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Bringer of Change
Roleplay Availability
Welcome! This thread is a part of Isekai Hell, if you are interested in join then go up to OOC and join our discord while checking out our tight knit community! Everyone is pretty welcoming so come say hi!

In this RP we will be following after characters wanting to get into the Ryken Academy, a school for those wanting to study in arcane and (nearly) illegal art forms. The school has lowered its standards on letting more join since they almost allowed a powerful artifact out into the public and now want to get back on good standing. Of course, it isn't so simple, the participants still need to go through a test of sorts.

Academy of Ryken

7:55 AM

Upon entering the entrance of the academy, anyone would see there was a few people waiting for this test to start. For those that participated in the underbelly would have been told that the test would have been starting at 8 am, in this courtyard stood an elderly man and beside him would be a stranger man that looked like his form was constantly changing. Mainly his left arm and half his face, almost like an illusion. The two were talking amongst one another, the other wizard was speaking with kindness while his younger partner was looking snarkier and more serious.

1651289978521.pngMaster Illusionist, Darven.jpg

In this courtyard there would be about twelve other attendees, looking to join this pristine academy, anyone coming in would have a few minutes to meet or hang out alone if they wanted to. By the gates, Arthur would be standing against the wall, watching these new people, he was wondering if the people he met in the Underbelly would join or not. He did see a couple of familiar faces from the Underbelly already here, a few people that got saved. Arthur's eyes scanned over the two talking professors, he knew of these two, they both were professors here at the academy, the stereotypical looking wizard was an old mage named Orphus, a self-taught mage, apparently, until he got older. Orphus had a lot of power in his old bones, he was able to extend his own lifespan through his devotion to the magical arts, now around two hundred and forty years old. An impressive feat, no doubt. Arthur has gathered too that he does care for this academy and its people, always pushing his students to do more and do better. Although he tends to be a bit too pushy, almost as if he rushes everything.

The man next to Orphus is possibly the most powerful mage here, a master illusionist, except this mage was able to turn his illusions to real beings, environments. It caused a lot of strain to do so but still a very powerful ability, it made this man dangerous. Darven was his name, capable and hard working. It was said that he once was ambushed by a group of bandits, he made himself look like a god to scare them, then perceived to have it look like they were dead, and their souls were separated from their bodies as they watched this dark god eat their crying corpses. Scaring these bandits and dooming them. Darven was able to walk out of that with all his possessions, theirs as well, and finally with their minds broken. Arthur didn't rust Darven much, he was snarky, pompous, and douchey. But he knew his powers were, well, powerful. He was a great professor that being said.


Arthur sighed; he was wondering when that mercenary he hired just recently was at, Rowan Thorn, he didn't know where that Baxtor went and nor did he care. His arm was broken, fool got what was coming to him, Arthur thought, he wasn't in his right environment, should have stayed in his ivory tower while playing teacups with lords. Bah. Arthur's eyes rised when he saw movement at the gate entrance.
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Two staves. Presumably two concealed catalysts. One wand. Upmarket accoutrements paired with bizarre idiosyncrasies. Yessir, these colorful folks are prospective mages.

An autumnal bouquet of bergamot and chrysanthemum perfuses the air enveloping Clarice as she takes stock of the other applicants and, more importantly, their weaponry. Contrasting her warm, inviting scent, icy, nigh on saurian eyes - pools of cerulean framed by the rebellious shocks of flaxen hair that have eluded the brass cuffs binding her braided ponytail - dance across the throng of hopefuls before settling, only for moment, on her gauntleted hand.

In her eyes, staves and wands are primitive, multipurpose instruments: quarterstaffs and cudgels infused with a modicum of energy. Shaping mana by waving hardwood shafts encased in lacquer holds no appeal to her. She would liken the act to flailing a severed arm treated with embalming fluid at mana and commanding it to roll over. Staves, wands, eldritch baubles, and those who promote their use know nothing of control, precision, or art!

As if plucking the strings of an invisible harp, the tips of Clarice's fingers begin to glide through the air. With each strum, she feels mana rippling around her, waves building in crescendo and crashing over her in a tempestuous toccata of arcane energies. An almost tangible pressure washes over her as her vessel absorbs ambient mana from her environment to augment her reserves. Then, as abruptly as she commenced, her gauntleted hand closes into a fist and the current subsides.

Mythril is a mana superconductor, and manipulating it while performing the somatic components of a spell has well-documented benefits when casting certain spells: chiefly glamours, conjurations, and transmutations. While Clarice considers speculating on the specializations of the other applicants from their choice of catalysts and dress, she quickly thinks better of it, opting to approach this trial with as few assumptions (and prejudices) as she can.

Try as she might, however, she cannot set aside the notion that students at the Imperial Logia Academy of Ryken are toffee-nosed cretins. For all of their power - the institution's power - they lack the strength of character to right the wrongs that plague commoners day after day. How many lives could they have saved if they offered their services to everyone - the transmundane, the rich, and the powerful and the mundane, the poor, and the weak? Noblesse oblige: the privileged have a duty to support those of lower standing!

When she steps forward, thrumming with her power, Clarice's rich burgundy mantle billows in the bracing easterly breeze. In spite of her attempts to think happier thoughts, her mouth is set in a grim line. Her steps are deliberate and ponderous, as though she carries a great burden. She does not shiver as the wind chills her for she wears a long-skirted black military tunic with brass buttons, black trousers secured by a plate-style brass belt buckle, and burnished black cavalier boots.

Clarice takes a deep breath as she approaches the nearest applicant and makes an effort to socialize.

Sooo did your parents threaten to disown you if you didn't attend this exam or did you enjoy school so much the first time around that you will die - literally die - if you don't get a second helping of more homework than three of you could possibly complete, sleepless nights, horrible lecturers that view your education as their low-effort side-hustle, and-slash-or coffee-sludge so thick it does that ice cream thing where you can turn the cup upside down without it sliding out onto the floor.

Clarice draws a sterling silver flask from her belt, pops the cap, and takes a swig. A shot of liquid fire might burn away that nagging feeling that her skills have not improved in the last decade and she will consequently fail the exam again.

And I said literally die because if we fail this test, one of the other failures will probably blame us for their failure and try to turn us to stone.
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Scylla was awake most of the night thinking about the fresh memories of her journey through the underbelly. The reek of burning corpses still haunted her senses. She had stayed with one of the soldiers who escorted her out. He was kind, but Scylla’s cold personality didn’t help very much in creating an acquaintanceship in the very least. It was all superficial, a fleeting thing. Without even a farewell, she started out of the inn, a messenger was just about to head up towards her location when he scanned her quickly, finally nodding as he assumed Scylla was a magic user.
“Scylla Vixen?”
“You’ve found her.” She replies, with a cold amber eyed look.
“I… Ive been sent by the Academy, y-you have interest in attending?”
The messenger had begun to feel uneasy around her as her stare became a grin.
“Few.. so very few ways to be born.. Yet many more, infinitely more ways to die. Death. She’s an artist.” She closed her eyes as she drew a deep breath tilting her head upwards slightly. “How do you suppose you will die?”
Without another word the messenger then dropped the letter and took off nervously without another word.
“What a shame. I was beginning to like our conversation.” She said, smirking as she licked her teeth. She picked up the letter, and broke the seal to reveal its contents. It had seemed that Arthur had in fact been a man of his word. Although it didn't explicitly say it was from Arthur it was certainly an official invitation to “advance her talents”.

She rolled her eyes, as she put the letter in her robes. Surely, she could learn what she needed to learn outside of that place. Why did she have to suffer through pointless lectures when she could make the living dead do her bidding?

She started down and out of the Inn, then decided to resume her search for the lock wizard she had set out to meet. But then she suddenly found herself contemplating on the offer, what if they know something i don't? what if they know about locks, so i can end this endless search for a lock mage that might or might not pull through? If she had to tolerate moody teachers and goody good witches to achieve her goals then so be it.

After much more consideration she finally decided to attend, the school wasn't very far from her location so she decided to walk until the Academy's gates lay open before her. She sighed deeply when she took the first step into the Academy's school grounds. Some would notice her but look the other way, while others gave her looks of suspicion. She didn't mind, she wasn’t there to make friends but to gain power.

When noticing Arthur she approached him, “I’m only here because I need something from these.. teachers.” She crossed her arms. “Hello, Arthur.” she said before noticing the line of students awaiting approval. “Hmm, so what is this exactly? An exam?”
Rowan would appear about a half an hour before the time, strolling up to the group with a calm acceptance- this was something else she had to get through in her quest to gain more power. The school would be a safe haven for her, while giving her a chance to grow in a safer way. Mercenary work was extremely dangerous, and the Underbelly had opened her eyes to how much more work she had to do. Power let you do what you wanted, and with more power came more of an ability to protect others. She would have been outside the gates, waiting until more people had shown up before joining them in the "crowd" that was forming at the gates. It was best not to stand out quite yet, as they hadn't even completed the entrance exam yet.

Arthur would see a new hardness about her, like the Underbelly had toughened her up a bit. The Rowan he had met before they had gone into the Underbelly was like a soft marshmallow in comparison to this newer one- who had potential to make it into the Academy. Sure, she needed to get some armor, but for now her magic more than made up for that. Maybe get a weapon, or maybe just focus on making her magic more than capable of supplementing a weapon and armour- the possibilities seemed endless at the school. All she had to do was make it in, and more importantly, do well. Personally, if she went middle of the road, she would be fine. She didn't want to be unduly noticed for her magic, but to be in the lower classes would attract the other sort of negative attention- she didn't want to start fighting students when she just got there.

A part of her was pleased that Arthur had given her the invitation to take the entrance exam himself, though she was sure it was out of courtesy and the fact that this was part of their agreement for helping him retrieve the Seeing Stone. She spotted Arthur in the distance. She gave him a hint of a wave, not about to walk up to him and start chatting. It was an acknowledgement of seeing him- that she wasn't ignoring him. Rowan would get through on her own, and abhorred the thought of anyone thinking nepotism got her into the school. She had earned her chance to enter the school. The two professors that seemed to be hosting the event had the outwardly appearance of being both kindly and smug, Though for now, she would take them at face value, until she learned more about the professors.

