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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I just saw this picture while browsing.

What a wholesome picture of Link playing with Chozo hatchlings! Yep, that's totally what's going on! 8D

Bowser when the plot begins to thicken:

Lunaris was pretty surprised when it turned out Bowser was the conscious and cautious one while Ridley was all, "AW YEAH LETS BREAK STUFF!" He was expecting it the other way around!
Lunaris was pretty surprised when it turned out Bowser was the conscious and cautious one while Ridley was all, "AW YEAH LETS BREAK STUFF!" He was expecting it the other way around!
The ole' switcheroo-

Being that Bowser's a veteran in terms of teaming up, he's certainly learned a thing or two about alliances! Though he still loves breaking stuff ON location!
Dvsjdhsjf Joker and Inkling are the dumb and dumber gang 😎
Joker as Joker: Makes plans that are risky and not always very thought out
Joker as Ren: Top of his classes, very smart

Where did it all go wrong LMAO like come on Joker you gotta be smart in front of your girl, right????
Joker as Joker: Makes plans that are risky and not always very thought out
Joker as Ren: Top of his classes, very smart

Where did it all go wrong LMAO like come on Joker you gotta be smart in front of your girl, right????
The difference between Wisdom and Intelligence!
I notice that it's the posts I make for my villains that get the most hearts!

I'm not complaining or criticizing, just something I noticed. I'm pretty happy folks are enjoying my villainous OCs!
I notice that it's the posts I make for my villains that get the most hearts!

I'm not complaining or criticizing, just something I noticed. I'm pretty happy folks are enjoying my villainous OCs!
I notice this with my Joker posts vs all my others lmao. Dumbassery clearly carries for me
As I've said before, I had full intention of making Odessa a very cold and wrathful person, but instead she's become a broken woman who's way in over her head. This is a change of direction I don't mind at all. I'll flow with it!
As I've said before, I had full intention of making Odessa a very cold and wrathful person, but instead she's become a broken woman who's way in over her head. This is a change of direction I don't mind at all. I'll flow with it!
I love the direction you’re taking anyway.
As I've said before, I had full intention of making Odessa a very cold and wrathful person, but instead she's become a broken woman who's way in over her head. This is a change of direction I don't mind at all. I'll flow with it!
The villains shall have DEPTH! 🙌
Completely random, but I had a thought about dating advice after getting sent this so now I gotta share lol

One of the female fighters: Is there something I should look for in a guy?

Ann, pulling pictures up on her phone:

Completely random, but I had a thought about dating advice after getting sent this so now I gotta share lol

One of the female fighters: Is there something I should look for in a guy?

Ann, pulling pictures up on her phone:

goes from “I’ll have her home by five” to “your daughter calls me daddy too”

Fgsjfjdkf meanwhile Inkling’s dishing out the best dating advice there is 😎

Other fighter: hey how to I get this girl to like me?

Agent Three: “Woomy!”
Translation: “Just do what I did and give her amnesia and PTSD. Works like a charm 🦑
Geeze, I imagined the Super Smash Bros. being asked to give dating advice!
My characters would likely not have very good dating advice lmao. Ann using Joker as dating advice probably embarrasses the hell out of him but what can she say, she's only ever been in a relationship with him after all

goes from “I’ll have her home by five” to “your daughter calls me daddy too”

Fgsjfjdkf meanwhile Inkling’s dishing out the best dating advice there is 😎

Other fighter: hey how to I get this girl to like me?

Agent Three: “Woomy!”
Translation: “Just do what I did and give her amnesia and PTSD. Works like a charm 🦑
Okay first of all hfhkbvkdnkqeg. I'm fucking ded LMAO. Joker would probably say shit as a joke all with a cocky lil smirk on his face

Second, Inkling oml that advice
I can see Toon Link suggesting that it's all in the outfit. Look good, feel good, pick up dates!

Pit is probably like Hiccup from HttYD where he's hiding in the bush and throwing out whatever idea or suggestion pops into his head.

I feel Dark Pit would flat out tell the person asking for advice to NOT do it! "Nobody's tying this angel down!"

I think my Pikachu would suggest being coy.

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