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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Byleth giving dating advice would probably be him giving whoever it is a long, hard stare before saying "Just because I'm a professor doesn't mean I can teach you romance. You surely could find someone better to ask" The concept of such things has probably hardly ever crossed his mind
I can see Toon Link suggesting that it's all in the outfit. Look good, feel good, pick up dates!

Pit is probably like Hiccup from HttYD where he's hiding in the bush and throwing out whatever idea or suggestion pops into his head.

I feel Dark Pit would flat out tell the person asking for advice to NOT do it! "Nobody's tying this angel down!"

I think my Pikachu would suggest being coy.
I say this, when in the hypothetical "Valentine's Day Hang Out" between Dark Pit and Zelda, they pretty much do this:

XD It'd be funny if that was Banjo's advice, but he's way too kind-hearted for that. Kazooie would probably be all about that!
Captain Falcon: "Welcome everyone todays Relations 101. As always feel free to take notes at your own leisure but picking up from last time, we've discussed that the basis of a successful relationship is to have a good friendship. It is a very important stage that I feel alot of people are rush or skip entirely. In a friendship, it not only allows you to be somewhat close to the person of your affections, but it also allows to you observe who they are as a character, what their personality is, what they're interests are, and allows you to put in some part of yourself into their lives in a meaningful way. Keep in mind that in a friendship, this will also work the other way. In this phase, you are equally being observed by the person you have eyes for, they just won't show it or let you know. In this phase, keep in mind that your crush is a person. A person with their own thoughts and desires and life trials. Respect their boundaries and their space. The key to both a successful friendship and relationship both parties need to recognize themselves as individuals first before becoming a unit second. Never let the relationship itself define who you are."
Captain Falcon: "Welcome everyone todays Relations 101. As always feel free to take notes at your own leisure but picking up from last time, we've discussed that the basis of a successful relationship is to have a good friendship. It is a very important stage that I feel alot of people are rush or skip entirely. In a friendship, it not only allows you to be somewhat close to the person of your affections, but it also allows to you observe who they are as a character, what their personality is, what they're interests are, and allows you to put in some part of yourself into their lives in a meaningful way. Keep in mind that in a friendship, this will also work the other way. In this phase, you are equally being observed by the person you have eyes for, they just won't show it or let you know. In this phase, keep in mind that your crush is a person. A person with their own thoughts and desires and life trials. Respect their boundaries and their space. The key to both a successful friendship and relationship both parties need to recognize themselves as individuals first before becoming a unit second. Never let the relationship itself define who you are."
I say this, when in the hypothetical "Valentine's Day Hang Out" between Dark Pit and Zelda, they pretty much do this:

XD It'd be funny if that was Banjo's advice, but he's way too kind-hearted for that. Kazooie would probably be all about that!

Dhsjfhskf I love the difference between Captain Falcon giving really genuine advice meanwhile on the other hands there’s “Oh yeah Dark Pit and Zelda beat the fuck out of each other 👊 👊
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Don’t get me started on Sephiroth’s advice Askgs don’t go to him kids.. he’ll tell you the kind that to troll your date.
Dhsjfhskf I love the difference between Captain Falcon giving really genuine advice meanwhile on the other hands there’s “Oh yeah Dark Pit and Zelda beat the fuck out of each other 👊 👊
It'd be cool if Zelda gets ambushed by Moblins or something, and she unleashes some Pankration on them, which she picked up from fighting Pittoo. Zelda pulling off a suplex on a Moblin would be freaking awesome! She becomes more durable because she's been getting some conditioning from her fights, so now she can take physical blows better than she did before. It all contributes to her future Sheik form.
It'd be cool if Zelda gets ambushed by Moblins or something, and she unleashes some Pankration on them, which she picked up from fighting Pittoo. Zelda pulling off a suplex on a Moblin would be freaking awesome! She becomes more durable because she's been getting some conditioning from her fights, so now she can take physical blows better than she did before. It all contributes to her future Sheik form.
Dbsjchskf she learns the sword skills from Byleth and the hand to hand from Pittoo, omg Zelda’s gonna be a straight menace 💪💪
In terms of dating advise:

Bowser would 100% suggest causing stockholme syndrome as a valid option.