Looking around, she only saw two people she vaguely recognized. There was a woman who had joined them once they had reached the surface, someone else Arthur had picked up, and the boy- the man who had gotten himself caught up with Clover and the Seeing Stone. He had been willing to talk, and had shown a surprising protective streak that made her trust him just a bit more.
Besides, someone was talking to her, and she was heading towards Arthur. Not wanting to be seen near Arthur quite yet, the decision was easily made.

With only the slightest bit of hesitation, Rowan walked up to the man, making sure to let herself be easily seen by the man. "Hi, I'm Rowan. Nice to meet you." Rowan would say to one of the three people she recognized. He seemed to be the nicest person she knew, and she did want to at least make a few acquaintances before starting the school. Maybe later, she would talk to the other girl- she did have an interesting look to her, and having new allies more allies was usually good, considering this was a brand-new environment she wasn't familiar with yet. Her powers worked well when there was someone else to bounce off of. The girl with the harp...she would have to see about her. Only time and more interactions would tell.
This was perhaps not the brightest idea that Rudolph ever had. When Arthur had said he could get him entry into some Academy, he had figured this would be a safe place to be... well... safe. He figured it would be some boring college or high school. Boring. Ideally and beautifully boring. Of course, he really should have known better... judging from the freaky old folk and the other wierd academy hopefuls then this place looked like some more crazy stuff to endure. Some magic school probably. Part of him wondered if it was too late to turn around and walk back out.

To where though? After spending all that time in that underground hellhole, being out amongst the crazies did not quite appeal to him. At least here, he would be among crazies but have a full stomach and a soft bed. And if he had to be practical.... if he had to be pragmatic... maybe he could learn something here about how to not get himself killed.

His hoody had been irreparably ruined from the blood and gashes to its fabric. Unfortunate, as he liked that hoodie. But at least with some of the money he had gotten. He was able to find a somewhat comfortable coat to put over his white t shirt. That was something at least. It was a simple coat of brown cotton. No sense in wasting money in something better. He had no idea how much things cost here or how money worked. Best to be frugal until he did.... heck, he could have been ripped off for all he knew. Ah well. He'd figure this out one way or the other.

So Rudolph stood there. Arms crossed. Waiting for whatever craziness to begin so he could go ahead and get it over with. Well, Arthur was here. That should be expected. He at least saw a familiar face. And even if he was a violent thug, he was a violent thug that had got him here, so that made him not an enemy. He hoped.

Then the girl (Clarice TheSimianMind TheSimianMind ) spoke up. Trying to be social it seemed. Certainly breaking the ice. But if she had been hoping to create an atmosphere of cordial intent, then she failed miserably. Ah well.

"I'm your below average high schooler and wrangler of the mentally insane, and haven't done any homework for three years. Just here for the free room and board after a magic river spat me into underground hellhole and forced me to fight my way through an army of cannibals and criminals who were chasing a ninja that I was trying to keep alive against my better judgment all the while juggling some stupid magic rock that summoned cultists and giant bugs."

Rudolph looked from Clarice to the other other applicants "Somehow I would not I would not be surprised to find myself out of the skillet and in the fire. But if they want to blame me for their failure, I'll tell them exactly into which of their orifices that they can shove all their self-pity into."

Yeah... somehow he wouldn't put it past the rest of this world to be as crazy as those below it. But then again... walking towards him ( slifer37 slifer37 ). He did happen to see a face he would deem as friendly. Is was that pretty blonde haired chick from before. The second face he had seen that did not want to kill him. That counted for a lot in his book. Maybe it was too soon to tell, but as far as he currently knew, that made her a winner. He would be more than happy to show some civility.

"Rowan, huh? Its nice meet you. All the nicer that aren't fighting for our lives. My names Rudolph." He held out his hand to shake hers. That was the polite thing to do, right? Or maybe they had some wierd greetings here. He'd stick with what he knew. "So, uh, are you here to join this place too? What is this place anyway?" Did that speak too much of his ignorance here? Probably yeah. But screw it. If he didn't know. He'd ask.
Frankly Iberis was hoping to get admitted into the Academy because the alternative, was continuing to subside on odd jobs for pay which frankly she was tired of if the bags under her eyes didn't say anything else. She just wanted to further her overall goal which was to become more powerful. She really didn't have too many limits on how far she was willing to go to attain new knowledge but even she realized that her control over mana and her ability to cast was severely limited as of the current. Sure she had useful utility spells for offense and defense but it was nothing like what she craved, she wanted to be remembered in the history books for her abilities a name well known across the realm. If she had it her way she wouldn't have to put up with this bureaucratic process for more magic knowledge, She'd just get the most dangerous books up front and all the access she needed to enhance her experiments the majority of what she had learned had come from her experimentation alone and basic supplementary material in combination with that fateful meeting at the orphanage. She knew very well not try anything too extreme on her own despite her aspirations. She had already felt what it was like to strain herself a bit much and she knew very well that she needed to hone her abilities even if she wasn't feeling the most patient towards the prospects of learning more.

Iberis was a later arrival, as frankly being on the streets she hadn't been terribly disciplined but she had been saving up for the occasion so that she could actually get into Ryken, she was really fortunate they had recently lowered their standards because of that unfortunate snafu, that had been the talk of the town for quite some time. While she was unaware of this hopefully it would aid in her successful entry. As for her first impression of. the instructors she didn't care much what they looked like or what their personalities were like as long as they didn't become an obstacle to her success, but based on looks alone, the younger partner looked more like someone who would know about what she wanted to know if she was to judge a book by it's cover, not that she had anything against people were overtly kind, after all they were the ones who you were more likely to be able to manipulate in your favor.

She wasn't really sure what to make of the others there, there were plenty of different sorts all around creating a rather diverse crowd. There was no one familer to her since she met probably many new faces everyday just by the nature of her wandering, and it was difficult to make friends with that sort of lifestyle around here, sure she knew some but none who would be at this place. She didn't know anyone's name that was until she heard the name Arthur spoken towards the guy so she sort of just strut her way over, particularly after she heard Scylla ask the important questions, instead of asking herself she listened in on the conversation and waited, she didn't really talk to anyone else for the time being fitting in with the group that was waiting, she wanted to learn more before she said a thing to anyone. She didn't know who she could trust yet, it was difficult to trust people when you found yourself around the hustlers of the world who made a living on the streets themselves. For now she would wait and see in this very foreign formal environment which she had not navigated before, holding onto her staff a bit for support as she gazed around observantly with her tired gaze..positioning herself in relative proximity with the group so it was clear she was there for the supposed exam too.

7:57 AM

Some of the students began to grow more restless as time moved every so closer to their starting exam, the teachers continued to talk as they were most likely coming with ideas of what they would do, but in reality, were actually talking about magical arts and such, what art form was better. With a few of the students, there would be one that stuck out to Rowan, she would see that teenager she had saved in the Underbelly, the quiet and dangerous girl that was able to conjure a magic bow in her hands. She was quietly waiting, looking over she saw Rowan when she scanned everyone coming in, she gave a momentarily stare then gave a nod before turning her head, now not acknowledging Rowan anymore.

Arthur would watch people come on in, a younger woman came in holding a rickety looking broom, wearing what he would describe as a witch's attire. Wasn't good at hiding what she most likely would try to study, darker arts. Then a familiar face appeared, Arthur's eyes moved to see the pale woman named Scylla and make her way over to him, being kind enough to acknowledge him and even saying hello along with his name, Arthur still had a cold demeanor on his face when she came up to him. " Hello, Scylla, seems you do remember me. Not as cold as you appear. " Arthur stated, looking pass her as more people came in, " Yes, this is an exam. The professors over there will give you trials or test, depending on how they create it. This exam may be difficult. I'm seeing one of them, and he is a pretty dangerous one. He can make illusions a reality. He could destroy the school if he wanted to. So, he will most likely create your exam. " Arthur warned.

As more people came in, he would that mercenary he hired in the Underbelly, Rowan Thorn, a capable magic user who specialized in barriers. Only problem was that her barriers weren't as strong as they could have been, while Arthur did give her an offer to escape mercenary work, it was also an opportunity to see her improve her skills and grow. She wasn't right working in mercenary work. Besides, Arthur felt like he had learned all he needed here. Or wanted. The Underbelly wasn't but the Academy had helped him enough, he had improved his fighting skills immensely. " Keep cool, Scylla, you'll do fine. " Arthur finished before he stood up straight and walked pass her. " Come along if you want, get to know more people. Don't be like me and skulk. " Arthur seemed a little more different now. Warmer, not as cold as he used to be. Arthur would see Rudy as he would see him, Arthur's eyes still dead inside, but Arthur was seeing those faces again. The faces. Their whispering, the damn whispering. It eventually faded and Arthur would almost run into that witch girl, barely stopping. He took a step back staring at the girl. His purple ghostly arm glowed momentarily. " You look lost. " Arthur stated to Iberis. " You're here for the test right? Word of advice then. Teamwork may be a huge factor, get to know people. Like that girl behind me. Scylla is her name, she may be cold but I have a feeling you will get along. " Arthur had a cold demeanor himself and casually walked pass her without another look.

Eventually Arthur would make his way to Rowan, Rudy, and this blonde woman, Clarice. " Rowan, you made it. Good, I was beginning to think you had cold feet. " Arthur still looked and sounded cold, his eyes moved to Rudy, " And I didn't think you were going to show either. Glad to see I'm wrong. " Next his cold dead eyes moved to Clarice. He stared at her momentarily before looking back to Rowan, " Be careful, the exam is being led by top professors, one is a old wizard who has been studying arcane arts since he was a child, his name is Orphus, he is over two hundred years old. The other is a master illusionist who can turn his illusions to reality, named Darven. He will be the one to create your tests. " Arthur explained, seeing that the two professors were getting ready. Arthur gave a huff, " Good luck, maybe we'll see each other again. " Arthur then walked away from the group and quietly made his way into the academy to go his own way.

