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Futuristic πš…π™Έπ™Ύπ™»π™΄π™½πšƒ πš„π™Ώπ™±πšπ™Έπ™½π™Άπ™Έπ™½π™Ά -- 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋 π–Όπ—‹π–Ύπ–Ίπ—π—‚π—ˆπ—‡ π—Œπ—π–Ίπ—π—‚π—ˆπ—‡



well poised

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to put myself through the same torture i'm putting you guys through (<3) and give an example of a skeleton sheet, here's my lad!

Name: Louis Bauver-Caldwell
Age: 17

Personality: Louis is something of a ticking time bomb, and the students at Vochertepp treat him as such. While he spends most of his time unnervingly quiet, tense and silent in the back of classes, many know that when pressed, he explodes. Louis holds a power that lashes out against his classmates, even if he doesn't mean it, and surrounded by a chorus of teachers who have labeled him a favorite to press until bad things happen, Louis is clearly someone being pushed to his limits. Those that know him a bit better past the boy who is built to burst know that he is surprisingly gentle, thoughtful, and reserved. He hates the eyes that follow him in the halls, and something about him is begging for help, while trying to brew a way out.

Backstory: Louis' mother died in childbirth, leaving his non metahuman father utterly unequipped to raise the basketcase that was Louis. Louis' father did the best he could to raise Louis without making him feel like a freak or an alien, so when he was sent to a normal pre-k and shunned for his ghoulish appearance, it was a rude awakening. This is where his life took a turn for the worse, as his powers began to manifest fully in ways that were hard to control. Louis was already shunned for his appearance, but as his powers took shape and frightened others, he became even more of an outcast, and not only that, started to fear that he would truly harm them. His father, at a loss for what to do, was too late to stop what occurred, and after a nasty incident in which Louis harmed his fellow second grade classmates, he was pulled out of school. His father attempted to homeschool him for a while, but couldn't afford to watch Louis and pay the bills. When he was twelve, and the father was at the end of his ropes, the letter came.

At first, Louis loved the school. He visited his father in the summer and found people who were like him, and it felt like he'd finally found his place in the world. But the illusion of beauty faded away over time, and Louis found a new fire brewing within him, one that had never been there before. While he had spent most of his life bending to the whims of others, thinking that he was a freak who deserved it, as the pressure at Vochertepp grew, so did his discontent. Louis attempted to stage a breakout. Louis failed. After this, Louis has been in and out of the deeper, crueler grips of the school, the ticking clock inside him only getting louder with each click.

Powers: Louis knows little about his lineage, as all the metahumans in his family were on his mother’s side, and the information disappeared along with her. His powers are hard to name, so he thinks he may be a hybrid, and tentatively calls his ability Dark Body. Just underneath Louis’ skin is where Louis’ power rests, a layer of elastic, healing darkness. This is what gives him his ghostly pale appearance. While cutting his skin is easy, cutting past the layer of the dark body is almost like cutting into thick, gelatinous shadow, and is very hard to do, making Louis complex to injure. This dark body has a strange amount of conscience, and when Louis is angered, it is brought out of him further, enveloping his skin completely in darkness and making his movement and actions quicker, erratic, and less human, at times almost hovering eerily over the ground. When he touches people in this form, the darkness leaks into them, and if he holds contact long enough, they can become deranged and corrupted. Because this fully fledged form is so unstable, Louis usually only finds himself calling upon its help in times of dire need, or dire consequence.

edit: here is louis' current full sheet as an example for yall!

Name: Louis Bauver-Caldwell
Age: 17
Gender/Sexuality: Male/Heterosexual
DOB: September 19th
POB: Oregon, US

Deep set blue-green eyes seem to be Louis’ most striking feature, and it’s often hard to catch a glimpse of them behind his shaggy black hair and slouched posture. He is of average build at 5’11”, and fairly lithe at a glance. If anything, upon closer inspection, he seems more skin and bones, and the sharpness of his jaw and cheekbones give him the appearance of being a few years older than he actually is. He blames a high metabolism. He also has a rather concerning amount of scars, mostly on his arms, stomach and legs, punctures to jagged lines to bruises that never quite faded right, despite the regenerative implication of his powers.

This is where the normalcy of Louis’ appearance ends. He seems pale, deathly pale, and his skin and cheeks lack a certain amount of color and rosiness. His lips are a pale grey, as well as his tongue and mouth, and blushes seem to only darken the tone of his flesh, not highlight it. To most, he looks sickly and ghoulish, and he’s well aware of that fact.

Personality: Louis is something of a ticking time bomb, and the students at Vochertepp treat him as such. While he spends most of his time unnervingly quiet, tense and silent in the back of classes, many know that when pressed, he explodes. Louis holds a power that lashes out against his classmates, even if he doesn't mean it, and surrounded by a chorus of teachers who have labeled him a favorite to press until bad things happen, Louis is clearly someone being pushed to his limits. His silent nature should have left him a shadow in the back of class, but it seems hardly the case. Most avoid him just for fear of punishment by association.

When allowed to interact with his peers without the faculty looming over him, there is a shyness that not many expect from someone who can lash out at the school so quickly. He fumbles over words, struggles to maintain eye contact, and can take time to open up. Those that know him a bit better past the boy who is built to burst know that he is surprisingly gentle, thoughtful, and reserved. His best trait is the ability to see beauty in all things, and his touch upon the world is timid and kind, if allowed to be so. Louis has a fondness for all things nature, animals and all things earthly, and even at his core, though he has been beaten by the world, holds an innocence in his heart that is rare to see. He hates the eyes that follow him in the halls, and something about him is begging for help, while trying to brew a way out.

Drives: More than anything, Louis wants to go home. He’s driven by the desire for a normal life, a life where he gets to go back to his dad, be a person and not a power,
Fears: Losing himself to his powers, causing more harm than he already has. Never seeing his father again. Despite his powers being flooded with darkness, he is rather afraid of the dark.
Hobbies: Louis loves to listen to music and is often wearing headphones. He loves hikes, nature, and animals, and can usually be coaxed out of his shell by the promise of petting a cat. He and his father did woodworking together, and Louis likes to whittle away at pieces of wood he can find near the forest and make little statuettes.

Backstory: Louis is no stranger to the gloominess of life. His mother passed due to complications in childbirth, so he knows only what his father, Jason, told him. Jason wasn’t a mutant, about as run of the mill as they came, but he always seemed enamored with the memory of Louis’ mother. Whenever the young boy could pry any words about her from his mouth, it seemed like she had been on the run from a dark secret, something that haunted her, and something that finally broke her. According to his father, his mother wasn’t a mutant, but rather, came from quite a long line of them, something she had been desperate to get away from. Just when she’d buried it all, married a normal man, trying to have a normal child, she lost her life. And Louis received none of the normalcy she had yearned for so badly.

Despite the struggles that came with raising a metahuman child, Jason loved his little boy dearly. The two were inseparable, and young Louis had a surprisingly easy going personality, with a gentle temperament and a strange sense of compassion for his clearly struggling father. Louis recalls sobering up from a tantrum just to comfortingly pat his father’s shoulder and apologize for the damage he caused. At least, that’s how his dad tells the story.

His early memories are fond and filled with happiness. His powers, though prominent, were not very strong at first. The occasional temper tantrum would let loose the shadowy silhouette of a two year old around the house, but with a few loving words from his pops, Louis would calm down. The real issues started the moment Louis was exposed to school. Children were put off by the contrast of his concerning appearance and his overly gullible outlook. He didn’t know that he looked weird, or that his powers were scary. His dad had never made him feel alien. It was a painful slap in the face.

Jason had tried to raise Louis like there was nothing different about him as a metahuman, and it only made him more vulnerable to the teasing he endured at school. He became a lot shier, and as his powers grew, they also grew harder to control. When children taunted him, flashes of darkness and spurts of anger only made him more hated. Jason, busy trying to keep them afloat, could only cater do Louis’ darkening outlook so much. He loved his boy, but his love was not enough to protect Louis, nor make him understood. He was young, volatile, and wounded by those who were supposed to be like him. After a deeply disastrous incident in second grade, his father pulled him out of school.

They tried homeschooling for a while, but Louis was too young to be left alone, the extra income for caretakers just wasn’t there, and Jason was drowning. He couldn’t do it alone, but he wouldn’t hear otherwise, and Louis watched the cruel waves of the world swallow his father as he buried himself in work, trying to be every place at once, while also being there for his son. Then their saving grace came when he was eleven, just when his father was at the end of his ropes. The letter.

Louis was just as relieved to receive it as his father. Though Louis didn’t have any plans to become a hero, this was a gift from the heavens in Jason’s eyes. And Louis couldn’t deny that it seemed like the break they both needed; a place where Louis could learn to control his powers, a way for Jason to reestablish some funds, and then… everything would work out, right?

The two held that archaic letter in their hands like a golden ticket, and wondered what angel had dropped it on their heads. With a tearful goodbye, Louis shipped off to Vochertepp. He came to the school bright eyed and eager, thrilled for the chance to redeem himself in a place where surely, others would be like him. They were like him, of course, but it wasn’t enough to save Louis from the true veil of the school.

The faculty liked him, liked to prod at him. It was like they were looking at him with knowledge he didn’t have, a sickly sweet smile that forebode greater cruelties. Something about him was like giving a bone to those slobbering dogs, and Vochertepp’s camoflauge of kindness disappeared soon enough. Even those who love the school could see that the weight of it was crushing Louis, and teachers especially liked to pick on him. Punishment for things that did not warrant punishment, punishment that was too cruel for any action. Louis witnessed a lot of horrors, and as they became more and more apparent, he found his connection to the outside world dwindling. His father was kept complacent and in the dark, thousands of miles away, placing every Excellent Student certificate on the fridge and counting down the days until his son came home for a summer vacation that kept on getting further and further delayed.

The last time he saw his father was over three years ago. The pushing was breaking his resolve, and the ability to keep the dark beast inside him tame was thinning. He missed his home, he missed his dad, and he hated this school. Not many know how he did it, nor how he got close, but the only time the school ever went on lockdown was when they carted Louis back in through the front doors, kicking and twitching in his fully dark form. The rumors that swallow him seem to much outweigh the shrimpy figure that is Louis.

After that, Louis’ attendance seems to fizzle in and out as the school faculty take him to and fro, and he is more than anything a ghost walking the halls with a great reputation. The boy who got close, but not close enough.

Power: Dark Body
Glow Color: Dark Blackish Green #022601
Power Description: Louis knows little about his lineage, as all the metahumans in his family were on his mother’s side, and the information disappeared along with her. His powers are hard to name, so he thinks he may be a hybrid, and tentatively calls his ability Dark Body. Just underneath Louis’ skin is where Louis’ power rests, a layer of elastic darkness that has innate self healing properties. This is what gives him his ghostly pale appearance. While cutting his skin is easy, cutting past the layer of the dark body is almost like cutting into thick, gelatinous shadow, and is very hard to do, making Louis complex to injure. This dark body has a strange amount of conscience, and when Louis is angered, it is brought out of him further, enveloping his skin completely in darkness and making his movement and actions quicker, erratic, and less human, at times almost hovering eerily over the ground. When he touches people in this form, the darkness leaks into them, and if he holds contact long enough, they can become deranged and corrupted. Because this fully fledged form is so unstable, Louis usually only finds himself calling upon its help in times of dire need, or dire consequence.
Strengths: Passively, his ability gives him a great deal of resistance and regenerative healing. He’s not an insta healer, but it is hard to harm him, and the dark substance under his skin seems to work in tandem with his body to attempt to stitch him together quicker than normal. When in his fully dark form, Louis has enhanced speed, durability, and an offensive ability to corrupt those he touches.
Weaknesses: Louis’ dark form is a weakness in itself. It has a conscience of its own and guides him towards evil actions, which Louis has to actively try to resist. The darkness he contains wants to spread to others, and when it does, they are touched with an almost inhibiting mania that only wears off with time or separation from Louis. At the hands of the faculty of the school, his power has become less stable. The darkness breaks out of him more often, is more easily triggered, and the passive protective layer underneath his body has seemed to diminish in its viscosity.
Personal Effects: His father’s wood carving knife. A few beloved hoodies that he’s since grown out of but keeps around. Secretly, a stuffed animal named Bunny. (It’s a dalmatian.)
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Name: Juandalynn Ana Rivera-Carvajal.
Nickname: Jude.
Age: Seventeen.
Gender: Demigirl.

