and she's had it the whole time since then.
Ohh, okay, that's when it appeared. She first got it when it appeared in her hand while fighting the Horseman. It was her inheritance.
I know I'm yapping, but, you guys ever go back and re-read the roleplay? I just revisited the Saving Skyla arc and ended around the part where Kaminari and Akuhei leave the store where the fight with Castro and Rori was.

Man, those were the good ol days. Pre-Mika's death and a little after was our prime for sure. Peak, even. The Iron Fortress Saga and all its battles (and deaths), Mateo's curse reveal, Rori and Castro fighting like three different people in one day. Can't forget about earlier than that with the Ironshire Tournament. And a lot more too. What act are we on now? I can't recall.

Either way, that was a dose of nostalgia.
Desert Nation Arc Skyla is gonna be a problem. And yoo, I gotta go back and read the arc where she got the bow. Because I genuinely forgot how she got it in the first place. I just remember she used it during the battle with that one knight and she's had it the whole time since then.
She ain't the only getting an upgrade during her arc, friend lol

Also, does Skyla already have her ultimate, or is it inactive or she doesn't attain it until her arc?
And....I wanna get an idea of how she looks during her ultimate, so I just looked up regal desert clothing.
Yeah, it's just a teaser for now. She doesn't have it yet.

You think it'd look like this but just with a galaxy-ish pattern on it? Or maybe purple? (i'm assuming this because it said "astral".
It's kinda like that but transparent with a galaxy like patterns. Like a very thin piece of silk that's very regal in appearance. Look up Kokomi's ultimate from Genshin Impact. Its like that.
She's gonna need it though for everyone lol

The final fight I have planned for her arc is gonna be quite the spectacle.
Murdered by me because I overestimated how much damage i did :c He was my loyal horse.
Nah that's crazy 😂

Why did you have to lay bro out like that I'm cryingg, your ass is a monster Kumii 😭
I didn't mean to! I was already attacking something and because of the mods I have installed, i queued another attack and it just went off and then... poof, he was dead!
I didn't mean to! I was already attacking something and because of the mods I have installed, i queued another attack and it just went off and then... poof, he was dead!

You're a mad man, stop trying to hide it! Innocent blood was shed for no valid reason! Shame on you, Kumii.

You're a mad man, stop trying to hide it! Innocent blood was shed for no valid reason! Shame on you, Kumii.
Why would I purposefully murder a unique horse man? lol

Tbh though, I thought Frost was essential, didn't know he could die lol

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