Now that everyone has arrived the illusion master, Darven, appeared before each person like a ghost, " The test will begin, gather up children. " Darven stated in a condescending manner. When everyone gathered up, the two professors stood with confidence, Orphus was looking at each student with eyes of wonder and kindness, excited about today. The other, Darven looked like he was bored and could care less. " Welcome strangers! To the Ryken Academy, the most prestigious school in the country if not surrounding countries as well! Here you can learn many arts and find new opportunities, a place of wonder, mystery, tact, and resources. The Academy has it all, we look forward to seeing how you all do on this exam. " Orphus finished, he had a kind tone about him, he really wanted these people to pass. Looking to Darven, the master illusionist sighed, " Yes. We quite hope to see how diligent and unique you lot are, do not disappoint. " Darven said almost with venom.

Orphus then took over next, " I see we have eighteen attendees wanting to join, that'll make this rather easy then. Six, six and another six divided up. " The older man stated, " Darven, if you could. " Orphus had a large grin on his face. The illusionist sighed he rubbed his hand together for a moment and strange portals appeared below everyone, they would all fall through into a world of lights and infinity, almost like everyone individually fell through the stars, eventually they would see a white light coming their way before it would overtake them. As the light died down, Rudy, Rowan, Iberis, Scylla, Clarice and Ando would find themselves in a swamp, the time was in the evening, swampy water would fill everyone's boots. they would feel the water, the cold water. Before them would be open caskets in this swamp, a small looking crypt that would entice the group as a voice called to them. " Come hither... Come face your doom... " The voice was raspy and almost dead. Then Orphus appeared before the group, " Hello, attendees. Before you is a swamp, that crypt is where you are to go, inside you will face trials, teamwork and adaptability will be what you need. Your only goal is to pass through the dungeon. Easy. " Orphus chuckled, " Well then, see you all on the other side. If you make it. " Orphus then waved to the group as he disappeared into a blue mist.


Interactions: D. Rex D. Rex slifer37 slifer37 TheSimianMind TheSimianMind RavenSong RavenSong TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Jasno Jasno
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Scylla's lower lip quivered and her eyebrow twitched at Arthur’s mentioning she was warmer than she let on. It had seemed he had struck a nerve, she hated being thought of as friendly. It was a sort of curse she carried within her, having been all too trusting and friendly in the past. Memories of being betrayed when she had just arrived into this new world flared in her psyche. Her pain had ultimately led her here; a black arts practitioner trying to help those who took her in, perhaps once again making the same mistake. She quickly regained her composure as Arthur began to explain how things worked in this establishment. Pleased at the mention of this powerful illusionist, she desired to learn from him. But first, she had to prove herself. She was desperate to prove herself.

Her eyes followed Arthur as she started off, her immaturities getting the best of her before whispering bitterly. “Who says I’m trying to be like you?”

Her eyes then rested upon another, who seemed like she would also be into black magic. Her interest was piqued. “Perhaps I’ll find some like minds here after all.” Although she seemed unsociable, there was a festering desire to find connection. The world had turned Scylla's heart to ice, but she desired power more than anything. Perhaps to fill her voids, or to gain control of more than just the dead. Maybe even to influence society as a whole. Regardless, Scylla understood the power of uniting in solidarity with others. Power in numbers was key.

Just as she was starting to smile at the thought of her own witches coven, a most peculiar girl crashed into her.
Scylla hissed, “You disgusting little maggot! Watch where your legs take you, if you want to keep them!”
Her features revealed a piercing glare, but she slowly regained composure. This wasn’t a place to show spite, after all she was no longer trying to survive, if she was to gain power it also meant that she had to do what was most difficult for her. Make allies. Even friends if possible.

Scylla crossed her arms trying to hide her hesitancy behind her amber eyes “I.. just.. it’s fine, I’m fine.” She sighed. “Who are you?” She asked as she attempted with all her might to soften her expression. “Are you also here for entry into the Academy? The word going about is that the illusionist master over there will be testing the aspiring initiates.”

She put out her hand, “The name is Scylla Vixen..” she began, as a smirk enveloped her features, “..and don’t worry.. my bite is venomous.”

As she stood there, the wizards began to speak and before long the ground seemed to open up. Scyllas eyes widened at the sudden loss off control as she floated into what appeared to be some kind of vortex. The witch flailed, struggling to feel the ground beneath her feet. Then after going through a bright white light she found herself in a swamp. The nerves in her feet reacted to the sudden cold that drenched her boots.
“Eek!” She gasped “Blasted wizards and their lack of respect!” Scylla scoffed, but then her expression changed as she noticed others with her. She blinked in surprise. She would then cast [control environment F] in hopes to keep her feet dry.

The witch stepped forward, a bit shaken at the voice that spoke through the crypts entrance. Although she manipulated the dead, she was sensitive to angry spirits. She could almost feel their anguish or sadness, but not quite.

She looked at the others after the announcement. “Well, well.. I suppose I should mention that I possess healing abilities .. but don’t go about recklessly.”

Skyhunter Skyhunter Jasno Jasno slifer37 slifer37 TheTimePiece TheTimePiece D. Rex D. Rex TheSimianMind TheSimianMind
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Iberis perked up quite a bit when a look of surprise falling on her face briefly as he mentioned her directly. She really hadn't been expecting to be called out so directly. In some ways she appreciated that she had been noticed in other ways not so much. She knew the way to work her way around these parts was to at least try her best to play along for the time being, it's what she had done for the majority of her childhood after all play it safe play along, the less people knowing her true intentions the better as far as she was concerned, even if her attire didn't necessarily do the best job at masking some of her desires as others had observed. Before she could get a word out to tell him that she was sort of lost because she really had no idea what she was doing even if she didn't want to put it like that to him, he was very perceptive so she didn't have too instead she nodded affirmatively when he asked if she was there for the test. She then nodded once more and responded hearing his advice.
"Uh Yes sir, Thank you."

Iberis then looked to who he had mentioned Syclla she too looked like someone maybe Iberis wouldn't mind speaking too. She knew nothing about her except the way she looked and the way she spoke, clearly not the most pleased at Arthur's assessment in Iberis's mind. Just as she was about to turn back and say something to her, after listening in before suddenly she saw the collision occur between the two people. She just looked at them curiously. she actually rather liked the way Scylla responded so bluntly and honestly, It's what Iberis would have done too if she wasn't trying to meet her greater goals of her own. She really wasn't sure who she could trust but given what Arthur said and it was clear that he had more experience than her, perhaps he was right. perhaps she would need to try speaking to this Scylla.

Just as she was about to speak out and finally say something after watching all of that unfold suddenly she found herself being talked too as it was clear the test was about to start so she listened in facing the Darven ghost like figure before her as he spoke, a bit surprised at this sudden appearance too. She listened and brought her attention forwards. All of that sounded well since it would be the first steps towards her goal if she did well enough. As much as she didn't want to have to resort to being a student she really did need the expertise and help to get stronger, so going forwards she would try her best regardless, already interested if there was anything of power she could seek out within the academy's resources the gears in her head already turning. What she had been expecting less however was when she was brought into the portal below, letting out a bit of a gasp as her initial reaction was to use one hand to grip her staff tighter and the other hand to hold onto her hat. The light show before her when she wizzed by was quite a spectacle in it's own right, was this really happening to her?

She soon found herself standing in the wet swamp letting out a gasp at the sudden shift in temperature. Unlike Scylla she had no means to cast to prevent herself from getting wet. Instead of feeling scared by the creepy voice coming from the crypt however, she furrowed her brows a bit instead a look of determination appearing on her face and a bit of a smile, like she was being challenged. This was a first real test being set before her and her competitive spirit she could already feel it starting to burn up. While teamwork wasn't something she had really considered or necessarily had much experience with if it meant distinguishing herself to get along faster then she'd play along, looking around at the others with a nod.
"So we just gotta get through this Crypt right?.. Scylla is it?" She called over to her, making her way a bit closer through the water carefully. "Well You heard what the guy said..he said I should get to know you better or..whatever, but that's besides the point..you seem..kinda cool okay? While I'm sure you could probably solo this thing... Would you mind If I tagged along with you? The name's Iberis by the way." She tried to say as casually as possible feeling a bit awkward since it had quite some time she tried to reach out to someone.

Interactions: Skyhunter Skyhunter RavenSong RavenSong
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From the instant that her cavalier boots land in the macabre mire, Clarice is in motion. With a whispered incantation, she conjures a dim, blue light in the palm of her dominant hand. Without delay, she thrusts her dominant arm in front of her to light her path and splashes toward a lit brazier. She does not tarry to listen to Orpheus (or Orpheus's projection). She snatches a torch from her pack, bathes the wick in the heat of the burning coals, produces a lit torch, and, with a flourish, snuffs out her dim, blue light. Then, she carefully climbs up onto a mossy stone block and surveys the area for hazards.

Hazard 1: Low Visibility
Description: Low-light conditions conceal other hazards.
Mitigation Plan: My backpack contains four more torches. Once lit, each of these torches has a life of approximately 20 minutes. It stands to reason that ransacking the spooky crypt - which is evidently the crux of this exam - should take no more than 60 minutes given that Professor Darven clearly considers this exam a waste of his precious time and seems the sort who would swiftly and mercilessly crush us to recoup some of the time allotted for this exam.
Addendum: I could fabricate additional torches. That said, frittering my time away above ground will undoubtedly attract additional enemies.

Hazard 2: Hostile Flora and Fauna
Description: Snakes, alligators, sharks, poisonous spiders, boars, various insects, man-eating plants, etc. might be lurking in the shadows or beneath the water.
Mitigation Plan: My cavalier boots admitted enough water to soak my socks but they're knee-high so I don't have to worry about leeches. I've also moved to an elevated position near fire. The fire will deter most dangerous animals and those concealed in the murky water will have to venture across the land and up a sheer incline to get at me. The downside is that I am very exposed now. With any luck, no marksmen are around to take pot shots at me. If some appear, I can use this platform as cover and push toward attackers by moving from cover to cover.

Hazard 3: Undead -OR- Corpse Thieves
Description: Those coffins are empty for a reason.
Mitigation Plan: When I advance, I'll inspect the coffins for damage that might clue me in on what I'm up against. If the coffins aren't nailed shut, it's vampires. If the lids were broken from the inside, undead. If the lids were broken from the outside, stupid corpse thieves. If the lids were pried open, intelligent corpse thieves - probably humanoid.
Addendum: The age of the coffins is also of significance. That's the difference between flesh, bone, and rot.