Personality: The easiest way one would describe Jude is intense. Hard to look at without squinting, a fire ready to burn out of control, someone who makes you flinch. She's flighty, cocky, and likes hanging with the ne'er-do-wells of life far too much. Someone who uses confidence and bravado as a shield to cover up the wounds, the kind of wound that doesn't heal, even with time. Her life had been "Jude v.s. the World" for so long, the girl is a brick wall and hard to get along with, holding anybody in her life an arm's length away so they don't get burnt, literally and metaphorically. Truthfully though, she'd rather do more good. Maybe as a way to repent for the wrongs she's done in her life. The girl has always been a punk little shit though, her identity connecting deeply with the punk rock scene she discovered once moving to America. Maybe it's themes of anger and radicalism have only egged her on. She's the kind of gal that starts and finishes fights, and will be damned if anybody ever gets in her way.

Powers: In simple terms, Jude is a firestarter. Down to a molecular level, her body is able to combust and create fire, an ability that manifests both internally and externally. The girl is beginning to learn how to regulate her bodily temperature, and is usually able to withstand the heat of her own abilities. Her fire typically manifests on her body in some way; whether her hair catching on fire, her skin searing hot to the touch, or she can be seen exhaling smoke, Jude is a ticking time bomb waiting to happen. She can create her own flames, even breathe fire if angry enough, but taming her ability is a daily balance, a difficult challenge controlled by her extreme emotions and self discipline. So much of her power is destructive, to the point where she has burnt the bridge of any significant relationships in her life. Hurting people is second nature to her, coming to her with such an ease, it leaves her shaken. Knowing that if she's set off in any way, she could so easily kill someone nearby, leaves Jude shaken and bitter. While she's a powerhouse, Jude's biggest weaknesses are woefully mundane; lowering her bodily temperature too much leaves her sputtering and fizzled out, drained of energy. You could throw her in a pool and incapacitate her worse than a gunshot wound would. Not only that, but there is a limit to what her body can handle, and there's been only one instance of a "nuclear meltdown" with her abilities. Her temperature raised too quickly too fast and send her into a bout of seizures. Her body could very well burn itself out or internally shut down if she's not careful.

Background: Que vida, mama? Que vida?

The second child of Joaquin and Marisol Rivera, Jude knew from early on that she wasn't meant to be there. There as in alive and existing; her mother's second pregnancy was a surprise, a few years after the extremely complicated birth of her older brother Matteo, and her doctors had advised her to not have more children for her own safety. That had been the plan until Juandalynn came along, and their lives changed forever. Santiago, Chile, was the home that they knew for most of Jude's childhood. Unprepared for a second child, the financial burden on her father meant he had to work twice as hard to keep them afloat, but their lives were humble and they were decent people. On their TVs, in the cinemas, they would see the glitz and glamour of superheroes, the love that they garnered, the symbols that they represented. The real, average life of a metahuman was much more bleak. Jude saw that firsthand with her mother, a woman capable of burning down entire cities if she so desired, and forced to keep her true self under wraps for both her husband and their children. That seemed to be the attitude for most folks where they lived. It was social taboo, seen as an unacceptable burden. Superheroes were held above the standard, but to find out that your child or your neighbor was something other? It was unspeakable.

It was an incident with her mother, a few bad days that accumulated into a horrible month, the turmoil of life and its stressors making Marisol lose control for exactly one second during church confession on Sundays - and the building was in flames. The symbol of the burning cross seen by the whole city was an omen. Her family packed and fled overnight, disappearing into the dark as if they had never existed. America was shiny and new, a land of opportunities. By the time Jude was twelve years old, they had barely settled in and she was studying English and navigating New York City and its buildings stacked on top of one another, and her powers began to manifest. The same week she burst into flame, her mother passed away from a blameless, faultless car accident. A mechanical failure of the breaks of a city bus, colliding with four cars, hurting the lone pedestrian crossing the street. The omen of that burning cross laid in her chest as her ashes sat on the shelf of the living room in their tiny apartment. Jude's father ignored his mutant freak of a daughter, and her brother wasn't home for longer than a few minutes, and soon it was evident that Jude would fight tooth and claw for any attention. The letter for Vochertepp’s School for the Enhanced arrived just in time for high school. She was sent away without a second thought.

code by subtle thrill.
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cablebelly cablebelly quick question! i'm not going for this myself but i wanted to know if physical mutations were something that could happen with the metahuman genes? like extra/hybrids limbs and whatnot? in which case, would they only start to grow/appear/change at puberty or a traumatic event? or would they be born with it right off the bat?

also and birth of venus birth of venus you totally got there first, i was thinking of making a girlie that like breathes fire, but i definitely don't want to steal your thunder! i have a few other ideas so it's not a big deal! but i figured i'd ask anyway what the limitations are for similar powers?
cablebelly cablebelly quick question! i'm not going for this myself but i wanted to know if physical mutations were something that could happen with the metahuman genes? like extra/hybrids limbs and whatnot? in which case, would they only start to grow/appear/change at puberty or a traumatic event? or would they be born with it right off the bat?

also and birth of venus birth of venus you totally got there first, i was thinking of making a girlie that like breathes fire, but i definitely don't want to steal your thunder! i have a few other ideas so it's not a big deal! but i figured i'd ask anyway what the limitations are for similar powers?
hi there! great questions!

physical mutations are definitely a thing, go for it. as for when it would appear, it's up to you. it could be right out of the womb if they're someone you see as having their powers since birth, or it could be something that manifested in puberty or after a traumatic event. talk about double trauma lmao, things go bad and then you pop out an extra arm. funsies!

as for duplicate powers, they're definitely a thing in universe. whether or not you want to do that in game is up to you. i always find that there are more ways than one to represent a type of power, whether it be in limitations or applications, i'll let you guys discuss that amongst yourselves. tag team ups between two pals who have similar powers are something to consider, imo very cool >8)
also and birth of venus birth of venus you totally got there first, i was thinking of making a girlie that like breathes fire, but i definitely don't want to steal your thunder! i have a few other ideas so it's not a big deal! but i figured i'd ask anyway what the limitations are for similar powers?
ooooo a firebreather sounds badass! i'm glad cable clarified that similar powers can and do exist cause i was gonna say i 100% do not mind anyone having similar powers w jude, i know fire powers are always popular. i plan on jude being similar to like the human torch probably? fully engulfed in fire inside and out, instead of a mind power/pyrokinesis style power. i cant wait to see everyone's characters! (-:
awesome awesome! i'm so glad to hear it! thanks for answering my questions πŸ’•

so birth of venus birth of venus i definitely feel like jude would butt heads with my girl b/c they're both hotheads but in completely different ways? i'm working on a little somthn rn so you should be able to see it soon. if their powers are similar in the fact that they both generate fire, getting them to work together would def be a challenge, but i'm always here for the drama 😌
so anyway once i get her skeleton finished up maybe we can chat a little more about the subtle dynamics between their abilities, and how we could maybe use it to our advantage? idk


Name: Robert "Bob" Strassman
Age: 17

Introspective, quiet. He hates emotional conflict and will do anything to sooth tensions. He also has strong inner principles of working hard and serving others which he holds to above all. He also has been raised fairly traditionally and in an extremely small town so while very accepting of others, hates rapid change and doing lots of exciting or new things. He also doesn't like rocking the boat. He can also be steady and unmoving when it comes to his goals and missions. He also is extremely studious as though he is not smart or gifted in academics, he was taught to work extremely hard and so he works twice as hard to understand the same things it takes others to learn in half the time.

Geokinesis - the ability to move and form earth (earthbending), he can also move anything with earthen minerals, so far this is limited to rocks the size of a fist.
Geosense - the power to sense thousands of miles below the earth to sense minerals, fault lines in earth, or to sense movement within the earth, sends out sonar-like waves which sense underground
fault -has to be extremely emotional and distraught to sense (meaning he relives the moment when he thought his father would die in his mind), which he hates as he hates emotional conflict and seeks emotional peace,
weaknesses - doesn't work on humans or human movements in earth, also must be stationary to send out a sense
room for growth- could be used to sense human movements when they walk or move, also geokinesis can grow into much larger and more complex structures as well as moving them more rapidly. He can also move and shape metal.

Born in the hills of western Pennsylvania, Bob was born to a coal mining family which had worked in mining for centuries after the family immigrated from Germany in the 1800s. Due to the explosion of green technology however, the mines in western pennsylvania eventually grew more and more unprofitable as various other forms of technology grew more and more prevalent in America. Overtime, this caused more and more mines to close or to transition into other mining ventures like iron, copper, or other rare earth metals which were key for green technology.

The main company Bob's family worked for was Western Mining Co. For two generations, Bob's family had been hardworking miners working hard to put food on the table with no members of his family ever going to college or leaving western Pennsylvania. This also meant that while Bob had moved around some between mining towns, the towns themselves were never very large. Overtime, one by one coal mining operations and mines began closing down. This trend was continuing to happen with Western Mining Co. who informed the workers, of which Bob's father was one, that large layoffs would occur. This also meant that Bob's family was forced to live poorer and poorer rarely having enough to avoid luxuries and occasionally having to do without food. However, his parents were very close and supportive.

From a young age, Bob was also taught to work hard and that studying hard in school was important. Bob was not gifted academically but due to an extreme work ethic was able to achieve fairly good grades despite not understanding many things initially, this pushed away many friends who spent time doing other things while Bob worked hard to study in school.

In a bid to keep his job, Bob's father offered to have Bob do some 'odd jobs' for the company at below average wages. Bob also wanted to do this as he was very scared of his dad loosing his job. The company accepted and Bob got a job driving equipment, mining, and doing other jobs at the age of 15. While this caused, his grades to plumet, Bob began working long and tiring shifts at a young age to help his father keep his job. He would also grow closer to the various mining workers at the sight who took pity on such a young kid working difficult mining work giving him the less physically demanding jobs.

The company would continue experiencing losses however and would resort to more and more unsafe and unlawful activities to keep the mines open. This would cause an accident to occur one day when Bob and his father were working mining equipment deep underground, when the mineshaft they were in collapsed. Seeing what was happening, other workers, who the Strassman's were close to, began trying to dig the two out. However, it was Bob who would retool the mining equipment to find seems in the collapsing earth to quickly get the pair out.

Despite the relief of their rescue, no one could mistake the glow of Bob's muddy brown eyes and his dark brown hair. Testing out his powers with the workers gathered around, they were able to quickly determine that his power was the power of earthen sense, or the ability to sense thousands of miles below ground of earth sensing faultlines, mineral contents, and earthen movements. This caused shock in the miners as it was seen as very weird for a kid from the middle of nowhere to get superpowers. They had all heard of the big power players on tv but to have a superpowered person in their mine? It was shocking.

However, this would all come to a head when the manager of the mine heard about it. Realizing what could happen if the company was seen to have caused a mining accident which would cause various workers rights groups to sue the company finally killing its business, the manager and the local miners union held a meeting promising everyone a small sum of money to never talk or discuss what happened. Realizing their jobs were on the line, the workers decided to stay quiet. The various higher ups of the company, though, realized they had an opportunity on their hands. Every year, mining companies spend billions to prospect ore deposits to determine the viability of various mines or even valuing land. If the company could find mining ore sites of premium quality no one knew about, they could snatch up valuable lands for pennies on the dollar and fully transition out of coal. For one year, Bob was flown around the country to 'inspect' various sites as the company bought up unused land with high value ore deposits nationwide. This ensured that Bob's family's future was secured.

Nonetheless, after some time using his power. Bob was sent a leter from the government offering him entrance into Vochertepp’s School for the Enhanced. The company, realizing that what they were doing was somewhat tenuous legally, 'strongly advised' Bob to enter the school so that he could use his powers legally without the threat of the government or other companies suing them for using a minor with superpowers illegally.
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Name: Robert "Bob" Strassman
Age: 17

Introspective, quiet. He hates emotional conflict and will do anything to sooth tensions. He also has strong inner principles of working hard and serving others which he holds to above all. He also has been raised fairly traditionally and in an extremely small town so while very accepting of others, hates rapid change and doing lots of exciting or new things. He also doesn't like rocking the boat. He can also be steady and unmoving when it comes to his goals and missions. He also is extremely studious as though he is not smart or gifted in academics, he was taught to work extremely hard and so he works twice as hard to understand the same things it takes others to learn in half the time.