Samus... well, she'll suggest for you to be honest. Like, VERY honest. Brutally so.

And Doom Slayer... I dunno, give your love life a bouquet of demon guts or something.
Dbsjchskf she learns the sword skills from Byleth and the hand to hand from Pittoo, omg Zelda’s gonna be a straight menace 💪💪
Byleth can make her far more of a menace than just swords lmao. He teaches all weaponry at the academy so can very well teach her a variety. Hell they can even practice their magic together lmao. He’ll show her exactly why he got a nickname like the Ashen Demon lol

Even in Smash Byleth is is just a tired professor among them. I just imagine him leading lots of seminars to the others and after a long day of the they just find him slouched over at a desk with his face buried in his arms, passed out asleep. He probably spends a lot of time learning about the other characters worlds as well so he can properly teach. He’s just got stacks of books on the desk and when people realize what they are they see how much Byleth cares, even if he doesn’t verbally say it
I had this idea about one of the smash bros being a sparring partner for Paula..
Luna Moon Luna Moon Are you new to role-playing? I recommend you read through the main thread for a bit to get an understanding of how the game works.

Your Zelda cannot be with Pikachu because Pikachu is on Samus's ship. We can help you with finding a starting point.
Yes please and I have done role-playing before but not on RpNation
Did you not listen to what the GM mentioned to you Luna Moon Luna Moon ?

For starters, the IC is only used to narrate your character and what that individual is doing. It's NOT for any OCC quips out of character. Please be aware and take a look at what everyone else is posting in that thread.

Secondly, again, you can't start your BOTW Zelda inside Samus' ship - as already mentioned by the GM. Story wise it absolutely wouldn't make sense given what has recently transpired. There's plenty of other locations that she could start off in - just ask us where you want to be here and we'll see if you can start there.
Luna Moon Luna Moon I'd really like to help you get into this RP, and folks here would like to help too, but it doesn't seem like you're really listening to what's being told to you or making any real effort to understand it.
Dbsjchskf she learns the sword skills from Byleth and the hand to hand from Pittoo, omg Zelda’s gonna be a straight menace 💪💪
If Zelda has divine blood, or is the reincarnation of Hylia (I didn’t get too far into Skyward Sword) then she might be able to use Pit and Dark Pit’s weaponry!

Byleth can make her far more of a menace than just swords lmao. He teaches all weaponry at the academy so can very well teach her a variety. Hell they can even practice their magic together lmao. He’ll show her exactly why he got a nickname like the Ashen Demon lol

Even in Smash Byleth is is just a tired professor among them. I just imagine him leading lots of seminars to the others and after a long day of the they just find him slouched over at a desk with his face buried in his arms, passed out asleep. He probably spends a lot of time learning about the other characters worlds as well so he can properly teach. He’s just got stacks of books on the desk and when people realize what they are they see how much Byleth cares, even if he doesn’t verbally say it
D’aww, I imagined Byleth trying to teach the Pits how to read English, but they’re struggling because academics and studying aren’t their strengths, so he spends a lot of time trying to figure out a way to teach them that clicks.

One day he sees one of the Pits being tossed a tool or object and witnesses just how quickly they learn how to use it, or take it apart and put it back together, and has a eureka moment!
Did you not listen to what the GM mentioned to you Luna Moon Luna Moon ?

For starters, the IC is only used to narrate your character and what that individual is doing. It's NOT for any OCC quips out of character. Please be aware and take a look at what everyone else is posting in that thread.

Secondly, again, you can't start your BOTW Zelda inside Samus' ship - as already mentioned by the GM. Story wise it absolutely wouldn't make sense given what has recently transpired. There's plenty of other locations that she could start off in - just ask us where you want to be here and we'll see if you can start there.
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I don't know what I'm doing! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😓

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