Hazard 4: Water
Description: The bacteria in the cold, dirty water filling the swamp will infect open wounds. The water itself could cause hypothermia. Surfaces near the water are wet and slippery creating fall hazards. Sopping wet clothing will weigh more than dry clothing thus hampering movement.
Mitigation Plan: I should warm up around this brazier before advancing and take the driest path to the crypt even if it's a little roundabout.

Clarice would be the first to admit that her hazard analysis is amateurish, but it accomplishes its purpose. Clarice has a fair idea of what she's up against and how to combat it. Satisfied with her efforts, she calls to the others over her shoulder.

Rowan! Rudolph! Time to earn your keep! Hop up here, empty your boots, and check yourself for leeches. Then, it's the rest of you lot! I'll keep an eye out for an ambush. I want at least two of you ready to respond should anything go wrong.

If anyone approaches her, Clarice stands watch and continues to imperiously issue commands.

Next, we need to talk names, abilities, and marching order.

Clarice jabs her thumb at herself.

My name is Clarice Gailingen. I am an enchantress specializing in Mind Control. Since I have a torch, I'll be the first one in so that everyone can see.

The second and I will form Alpha Team. The third and the fourth will form Bravo Team. The fifth and the sixth will form Charlie Team.

You will watch out for your partner and your partner will watch out for you. Stay with your partner at all times.

If you can't handle yourself in a fight, you're in Bravo Team. We need ranged fighters in Charlie Team, but Charlie Team needs to be able to see to itself in case we are flanked in corridors.

I also need someone else to hold a torch so we're not screwed if I fall. Staves, both of you are out of the running.

A pause. Clarice shifts her footing as she glances back at the crypt.

One more thing: don't take this test lightly. I've heard stories about the infamous Professor Darven from my mother; restraint isn't a quality he is known for.
Jokes on the wizards... Rudolph wasn't wearing boots. He was wearing sneakers. Which were filling up with water all the more easily. And for second in as many days. Though it also meant that they would empty all the easier. Small blessings? No. No small blessings. Fuck this. Fuck the school. And fuck the wizards and the horses they rode in on.

Before Rudy could even readjusting his stance in the sinking muck there came the shrill barking of orders in a way that only a female could deliver. TheSimianMind TheSimianMind "Calm your tits, Tom Clancy. If I wanted to participate in war games I'd have joined the army."

That said. He didn't need much convincing to climb up on a rock. And she was another wizard. Great. Mind control. Great. Sarcastic greats. It obviously wasn't great. As if he needed someone nearby who could play with his brain. "Yeah... let's all just hike up our skirts and throw off our pants while in sight of a place the houses god knows what all of which will likely try and kill us. Leeches will be the least of our worries... especially if we have to get back in to wade to that fricken tomb. But don't let me stop you."

Atop the rock, Rudolph none too happy with situation at hand. What sort of test was this? He wouldnt put it past the place at all for this to bed some deadly obstacle course. What would be the point in murdering all your prospective students? Or barring a prodigy for the misfortune of slipping in the mud at an unlucky time? Who knew. Genius ran this clearly.

"But fine... I'm Rudolph. I can run, jump, and punch things. And I'm apparently pretty good at it. Though I'd rather avoid testing that." He said Sourly, not looking forward to a repeat of what happened in the Underbelly. Well... Grumpy as he may about all of this... he wasnt unhelpful. Just a bit snappish.

He reached a hand out to help Rowan up onto the rock if she wanted it. Though she likely would have probably been able to do so just fine without him. She did survive the Underbelly too, after all.
She moved closer to Rudy, looking at his face. She couldn't help but notice- he was pretty spectacular looking. Shit, she could usually withstand the look of pretty people, especially if they were cold and arrogant but Rudy seemed kinder- and being a decent person was on of the things that was highly attractive to her. Arthur seemed to be his usual self- as doubtful as ever. Considering his recommendation to get into the school was what prompted her to even help him, she wouldn't miss the entrance exam unless someone physically took her out. Which they hadn't, so here he was. "I'll make sure I survive to see you another time, Arthur." Rowan responded calmly, before the professors broke them into groups, and sent them off into the test. The portal was a wild trip, but in this strange-ass world, it still wasn't the wildest shit she had seen on her travels. It was pretty, and alarming, but she could live with it if it brought them closer to their goal.

Of course they were dropped into a crypt, getting their boots wet. She hoped the Darven had just made an extremely convincing illusion. God, coming to this place was like past merc missions, but somehow even worse. At least then she was getting paid to be condescended at. At least two of the six seemed to be allergic to cooperation, considering Scylla seemed adverse to others, while Clarice...She might not fit through the doorway, her ego was so massive. Iberis and the other girl, she wasn't too sure about yet, though Iberis seemed to be a little bit of a kissass, considering how much playing up Scylla's abilities. Though that was a strategy she couldn't find too much fault in, as allies were nice to have, even if ya had to suck up to someone else to get them. At the very least, she was hoping they could actually work together to get through this together, even with massive egos and someone who actually called other people maggots, and not as a joke or ironically.

Time to earn their keep? The level of arrogance this woman has was eye-roll inducing. Unfortunately for Clarice, no one really seemed to want to listen to her. Strangely enough, the Tom Clancy comment from Rudy didn't make her pause, like she had heard that name before. She wasn't sure why, but that was a problem for later Rowan. Rudy had rebuked Clarice effectively, and she liked that he wasn't going to take her shit. She took Rudy's hand, letting him help her up. His hands were warm, and for a few moments, she let her mind wander to Rudy, letting it indulge now, while they had the time, as she felt him easily able to pull her up. Then, she snapped back into focus, storing the fact that she thought he was handsome in the back of her head, as she wasn't about to let things like attraction distract her from the goal of getting through the crypt, and more importantly into the school. "Thank you." She said to Rudy with a soft smile on her face, before she lasered in on Clarice and the audacity she showed. It was one thing if she was a professor, but she was a potential student, just like the others here.

"Your teamwork leaves much to be desired. I doubt the teachers would purposely give us leeches. It's not as exciting as anything that could be inside the crypt, like exploding traps and monsters that want to eat us. Slow death by leech wouldn't be as exciting to a teacher who seems almost hostile towards us. I am not going to look into those coffins outside the crypt, because they will probably be empty, and meant for us. My name is Rowan, and I deal in protection. I will take the fifth or sixth position of your 'proposed plan'." She wasn't going to go into detail into what she could do. Save that for later, when it was needed. No need to reveal all of her secrets to a person who outwardly proudly proclaimed she controlled creature's minds. She was someone to be watched closely, and if she ever turned on them, then act swiftly and aggressively to neutralize that problem. But that's only if she turned on the group. No one needed to worry if they worked together, and didn't do anything serious, like betrayal, murdering the party, etc.

Rowan looked towards the others, assessing who would be getting a shield or not. She'd probably have to rotate who got some of the shields, as there were six people here, and her mage amour could only cover five people. The decision made in her mind, she cast her magic (Mage Armour 2 Grade E, 0 Post Cooldown) on herself, Rudy, Iberis, Scylla, and Clarice, as annoying as she was. They would have a outer magical barrier cover surround them, light and transparent, something to absorb at least some damage if something were to attack them, and give them a chance to retaliate instead of just straight dying.
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As the group got to know one another, learning about each other, Scylla's skill would come in handy and prevent her boots from getting wet. The wilderness around them would bring in a cold gust, passing by each of the characters, a shiver would run up each of their spines as this gust felt like it was alive, passing by them, nipping at their skin, unnaturally cold it was as it headed towards the crypts, the water below them would gather a little frost on top of the water. As the group would turn their heads to the crypts, the doors would slowly open up, creaking of old hinges could be heard, along with the noise of concrete sliding against concrete, these powerful doors were opened. Once open a strange eerie feeling came from within.

There was an odd feeling in the air as the sounds of creaking bones were coming from within, then the glowing of green orbs could be seen, there was a few skeletons that made their way out of the crypt, wearing armor and carrying weapons. There was four of them that stopped just outside the crypt, guarding the way forward. They had their green orbs for eyes staring down the new group, the first of the group brought a hand up, and beckoned them forward challenging them.


This would be the group's first trial it seemed, they would reek of death, skin barely hanging onto their bones, a strange looking green breath escaped their mouths, they were waiting for the group's first move. That breath of theirs could be a possible concern if they got too close or even if they were far away. Who knew what they were capable of, they looked like regular skeletons for the most part.

Interactions: slifer37 slifer37 D. Rex D. Rex TheSimianMind TheSimianMind RavenSong RavenSong TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

OOC: If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask, I can answer them.

A cold expression enveloped Scylla's features, her nose wrinkling somewhat at the barking orders of Clarice. Who put ‘her’ in charge? She thought, although it didn’t seem like anyone else had a better plan so she made a mental note of the positions she had suggested.

Her head tilted at mention of her abilities to mind control. That was an interesting set of skills. Suddenly her delicate frame relaxed as the two on top of a rock brought attention to themselves. They seemed like a nice pair as they mentioned their strengths. “Hmm? Barriers?” She questioned under her breath. They had already grown a bit on Scylla just by sheer assessment, and well the dynamic Rudy and Rowan seemed to have, albeit a bit angsty.

Scylla shifted her weight to the side as she let out a quick sigh, when the one named Iberis began to speak. “Hm, yes it would seem there’s no other way..” she said almost as if she was talking to herself, but then she noticed it was the witch looking lady from before she crashed into the peculiar student. Her cold amber eyes would shift towards her. “Arthur.. hm, yes it seems he might have a talent for matching people..” she couldn’t help but chuckle as her cold expression thawed a bit. “You seem.. uhm, ‘cool’ yourself, Iberis. Call me Scylla..” She could swear her mouth was on the brink of splitting from how much she was smiling. “..Scylla Vixen.”

Her hands went through her ivory hair a bit before looking towards the others. Arguing with Clarice wouldn’t get them anywhere. Scylla sighed and looked back again at Iberis. “This is pointless.” she said as she rolled her eyes. Scylla would beckon Iberis by tugging on her shirt and motioning to the others to head straight for the crypts entrance as she started towards the entrance herself. “Let’s see what these so-called ‘illusions’ can do.”