Geosense - the power to sense thousands of miles below the earth to sense minerals, fault lines in earth, or to sense movement within the earth, sends out sonar-like waves which sense underground
fault -has to be extremely emotional and distraught to sense (meaning he relives the moment when he thought his father would die in his mind), which he hates as he hates emotional conflict and seeks emotional peace,
weaknesses - doesn't work on humans or human movements in earth, also must be stationary to send out a sense
room for growth- could be used to sense human movements when they walk or move.

Born in the hills of western Pennsylvania, Bob was born to a coal mining family which had worked in mining for centuries after the family immigrated from Germany in the 1800s. Due to the explosion of green technology however, the mines in western pennsylvania eventually grew more and more unprofitable as various other forms of technology grew more and more prevalent in America. Overtime, this caused more and more mines to close or to transition into other mining ventures like iron, copper, or other rare earth metals which were key for green technology.

The main company Bob's family worked for was Western Mining Co. For two generations, Bob's family had been hardworking miners working hard to put food on the table with no members of his family ever going to college or leaving western Pennsylvania. This also meant that while Bob had moved around some between mining towns, the towns themselves were never very large. Overtime, one by one coal mining operations and mines began closing down. This trend was continuing to happen with Western Mining Co. who informed the workers, of which Bob's father was one, that large layoffs would occur. This also meant that Bob's family was forced to live poorer and poorer rarely having enough to avoid luxuries and occasionally having to do without food. However, his parents were very close and supportive.

From a young age, Bob was also taught to work hard and that studying hard in school was important. Bob was not gifted academically but due to an extreme work ethic was able to achieve fairly good grades despite not understanding many things initially, this pushed away many friends who spent time doing other things while Bob worked hard to study in school.

In a bid to keep his job, Bob's father offered to have Bob do some 'odd jobs' for the company at below average wages. Bob also wanted to do this as he was very scared of his dad loosing his job. The company accepted and Bob got a job driving equipment, mining, and doing other jobs at the age of 15. While this caused, his grades to plumet, Bob began working long and tiring shifts at a young age to help his father keep his job. He would also grow closer to the various mining workers at the sight who took pity on such a young kid working difficult mining work giving him the less physically demanding jobs.

The company would continue experiencing losses however and would resort to more and more unsafe and unlawful activities to keep the mines open. This would cause an accident to occur one day when Bob and his father were working mining equipment deep underground, when the mineshaft they were in collapsed. Seeing what was happening, other workers, who the Strassman's were close to, began trying to dig the two out. However, it was Bob who would retool the mining equipment to find seems in the collapsing earth to quickly get the pair out.

Despite the relief of their rescue, no one could mistake the glow of Bob's muddy brown eyes and his dark brown hair. Testing out his powers with the workers gathered around, they were able to quickly determine that his power was the power of earthen sense, or the ability to sense thousands of miles below ground of earth sensing faultlines, mineral contents, and earthen movements. This caused shock in the miners as it was seen as very weird for a kid from the middle of nowhere to get superpowers. They had all heard of the big power players on tv but to have a superpowered person in their mine? It was shocking.

However, this would all come to a head when the manager of the mine heard about it. Realizing what could happen if the company was seen to have caused a mining accident which would cause various workers rights groups to sue the company finally killing its business, the manager and the local miners union held a meeting promising everyone a small sum of money to never talk or discuss what happened. Realizing their jobs were on the line, the workers decided to stay quiet. The various higher ups of the company, though, realized they had an opportunity on their hands. Every year, mining companies spend billions to prospect ore deposits to determine the viability of various mines or even valuing land. If the company could find mining ore sites of premium quality no one knew about, they could snatch up valuable lands for pennies on the dollar and fully transition out of coal. For one year, Bob was flown around the country to 'inspect' various sites as the company bought up unused land with high value ore deposits nationwide. This ensured that Bob's family's future was secured.

Nonetheless, realizing that the feds would get on the company for misusing a minor for their powers. The company, who had never needed to interact with powers before, sent out some inquiries to the government on power certification. The company, wanting to make sure they can't get sued is sending Bob to the school to make sure his powers are used legally and certifiably so that was he can come back and make the company more money. Bob is fine with this as his long-term goal is to continue working in mining like his father and grandfathers before him. He is entering the school at age 17 and has never been before.
hey there!! i am digging the concept so far, i love the situation your character comes from. just a couple things.
first would be the picture -- i get the miner vibe, but he just doesn't look 17! i'd probably ask you to find another photo (miner getup not required) or stick to a description.

the other major thing i have to mention is the power. i'd like to see a little more detail at this stage, even though it's just the skeleton, and i fear you're lacking in some strengths for his ability! while it makes sense for him to be not at his strongest because he's recently discovered the power, but if he was being extorted for a year or two, were they purposefully torturing him with the memory that scared him the most every time they brought him to a site to use their powers? i might suggest bumping it down to being emotionally unsettled or uncomfortable. overall i think he needs a couple more strengths and just some more detail about how the power works.

other than that, i like the personality and backstory a lot! how it probably went was Bob himself got the invitation to the letter and the company execs were like, oh yes, this is our perfect out, but that's just a small piece and everything else is very solid.
I might have gone a bit overboard with writing this, but here's what I'm thinking for my character's power:

Paralyzing Dreamscape: When Alex comes in physical contact with any other living creature, energy flows from the point of contact towards the creature’s neck. The feeling of this energy is reminiscent of electricity. When the energy reaches their neck, the creature becomes paralyzed and is forcefully thrust into a hallucinatory world which Alex controls. While unable to physically move during paralysis, the creature’s perceived movements in the hallucination will be uninhibited(the brain will still be able to create/send impulses, but they will be interrupted by Alex’s energy at the top of the spinal column, meaning the creature perceives they are moving but are actually not).
Any events that happen in the hallucination will generate (phantom) sensations that the victim feels--water in the hallucination would feel like water, pain would be pain, etc.. However, nothing that happens while hallucinating has a physical effect on the creature’s body.
If it is aware enough, creatures in the dreamscape will understand they are hallucinating. The lasting effects of a horrifying hallucination depend entirely on the creature’s mental fortitude. If they are able to separate the events of the hallucination from the real world, it might be a scary or unpleasant experience, but it will have no lasting effects. In a worst-case scenario, the hallucinations could leave someone with PTSD.

Weaknesses: The closer to the Cervical Spinal Vertebrae (neck) that Alex touches, the faster the paralysis will go into effect. If someone is able to stop contact in that time, nothing will happen to them.
People are also able to get used to the paralysis. After paralysis occurs, so long as Alex is touching them the hallucinations will remain, but they will start to regain control of their body. At this time, the paralysis will only remain for an hour at most. Should Alex attempt to restart paralysis by removing and replacing contact, the time limit will get smaller and smaller as tolerance builds. If used often enough, someone could become temporarily immune to the paralysis (if Alex doesn’t use it for long enough on them, the tolerance will disappear). However, so long as Alex is in contact with them, they will hallucinate.
Alex can touch multiple people at once, but is unable to differentiate their hallucinations. So they’d experience the exact same thing. If they reacted differently to the hallucination, it would become more apparent that it was fake.
Alex cannot separate the powers. If someone wants to intentionally enter the hallucination, they will be paralyzed. And if Alex wants to paralyze someone, they will hallucinate.
Also, Alex needs to concentrate on the hallucination. It works directly on his thoughts, so if he spoke while using his powers, the target would somehow hear whatever he said. If he was simply touching someone without consciously generating a hallucination, they would hallucinate Alex’s stream of consciousness.

Let me know what you think! Also, I was thinking it might be interesting if, for the first six months or so when Alex first entered Vochertepp, his powers were sometimes used to punish other students. He was pretty desperate for approval at that time, so he would have complied with what they wanted for a bit. Thoughts on that?
the trees can hear you if you talk to them.
  • .

Name: Edith Lionne

Age: 17

Personality: Edith grew up quiet, a youngest child, never fully understood, and her personality often seems as though it’s fighting to break free of this.
Rarely the first to speak up in a group or put herself forward, Edith is often quiet, and often overly cautious, rarely taking action without a visible hesitation beforehand. Yet she often wishes she could be a bit more confident and bold, wanting the extra spark of excitement she’s always imagined would come with it. She’s easy to overlook, a rather small girl with an unassuming appearance and far from the strongest of powers, and having never really gotten the level of attention she secretly wants, still doesn’t know what to do to achieve it.
Despite this, Edith’s a very sociable person, always preferring being around other people than alone. Never really one to like the silence, she’ll try to keep conversations up as long as she can, seeming not to notice when she’s chattering on just a little too long. She’ll happily approach others, doing her best to minimize the time she spends alone.
A generally kind and genuine person, Edith finds herself easily connecting to anything alive around her, whether that’s other people or not. However, she’s easy to anger, and has strong convictions about the value of metahuman powers and general treatment of others that on occasion causes her to clash with those around her.

Backstory: Edith grew up with her father and an older sister, her mother having passed away in her youth. Her father’s side of the family had metahumans for many generations now, with abilities centered in manipulation of cold and darkness. Edith’s father could control the cold and her sister got a mix of both abilities, though both kept their powers for only at home, in private use due to the less than friendly attitudes of the community around them.
Edith, however, was always a little different. Her family’s ability set meant her home was always dark, always cold, and although they tried their best and she really did love her family, they could never understand what about it was making her unhappy. For the first part of her life, Edith showed none of the gifts that were expected to emerge, until at about 12 years of age Edith’s eyes first glowed, not the blues of the rest of her family, but a pale golden color.
She was able to practice her powers only in private, encouraged to keep them secret like the rest of her family. Her room was the only spot in the house that wasn’t unbearably cold or dark for her, the only spot she could really test out what she could do.
When the letter came two years later, her father was hesitant to let Edith go, but she eventually convinced him into it, desperate for a place where she could be understood. She entered the school shortly after turning 15 with a still hopeful attitude about her.

Powers: Edith can summon a warm, pale gold glow around her hands. It sheds a small amount of light and about as much heat as a hand warmer.
The light encourages plant growth it’s near, which Edith has a good control over, allowing her to manipulate plants she touches, although she is currently unable to make them do anything that could not naturally occur in their growth and can focus on only a few plants at a time, depending on their size. She can currently maintain her light for about half an hour before it needs that same amount of time to recharge.
coded by reveriee.

(ofc, this is just my first draft/initial ideas, open to changing any of it ☺️)
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Nameβ€”Germaine "Germ" LΓ©onie Pinchon.


Personalityβ€”Germ (no one calls her Germaine) hates Vochertepp with every fiber of her being. She hates her parents for sending her here. She'd love nothing more than to burn the entire facility to the ground, but she learned a long time ago that pushing back only gets you hurt. Thus, she's willing to do whatever it takes to stay low and out of trouble, even if it means that she looks like a prissy, stuck-up good kid as a result.
She's the teacher's pet, the A+ student that doesn't have a single bad mark in her ledger. Her smile says "conceited", while her eyes say "i won't hesitate, bitch". She'll do anything to keep her good record, even if it means being the hardest person to get along with.
Germ has a superiority complex; in an effort to hide her own feelings of worthlessness implanted by years of dwelling at Vochertepp. She's not afraid to use her power to assert authority, but has only grown more and more aware of her physical limitations, which only fuels her desire to push past them, which is more difficult than she would ever admit. If there's anything she hates more than her own weakness, it's people who show resistance. Her outward patience seems limitless, but beneath her apathetic façade boils an inferno of rage that she barely manages to restrain. She's promised herself that she'll never explode, because that would mean the end of the image she's worked so hard to cultivate. So more often than not, she's forced to swallow her pride and flash one of those smug smiles that she practices in the mirror.

