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Fantasy Luna Academy Home of Sorcerey

"Alright. You wanna hang with Klara and I? This time we'll try not to fight." He said.
"sure...but fight?.... " Emma looked at Devon in confusion then over to Klara "I'm so sorry Klara...Im Emma hi again," she said with a smile having said hi to her when she came over to sit with her in the classroom.
"sure...but fight?.... " Emma looked at Devon in confusion then over to Klara "I'm so sorry Klara...Im Emma hi again," she said with a smile having said hi to her when she came over to sit with her in the classroom.
"I lost my temper when we all went out remember?"
"sure...but fight?.... " Emma looked at Devon in confusion then over to Klara "I'm so sorry Klara...Im Emma hi again," she said with a smile having said hi to her when she came over to sit with her in the classroom.
"Oh, hey Emma. I know you...we've met..."
Klara looked at Devon at chuckled a little.

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