Her staff would activate, grey shadowy energy eerily encircling the witch as she began to concentrate what appeared to look like white fire around her free hand. Once in range she would complete the incantation as two screeching shades launched themselves towards their numbers threatening a shadowy acid fate. Scylla knew it wouldn’t be enough, but hoped the others would join in to break the skeleton guard. [Twin Shadows]

Twin Shadows - Magic Affinity E - Witchcraft Affinity F - Magic Range F - Multiple Targets F - Energized E- Amalgamates necrotic energy into the form of two shades, with a quick incantation sends them flying towards the targets, inflicting acid like damage. - Grade E - 0 post cool down [Energized E]
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Iberis also heard Clarice making a bunch of orders about how they were going to proceed systematically as if she had everything planned in her head ahead of time which was somewhat impressive but frankly it wasn't like anything she'd heard since the orphanage from the tone, delivery and how matter of fact she was. She wasn't particularly impressed either having similar thoughts to Scylla, her brows furrowing a bit briefly, yeah really who did put Clarice in charge? About summed up what her thoughts were as well. Iberis would be much more keen just getting through quickly in a small group so that she could pass since that was the objective, if she really had to use teamwork she'd try to use it too. The other people there seemed to have some really neat abilities, as Iberis perked up upon hearing barriers herself, anything she could learn to improve her own barrier casting would be most interesting even if now wasn't the time to think too much into that, she might need to inquire later should she be around the guy. Clarice's supposed mind control sounded like it would be pretty nifty too under the correct circumstances.

She couldn't help but wonder if maybe she should share something about what she could do too with everyone even if it wasn't perhaps the most impressive thing, the results her experimentation had yielded that is. Her eyes lit up a bit as Scylla responded to her, "Uh right Arthur, yeah, right glad to hear that you're in agreement.."
Now trying her best to hide the excitement which she could already feel upon not being rejected in her somewhat awkwardly delivered inquiry about whether or not they could work together. Rather glad to see Scylla's face become a tad warmer than before particularly after she had seen how she could go off when people made her upset even if albeit briefly, from earlier with the bump in, incident. Wait did she just call her cool back? That was even More cool coming from someone who struck her as totally cool!
"Will do Scylla, nice to meet you."
She responded with a slight smile a hint of warmth in her voice now, with her tired gaze affixing a tad warmly on Scylla, heck even her name just oozed cool as far as Iberis was concerned. Iberis nodded in agreement at that statement, trying to agree on one mobilized plan was probably going to take too long with so many people who didn't necessarily know one another all together in her mind, she was largely unaware of many of the people who knew each other from other areas, feeling the slight tug, when she motioned Iberis noticed the skeletons that had materialized and instead of being afraid or apprehensive, her eyes actually seemed to light up, even more so when she watched Scylla get close enough to set off her twin shadows. to inflict damage, that was the type of thing that Iberis desperately wanted to learn how to do! Of course Iberis was quick to follow her lead, not wanting to get left behind in the action ready for action time, opting to stay near Scylla.

"Woah, nice casting! Those are pretty convincing Illusions huh?.." She said matter of factly with some excitement upon seeing Scylla attack, Thats the sort of thing SHE wanted to learn how to do. Unfortunately her most common attack wasn't nearly as impressive in her mind and she'd have to get in even closer, and as much as she hated to admit it her single targeting close range attack was a bad idea in a group like that should she get up too close alone , as much as she wanted to run up right away and attack. "Say Scylla, I don't really have a lot in my arsenal to do with multi-targeting I haven't really figured that out yet..so, I'm gonna do what I can to assist here, yeah?"She spoke in a surprisingly calm tone given the situation, stepping back some she instead she opted to try to cast Energy shield on Scylla for additional protection, making a rectangular shape with her staff moving it, leaving a faint red line of energy around in the air where she moved it focusing, until suddenly, figuring since Scylla attacked first the Illusions might reciprocate by trying to attack her first out of those who approached the Crypt first, having no idea, it was just a hunch. Presuming it was successful if a low level attack came Scylla's way for a period of time the shield should automatically appear and protect her, as much as she hated to admit it, Scylla being more magically capable meant her being protected was more valuable than her in this case she thought.

  • Energy Shield -Magic Affinity E, Magic Targeting F,Basic Magic Affinity F-Creates a floating 14″ x 16″ shield of energized Mana in front of the target that moves around rapidly to absorb magic or physical damage. Blocks most low grade attacks for one round. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Interactions: RavenSong RavenSong
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Having to continue on was inevitable. Which meant having to climb back into the muck and the water of the festering swamp. But they at least had gotten a good view of what awaited them. After hopping down he would look back up to the two girls atop it. At first he was going to just walk on and leave them to get down on their own... but... Rowan did say thank you. And she did give him that smile. And it was a nice smile. Maybe it couldn't hurt to show a little chivalry...

So he motioned her closer, and when she did get close enough, he would reach out and pick her up by her waist and set her down in the water beside him. It was a little embarrassing, if he were to be honest. But... well... he did it. God forbid he gets to nice over a smile. (All predicated on if Rowan chosen to go along with it). Still..
It had not yet ceased to surprise him on how strong he had gotten in this world. Was it his strength? Or was he just focusing too much on her slight frame. Bah.

Again he was about head on when he paised again. Then paused with a reluctant sigh. Turning back up to.the rock and the mighty Clarice that stood atop it and held a hand up. "Well? Do you want a hand too?" He might have sounded a bit short. But Rudy almost always sounded short. Still... it was only fair he extended the same offer.

Regardless of whether she accepted the offer or not. It was time to move on.

Trudging to the crypt at a moderate pace, Rudolph really wasn't looking forward to charging in. Doubly so as he watched his companion start blasting with their freaky magic. He would much rather not got in the way of those things. Then again... Rowan was kind enough to use some magic to give him some protection. Even if he was conflicted in the idea of being touched by magic at all. Protection was always nice.

Despite having no desire to charge in, Rudy would have to do just that. If the only way to get out of this mess was through the crypt, he would get through it. Even if it meant a fight. And while he would much rather they Snipe from a distance... getting as close as they were meant that the skeletons would would surely respond accordingly. And be they offended or not.... none of these girls looked especially sturdy, except for maybe Rowan. Which left him to be, as the pro gamers call them, the tank.

Once the initial volley of magic was launched, Rudy closed the gap swiftly. Targeting the one on the far left.

If Rudy had been able to see himself. He might have been impressed. From what combat experience he dealt with in the Underbelly, he applied it here. He actually now moved like a fighter rather than some random dude wailing on someone in vain. He felt stronger. He felt harder. He felt like he could actually do some damage for a change.

He thrust his right fist into the skeletons exposed sternum, following it up with an uppercut at the same skeletons skull just as it began to be bowled over from the force of the first blow.

Those two rapid rapid strike were follow by a quarter spin, and his leg snapping out in a swift kick to the nearest skeleton to the right.

Mechanical Summary.

Full powered strikes.

Str B + Orichalcum fists F + Solar Hero Style E

First attack was two strikes per this ability
Hammer on Iron Technique
The hero brings an unrelenting punishment to his enemies. After delivering one blow, the hero quickly follows up with a second.

Solar Hero Style F, Linked F

Cooldown: 0 post

The third strike was my second attack. Just a normal full powered attack.

Defensive stats.

Vitality B
Speed B

Armor: Orichalcum Natural weapons F (blocking with hands and arms)

Buff: Barrier from Rowan

Will E grade counterattack with Deflect E and Linked F if attacked. For two more strikes against aggressor(s), plus lessening damage. Will post ability if relevant.

Interactions with slifer37 slifer37 TheSimianMind TheSimianMind
Rowan looked forlornly at her boots, wanting to dry them, but there was swamp water all around them. It would be useless to do so now, when they would get soaked the moment she stepped into the water. Once they got into the crypt, maybe she would spare a second to dry everyone else's boots. OR when they made it out alive. Either one.

Rowan looked to Rudy, who motioned her to come closer. After a moment of hesitation, she inched her way closer to him, not sure what he was going to do, but ultimately choosing to trust him. That was when his hands went around her waist, lifting her up off the rock in a swift motion. She let out a little squeak, soft enough that only Rudy could hear, as she was extremely unused to being lifted like that. She didn't quite give him a smile, considering she had been a bit startled by the movement. When she reached the ground she recovered quickly, her ears reddening for a few moments before she had to focus on the bigger problem in front of them- the skeletons were beckoning them to attack. She had some options- her magic usually gave her something she could do in a fight, although right now, she had a few ideas of what she wanted to do. Rudy would be a "problem" she could deal with later. A hot problem sure, but a problem nevertheless, if he could make her smile like that.

Scylla had sent magic after them, and hopefully it would weaken them enough to - in such a way that the green-ass magic that seemed to animate the skeletons wouldn't affect them in a way that would most likely hurt. They were skeletons, which clearly looked like they didn't need to breathe, so capturing them in a net would be a lot easier. When you didn't have to consider something like a creature suffocating to death, it made things a whole lot simpler. Rudy was taking care of the skeletons like a champ, which narrowed down her choices quite a bit of what to do. Although she was a lot slower than Rudy, she still took off, racing to get closer to the action. Iberis had a small shield- which Rowan wasn't sure could even protect the pair- from a professional protection standpoint. Though fair enough- if they were moderately protected, then she could do more than stay on the defensive. Sometimes it was fun to go on the offensive- though her suffocation technique wouldn't work on these skeletons. Though that wasn't the only offensive thing she could do. Though if Rudy got himself and a skeleton up high using her stairs and pushed it off... That was why Rowan loved to pair off with others. Combining magic in such interesting ways to get what they wanted would be fun. A bit better than at home- where one was encouraged to work on their own powers by themselves.

When Rowan was close enough- specifically 30 feet away, she focused on the four skeletons, casting her magic at them. IT was as if a net was thrown over them, the four skeletons trapped in a barrier that would cover their heads downwards. (Net Barrier, But Stronger- D Grade-1 Post) This net would have a lack of holes in the head of the net, as Rowan was trying to keep the green magic away from them- at least long enough for their more offensive themed members of the group to start whackin away. The body of the net had holes in it, so their spells could reach the skeletons. IT could be nothing- or it could be some form of terrible acid that could terribly hurt or kill them. It was better to be overprepared and cover the skeleton's faces rather than just leaving them alone and suffering unforseen consequences- like Rudy getting his face melted off, or Iberis and Scylla loosing body parts.