Powersβ€”Since birth, Germ has had the ability to breathe fire. She can emit flames most comfortably (relatively speaking) at a seven foot range, but has been known to extend her flames up to almost twenty feet. The internal temperature can reach up to three thousand degrees Fahrenheit. This ability is not entirely compatible with her body; although her throat and mouth seem impervious to the heat, the rest of her body is not, and she is always in danger of catching herself on fire. She lost her sense of taste soon after developing her power, and she often suffers from breathing issues. She has a school-issued inhaler that's always on her person.
Through training, Germ has increased her firebreath's temperature and range, although she has certainly not reached her limit yet. Further, her flames are not incredibly precise, and this can certainly be improved.

Backgroundβ€”Germ's parents are a minor superpowered duo stationed in France. Her mother, Aloe, can emit various toxins from her mouth, while her father, Scald, can superheat his body and melt through almost any substance with a touch. They have high hopes for Germ to follow in their footsteps, especially after seeing the destructive capabilities of her power after it developed, and they sent her to Vochertepp when she was just six in hopes that she would be cultivated into a fine superhero. After a rocky first year, Germ quickly learned that fighting back only meant getting hurt, and so she began to outwardly submit, all the while inwardly cursing anything and everything about the institution she'd been forced to attend. Although she hasn't bucked against the system thus far, she's determined not to go along with her parents' plans for her, and has every intention of forging her own path once she "graduates" from Vochertepp. But she has this horrible feeling in her stomach that she'll never leave.
I might have gone a bit overboard with writing this, but here's what I'm thinking for my character's power:

Paralyzing Dreamscape: When Alex comes in physical contact with any other living creature, energy flows from the point of contact towards the creature’s neck. The feeling of this energy is reminiscent of electricity. When the energy reaches their neck, the creature becomes paralyzed and is forcefully thrust into a hallucinatory world which Alex controls. While unable to physically move during paralysis, the creature’s perceived movements in the hallucination will be uninhibited(the brain will still be able to create/send impulses, but they will be interrupted by Alex’s energy at the top of the spinal column, meaning the creature perceives they are moving but are actually not).
Any events that happen in the hallucination will generate (phantom) sensations that the victim feels--water in the hallucination would feel like water, pain would be pain, etc.. However, nothing that happens while hallucinating has a physical effect on the creature’s body.
If it is aware enough, creatures in the dreamscape will understand they are hallucinating. The lasting effects of a horrifying hallucination depend entirely on the creature’s mental fortitude. If they are able to separate the events of the hallucination from the real world, it might be a scary or unpleasant experience, but it will have no lasting effects. In a worst-case scenario, the hallucinations could leave someone with PTSD.

Weaknesses: The closer to the Cervical Spinal Vertebrae (neck) that Alex touches, the faster the paralysis will go into effect. If someone is able to stop contact in that time, nothing will happen to them.
People are also able to get used to the paralysis. After paralysis occurs, so long as Alex is touching them the hallucinations will remain, but they will start to regain control of their body. At this time, the paralysis will only remain for an hour at most. Should Alex attempt to restart paralysis by removing and replacing contact, the time limit will get smaller and smaller as tolerance builds. If used often enough, someone could become temporarily immune to the paralysis (if Alex doesn’t use it for long enough on them, the tolerance will disappear). However, so long as Alex is in contact with them, they will hallucinate.
Alex can touch multiple people at once, but is unable to differentiate their hallucinations. So they’d experience the exact same thing. If they reacted differently to the hallucination, it would become more apparent that it was fake.
Alex cannot separate the powers. If someone wants to intentionally enter the hallucination, they will be paralyzed. And if Alex wants to paralyze someone, they will hallucinate.
Also, Alex needs to concentrate on the hallucination. It works directly on his thoughts, so if he spoke while using his powers, the target would somehow hear whatever he said. If he was simply touching someone without consciously generating a hallucination, they would hallucinate Alex’s stream of consciousness.

Let me know what you think! Also, I was thinking it might be interesting if, for the first six months or so when Alex first entered Vochertepp, his powers were sometimes used to punish other students. He was pretty desperate for approval at that time, so he would have complied with what they wanted for a bit. Thoughts on that?
This is SPOOKY. I am into it. No comments for now, looks solid and balanced, can't wait to see the lad it comes with.
As for your little mean ol' idea (evil, love it) it depends on how long he's been there and how cooperative. I think if anything, they wouldn't mind making a puppet out of him, but it would likely be after the sixth month mark, not before. they like to sort of vet you at first, make the school seem real nice, and gage your compliance levels. so if you wanted him later on to start working with the faculty, we can discuss that further, but the beginning is mostly a trial period where they're real nice and gushy.

the trees can hear you if you talk to them.
  • .

Name: Edith Lionne

Age: 17

Personality: Edith grew up quiet, a youngest child, never fully understood, and her personality often seems as though it’s fighting to break free of this.
Rarely the first to speak up in a group or put herself forward, Edith is often quiet, and often overly cautious, rarely taking action without a visible hesitation beforehand. Yet she often wishes she could be a bit more confident and bold, wanting the extra spark of excitement she’s always imagined would come with it. She’s easy to overlook, a rather small girl with an unassuming appearance and far from the strongest of powers, and having never really gotten the level of attention she secretly wants, still doesn’t know what to do to achieve it.
Despite this, Edith’s a very sociable person, always preferring being around other people than alone. Never really one to like the silence, she’ll try to keep conversations up as long as she can, seeming not to notice when she’s chattering on just a little too long. She’ll happily approach others, doing her best to minimize the time she spends alone.
A generally kind and genuine person, Edith finds herself easily connecting to anything alive around her, whether that’s other people or not. However, she’s easy to anger, and has strong convictions about the value of metahuman powers and general treatment of others that on occasion causes her to clash with those around her.

Backstory: Edith grew up with her father and an older sister, her mother having passed away in her youth. Her father’s side of the family had metahumans for many generations now, with abilities centered in manipulation of cold and darkness. Edith’s father could control the cold and her sister got a mix of both abilities, though both kept their powers for only at home, in private use due to the less than friendly attitudes of the community around them.
Edith, however, was always a little different. Her family’s ability set meant her home was always dark, always cold, and although they tried their best and she really did love her family, they could never understand what about it was making her unhappy. For the first part of her life, Edith showed none of the gifts that were expected to emerge, until at about 12 years of age Edith’s eyes first glowed, not the blues of the rest of her family, but a pale golden color.
She was able to practice her powers only in private, encouraged to keep them secret like the rest of her family. Her room was the only spot in the house that wasn’t unbearably cold or dark for her, the only spot she could really test out what she could do.
When the letter came two years later, her father was hesitant to let Edith go, but she eventually convinced him into it, desperate for a place where she could be understood. She entered the school shortly after turning 15 with a still hopeful attitude about her.

Powers: Edith can summon a warm, pale gold glow around her hands. It sheds a small amount of light and about as much heat as a hand warmer.
The light encourages plant growth it’s near, which Edith has a good control over, allowing her to manipulate plants she touches, although she is currently unable to make them do anything that could not naturally occur in their growth and can focus on only a few plants at a time, depending on their size. She can currently maintain her light for about half an hour before it needs that same amount of time to recharge.
coded by reveriee.

(ofc, this is just my first draft/initial ideas, open to changing any of it ☺️)
oh my gosh... she's the sunshine in her cold/dark manip family... she doesn't deserve the hurt this rp is going to put her through. power seems pretty solid for right now, i'd love to hear it in further detail in the full cs (her quote makes me think she can maybe 'talk' to plants a little bit? can she grow them Very fast with her glow, enough to do vine-whippy combative stuff? or is she more medicinal/communicative in power), but otherwise, you are good to go to get started on the full sheet!

Nameβ€”Germaine "Germ" LΓ©onie Pinchon.


Personalityβ€”Germ (no one calls her Germaine) hates Vochertepp with every fiber of her being. She hates her parents for sending her here. She'd love nothing more than to burn the entire facility to the ground, but she learned a long time ago that pushing back only gets you hurt. Thus, she's willing to do whatever it takes to stay low and out of trouble, even if it means that she looks like a prissy, stuck-up good kid as a result.
She's the teacher's pet, the A+ student that doesn't have a single bad mark in her ledger. Her smile says "conceited", while her eyes say "i won't hesitate, bitch". She'll do anything to keep her good record, even if it means being the hardest person to get along with.
Germ has a superiority complex; in an effort to hide her own feelings of worthlessness implanted by years of dwelling at Vochertepp. She's not afraid to use her power to assert authority, but has only grown more and more aware of her physical limitations, which only fuels her desire to push past them, which is more difficult than she would ever admit. If there's anything she hates more than her own weakness, it's people who show resistance. Her outward patience seems limitless, but beneath her apathetic façade boils an inferno of rage that she barely manages to restrain. She's promised herself that she'll never explode, because that would mean the end of the image she's worked so hard to cultivate. So more often than not, she's forced to swallow her pride and flash one of those smug smiles that she practices in the mirror.

Powersβ€”Since birth, Germ has had the ability to breathe fire. She can emit flames most comfortably (relatively speaking) at a seven foot range, but has been known to extend her flames up to almost twenty feet. The internal temperature can reach up to three thousand degrees Fahrenheit. This ability is not entirely compatible with her body; although her throat and mouth seem impervious to the heat, the rest of her body is not, and she is always in danger of catching herself on fire. She lost her sense of taste soon after developing her power, and she often suffers from breathing issues. She has a school-issued inhaler that's always on her person.
Through training, Germ has increased her firebreath's temperature and range, although she has certainly not reached her limit yet. Further, her flames are not incredibly precise, and this can certainly be improved.

Backgroundβ€”Germ's parents are a minor superpowered duo stationed in France. Her mother, Aloe, can emit various toxins from her mouth, while her father, Scald, can superheat his body and melt through almost any substance with a touch. They have high hopes for Germ to follow in their footsteps, especially after seeing the destructive capabilities of her power after it developed, and they sent her to Vochertepp when she was just six in hopes that she would be cultivated into a fine superhero. After a rocky first year, Germ quickly learned that fighting back only meant getting hurt, and so she began to outwardly submit, all the while inwardly cursing anything and everything about the institution she'd been forced to attend. Although she hasn't bucked against the system thus far, she's determined not to go along with her parents' plans for her, and has every intention of forging her own path once she "graduates" from Vochertepp. But she has this horrible feeling in her stomach that she'll never leave.
hellll yes superpower parents. love the combo i love her parents, their superhero NAMES. aloe. so good. school issued inhaler, very fun piece, excellent. everything looks solid to me, you are free to tackle the full sheet!
you already know most of this cloudy but here comes the boy

Name: Arkady Novikoff

Age: 17

Gender: Cis Guy (He/Him)

Personality: Arkady knows that standing out in any way is not a good thing. He's already at a slight disadvantage: he's easily recognizable as the son of a villain, which hasn't done much to earn him points with people. He tries to act as casual as possible at all times; he avoids conflict and remains agreeable with people at most points. He's mastered the art of nodding and saying 'mhm' at the correct moment to indicate you're listening to someone when in actuality you're zoning out. He acts friendly and easy-going, and tries to seem like things come easy for him. He aims to keep only slightly-above-average scores in class, considering low scores and high scores to be the sorts of things to put a spotlight on him.

In actuality, though, Arkady is a intelligent person who is extremely stressed all the time. He bottles up as many negative emotions he can rather than actually dealing with them, because dealing with them is difficult and also may lead to his abilities going haywire once again (which, while inevitable, he hopes can be put off). Things don't come as easy to him as he makes it seem and he has to work hard to maintain that sort of flawless image. He's diligent and determined, with a good sense of humor. He gets easily frustrated, and while he tries to mask it, there have been times where he's gotten to the point of snapping at people. He's a bit of a perfectionist, and has been known to completely take over projects or tasks when he's deemed someone unfit to do something and he's reached his limit. His main drive is fitting in, not standing out, and just getting through the day.

