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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Don't worry about it." He said. "Its just my parent's money " (service announcement. Don't steal money from your Parents. Kaleb's are assholes so its okay)
(You heard him kids, do as he says not as he do X3)
"Alright..." she said picking up her spone and started to eat the icecream. She wondered if Kaleb steals the money from his parents. And thus feeling confident his parents were not the best people from what he told her, but was stealing from them okay.
(You heard him kids, do as he says not as he do X3)
"Alright..." she said picking up her spone and started to eat the icecream. She wondered if Kaleb steals the money from his parents. And thus feeling confident his parents were not the best people from what he told her, but was stealing from them okay.
It was super good.
The sun was going down. "Its time to go. But I'm going with you. Just to make sure your aunt hasn't found out." (She has)
(Man the rumors travel quick! XD)
"Oh okay" she said walking out of the shop with him. She really didn't want to go home but he was right it was getting late. "You know you don't have to ...ill be fine...those in our class saw but don't think my aunt would know..school might be a pain for sure..." she said with a sigh " oh wait!..." she grabed his phone you need my number now that we are friends " she said typing in her phone number as she lead him towards her home, down a quite and nice neighborhood.
(Man the rumors travel quick! XD)
"Oh okay" she said walking out of the shop with him. She really didn't want to go home but he was right it was getting late. "You know you don't have to ...ill be fine...those in our class saw but don't think my aunt would know..school might be a pain for sure..." she said with a sigh " oh wait!..." she grabed his phone you need my number now that we are friends " she said typing in her phone number as she lead him towards her home, down a quite and nice neighborhood.
He went in with her but stayed just outside where her aunt was and waites.

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