  • Net Barrier, but Stronger- Barrier Affinity E, Magic Affinity D, Magic Targets E, Magic Duration E, Magic Range E, Energize D, Control Environment F- Net Ability but with an increase in Barrier strength, Duration time increased to 1 hour, and Range increased to 30ft.- D Grade- 1 Post Cooldown
Were this event a beauty pageant, Clarice would have taken pains to spare her puerile party's overblown sense of entitlement. As it stands, however, there is no compelling reason for Clarice to tolerate their transgressions like some simpering fool. Rudolph is animated by Sloth. Rowan's eyes reflect Lust. In Scylla, Pride swells, and in Iberis, Envy fawns. Reason plays no part in their boorish productions: special snowflakes have no use for reasoning, planning, or understanding their own shortcomings. After all is said and done, special snowflakes fall from the heavens, crash into the unyielding earth, and melt. Their exhibition will not subvert expectations; it will neither enthrall nor disgust their audience. For this glaring shortcoming, their ratings would surely plummet.

Clarice's party might have mistaken this test for a chance to display raw power, but in reality, raw power has little to do with the outcome of this test. This test is about staying power, teamwork, and mental flexibility. To prove this, one need look no further than the cast. Rudolph has no magical capabilities; if this was a test of magical prowess, Rudolph would have been laughed off of the premises. As a matter of fact, several of the other applicants appeared more powerful than any two of her teammates combined, yet some of them will fail this test because the methodology clashes with their worldviews. Creatively solving practical problems within a collaborative framework is the name of the game.

With this in mind, Clarice whirls around to face Rudolph. His derogatory manner is a threat; she intends to bring it to heel. Demoralizing the party could only lead to suboptimal performance by discouraging brainstorming. As such, Clarice scowls at him, though she attempts to limit the intensity to blistering in lieu of full-on murderous.

Leeches might not be a problem. So what? We need a plan. Without organization, trust, some amount of mutual respect, and cohesion, we're just six different people taking the same test, not a team taking a test. If you don't get that and you still believe the 'free room and board' tripe you were spouting earlier, I encourage you to go behind the barn and bring a crossbow with you because you won't find what you're searching for in this life. We have to fight for everything we get and there's always someone waiting in the wings to take everything from us.

Next on her agenda, Clarice has to address Rowan's apparent unwillingness to communicate when casting spells on her teammates. With eyes exuding poorly-concealed contempt, Clarice watches Rudolph scoop Rowan up and set her on the ground. A damsel and her White Knight. Great. All the better to castigate, my dears.

Rowan, you criticize my teamwork yet you cast spells on your teammates without communicating your intent. Honestly, I couldn't care less about your opinion of me; hate me to your heart's content. All the same, I expect you to communicate before you cast spells on me. I don't even know what this does.

If, after all that, Rudolph offers Clarice his assistance in alighting from her stone, he will find his hand all but swatted away! Doe-eyed Rowan ought to have smacked him upside the head for trying to find an excuse to hold another girl in his arms! Instinctively, Clarice dials up her scowl to "Almost an Attack" and rakes Rudolph's exposed face with it!

I ain't your Betty. You two might be into polyamory, but Clarice don't play that.

Clarice clambers down a broken chunk of stone. She slides a few inches upon landing, but the slimy flagstones beneath her feet are not her undoing. She notes that the healer and the, uh, the woman that didn't introduce herself have decided that the best course of action is to split the party and forge ahead without a light source. This gives Clarice pause. Do goths possess an inherent affinity for haunted cemeteries or something?

Then, an unnatural cold sends a shiver down Clarice's spine. She squints at the crypt and notes the parting doors. Immediately, she douses her torch in the murky water and throws herself behind an illegible headstone. Between the unnatural cold, the creaking hinges, and the grinding concrete, Clarice has ample warning that something is coming. With trepidation, she leans out from behind the headstone and spots the party, led by the healer, bum-rushing a group of four skeletons exhaling strange green gas.

Chemical or biological warfare? Poison or disease? Not bad, Darven. Not bad at all. And what awaits on the other side of the doors? If this is the full welcoming party, everything in the crypt is already aware of their presence. One of the skeletons would have retreated to warn the occupants otherwise - unless there are more that have not revealed themselves and they are baiting the us into a killing field. Whatever the case, most of our forces are burning through their spells in the first volley...

Rather than jump into the fray, Clarice moves from headstone to headstone, attempting to stay low and out-of-sight. While she has not received any training in stealth, she hopes that the lighting conditions, her black clothing, the abundance of cover, and the distraction the rest of the party provides will be enough to allow her to circle around to the entrance of the crypt without drawing attention to herself. After the first exchange, she will have a better idea of what the party is up against and, with any luck, be in a better position to disrupt reinforcements and secure an escape route should the skeletons present more of a threat than the party anticipates.


As the group approached the guarding skeletons, they finally noticed the group, and each turned their gaze to the incoming fighters, Scylla was the first to make her move, the skeletons each raised shields and swords for a defensive attack. Swords raised over the shields with blades pointed, ready for their own counterattack if anything were to get close and try to attack. Similar to a phalanx, but this one was a lot weaker. Scylla's Twin Shadows attack came rushing from her open hand, power manifested from within as then two separate spiritual skulls came flying from her hands twisting and screeching around each other, finding their target of being the closest skeleton, it moved forward to block the attack, The first skull bashed into the shield and destroyed it through a small explosion of the shield then the second skull blasted through the skeleton's chest disintegrating the skeleton's chest as it was blown back into the crypt, it's green eyes fading away. Iberis would set a shield for her, Scylla and anyone that was behind the two, effectively protecting them from attacks should there be any.

Next Rudy would come racing in like a truck, the skeletons were ready having their shields up. The one Rudy attacked they all saw coming, not flinching as their companion fell to heinous magics, the far right skeleton saw Rudy's attack coming as it brought it's shield down to block both of his quick attacks, this caused the skeleton some knockback, although this would break the shield, causing the handle to break off which the skeleton released the useless item. Rudy's next attack was a kick, it slammed into the skeleton's side making it move to the right. The skeleton stumbled to the right, several of it's ribs breaking but that did not look like it hurt the skeleton in the least. It would retaliate as it's green breath flew out of it's mouth onto the ground, then it raised it's sword and blew its breath onto its crappy sword, the green breath staying on the weapon, giving the enemy it's own enchantment buff. It swung and tried to strike Rudy in his head, instead what ended up happening was Rowan's barrier broke saving him a attack from a sword, but this would not prevent the breath buff from his sword from affecting Rudy.

While the sword did break the barrier, the poison still flew onto Rudy, on his neck and half his face he would feel a burning, similar to acid, his face and neck would have a irritation feeling and his skin would burn like fire. It was minor luckily but this was still going to be a irritation he would have to deal with. His eye would be red too, a green veil would be seen on his right side of his face and right side of his neck. The barrier was lucky enough to protect him otherwise this would be worst. The skeleton gave a loud hollow cackle like it enjoyed giving Rudy pain, the next 2 skeletons each then released their breaths, blowing it towards Rowan, Iberis and Scylla. This green breath attack wasn't as powerful as it could have been if, if all four were to combined their attacks, this would have been more devastating. Instead what happened was that this breath attack would sweep over Rowan, Iberis and Scylla quickly. The breath attack didn't damage any of them as their shields would have protected them. But rather broke their shields. Popping them, all the while the skeletons raised their shields again. Ready for another attack, the skeleton with the helmet turned it's gaze towards Rudy now, ready to strike him next.

Rowan's net would come down on the group of skeletons, each of them would be covered in said net, the breath from their attacks would begin to affect the nets as they began to turn a green tint. They were already beginning to break, even their swords began to stab and pierce the net, trying to break the magic quickly.

Luckily for Clarice, while the rest of the group was distracting the skeletons, they didn't notice her was she was able to get close, her scouting would be able to tell her that these skeletons weren't very tough if handled correctly. Their breath was a sort of acidic type of breath, it was able to enchant their weapons and buff their attacks. Their weaponry and armor was terrible, very brittle looking. But handling this group of close and coordinating skeletons could be deadly if not dealt with correctly, it would seem Rudy was already hurt and they hadn't even began the dungeon itself. One was destroyed thanks to Scylla's magic. These things may be weak to magic, seeing as how it destroyed one of them quickly.

There was faint cackling coming from within the crypts...

Mentions: D. Rex D. Rex slifer37 slifer37 RavenSong RavenSong TheTimePiece TheTimePiece TheSimianMind TheSimianMind
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Scylla gritted her teeth as she observed the skeleton formation. Although they were seemingly weak individually, there were enough of them to justify working together. She felt the desire to try, but not exactly go as far as to offer help. She was much too prideful for that. As she looked out towards the skeleton melting before their eyes, the other animated dead mustered their counter attack. Spewing green toxic gas.

Unable to effectively defend against it however, Scylla couldn’t do much but cover herself as best she could with her cloak. Scylla gasped with surprise; the attack had caught her off guard. She was expecting them to run up to her with swords drawn. For all their weaknesses they were formidable. Or so she began to consider.
To Scylla's surprise however the attack never connected thanks to the barrier that had been cleverly casted by Iberis. Scylla looked back at her, her expression very much collected and gave her an approving nod. Her new witch friend was already showing much promise, covering each other’s weaknesses it seemed there was an almost instant compatibility.

But she couldn’t spare any more time on assessing her ally. There were still a few enemies within reach. But decided to step back out of range, although they were now temporarily imprisoned in Rowan's barrier net.
She pulled forcibly on Iberis, “Stay close..” she muttered coldly as her chilled fingers gripped tightly onto the fabric over her arm. Pulling her out of range as well. She then turned her around to face her, Scylla's hands on each of her shoulders. “If we make it out of this, I’ll be happy to teach you some of my magic.” Her crimson eyes emitted an eerie glow. But the tone of her voice seemed reassuring. Although her expression carried its usual cold bearing.

She’d pull her by the arm once again, this time taking her closer behind Rudy and Rowan. Scylla assumed they’d do best as a united front instead of separate pairs.

Despite Rudys valiant efforts, he had become afflicted with the skeleton poison. It seemed he was still okay to fight however but considering his comments from earlier it didn't seem he was obviously magic sensitive, yet he single handedly provided the front line.