Shadow Walker - Arkady's ability is a hybrid between teleportation, his mother's power, and shadow manipulation, his father's power. It has a few aspects to it. The first is that he's able to teleport between area, but only if both the area he's leaving and the area he's entering are shaded. The second is that he's able to manipulate shadows, mainly to hide himself. The third is that he has the ability to remove all light from an area, effectively snuffing it out, but he's only done this on occasion and it has never been intentional. A downside to his ability is that he is extremely sensitive to light, sun or otherwise. While it won't kill him, the effects range from being extremely uncomfortable (on a good day) and being extremely painful like a burn (on a bad day). Since his father was able to make physical, temporary things from shadows, its assumed that Arkady could eventually do the same. He's tried, but so far has nothing to show for his efforts, seeing as anything he forms becomes intangible again after a few moments, unless its incredibly small. With enough light, anything he creates also dissolves anyway.

Backstory: Arkady had a fairly simple life at first. He grew up in a fairly off-the-grid home with his mother near Baker City, Oregon, where he was homeschooled and spent his time either out exploring or helping his mom in the bakery she worked in. He didn't interact with many people, frankly, but it didn't bother him much. His father stopped in at random, staying for a few days or a week before disappearing again for varying amounts of time. When asked, his mother would tell him that his father had business trips to attend to and that he shouldn't worry about it. It was only when he was around 10 that she told him that his dad was a superhero of the vigilante sort and that he was off saving places. Being as sheltered and young as he was, he believed it.

He didn't have powers right away, despite desperately trying. His mom could teleport, and did so regularly, flitting back and forth between areas of the bakery during work and using her ability in the most mundane aspects of life. His dad, meanwhile, was able to manipulate shadows, often doing so when he was home to entertain Arkady in various ways. Once his mom had told him that his father was a hero, his want to have abilities increased tenfold. He would often sit around and concentrate very hard in hopes that at some point, something would happen. He wasn't sure what, but he was willing to take anything. He also was determined to see what his father was doing, but his mother made sure to keep him occupied whenever anything about heroes was on the news.

When he was 14, things came to a head. Over the years, he and his mother had gotten into a cycle- he'd turn on the tv in a way he'd think was 'sneaky', try to catch a glimpse of his father, and then his mom would catch on and turn the tv off as quickly as possible. But one day, he managed to turn it on at right time while the news was running to see his father killed. It turned out that his mom had lied to him; while his father did leave to do a job involving his abilities, it happened to be as a villain and not a hero. It was during that moment that Arkady's abilities developed, and he ended snuffing out the light throughout the entire house.

The letter didn't come right away, and things were tense. The first discovery they made was that any lighting above 'dim' hurt him- it ranged from discomfort to burning, and led to him staying indoors with the lights off on most days. His relationship with his mother deteriorated, with him having pent up anger at both her and his father now that things had come to light, and his abilities went haywire whenever he ended up getting too emotional. During one incident, he ended accidentally repeatedly teleporting, and during others, shorting out the lights like he had the first time, though on a smaller scale. Their neighbors, who had seen his father around, also become less friendly towards the two, now knowing who they were. When a letter ended up coming months later, his mother encouraged him to go in order to help with their reputation so he wouldn't be seen as just the son of a villain. He did end up accepting, though for different reasons: he just wanted to get away from his mother and saw this as an opportunity to do so.

The first bit in the school was fine. His unhappy nature had really nothing to do with his education; instead, it was just residual anger towards his situation. If anything, he was comfortable at the school, and was warming up to it. Of course, that didn't last; once the veil was lifted and things stopped being all sunshine and roses, he grew rather cynical about the whole situation. He's been at the school for around 2 1/2 years at this point.
oh my gosh... she's the sunshine in her cold/dark manip family... she doesn't deserve the hurt this rp is going to put her through. power seems pretty solid for right now, i'd love to hear it in further detail in the full cs (her quote makes me think she can maybe 'talk' to plants a little bit? can she grow them Very fast with her glow, enough to do vine-whippy combative stuff? or is she more medicinal/communicative in power), but otherwise, you are good to go to get started on the full sheet!
aaaaa thank you SO MUCH. I was thinking the more medicinal/communicative powers, mayBE yeah a bit of talking to plants that's a good idea !! though potential for maybe learning more combative stuff/pushing them past their "natural" potential as the rp goes on/characters learn more. but again !! tysm and I can't word how cool this rp as a whole looks
you already know most of this cloudy but here comes the boy

Name: Arkady Novikoff

Age: 17

Gender: Cis Guy (He/Him)

Personality: Arkady knows that standing out in any way is not a good thing. He's already at a slight disadvantage: he's easily recognizable as the son of a villain, which hasn't done much to earn him points with people. He tries to act as casual as possible at all times; he avoids conflict and remains agreeable with people at most points. He's mastered the art of nodding and saying 'mhm' at the correct moment to indicate you're listening to someone when in actuality you're zoning out. He acts friendly and easy-going, and tries to seem like things come easy for him. He aims to keep only slightly-above-average scores in class, considering low scores and high scores to be the sorts of things to put a spotlight on him.

In actuality, though, Arkady is a intelligent person who is extremely stressed all the time. He bottles up as many negative emotions he can rather than actually dealing with them, because dealing with them is difficult and also may lead to his abilities going haywire once again (which, while inevitable, he hopes can be put off). Things don't come as easy to him as he makes it seem and he has to work hard to maintain that sort of flawless image. He's diligent and determined, with a good sense of humor. He gets easily frustrated, and while he tries to mask it, there have been times where he's gotten to the point of snapping at people. He's a bit of a perfectionist, and has been known to completely take over projects or tasks when he's deemed someone unfit to do something and he's reached his limit. His main drive is fitting in, not standing out, and just getting through the day.

Shadow Walker - Arkady's ability is a hybrid between teleportation, his mother's power, and shadow manipulation, his father's power. It has a few aspects to it. The first is that he's able to teleport between area, but only if both the area he's leaving and the area he's entering are shaded. The second is that he's able to manipulate shadows, mainly to hide himself. The third is that he has the ability to remove all light from an area, effectively snuffing it out, but he's only done this on occasion and it has never been intentional. A downside to his ability is that he is extremely sensitive to light, sun or otherwise. While it won't kill him, the effects range from being extremely uncomfortable (on a good day) and being extremely painful like a burn (on a bad day). Since his father was able to make physical, temporary things from shadows, its assumed that Arkady could eventually do the same. He's tried, but so far has nothing to show for his efforts, seeing as anything he forms becomes intangible again after a few moments, unless its incredibly small. With enough light, anything he creates also dissolves anyway.

Backstory: Arkady had a fairly simple life at first. He grew up in a fairly off-the-grid home with his mother near Baker City, Oregon, where he was homeschooled and spent his time either out exploring or helping his mom in the bakery she worked in. He didn't interact with many people, frankly, but it didn't bother him much. His father stopped in at random, staying for a few days or a week before disappearing again for varying amounts of time. When asked, his mother would tell him that his father had business trips to attend to and that he shouldn't worry about it. It was only when he was around 10 that she told him that his dad was a superhero of the vigilante sort and that he was off saving places. Being as sheltered and young as he was, he believed it.

He didn't have powers right away, despite desperately trying. His mom could teleport, and did so regularly, flitting back and forth between areas of the bakery during work and using her ability in the most mundane aspects of life. His dad, meanwhile, was able to manipulate shadows, often doing so when he was home to entertain Arkady in various ways. Once his mom had told him that his father was a hero, his want to have abilities increased tenfold. He would often sit around and concentrate very hard in hopes that at some point, something would happen. He wasn't sure what, but he was willing to take anything. He also was determined to see what his father was doing, but his mother made sure to keep him occupied whenever anything about heroes was on the news.

When he was 14, things came to a head. Over the years, he and his mother had gotten into a cycle- he'd turn on the tv in a way he'd think was 'sneaky', try to catch a glimpse of his father, and then his mom would catch on and turn the tv off as quickly as possible. But one day, he managed to turn it on at right time while the news was running to see his father killed. It turned out that his mom had lied to him; while his father did leave to do a job involving his abilities, it happened to be as a villain and not a hero. It was during that moment that Arkady's abilities developed, and he ended snuffing out the light throughout the entire house.

The letter didn't come right away, and things were tense. The first discovery they made was that any lighting above 'dim' hurt him- it ranged from discomfort to burning, and led to him staying indoors with the lights off on most days. His relationship with his mother deteriorated, with him having pent up anger at both her and his father now that things had come to light, and his abilities went haywire whenever he ended up getting too emotional. During one incident, he ended accidentally repeatedly teleporting, and during others, shorting out the lights like he had the first time, though on a smaller scale. Their neighbors, who had seen his father around, also become less friendly towards the two, now knowing who they were. When a letter ended up coming months later, his mother encouraged him to go in order to help with their reputation so he wouldn't be seen as just the son of a villain. He did end up accepting, though for different reasons: he just wanted to get away from his mother and saw this as an opportunity to do so.

The first bit in the school was fine. His unhappy nature had really nothing to do with his education; instead, it was just residual anger towards his situation. If anything, he was comfortable at the school, and was warming up to it. Of course, that didn't last; once the veil was lifted and things stopped being all sunshine and roses, he grew rather cynical about the whole situation. He's been at the school for around 2 1/2 years at this point.
tfw someone else makes the child of a villain with shadow-like abilities ;-;

oooooonto plan b .u.
i know the lore sheet said forceful power acquisitions probably wouldn't be available but. ed's parents have a shitload of money to throw around and also i didnt realize that until like halfway through writing this so thats my bad. i REALLY wanted to try stretching the trauma-to-power pipeline to its farthest possible limits.

im so ugly, thats ok 'cuz so are you
  • .

Name: Edsel Darbyshire

Age: 16

Personality: Edsel is a spitfire in the sincerest sense of the word. This is partially due to his powers, which we'll get into -- but he's not of sound mind or gentle temperament. He's moody to the point of madness, and can pounce at the slightest provocation. This is a trait that's been cultivated by his counselors to make him the ultimate metahuman slaughter machine. He appears almost doglike in nature when provoked, a result of traumatic conditioning over almost ten years of his life that makes him difficult to get close to and easy to anger. But he is still human, much to the chagrin of his "creators". When he isn't pissed off, he often experiences crushing sadness that can basically only be cured by distraction. He also has a great many hobbies that excite him far more than superheroism, such as playing the guitar. And if you expect him to follow commands, well, that's easier said than done. He'll really only do it if he's under threat of torture, though there's a solid chance of that just incapacitating him due to PTSD. He's not morally deficient in any way, he's a decent person, but pretty awful to deal with under most circumstances. He is the monster that humanity created.

Backstory: Edsel was the painfully average son of two celebrity superheroes from Wales, who were living in the US at the time. They waited and waited for his powers to awaken -- no dice. Fearing that their firstborn was essentially useless, he was taken to a neurologist, and they discovered something incredible. With proper cultivation, Edsel could very well become one of the most powerful metahumans to exist, as his body was host to immense unawakened potential. The only problem was tapping into that potential. His parents put their reputation ahead of his safety, and paid a black market service to have his powers jostled from their place.

At age six, Edsel experienced things no child ought to. In his first two years, the brain damage he suffered was so severe that he was barely recognizable personality-wise. Due to the fact that this was being done illegally and not by anyone with real scientific chops, they basically tried everything in the hopes that it'd work. However, they persisted until finally, a full four years after acquiring him, he awakened. Unfortunately, Edsel wasn't the wonderful, TV-ready son his mother and father had hoped for. In fact, they figured that if the public were to see what he'd been turned into, they'd be absolutely horrified. It may have been regret or simple neglectful energy, but they were more than happy to send him to Vochertepp after receiving the referral.

The next several years were spent taming Edsel, or at least attempting to. While he did gain control of his powers, he had lost control of his personality, and only became more unmanageable as puberty hit. He was definitely not a well-liked student among the staff, and has remained that way ever since. Over time they managed to figure him out using some combination of Pavlovian reward tactics and playing on his childhood trauma, so it's definitely easier now than it was four years ago.

