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Fantasy Superhero University (Open)

Xavier felt like he didn’t belong here this wasn’t “his” thing he felt like he should punch something he didn’t know what but just needed to it was like he wasn’t getting attached by holyniess ,”Ok times up missy what did you want from me?” He crossed his arms.
-She smiled as she walked down the halls.- "Your going to help me, help these children." She whispered as she gestured around the hall to the many doors. "You wanted to know what I did in my free time so Ill show you."
-She walked into one of the doors without knocking this time and beckoned for Xavier to follow her. She was quiet as she stood in the middle of the room. She signed a pretty complex symbol that took her months to master, but was always worth it in the end. A couple rays out light shot of her palms and circled around some of the kids at the same time. A lot of the kids sighed in their sleep as they were being healed and now resting peacefully. She was now pretty tired after she finished this room but smiled. She walked back out into the hallway. Her green eyes slightly foggy but overall ok.-
Marcus Nexus

Everything went black for Nexus, And he knew what had happened; His Step-Father resumed control. He didn't know where he was going, But he could hear the creaking of a gate and cars and other vehicles passing by. "I'm sorry Marcus, But one of your little 'friends' had somehow found out about this whole thing and broke out a few of my teeth. So now I'm going to kill him, and then you." A deep voice echoed throughout the darkness.
Nexus's visor was closed and it was glowing red meaning his Step-Father had control of him.
"Warning! System reboot disabled!" The AI warned.
"Oh now, Don't be so scared Markus, I won't be the one feeling the pain, You will be the one feeling the pain." Markus could hear laughing as a deadly shock entered his Brain. Markus screamed from the pain, But his face was frozen. A Chemical in the suit had turned the paint from white to solid black because his Step-Father had some sense of style.
Soon, His Step-Father had found the location of Xavier and went Invisible once he was inside. He passed by many Children, Cameras, and Adults alike whilst being Unnoticed since he was Invisible.
He approached Xavier from behind as he talked to a girl he had seen as well. The controlled Marcus lifted 'Taskmaster' Into the air by the neck and disabled his Invisibility showing his new paint-job.
"Remember me?" A deep voice boomed from the Helmets' speakers. His looks seemed to scare the children around in the room.

Potatodude_12 Potatodude_12 Cello. Cello.
Marcus Nexus

Everything went black for Nexus, And he knew what had happened; His Step-Father resumed control. He didn't know where he was going, But he could hear the creaking of a gate and cars and other vehicles passing by. "I'm sorry Marcus, But one of your little 'friends' had somehow found out about this whole thing and broke out a few of my teeth. So now I'm going to kill him, and then you." A deep voice echoed throughout the darkness.
Nexus's visor was closed and it was glowing red meaning his Step-Father had control of him.
"Warning! System reboot disabled!" The AI warned.
"Oh now, Don't be so scared Markus, I won't be the one feeling the pain, You will be the one feeling the pain." Markus could hear laughing as a deadly shock entered his Brain. Markus screamed from the pain, But his face was frozen. A Chemical in the suit had turned the paint from white to solid black because his Step-Father had some sense of style.
Soon, His Step-Father had found the location of Xavier and went Invisible once he was inside. He passed by many Children, Cameras, and Adults alike whilst being Unnoticed since he was Invisible.
He approached Xavier from behind as he talked to a girl he had seen as well. The controlled Marcus lifted 'Taskmaster' Into the air by the neck and disabled his Invisibility showing his new paint-job.
"Remember me?" A deep voice boomed from the Helmets' speakers. His looks seemed to scare the children around in the room.

Potatodude_12 Potatodude_12 Cello. Cello.
-Her eyes went wide as she stood, blocking the door to the children and then looked up at Xavier. She didnt want to see him hurt and this wasnt the Markus she knew.. So it left her to only one thought.. The person from earlier. She closed her eyes and thought," You all need to get out here." She pushed the thought into the kids minds and they all seemed to understand, they were on the first floor and started climbing out of the window quietly. She used her wings to block the entrance to the room and from him seeing the kids leaving.-

"W-Why are you doing this?" She asked Markus no not Markus the person from earlier.

-This was her fault. If she let Xavier kill the dude, he wouldnt have took control of her friend and was now strangling her other friend. What she said next shocked her own self.- "Its not their fault. Its mine. Im the one who tied you up remember? Just put him down and release Markus from your control. Ill do what ever you want just leave them alone.." She said with a quivering voice.

-This was her time to make it right. If she went with him, her friends would be fine and so would the kids. She was doing the right thing if the dude agreed.-
Marcus Nexus

"Oh no..." Markus said to himself as he tried to take back control. He was only able to resume control for a few seconds, allowing him to drop Xavier and reach to the back of his spine. The Step-Fathers control resumed and took one arm and punched him in the groin.
"You see, I can't feel the pain his body receives, He can though, When he is destroyed, I'll just send one of my Combat Mechs to finish you all off." He began to reach for Thia as he laughed.
Markus, Yelped at the pain his Step-Father had inflicted on him and tried even harder to resume control of his body. The left-arm yanked back as another similar combat mech had approached from behind, and It had a built-In gun of some sort. Markus, Visor lit up with the word, 'H3lP'. The word had disappeared quickly as laughing boomed from the helmet's speakers.
The other mech, Having a Plasma-Gun of the sorts, Pointed it at Xavier and Thia forcing them to stay back. Markus regained control of his eye-sight and could see and hear what was happening as well as feel it.
Marcus Nexus