Scylla would approach him, pulling his ear on the opposite side of his face the poison was burning to get a better look. “Hmm, not bad..” she said before glancing at the skeletons breaking through the barrier then back at Rudy. “..this won’t hurt a bit.” She muttered as she waved her hand over his wound with [Mending Stream].

Letting Rudy go and taking her place behind the line next to Iberis she began to scan the area behind them. Where is Clarice? She wondered.

Scylla would press her staff against the ground, letting her staff go, it eerily stood suspended perfectly straight upon the ground as it began to emit a wispy energy which encircled the witch while Scylla's hands moved in strange gestures, effectively harnessing the spectral energy into a concentrated orb that she’d launch towards the skeletons as soon as they broke the barrier. [Spectral Blast]
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While Iberis wasn't the most experienced she knew well enough the skeletons were getting into some sort of formation with their shields. It also didn't take a genius to figure out that the net over the skeletons wasn't going to hold forever. She had also assumed that they might have tried to swarm Scylla in a melee, so Iberis had also been very surprised when the skeletons managed to spew their fumes out which definitely did not look like something you wanted to get on you, her eyes widening a bit. This much was shown when while a valiant effort, Iberis could appreciate someone who wasn't afraid to jump into action, Rudy tried beating on some of them only for him to get covered in the very stuff. Thankfully this was an exam so Iberis presumed that even if you did get hit or knocked out of commission it was likely that it wasn't to be fatal or so she hoped. Upon seeing the reaction it had on his skin she was even more glad that the shield she had managed to cast was able to move around rapidly in front of them and prevent the stuff from hitting her and Scylla, truthfully she was even more pleased when she got a nod of approval. Even if Iberis didn't try to actively show it, her eyes lighting up regardless and small smile forming as she gave a small nod back, getting the approval in any form of someone she deemed as cool felt amazing when it came to casting as she was rather insecure about her own abilities even if she tried to mask that fact. She too had tried to instinctually cover herself. The fact that Rowan had casted the net had made her feel a bit better too since it was seemingly more like she was around competent people beyond Scylla even if she knew the only person who she could completely trust at this point in time was probably herself.

Iberis was very focused on the scene unfolding before them so when Scylla pulled on her she let out a small gasp, before realizing what was going on as she let her pull her along, not resisting. She was a bit surprised by just how cold her touch felt, but she got over it quickly enough.

"Got it." She replied back matter of fact tone. While Iberis could take issue being told what to do from certain people, Scylla fitting that definition of cool definitely made her more susceptible to listening to what she wanted her to do, and this also seemed logical. She looked back at Scylla when she found herself facing her her own somewhat weary gaze as the bags under her eyes would imply making some direct eye contact. She seemed rather undetermined by Scylla's serious look, instead she smiled back faintly, particularly at the reassuring tone,

"You'd really do that? Alright then, lets ace this thing!" She'd exclaim, sounding almost invigorated by the words, not long after saying that quickly, finding herself being pulled along again, which she took in stride, doing her best to keep up with the movement. Scylla guiding her back with Rowan and Rudy was logical at this point she figured in her head even if she didn't express it, it'd definitely be better for them to stay together, so that one of them wouldn't get ganged up on by the lot of remaining skeletons once they were free.

Since she was near Scylla she too looked over at the burns, feeling rather impressed by the healing that was cast, since she hadn't even begun to look into anything like that, she was more interested in devastating casting than anything, but healing was something which could certainly come in handy if she could wrap her mind around it all, particularly if she was going to get off the streets and start making real allies with a common interest. She stayed close to Scylla while the ongoing healing was happening, and watched the scene unfold before her in an almost excited awe as she casted the orb which went flying.

She figured since she was now in an advantageous position to cast not long after Scylla casted she exclaimed "Going in for a follow up!" wanting to let everyone know she was going to cast a projectile looking for a clear shot so she wouldn't hit any would be ally. Iberis would begin to move her staff in a circular motion as the red translucent symbols began to appear in front of her once more, and it wasn't long before the sizable red circle formed around the symbols and focused the energized mana into a centralized beam which shot out as she attempted to hit the Skeleton that was towards the most center of the formation after Scylla's attack, hoping to pierce through, really just going along with Scylla's logic of attacking shortly there after. Time would tell if this was a smart move, as Iberis really didn't have much practical combat experience at all. She also was unsure of where Clarice had ended up but she was far too focused on the task at hand to put much more thought into it, much like she hadn't put much thought into the faint cackling she thought she heard as foreboding as that would normally be.

  • Energy Stream- Magic Affinity D, Basic Magic Affinity F, Magic Range E, Magic Targeting F - Iberis focuses a red concentrated beam of mana energy from her staff to use offensively against a target up to 30 ft away,- Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown

Interactions: RavenSong RavenSong
What hit him, he wasn't really sure. Spit. Gas. Magic bullshit for sure. Everything in this world seemed to be somehow be magic bullshit. Whatever it was, it quickly began to burn. Not like fire... but like that one time when he was young and cut open a battery to see what was inside it, then didn't think about washing his hands to get the acid off.

The greening of his vision worried him for a moment. His eye sting, but he could still see. That shouldn't be a thing... magic... definitely magic. The very fact he had to put up with this bull crap quickly turned to one of red as he was about to redirect that frustration at the very skeleton that spat that green shit at him.

Then he stopped. Fist mid swing. Seeing the barrier in place keeping the skeletons back. No... he could restrain himself for a second. They were contained. Though for how long was another matter... that at least gave him time to rethink this situation.

Idly he grabbed the lapel of his coat and tried to wipe of the crud that coated his face. Now that he was paising he could feel the burn all too vividly. Alas, it was too little success. Dumb magic.

But then good magic. He heard that Scylla girl speak. At first he didn't think she was talking to him... until she waved her hand in his face.. Then he felt a rather strange sensation that made him arc his back and let out a surprised grunt.

As if his spine, from between his shoulder blades up had dipped in icy water from a pure mountain spring. A sharp but soothing coldness that radiated from the inside out. A feeling so vivid he could almost feel frost form on his skin as the burning was soothed and his vision returned to normal.

Then just like that. The coldness was gone and not even a shiver remained. In the moment of disbelief, he reached a hand up to touch his face. And it felt right as rain. "... maybe magic ain't all that bullshit..." he muttered under his breath as he rubbed his cheek.

"Thank you... Scylla... I think that was your name. I appreciate that." Rudolph said. And he was sincere. Though still not entirely sold on magic yet. Too much of it was used against him... but then again... it was also magic that kept him from the cutting edge of a sword. He was almost certain that barrier was Rowan. He got her eye and gave her an appreciative nod. "Rowan... I think them shield of yours are going to carry us through this." He stated. Not just for the protective barrier... but also that the skeletons are being restrained. Healing and trapping enemies. Blasting them too. Yes. Magic was good when it was on his side. He couldn't argue that.

Rudolph took a second to straighten his coat and pulled from his pocket a crumpled paper box with which he took out a ruddy looking cigarette. One of his last surviving ones. He lit it as he inspected the skeletons. This close... those stats again popped into his vision. Though only their weapons and armor were highlighted and labeled E.

His mind whirled a mile a minute at the puzzle of the letters. These looked better quality than those he saw in the Underbelly. Even if only marginally. Which he remembered as F. Except Clovers ice sickle as a C. That was a lot better. Easy to come to the conclusion that the lower the letter, the better. His own stats attested to such.... these E grade things could be broken. That was for sure. Proven by the shield he had shattered with two hits. But those were F... F broke E... but F didn't break. Not like those F things that kept breaking underground. That must be where that orichalcum thing played a part.

A quick look at his fist reassured him that it was still flesh and bone. But they wouldn't break... so if F broke E, it would mean there was more to it. Strength was an obvious thought. That was B... B plus F would be... A? Was that how the math worked in this world? Then there was figuring style... and ability? Thats what those were labeled as... did those factor in? Fancy words for giving someone the one-two.

So he considered in the time it took a long drag. He wasnt oblivious to the speed at which his mind worked now. Nor his newfound strength and speed. This world had yet to cut him any slack... so he wasnt about to cut this world in slack in return.

"Alright." Rudolph said, releasing the first cloud of smoke as his glare focused on the skeletons. "We will just grind these thing to dust one at a time... We will take this slow and steady. No more charging in. I'm not keen on getting magicked again."

"By them. Not you two, you two are great." He motioned to Rowan and Scylla respectively.

"Rowan. Can you let one of these fucktards... fricktards, sorry ladies... can you let one of them free for us to destroy and keep the rest held down? The girls can give them a good blasting while I get that armor shattered. Destroy them before they even have a chance to retaliate."

"And let's start with that one." He pointed a finger right at the one that spat on him before. That bastard right there. A good of a random choice as any.

The plan wasmt a bad one. If Rowan chose to go along with it, he was ready.

Th young man would take a position and jump in with a straight kick to the skeletons body as soon as the shield was down. Fully expecting the shield to block it. But could he break it in one go this time? Or would it be two? Even if he didn't, his fists were already moving like lightning for two more punches. Each successibe blow hammering at the skeleton with full intent to crack open its skull.

But he did learn his lesson from last time. He was ready. These weren't idle targets. They would strike back. Anticipating it. Waiting for it. Expecting the possible vectors of incoming strikes and ready to block and deliver another one-two combo at anything that wanted to approach him with hostile intent.

Mechanical summary.

Strength B +Natural Weapons F(orichalcum)+ Fighting Stlye E.

First Attack: Full powered Kick

Second Attack: Two full powered punches launched with this ability.
Hammer on Iron Technique
The hero brings an unrelenting punishment to his enemies. After delivering one blow, the hero quickly follows up with a second.

Solar Hero Style F, Linked F

Cooldown: 0 post

Defense Prepared
Vitality B + Natural Weapons F (Orichalcum)


Prepared to block and retaliate with two strikes per Solar Counterattack

Those who attack the chosen of fate have chosen their own deaths. Upon deflecting a single attack, the hero takes advantage of the opening and retaliates two-fold.