Powers: With a mother who controls electricity and a father who has super-strength, it seemed a bit odd that Edsel's power turned out to be bone manipulation. This was attributed to the natural "electricity" inside of the human body. Edsel can manipulate his bones and teeth at will, with relatively little damage beyond ripping his own skin sometimes. His bones are insanely strong and have never broken in his entire life, so he's been known to morph his body into some pretty heinous-looking H.R. Geiger-looking creatures. He's been known to grow spiky bone spurs on his back if you touch him without asking, and his teeth can get incredibly long. Though it's a painful process, he's gotten used to it.
coded by reveriee.
hey there!! i am digging the concept so far, i love the situation your character comes from. just a couple things.
first would be the picture -- i get the miner vibe, but he just doesn't look 17! i'd probably ask you to find another photo (miner getup not required) or stick to a description.

the other major thing i have to mention is the power. i'd like to see a little more detail at this stage, even though it's just the skeleton, and i fear you're lacking in some strengths for his ability! while it makes sense for him to be not at his strongest because he's recently discovered the power, but if he was being extorted for a year or two, were they purposefully torturing him with the memory that scared him the most every time they brought him to a site to use their powers? i might suggest bumping it down to being emotionally unsettled or uncomfortable. overall i think he needs a couple more strengths and just some more detail about how the power works.

other than that, i like the personality and backstory a lot! how it probably went was Bob himself got the invitation to the letter and the company execs were like, oh yes, this is our perfect out, but that's just a small piece and everything else is very solid.

I edited my page a bit to include a realistic face claim. I also edited the biography to include some upgrades to the power, namely geokinesis which allows Bob to move and shape rock similar to earthbending. Currently this is limited to fist sized rocks. This can grow more and more stronger overtime. I also included the part about him getting a letter.

As for the company using him for his powers, I was thinking that the conflict wouldn't really be with the company. Rather, my character desires a calm and peaceful life but he is incentivized in order to help his family to use his power which causes him to become emotional. That was the basic idea. More that if he wants to have a job he would need to do something that would cause him distress but not having a job would cause him distress by not providing for his family. I think him being unsettled or uncomfortable would work.

The idea for function would be something like a map of geology underground. Like the following rl underground mining maps



For my character, I wanted to explore the more ordinary side of superpowers. In plenty of industries, companies spend billions of dollars doing things most superpowers could solve for free. For example, the mining industry spends about 6 billion worldwide on using a variety of sensors, geological maps, equipment, ai, etc. to 'guess' where there might be a high amount of valuable ore, price the land and then start digging hoping they strike gold. It's largely a guessing game that we have only just started getting better at with computers and such.

My idea was to examine how certain people and industries, if they found people with certain powers could be very valuable, outside of the world of punching and kicking, and how that would play out in a persons life who has a power and just wants to live normal. He's not very interested in becoming a superpowered tv star and wants to eventually return to civilian life as much as possible. The conflict would be between the culture and media which wants high powered media superstars and my character who doesn't want to live that life.

These were just some of my ideas and what I was thinking about my character, you can let me know how all of this sounds.


Lyric Arielle Black

AGE: 17 years old

If there’s one way that most people use to refer to Lyric it would be cool, perhaps stoic even. Lyric is the type of let most things roll right off her back. She is not easily shaken. Her skin is thick, thick enough to put a honey badger’s to shame some would say. Lyric doesn’t like to dwell on the past too much, instead she focuses on the future. She knows that looking back can cause one to trip, lingering in the past can leave her blind to what’s ahead of her. Lyric doesn’t dwell on past mistakes or burned bridges, instead she learns and adapts. Her personality is very much β€œit is what it is”. Lyric is straightforward, she doesn’t beat around the bush or dance around sensitive topics. Instead she prefers to meet them head on.

Her laid-back personality leaves people with the impression that they can walk all over her. Her forgiving nature tempts people into trying her again and again. Lyric is anything but a push over however, she’s strong on her beliefs and when she makes a decision then it’s final. It’s because she tends to weigh her outcomes, make choices in a way that isn’t hasty. Lyric doesn’t like being pushed to make a decision, doesn’t like being hasty but would rather think things through. She's definitely the type of person who reads the rules before she breaks them.

POWER: Audiokinesis - Lyric has the ability to manipulate sound. Meaning that she can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force and high-speed movement.

STRENGTHS: Her power is invisible and versatile. With sound manipulation it allows her to be adept at stealth. It also works as a defensive power, allowing her to produce sound waves, by mouth or hands, that can knock back enemies or cause damage to objects. She can also produce different frequencies, ranging from an earache inducing whistle to a powerful sonic scream.

WEAKNESSES: Lyric doesn’t have full control over her abilities yet and because of this they can do damage. For example, her sonic blasts not being focused and damaging the area. Currently her power is only focused on herself, meaning that she can only manipulate her sounds and hearing or items that are touching her. If her mouth is covered Lyric’s power is muffled depending on what’s being used to cover her mouth, things like tape can be blasted off but more powerful things like metals can silence her, thus cutting off her sonic scream and voice based abilities. Lyric is also sensitive to loud sounds when she manipulates her hearing, specifically when she turns it up. If her hearing is turned up and her sonic scream is deflected and sent back to her, it can do damage.

BACKGROUND: Lyric has told the story of her birth multiple times. How when she was brought into the world she had been quiet, no she had been completely silent. Even though she cried no sound could be heard from her, leaving her parents and the doctors worried. As she was placed in her mother’s arms it seemed as though she had found her voice and she began to wail. It was right then and there they realized that she was a metahuman. Lyric had to be placed within a special hospital crib, one that wouldn’t break due to her voice, that would keep it to a reasonable level.

Her ability came as a shock to her parents, because they both grew up without powers. As far as anyone could tell, they were normal humans. It wasn’t hard to find out where Lyric had gotten this gene from, her grandfather possessed the same power as her. And it was Ernest who would help her control it as she grew older. Her grandfather was a subdued individual, even with his clothing honey eyes and bright, honey blonde hair. Ernest was a man who always seemed to make himself smaller, a simple man who didn’t say much, didn’t like to draw attention to himself. Ernest was very much a product of his time.

It was one of the reasons why he was so protective of his granddaughter, why he pushed her to stifle her power, snuff the flame before it grew too large. Ernest would tell her tales of the past, of friends who he grew up with but her gone before the morning sun hit the horizon. How he himself was taken and his power forced out of him. Ernest would always get quiet at certain parts, drift off as if physically in pain. The horrors of the past never truly left him and it left him with aches and pains both physical and mental.

Lyric would listen to her grandfather and grow angry on his behalf and the behalf of those who suffered like him. She grew up not afraid of her powers, but admiring them, knowing that they made her special. She refused to feel bad over something that she had no control over. Lyric would live proudly, for herself and for her Papa Ernest. Her parents had different ideas though. They knew what came with being a metahuman through stories and with Ernest filling her head they knew that she would get out of control.

Her parents were quick to accept the letter from Vochertepp’s School for the Enhanced. Knowing that their daughter was in good hands, that she would learn to control her powers and discipline herself. Ernest didn’t trust it but there was little that he could do.

speak you mind, even if you voice shakes.
code by low fidelity.
Last edited:

you already know most of this cloudy but here comes the boy

Name: Arkady Novikoff

Age: 17

Gender: Cis Guy (He/Him)

Personality: Arkady knows that standing out in any way is not a good thing. He's already at a slight disadvantage: he's easily recognizable as the son of a villain, which hasn't done much to earn him points with people. He tries to act as casual as possible at all times; he avoids conflict and remains agreeable with people at most points. He's mastered the art of nodding and saying 'mhm' at the correct moment to indicate you're listening to someone when in actuality you're zoning out. He acts friendly and easy-going, and tries to seem like things come easy for him. He aims to keep only slightly-above-average scores in class, considering low scores and high scores to be the sorts of things to put a spotlight on him.

In actuality, though, Arkady is a intelligent person who is extremely stressed all the time. He bottles up as many negative emotions he can rather than actually dealing with them, because dealing with them is difficult and also may lead to his abilities going haywire once again (which, while inevitable, he hopes can be put off). Things don't come as easy to him as he makes it seem and he has to work hard to maintain that sort of flawless image. He's diligent and determined, with a good sense of humor. He gets easily frustrated, and while he tries to mask it, there have been times where he's gotten to the point of snapping at people. He's a bit of a perfectionist, and has been known to completely take over projects or tasks when he's deemed someone unfit to do something and he's reached his limit. His main drive is fitting in, not standing out, and just getting through the day.

Shadow Walker - Arkady's ability is a hybrid between teleportation, his mother's power, and shadow manipulation, his father's power. It has a few aspects to it. The first is that he's able to teleport between area, but only if both the area he's leaving and the area he's entering are shaded. The second is that he's able to manipulate shadows, mainly to hide himself. The third is that he has the ability to remove all light from an area, effectively snuffing it out, but he's only done this on occasion and it has never been intentional. A downside to his ability is that he is extremely sensitive to light, sun or otherwise. While it won't kill him, the effects range from being extremely uncomfortable (on a good day) and being extremely painful like a burn (on a bad day). Since his father was able to make physical, temporary things from shadows, its assumed that Arkady could eventually do the same. He's tried, but so far has nothing to show for his efforts, seeing as anything he forms becomes intangible again after a few moments, unless its incredibly small. With enough light, anything he creates also dissolves anyway.

Backstory: Arkady had a fairly simple life at first. He grew up in a fairly off-the-grid home with his mother near Baker City, Oregon, where he was homeschooled and spent his time either out exploring or helping his mom in the bakery she worked in. He didn't interact with many people, frankly, but it didn't bother him much. His father stopped in at random, staying for a few days or a week before disappearing again for varying amounts of time. When asked, his mother would tell him that his father had business trips to attend to and that he shouldn't worry about it. It was only when he was around 10 that she told him that his dad was a superhero of the vigilante sort and that he was off saving places. Being as sheltered and young as he was, he believed it.

He didn't have powers right away, despite desperately trying. His mom could teleport, and did so regularly, flitting back and forth between areas of the bakery during work and using her ability in the most mundane aspects of life. His dad, meanwhile, was able to manipulate shadows, often doing so when he was home to entertain Arkady in various ways. Once his mom had told him that his father was a hero, his want to have abilities increased tenfold. He would often sit around and concentrate very hard in hopes that at some point, something would happen. He wasn't sure what, but he was willing to take anything. He also was determined to see what his father was doing, but his mother made sure to keep him occupied whenever anything about heroes was on the news.

When he was 14, things came to a head. Over the years, he and his mother had gotten into a cycle- he'd turn on the tv in a way he'd think was 'sneaky', try to catch a glimpse of his father, and then his mom would catch on and turn the tv off as quickly as possible. But one day, he managed to turn it on at right time while the news was running to see his father killed. It turned out that his mom had lied to him; while his father did leave to do a job involving his abilities, it happened to be as a villain and not a hero. It was during that moment that Arkady's abilities developed, and he ended snuffing out the light throughout the entire house.

The letter didn't come right away, and things were tense. The first discovery they made was that any lighting above 'dim' hurt him- it ranged from discomfort to burning, and led to him staying indoors with the lights off on most days. His relationship with his mother deteriorated, with him having pent up anger at both her and his father now that things had come to light, and his abilities went haywire whenever he ended up getting too emotional. During one incident, he ended accidentally repeatedly teleporting, and during others, shorting out the lights like he had the first time, though on a smaller scale. Their neighbors, who had seen his father around, also become less friendly towards the two, now knowing who they were. When a letter ended up coming months later, his mother encouraged him to go in order to help with their reputation so he wouldn't be seen as just the son of a villain. He did end up accepting, though for different reasons: he just wanted to get away from his mother and saw this as an opportunity to do so.

The first bit in the school was fine. His unhappy nature had really nothing to do with his education; instead, it was just residual anger towards his situation. If anything, he was comfortable at the school, and was warming up to it. Of course, that didn't last; once the veil was lifted and things stopped being all sunshine and roses, he grew rather cynical about the whole situation. He's been at the school for around 2 1/2 years at this point.
the boy is here and he's a good lil boy. excited, go forth

tfw someone else makes the child of a villain with shadow-like abilities ;-;

oooooonto plan b .u.
if it makes you feel any better, technically, i also did this. great minds right, hah, not to worry though there are plenty of villains that have not so villain-y powers! i believe in youu

aaaaa thank you SO MUCH. I was thinking the more medicinal/communicative powers, mayBE yeah a bit of talking to plants that's a good idea !! though potential for maybe learning more combative stuff/pushing them past their "natural" potential as the rp goes on/characters learn more. but again !! tysm and I can't word how cool this rp as a whole looks

that sounds great! and thank you so much!! excited to corrupt your sunshine girl :,)

WIP!! This sheet morphed the more I wrote through it hahaha. I had a sort of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde idea in mind but please let me know if his power sounds too op!

