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Fantasy The Tudor Lestrange Institute of Villainy and Henchmanship ((Trying Again!)) Roleplayer's Lair

Omg I literally thought Kupi had set up shop in a random dorm. Idk why at this point, but I guess I'll go edit the incorrect parts of my post.
you know this dorm must be god damned massive to have a tank moving in it easily
Well, the thing is, if you look at Kupi's Bio, it says that he's the size of a nightstand, as for Artem, they were shrunken down to Sunny's height... Even then, a FULL SIZE FT-17 could even fit in a Pickup Truck Bed
yeah so when did the shrinking happen is it permanent?
The shrinking happened when Grozzle had a talk with Artem at around page 2 or 3 I think? But the shrinking is not permanent as the person affected can shift the size of themselves if under the effect long enough. Kupi on the other hand was shrunken down mysteriously some time before Artem had applied to the TLI
I hate to say this, but due to time constraints and such, I have to cut down on the RPs that I'm in, and I tend to get distracted. Therefore, I have to leave here. Sorry for this all of a sudden. It was nice RPing with you guys, at the very least. However, I might return in the future.

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