Solar Hero Style E, Linked F, Deflect F

Cooldown: 1 post

Skyhunter Skyhunter
Interactionsc: slifer37 slifer37 RavenSong RavenSong
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That poison gas was an issue for sure- as she could see it actually hurt Rudy. Luckily, no one else got hurt- as her shields protected everyone else. Either she kept protecting people...or she made sure that the gas wouldn't be much of an issue. The shields could be recast on themselves later. Right now, stopping the gas threat was more important.
Rowan cast her magic at the skeletons, creating a sealed-off barrier that prevented things from getting in to the skeleton- and more importantly, things from getting out. (Mass Blackout 2-D Grade-1 Post) She doubted that it would incapacitate the skeletons, as they didn't need to breathe, but if it kept the gas off of them long enough for Iberis, Scylla, and Rudy's attacks to hit the other two skeletons.
When the skeletons' head were covered, she would let up one skeleton from a time from the barriers she had wrapped around them, making the fight a one vs one for Rudy- starting with the one he had injured before.

Clarice was gone- seeming to be par for the course for her. Order everyone around and disappear. If she was helping, that was one thing, but if she wasn't...well, that wouldn't look too good for her, considering they were being scored on their ability to work as a team. She breathed a sigh of relief as Scylla healed Rudy- they all needed to be up and running to get through the crypt alive and in one piece. Her job was crowd control and defense- with whatever slipping through being Scylla's job to fix. Iberis was attacking, which was good- the more people attacking, the more skeletons got hurt and were defeated. They needed to be put down as fast as possible, as her shields only held for an hour. It was just good policy to take down enemies as fast as possible- the longer they were kept alive, the more chances they had to hurt you. She had no doubts that Darven would murder them because he felt like it- and Arthur's warning about the teacher's behavior still ran through her head. Arthur wasn't the kind of person to exaggerate, and the man did seem to be full of himself. Then, she could try out some of the fancier things she could do- like hitting the skeletons with a shield, or seeing if their heads needed to be attached to their bodies. Here was the time to get creative- if not here, in an exam showcasing their skills, then where else?

Oh wait a minute- she didn't have to wait, she could go harder in this fight. This wasn't like before, on missions where she had to conserve her energy. This was the time to go all out- and do what she wanted. It wasn't just a bodyguard mission. Here was a get in-get out type of mission. Why should she limit herself? She should be treating every battle as if it was life or death- considering this one could potentially be her last.
Everyone who was helping (Iberis, Rudy, and Scylla) would get the same armor placed around themselves-magic armor that would last an hour, and should provide them with the same basic amount of protection. (Mage Armor 2-E Grade-0 Post Cooldown) She made one around herself as well, as it wouldn't do to get hurt while no one else did. She could take some hits, but burns on the face would hamper things considerably. She wasn't sure if Clarice had armor, but even if she wasn't sure, the woman wasn't here, which meant she wasn't getting shit. Hopefully, she brought back some intel or something. Mind controlled a skeleton to bust some traps for them, as the crypt was probably booby trapped or something.

  • Mass Blackout 2- Magic Affinity D, Barrier Affinity E, Incapacitate Affinity F, Magic Range E, Magic Targets E, Magic Duration E, Energize D- The Same as Mass Blackout, but with Barrier increased to E, Range up to 30 ft, and Duration lasts for an hour-Grade D- 1 Post cooldown
  • Mage Armour 2- Magic Range E, Barrier Affinity E, Magic Affinity D, Magic Targets E, Duration E, Energize D: The Same as Mage Armour but with increased barrier stregnth, range of 30ft, and Duration of 1 hour- Grade E- 0 Post Cooldown
  • *As a note, Clarice didn't get hit, and still has the mage armor from the first casting of it, which lasts an hour.
Skyhunter Skyhunter D. Rex D. Rex RavenSong RavenSong TheTimePiece TheTimePiece TheSimianMind TheSimianMind


As the group of living beings began to regroup, the skeletons themselves were beginning to break out of their net, Scylla was able to move to Rudy's side who did take a couple steps back from the attack. Scylla's ability to heal the wound of Rudy's cheek would somewhat succeed, a strange divine power would pulsate out from her hand in concentrated mana, Rudy's serious wound would stop it's spreading and instead linger as a minor burn, his eye would be red and the skin that was affected from his right side of his face down to his neck would be red as well, Rudy still could see but his eye would still bother him. Similar to have chlorine in your eye. Scylla's magic had worked, but she wasn't able to fully heal his festering burn, just suppress it.

As the group was beginning its next round of attacks against the incapacitated skeletons, Clarice would come from out of her hiding spot, sprinting up the stairs of the tomb entrance to where the caught skellies were at now being within 10 feet of each of them, she would activate her ability, Proxy War. Just as the armored skeletons broke out of the net that Rowan had entrapped them into, ripping the net to shreds as they flooded on out into the world again, the creaking of their bones could be heard, they still had strange green fog coming out from their mouths as they moved forward. But then they would suddenly stop moving as Clarice now had a hold on their minds, whatever was left of such. Slowly with creaking bones, they would begin to slowly take off pieces of their armor, throwing them off in front of them, eventually as they were nearly naked Rowan would cast her spell next, Mass Blackout.

Barriers surrounded each Skeleton's head now blinding them and keep their poisonous breath within these small prisons. Now with these incapacitated, naked and vulnerable skeletons in front of the group, they would begin their move, Rowan would clad everyone in armor now as they made their attack. Scylla would fire off her ability, Spectral Blast, summoning a concentrated skull from magics of old, she would fire this skull as it screeched towards her target and collided with the front skelly, blasting its chest cavity open, blowing it back. Iberis would next concentrate a beam of magic with the color of red at the next skeleton with her ability Energy Stream, it would cut down the skeleton into a pile of ash. Finally, up would be Rudy, making his attack, he would then run up to the last skeleton waiting for him to attack now, the one that had attacked Rudy and laughed at him. Hammer on Iron would take out the last remaining enemy, the first punch breaking its ribs and the next punch would break the skeleton into two, throwing the top half of the torso into the darkness of the crypt. The torso slamming and rolling down the stairs until it reached the bottom.

Silent lingered for a few moments and the battle was done. It was time to move on now, move on down into the crypts.

As the group would make their way down the stairs into the crypts, the walls around them would begin to light up with torches, each time they got closer to the bottom, more torches would light up to show them the way. Eventually that same wind with the chill would fly by each of them, there was a faint laughter to it as it flew down the stairs, chills would run up everyone's spines. As the air became still there would be faint groaning and moaning, then on the walls around everyone there would be loud banging until hands would break out through the walls, arms of the dead, arms that were decaying trying to grab anyone, multiple arms would pop out of the walls until Iberis' hair was snagged by a hand and she was pulled into the wall, the hand trying to pull Iberis into the wall with them.

Clarice as she saw Iberis get grabbed would have her arm grabbed tightly, the hand cold and wet, wet with blood as she was beginning to be pulled into the wall. She would have to catch herself with her foot on the wall and push herself away lest she get her arm fully pulled in and possibly eaten. The walls were full of the dead and they were stuck in the middle, they would need to quickly get out of this mess before more arms come out and grab everyone.

Interactions: slifer37 slifer37 D. Rex D. Rex TheSimianMind TheSimianMind RavenSong RavenSong TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Iberis was pleasantly surprised at how everyone else seemed to dispatch the remaining skeletons. It seemed that Clarice's ability came in handy in getting that armor out of the way, and the way that the skeleton's toxic breath had been suppressed with the barriers, She was also thrilled to have the what she presumed to be protective magic recast on her included since there was only so much she could do with her rudimentary casting abilities in comparison with single targeting. The good news was even just participating in this test was helpful since it gave her more real world experience with other casters that she had not had before. The whole event had been arguably exciting in that way. The fact that her own attack managed to do so much too, this was the first time she had taken down something that felt remotely tangible as she watched it turn to ash.

After the dust had finally settled so to speak it looked like everyone was on the same page, "Uh, well looks like we took care of those well enough." She said matter of factly looking around at everyone to make sure they were alright, she made her way back to Scylla's side wanting to stay close to her for the time being as perusal as the group began their journey past the battlefield towards the Crypt's entrance once they regrouped, She then turned her head to Scylla, with a somewhat tired but warmer gaze than she normally gave, fairly content at what they had accomplished so far, knowing very well that moving forwards they'd need to be even more on alert as those skeletons had been deceptively more difficult not expecting them to have a ranged AOE attack like that.

As they descended Iberis looked around at the torches light themselves which was kind of neat in her opinion even if she didn't emote that way her face looking fairly serious and attentive now, at least they wouldn't have to cast for an additional light source yet. She did however let out a very small gasp when she heard the laughter, not expecting it as well as the shift in temperature.

"Uh..I-Is anyone else feeling a bit..strange?" She asked cautiously and softly as the chill hit her, feeling almost like something foreign had phased right through her with the wind and sounds that were occupying the space. She got a tad closer to Scylla when the moaning and groaning sounds started up, looking around alert in case more enemies would make themselves known. She gripped her staff tightly tensing up a bit , her knuckle looking paler as a result once she heard the pounding all around them in the walls, "I think we might be surrounded.." she said to Scylla sounding very nervous now quietly tensing up on instinct, she felt her heart begin to pound faster and faster as the adrenaline started up even if Iberis liked to play it off like she wasn't affected by anything and had nerves of steel it was far from the case she could still feel fear, having no idea what she had just gotten herself into by trying out for this academy. Little did she know it was about to get much worse, while she was tensing up and moving much more cautiously she let out another yelp her eyes dilating as the hand shot out of the wall and grabbed onto her hair, pulling her back. she wasn't very physically strong so it was able to do so with ease as she flailed about contorting herself while she was being dragged into the wall, letting out a cry of distress, "Something's got a hold of me!" She'd exclaim, during this period while Iberis's arms and legs were free she probably could have casted something if she had a higher focus level but in that moment she couldn't even think to cast anything far too panicked, the mental focus needed to cast a spell broken not that she had anything that would have been too much help beyond the strike in a bad position to hit the target she needed to hit behind her lest she accidentally hit herself with the ball attack that would help in that moment, finding herself getting closer and closer to the wall still flailing around to no use as she instinctually reaching her hands out towards Scylla since she had stayed the closest to her the whole time, still holding onto her staff with one hand.

Interactions: RavenSong RavenSong

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