Name: Apollo Karimov
Age: 19
Personality: Since his power relies heavily on the amount of energy Apollo stores within his body, he’s adapted a personality that comes across as very low energy and lethargic. Within his life, he’s been described by others as everything in between a level headed introvert to a deadbeat. He only puts exactly as much effort into something as what is required of him, no more, and if he can manage it, usually less. Formerly an energetic and rambunctious child, Apollo learned to stifle the typically strong emotions he feels within himself to avoid accidentally losing control of his power and harming others. The habit of feeling things strongly are still there, but they remain burning under the surface hotly, mere shadows of what he actually allows himself to feel. Apollo is always on edge, the power within him feeling like a ticking time bomb waiting to go off and kill himself and anyone around him. When someone is interacting with him Apollo will put on an air of nonchalance, but when looking closer at his mannerisms, you can notice a fidgeting and anxious body language stirring underneath his layers of coolness. He has a habit of lingering around places, wanting to be included but not willing to put in the effort to initiate any interactions. When in combat or training, however, Apollo allows himself to loosen up, becoming almost a split personality as he reveals a chaotic and frenzied disposition in the place of his cool one. When allowed to fully use his power, Apollo releases all of the pent up energy and emotion he had kept suppressed up until that point.

(Hoping to include maybe a pseudo split personality/chaotic energy to this character that’s a little unpredictable and dangerous??? Thoughts??)


Powers: Apollo can transform his life energy and create powerful reactions from fusing gasses within his environment, similar to the reactions within stars. He can release whip like streaks of pure energy that burn or incinerate objects depending on their strength. (kinda like a solar flare?) As the power relies on his life energy, he is limited with how much he can use. If using it too much, his body will reach a state where he can no longer control its reactions, causing a supernova explosion that will consume his body and kill him/a large portion of the environment around him. When using his power, bright white/gold lines appear across his skin, like his body is being cracked from the inside, unable to fully contain the energy coursing through him. The more energy his body consumes, the more of him is fully enveloped by the light (similar to the brightness of the sun)

Background: Apollo has been at the school, in his eyes, for way too god damned long. He has a cynical and judgmental view of the school. He doesn’t trust anything the administration says, having lived through the gullible innocent view of the school and been burnt by it long ago. He has been held back by the school due to the unpredictable nature of his power. Apollo can’t really deny the reasoning behind it, but he’s cynical about it nonetheless. He believes the school is keeping him in their clutches and influence as a last resort, a convenient bomb they can let go feral and sacrifice itself should a threat large enough to warrant the action arise.

Apollo came from a long line of mutants. He considers his power to be the result of a melting pot of different mutations. Fire manipulation, heat generation, air control, gas manipulation, electricity manifestation, etc. Originally bearing the birth name Marcel, when his power manifested, his mother renamed him Apollo after the god of the sun. Born into a family of poor Uzbekistan immigrants clustered in New York and New Jersey, Apollo’s family believed him and the power he was born with was a blessing to their family. They hoped that he would one day grow into a powerful and revered superhero and bring their family wealth and recognition. After an incident during a family gathering where multiple family members were left in critical conditions with severe burns and two with amputated limbs, he was sent to the school at 10 years old. His family, and Apollo himself, had finally come to realize the darker side to such an unpredictable and uncontrollable power. This was when he worked on stifling his emotions and feelings in a feeble attempt to control his power.

okay, def a solid start over here!
i don't think you need to include the split persona to include a bit of chaotic energy to him. his personality as written already seems to be quite split with the lethargic side of him stifling the naturally rambunctious aspect. there's already a lot there to work and play around with and going for a clinical split might overwhelm you with the overwhelming power you want to have
what i think you've done in terms of powers is create a solar energy powered character! i think labeling it as life energy is not what you've presented here, it seems more like he's a solar powered guy. apollo, right? i think this powerset could be solidified a lot further if you reworked it under that umbrella, maybe he needs to 'charge' up from the sun, he's storing that energy inside, etc.

i know the lore sheet said forceful power acquisitions probably wouldn't be available but. ed's parents have a shitload of money to throw around and also i didnt realize that until like halfway through writing this so thats my bad. i REALLY wanted to try stretching the trauma-to-power pipeline to its farthest possible limits.

im so ugly, thats ok 'cuz so are you
  • .

Name: Edsel Darbyshire

Age: 16

Personality: Edsel is a spitfire in the sincerest sense of the word. This is partially due to his powers, which we'll get into -- but he's not of sound mind or gentle temperament. He's moody to the point of madness, and can pounce at the slightest provocation. This is a trait that's been cultivated by his counselors to make him the ultimate metahuman slaughter machine. He appears almost doglike in nature when provoked, a result of traumatic conditioning over almost ten years of his life that makes him difficult to get close to and easy to anger. But he is still human, much to the chagrin of his "creators". When he isn't pissed off, he often experiences crushing sadness that can basically only be cured by distraction. He also has a great many hobbies that excite him far more than superheroism, such as playing the guitar. And if you expect him to follow commands, well, that's easier said than done. He'll really only do it if he's under threat of torture, though there's a solid chance of that just incapacitating him due to PTSD. He's not morally deficient in any way, he's a decent person, but pretty awful to deal with under most circumstances. He is the monster that humanity created.

Backstory: Edsel was the painfully average son of two celebrity superheroes from Wales, who were living in the US at the time. They waited and waited for his powers to awaken -- no dice. Fearing that their firstborn was essentially useless, he was taken to a neurologist, and they discovered something incredible. With proper cultivation, Edsel could very well become one of the most powerful metahumans to exist, as his body was host to immense unawakened potential. The only problem was tapping into that potential. His parents put their reputation ahead of his safety, and paid a black market service to have his powers jostled from their place.

At age six, Edsel experienced things no child ought to. In his first two years, the brain damage he suffered was so severe that he was barely recognizable personality-wise. Due to the fact that this was being done illegally and not by anyone with real scientific chops, they basically tried everything in the hopes that it'd work. However, they persisted until finally, a full four years after acquiring him, he awakened. Unfortunately, Edsel wasn't the wonderful, TV-ready son his mother and father had hoped for. In fact, they figured that if the public were to see what he'd been turned into, they'd be absolutely horrified. It may have been regret or simple neglectful energy, but they were more than happy to send him to Vochertepp after receiving the referral.

The next several years were spent taming Edsel, or at least attempting to. While he did gain control of his powers, he had lost control of his personality, and only became more unmanageable as puberty hit. He was definitely not a well-liked student among the staff, and has remained that way ever since. Over time they managed to figure him out using some combination of Pavlovian reward tactics and playing on his childhood trauma, so it's definitely easier now than it was four years ago.

Powers: With a mother who controls electricity and a father who has super-strength, it seemed a bit odd that Edsel's power turned out to be bone manipulation. This was attributed to the natural "electricity" inside of the human body. Edsel can manipulate his bones and teeth at will, with relatively little damage beyond ripping his own skin sometimes. His bones are insanely strong and have never broken in his entire life, so he's been known to morph his body into some pretty heinous-looking H.R. Geiger-looking creatures. He's been known to grow spiky bone spurs on his back if you touch him without asking, and his teeth can get incredibly long. Though it's a painful process, he's gotten used to it.
coded by reveriee.

ok, i am actually totally happy to allow a forced permanent glow in this situation. i kept it off limits because i figured none of you would have run ins with the RPME, but this is actually a very plausible way for it to have happened outside of their domain.
i think the issue that i'm having with the character is the 'famed to be the most powerful ever' sort of umbrella he's been written under. i like the idea of a family crazed for power, willing to do whatever it was to draw that power out of their son, but the personality has a few contradictions, with him being someone primed to be a metahuman killer at a trigger word while also a kinda lazy guy vibe who won't take orders? the neurologist bit also throws me off because unless it was like, a certain metahuman doctor that could sense powers and such, this would sort of be an empty claim.
i think this character could be strengthened a lot more with more focus on the direction his parents forced him through with this forced power upbringing rather than outside forces claiming he had potential. most metas at this school are going to be pretty awesomely powerful, and it's hard to say any one could be the 'best ever.' instead, maybe capitalize on his parents expectations, how they sort of broke their son by forcing it out of him at a young age, and he broke further at vochertepp.
definitely a good power and backstory to work with though. lots of potential for a fun character!

  • Kathrynne
    full name
    Kathrynne Sylvia Greaves

    courtesy name

    K.G - Sylvie



    April 20th 20XX

    Aromatic (?)








    Hanna Romanazzi

coded by reveriee.
hi! so while i think this is a pretty solid character, i want to see a full power section! just the one line isn't enough to get the full seal of approval, i need to see some weaknesses, strengths, how it works for her to use it, etc.

I edited my page a bit to include a realistic face claim. I also edited the biography to include some upgrades to the power, namely geokinesis which allows Bob to move and shape rock similar to earthbending. Currently this is limited to fist sized rocks. This can grow more and more stronger overtime. I also included the part about him getting a letter.

As for the company using him for his powers, I was thinking that the conflict wouldn't really be with the company. Rather, my character desires a calm and peaceful life but he is incentivized in order to help his family to use his power which causes him to become emotional. That was the basic idea. More that if he wants to have a job he would need to do something that would cause him distress but not having a job would cause him distress by not providing for his family. I think him being unsettled or uncomfortable would work.

The idea for function would be something like a map of geology underground. Like the following rl underground mining maps



For my character, I wanted to explore the more ordinary side of superpowers. In plenty of industries, companies spend billions of dollars doing things most superpowers could solve for free. For example, the mining industry spends about 6 billion worldwide on using a variety of sensors, geological maps, equipment, ai, etc. to 'guess' where there might be a high amount of valuable ore, price the land and then start digging hoping they strike gold. It's largely a guessing game that we have only just started getting better at with computers and such.

My idea was to examine how certain people and industries, if they found people with certain powers could be very valuable, outside of the world of punching and kicking, and how that would play out in a persons life who has a power and just wants to live normal. He's not very interested in becoming a superpowered tv star and wants to eventually return to civilian life as much as possible. The conflict would be between the culture and media which wants high powered media superstars and my character who doesn't want to live that life.

These were just some of my ideas and what I was thinking about my character, you can let me know how all of this sounds.
i Love where you're coming from right now. i totally get what you're saying with the ordinary side of powers, so if you want, feel free to tone it back down to just earthen sense if that's what you like. he's going to be so wonderfully out of his element and i adore it. also, you picked my favorite character from my favorite TV show for the new fc, so you get brownie points for that. you're good to get going on the full cs, if you want to tone it back down or keep it as is, up to you.

let me know if i've missed anybody or anything! i am trying to respond to mostly only finished sheets rn so tag me when you're done.
ok, i am actually totally happy to allow a forced permanent glow in this situation. i kept it off limits because i figured none of you would have run ins with the RPME, but this is actually a very plausible way for it to have happened outside of their domain.
i think the issue that i'm having with the character is the 'famed to be the most powerful ever' sort of umbrella he's been written under. i like the idea of a family crazed for power, willing to do whatever it was to draw that power out of their son, but the personality has a few contradictions, with him being someone primed to be a metahuman killer at a trigger word while also a kinda lazy guy vibe who won't take orders? the neurologist bit also throws me off because unless it was like, a certain metahuman doctor that could sense powers and such, this would sort of be an empty claim.
i think this character could be strengthened a lot more with more focus on the direction his parents forced him through with this forced power upbringing rather than outside forces claiming he had potential. most metas at this school are going to be pretty awesomely powerful, and it's hard to say any one could be the 'best ever.' instead, maybe capitalize on his parents expectations, how they sort of broke their son by forcing it out of him at a young age, and he broke further at vochertepp.
definitely a good power and backstory to work with though. lots of potential for a fun character!

Alright, I gotcha. I have this bad habit of making most of my characters like, slightly rebellious? Lazy isn't really the word I'd use, I guess moreso what I was aiming for was more or less working out of fear rather than reverence, so like he doesn't really enjoy doing stuff for Vochertepp unless there's something in it for him. (Or if whoever he's being asked to rip apart got on his nerves somehow, which is really easy.)

