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Fandom Beyond the Black Curtain: OOC Chat

i'll think on what she would do could be a xenos expert
But it's not really an official title. But basically this is what I was thinking of for your *official* role. If the Master Helmsman does not fit either, you could be the Carto-Artifex, which is basically the map master, and you consult all of the charts and the data and the knowledge of physics to tell us where we are in RealSpace at any point. (But usually before and after any Warp Jumps we made)
  • Master Helmsman - The master helmsman is responsible for safely piloting the vast vessel through the myriad threats of the void of space. A helmsman risen to be master of his profession must have a sixth sense for the dangers that can confound auspex and lead voidships to ruin, and know how best to make use of his helm crew and their familiarity with a vessel's character. The master helmsman must pilot not just the void, but also the competing fiefdoms of enginarium, auspex, and bridge crew to ensure that every manoeuvre is accomplished to the lord captain's exacting standards.
  • Carto-Artifex - The void and the Warp contain dangers that often mean death for those who venture forth unprepared. The best way to survive such dangers is to avoid them entirely. To this end, a wise lord-captain consults his carto-artifex before any voyage. This master of charts and hololithic maps is charged with finding safe routs and circumventing danger. The secrets of the void and the Warp are laid bare before his vast knowledge of the tides and current of the Immaterium
I paint guardsmen
This is your job if you want it. Or if you don't, you can pick something else that interests you.
  • Master of Arms - An Imperial voidship can muster numerous small armies: security companies, boarding parties, the common crew armed with rusty blades and Stub Guns, and often entire barracked regiments of mercenaries, Astra Militarum, or other steadfast troops. The master of arms, also called the master-at-arms, is charged with ensuring that all weaponry on board a warship is serviceable and ready for action, from the greatest Macrocannon to the meanest Stub Pistol. The master-at-arms is responsible for these militants and their commanders; it is his pledged duty to the lord captain to ensure the loyalty of the voidship's forces, carefully guard the vessel's security, maintain the armouries, ensure victory against boarders, and guide attacks upon the crew of enemy vessels or foes on hostile worlds. The sergeants-at-arms of the vessel report directly to the master of arms, and by extension all Armsmen are under his or her control, and so they also perform a role akin to that of a chief of police aboard ship. The master of arms is normally appointed from among the commissioned officers on a ship but more rarely a senior warrant officer may hold this position.
i am keeping my change to a Dimensionalist so i guess second
Perfect, this also allows my Character to hide you away in the closet so that the Crew doesn't find out that they've got a frigging Necron as their master of charts.
Real quick, would I possibly come from a guardsmen background and have a reason to join a trader?
Yes, most Captains actually prefer that their Naval Armsmen come from the Imperial Guard because it separates them from the regular Voidsman. This is important because one of the major duties of a Naval Armsman is to shoot those motherloving mutineers.
Yes, most Captains actually prefer that their Naval Armsmen come from the Imperial Guard because it separates them from the regular Voidsman. This is important because one of the major duties of a Naval Armsman is to shoot those motherloving mutineers.
Sounds like fun :)

Also, this here is te best photo I have of the regiments my character hails from(I paint my own, but I have no photos):
*Racks bolter* Not for long
Well, it's a good thing that the ships Carto-Artifex is a very private individual who much prefers to stay in her private quarters/office and also that she is a tech-priest who is very much mechanical and wears obscuring robes so as not to disturb those who gaze upon her. She also really hates when people stare.
Well, it's a good thing that the ships Carto-Artifex is a very private individual who much prefers to stay in her private quarters/office and also that she is a tech-priest who is very much mechanical and wears obscuring robes so as not to disturb those who gaze upon her. She also really hates when people stare.
*Holsters Bolter* Ah yes, very understandable. I hate it when people stare at me after I execute someone in their squad.
sounds like your impersonating a commissar that is heresy * blams with totally not a gauss flayer*
Not impersonating by any means. On my planet, we are so far out we lose a large amount of commissars assigned to our regiments to the warp. So our officers have to do a lot themselves
sounds like your impersonating a commissar that is heresy
Nope, he is an Armsman and he is also the Master of Arms so he is in charge of punishment. And Rogue Traders don't have Commissars, possibly because Commissars always try to shoot them when they do something that the Emperor says is ok for them to do but the Commissar doesn't think is ok.
Not impersonating by any means. On my planet, we are so far out we lose a large amount of commissars assigned to our regiments to the warp. So our officers have to do a lot themselves
i see they fall on their lasguns and suffer from las blasts from behind somehow truly they are an unlucky bunch
Nope, he is an Armsman and he is also the Master of Arms so he is in charge of punishment. And Rogue Traders don't have Commissars, possibly because Commissars always try to shoot them when they do something that the Emperor says is ok for them to do but the Commissar doesn't think is ok.
it was a joke
oh well Nefecris is almost done


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