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Fandom Hogwarts Years 1-7 Group RP | OOC

Good morning everyone!
It do be a lovely morning and with a lovely group of people
Aw lol would you like to do some character plotting?
Always! I also just realized there's an uneven number of us so someone, if everyone plans to go a romance route, is gonna be alone
Always! I also just realized there's an uneven number of us so someone, if everyone plans to go a romance route, is gonna be alone
Well there is usually an uneven number though I'm sure more people will join depending on if the GM thinks he can handle it.

Plus I doubt everyone will go that route, some people don't care for it there do. But, I was curious as to where our characters potential friendship could lead to depending on how the interaction go.
Well there is usually an uneven number though I'm sure more people will join depending on if the GM thinks he can handle it.

Plus I doubt everyone will go that route, some people don't care for it there do. But, I was curious as to where our characters potential friendship could lead to depending on how the interaction go.
Yea I’d be open to let one more person join.
Well there is usually an uneven number though I'm sure more people will join depending on if the GM thinks he can handle it.

Plus I doubt everyone will go that route, some people don't care for it there do. But, I was curious as to where our characters potential friendship could lead to depending on how the interaction go.
That's actually very true, not everyone would be interested but so far it seems like? I have some plans for Piper's romance saga when it comes to it so that's exciting

But I definitely see her and Marek being friends and bonding over food. From an earlier conversation, I think it'd be great if they got close when he catches her sneaking into Hufflepuff
That's actually very true, not everyone would be interested but so far it seems like? I have some plans for Piper's romance saga when it comes to it so that's exciting

But I definitely see her and Marek being friends and bonding over food. From an earlier conversation, I think it'd be great if they got close when he catches her sneaking into Hufflepuff
So potentially is what you are saying? Lol
Im looking to do some plotting for Ivy if anyone is interested or has any ideas!
I love Ivy, I'm not sure how Piper would feel being around her since she's way more bubbly than Piper

She would definitely tolerate Ivy because they're in the same house
Asua Asua You’re good to get the first post up for Ivy btw since Qwerty is gonna hold off a bit.

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