I'll draw back on the high potential thing, mostly because my dumb brain forgot metahumanism was a gene rather than like a tangible thing that could be seen and studied. Rather I figure his parents probably started his "awakening" based on the extremely viable assumption that two mutant parents would almost definitely have a mutant kid. There's also a definite element of publicity to it, who wouldn't love a cute superhero family with a little boy? And yeah since they're famous and have probably heard a lot of power-trauma wonder stories they were hoping to awaken some kind of lovable badass superboy and essentially ended up with a moody, uncontainable child who has honestly really fucking scary and unpresentable powers.

I'm also going to say that his awakening probably took longer than four years actually, mostly because it's not like synthetic awakening is something that's been heavily tested so a lot of it was based on trial-and-error, and there's only so much you can do to an elementary school kid, especially when you also have a sizable public image and people wondering where your son has gone is REALLY bad PR. I'll also draw back on his not wanting to do stuff he's told to do, he's not particularly used to the whole superhero thing and having counsellors and shit but he can at the very least understand the concept of punishment. (Plus I'd be lying if I said he didn't enjoy fighting.)

Thank you for the feedback, I hope this helps.
Alright, I gotcha. I have this bad habit of making most of my characters like, slightly rebellious? Lazy isn't really the word I'd use, I guess moreso what I was aiming for was more or less working out of fear rather than reverence, so like he doesn't really enjoy doing stuff for Vochertepp unless there's something in it for him. (Or if whoever he's being asked to rip apart got on his nerves somehow, which is really easy.)

I'll draw back on the high potential thing, mostly because my dumb brain forgot metahumanism was a gene rather than like a tangible thing that could be seen and studied. Rather I figure his parents probably started his "awakening" based on the extremely viable assumption that two mutant parents would almost definitely have a mutant kid. There's also a definite element of publicity to it, who wouldn't love a cute superhero family with a little boy? And yeah since they're famous and have probably heard a lot of power-trauma wonder stories they were hoping to awaken some kind of lovable badass superboy and essentially ended up with a moody, uncontainable child who has honestly really fucking scary and unpresentable powers.

I'm also going to say that his awakening probably took longer than four years actually, mostly because it's not like synthetic awakening is something that's been heavily tested so a lot of it was based on trial-and-error, and there's only so much you can do to an elementary school kid, especially when you also have a sizable public image and people wondering where your son has gone is REALLY bad PR. I'll also draw back on his not wanting to do stuff he's told to do, he's not particularly used to the whole superhero thing and having counsellors and shit but he can at the very least understand the concept of punishment. (Plus I'd be lying if I said he didn't enjoy fighting.)

Thank you for the feedback, I hope this helps.
i think i get what you're going for a bit more now for sure. i don't mean to micromanage your personality too much, i think you'll probably get a better sense of it in a fuller cs after nailing the background.

the element of publicity is a very good and important part of the character bg -- his parents were power crazy, wanted that cute little superhero image, it didn't come. do you mean "power-trauma wonder stories" as in they sorta wanted a triumphant story for their son? perhaps wanted to frame it as his powers gave him medical issues, the poor baby was getting help, and they wanted it to be like a point of redemption for him while really they were still trying to coax out the powers with illegal methods? it makes sense that it would take more time! and then maybe when they got frustrated with how it was going they were like alright buddy, pack your bags you're going to school. def a lot to consider but i think you have more an idea of where i'm coming from and i from you. let me know when you edit!
i think i get what you're going for a bit more now for sure. i don't mean to micromanage your personality too much, i think you'll probably get a better sense of it in a fuller cs after nailing the background.

the element of publicity is a very good and important part of the character bg -- his parents were power crazy, wanted that cute little superhero image, it didn't come. do you mean "power-trauma wonder stories" as in they sorta wanted a triumphant story for their son? perhaps wanted to frame it as his powers gave him medical issues, the poor baby was getting help, and they wanted it to be like a point of redemption for him while really they were still trying to coax out the powers with illegal methods? it makes sense that it would take more time! and then maybe when they got frustrated with how it was going they were like alright buddy, pack your bags you're going to school. def a lot to consider but i think you have more an idea of where i'm coming from and i from you. let me know when you edit!
alright i'm taking all of this into account. when you say "edit" do you mean you want me to clean up and repost the original CS or is this regarding the second longer one that i'll DM you?


Lyric Arielle Black

AGE: 17 years old

If there’s one way that most people use to refer to Lyric it would be cool, perhaps stoic even. Lyric is the type of let most things roll right off her back. She is not easily shaken. Her skin is thick, thick enough to put a honey badger’s to shame some would say. Lyric doesn’t like to dwell on the past too much, instead she focuses on the future. She knows that looking back can cause one to trip, lingering in the past can leave her blind to what’s ahead of her. Lyric doesn’t dwell on past mistakes or burned bridges, instead she learns and adapts. Her personality is very much β€œit is what it is”. Lyric is straightforward, she doesn’t beat around the bush or dance around sensitive topics. Instead she prefers to meet them head on.

Her laid-back personality leaves people with the impression that they can walk all over her. Her forgiving nature tempts people into trying her again and again. Lyric is anything but a push over however, she’s strong on her beliefs and when she makes a decision then it’s final. It’s because she tends to weigh her outcomes, make choices in a way that isn’t hasty. Lyric doesn’t like being pushed to make a decision, doesn’t like being hasty but would rather think things through. She's definitely the type of person who reads the rules before she breaks them.

POWER: Audiokinesis - Lyric has the ability to manipulate sound. Meaning that she can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force and high-speed movement.

STRENGTHS: Her power is invisible and versatile. With sound manipulation it allows her to be adept at stealth. It also works as a defensive power, allowing her to produce sound waves, by mouth or hands, that can knock back enemies or cause damage to objects. She can also produce different frequencies, ranging from an earache inducing whistle to a powerful sonic scream.

WEAKNESSES: Lyric doesn’t have full control over her abilities yet and because of this they can do damage. For example, her sonic blasts not being focused and damaging the area. Currently her power is only focused on herself, meaning that she can only manipulate her sounds and hearing or items that are touching her. If her mouth is covered Lyric’s power is muffled depending on what’s being used to cover her mouth, things like tape can be blasted off but more powerful things like metals can silence her, thus cutting off her sonic scream and voice based abilities. Lyric is also sensitive to loud sounds when she manipulates her hearing, specifically when she turns it up. If her hearing is turned up and her sonic scream is deflected and sent back to her, it can do damage.

BACKGROUND: Lyric has told the story of her birth multiple times. How when she was brought into the world she had been quiet, no she had been completely silent. Even though she cried no sound could be heard from her, leaving her parents and the doctors worried. As she was placed in her mother’s arms it seemed as though she had found her voice and she began to wail. It was right then and there they realized that she was a metahuman. Lyric had to be placed within a special hospital crib, one that wouldn’t break due to her voice, that would keep it to a reasonable level.

Her ability came as a shock to her parents, because they both grew up without powers. As far as anyone could tell, they were normal humans. It wasn’t hard to find out where Lyric had gotten this gene from, her grandfather possessed the same power as her. And it was Ernest who would help her control it as she grew older. Her grandfather was a subdued individual, even with his clothing honey eyes and bright, honey blonde hair. Ernest was a man who always seemed to make himself smaller, a simple man who didn’t say much, didn’t like to draw attention to himself. Ernest was very much a product of his time.

It was one of the reasons why he was so protective of his granddaughter, why he pushed her to stifle her power, snuff the flame before it grew too large. Ernest would tell her tales of the past, of friends who he grew up with but her gone before the morning sun hit the horizon. How he himself was taken and his power forced out of him. Ernest would always get quiet at certain parts, drift off as if physically in pain. The horrors of the past never truly left him and it left him with aches and pains both physical and mental.

Lyric would listen to her grandfather and grow angry on his behalf and the behalf of those who suffered like him. She grew up not afraid of her powers, but admiring them, knowing that they made her special. She refused to feel bad over something that she had no control over. Lyric would live proudly, for herself and for her Papa Ernest. Her parents had different ideas though. They knew what came with being a metahuman through stories and with Ernest filling her head they knew that she would get out of control.

Her parents were quick to accept the letter from Vochertepp’s School for the Enhanced. Knowing that their daughter was in good hands, that she would learn to control her powers and discipline herself. Ernest didn’t trust it but there was little that he could do.

speak you mind, even if you voice shakes.
code by low fidelity.

hello maam! we discussed and she looks good. go forth and full cs her up!

  • Kathrynne
    full name
    Kathrynne Sylvia Greaves

    courtesy name

    K.G - Sylvie



    April 20th 20XX

    Aromatic (?)








    Hanna Romanazzi

coded by reveriee.

I redid the power section, hope it's alright now.
yes, thatll do it for now! since you did sort of do most of the cs already, you can pm me your full sheet if/when you feel finished with it.

alright i'm taking all of this into account. when you say "edit" do you mean you want me to clean up and repost the original CS or is this regarding the second longer one that i'll DM you?

one more pass of this original skeleton cs please! then we'll get you to the full one!
im so ugly, thats ok 'cuz so are you
  • .

Name: Edsel Darbyshire

Age: 16

Personality: Edsel is a spitfire in the sincerest sense of the word. This is partially due to his powers, which we'll get into -- but he's not of sound mind or gentle temperament. He's moody to the point of madness, and can pounce at the slightest provocation. This is a trait that's been cultivated by his counselors to make him the ultimate metahuman slaughter machine. He appears almost doglike in nature when provoked, a result of traumatic conditioning over almost ten years of his life that makes him difficult to get close to and easy to anger. But he is still human, much to the chagrin of his "creators". He does have a moral compass, but that's largely overpowered by years of traumatic conditioning. Sure, he has hobbies, feelings, interests -- but at his core, he is a government weapon

Backstory: Edsel was the painfully average son of two celebrity superheroes from Wales, who were living in the US at the time. They waited and waited for his powers to awaken -- no dice. This wasn't how it should've been, they thought. But they'd heard stories. Tales of people experiencing great physical trauma and suddenly awakening their metahuman powers. Immense powers, oftentimes. Their son would be the perfect TV hero. It wouldn't fail. It couldn't. So, with their money and status, they paid off a black market service for assistance.

At age six, Edsel experienced things no child ought to. In his first two years, the brain damage he suffered was so severe that he was barely recognizable personality-wise. Due to the fact that this was being done illegally and not by anyone with real scientific chops, they basically tried everything in the hopes that it'd work. However, they persisted until finally, a full six years after acquiring him, he awakened. Unfortunately, Edsel wasn't the wonderful, TV-ready son his mother and father had hoped for. In fact, they figured that if the public were to see what he'd been turned into, they'd be absolutely horrified. His powers were grotesque, and his persona was erratic. That combined with Edsel's rare public appearances in the last six years spoke disaster for his parents, so they worked something out with Vochertepp. He'd be trained, turned into the perfect machine, and in turn, papers would be fabricated claiming Edsel's death. If he ever recovered mentally, he could return to the public. Call it a miracle.

The next several years were spent taming Edsel, or at least attempting to. While he did gain control of his powers, he had lost control of his personality, and only became more unmanageable as puberty hit. He was definitely not a well-liked student among the staff, and has remained that way ever since. Over time they managed to figure him out using some combination of Pavlovian reward tactics and playing on his childhood trauma, so it's definitely easier now than it was before. He has no friends, but that's okay. He doesn't need them.

Powers: With a mother who controls electricity and a father who has super-strength, it seemed a bit odd that Edsel's power turned out to be bone manipulation. This was attributed to the natural "electricity" inside of the human body. Edsel can manipulate his bones and teeth at will, with relatively little damage beyond ripping his own skin sometimes. His bones are insanely strong and have never broken in his entire life, so he's been known to morph his body into some pretty heinous-looking H.R. Geiger-looking creatures. He's been known to grow spiky bone spurs on his back if you touch him without asking, and his teeth can get incredibly long. Though it's a painful process, he's gotten used to it.
coded by reveriee.

here's the edited update. let me know if you need anything else fixed.

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