"Oh no..." Markus said to himself as he tried to take back control. He was only able to resume control for a few seconds, allowing him to drop Xavier and reach to the back of his spine. The Step-Fathers control resumed and took one arm and punched him in the groin.
"You see, I can't feel the pain his body receives, He can though, When he is destroyed, I'll just send one of my Combat Mechs to finish you all off." He began to reach for Thia as he laughed.
Markus, Yelped at the pain his Step-Father had inflicted on him and tried even harder to resume control of his body. The left-arm yanked back as another similar combat mech had approached from behind, and It had a built-In gun of some sort. Markus, Visor lit up with the word, 'H3lP'. The word had disappeared quickly as laughing boomed from the helmet's speakers.
The other mech, Having a Plasma-Gun of the sorts, Pointed it at Xavier and Thia forcing them to stay back. Markus regained control of his eye-sight and could see and hear what was happening as well as feel it.
Xavier would be chocking and he would say,”How’s your teeth doing?” He would die laughing from the very funny joke ahah ahaha lol very funny ngl.
Marcus Nexus

"Oh no..." Markus said to himself as he tried to take back control. He was only able to resume control for a few seconds, allowing him to drop Xavier and reach to the back of his spine. The Step-Fathers control resumed and took one arm and punched him in the groin.
"You see, I can't feel the pain his body receives, He can though, When he is destroyed, I'll just send one of my Combat Mechs to finish you all off." He began to reach for Thia as he laughed.
Markus, Yelped at the pain his Step-Father had inflicted on him and tried even harder to resume control of his body. The left-arm yanked back as another similar combat mech had approached from behind, and It had a built-In gun of some sort. Markus, Visor lit up with the word, 'H3lP'. The word had disappeared quickly as laughing boomed from the helmet's speakers.
The other mech, Having a Plasma-Gun of the sorts, Pointed it at Xavier and Thia forcing them to stay back. Markus regained control of his eye-sight and could see and hear what was happening as well as feel it.
-She didnt know what to do as she looked at the guns. She needed to protect her friend and her other friend being controlled. She looked back behind her and the children were all out the window. Tears glistened in her eyes, knowing full well she could die depending on the move she makes. She signed a complex symbol with a full circle as its center base behind her back and a shield appeared attached to arm. She was stronger than she used to be thanks to the crystal and that was to thank to her brother. Her wings hide the shield from view as she continued to debate on what to do.-
“Rich people.... to much of a little bitch to do things themselves......” he laughed “Hoe much of a pussy can you be?” He looked at this,”No offense”
“Rich people.... to much of a little bitch to do things themselves......” he laughed “Hoe much of a pussy can you be?” He looked at this,”No offense”
-She glared at him. She closed her eyes for a second and thought, "If you dont shut up now I will kill you myself." She pushed the thought into his head and opened her eyes to turn back to Markus- well Markus' step dad in Markus' body.- "Honestly why would you want to kill your son and that..?" She asked waving over to Xavier for 'that'.

-She was trying to distract the person so maybe she had time to come up with a plan.-
Xavier’s would open his glove and electricity would start to come off the glove he would touch markuses arm paralyzing him for a few seconds he would escape the grip of Markus,”IM GOING TO GO FIND HIM I KNOW HERRE HE IS” he would start to run out of the window and glide. It took him a while but he would eventually find Markus step dad.,”Hello again,” he pulled out a sharp bone out of his hand floating.,”TELL ME WHERE “he” IS OR ILL PUT HIS THROUGHOUT YOUR FUCKING NECK” Xavier was looking for answers he really didn’t care are about anyone else but his business.
Xavier’s would open his glove and electricity would start to come off the glove he would touch markuses arm paralyzing him for a few seconds he would escape the grip of Markus,”IM GOING TO GO FIND HIM I KNOW HERRE HE IS” he would start to run out of the window and glide. It took him a while but he would eventually find Markus step dad.,”Hello again,” he pulled out a sharp bone out of his hand floating.
-She sighed as she watched Xavier run off. She pulled out the shield, it was burning her arm slightly as light energy pulsed through her.- "Can you just let him go..?" She asked the person who was in control of Markus' body.
Marcus Nexus

"Well, You see..." The Father started. The Mech pointed the gun at them and before It could register a shot Markus reassumed control of his body. The Mech switched its gun to Markus and the Step-Father assumed control of the droid. "Ha...This mech is stronger than you think Son." The Voice boomed as it threw a punch at Markus's visor which made a loud cracking sound and threw him into the wall. Markus grabbed the droid and threw it to the floor but the droid fired a shot of the hot plasma into Markus's chest plate. The Plasma melted through the chest plate and melted the artificial lungs as well, Blood began to seep through the hole in the chest plate, and Markus collapsed.
The droid got up and stared at Markus as he choked, Then he moved toward Thia. "Hey...You! Engaging Automode." The voice came from the droid.
Markus slowly rose to his feet weakly and the droid ripped off his arm as Marcus groaned in pain. The droid swung at Markus's helmet and it flew off and hit the floor with a loud clang. Markus used what energy he had left, and threw the droid out the window as he held onto it.
The two hit the hard asphalt street and Markus got back up ignoring the pain, The blood had been shut off from flowing in his chest and he rerouted it. The Droid fired two more shots at Markus and the plasma melted through his armor but he ignored it. He approached the droid and stomped on its head repeatedly until it stopped moving.
His body had used up what Oxygen was left and he fell to his knees and his head drooped down low.
Markus had served his Purpose, and his Father would've been proud.
Marcus Nexus

"Well, You see..." The Father started. The Mech pointed the gun at them and before It could register a shot Markus reassumed control of his body. The Mech switched its gun to Markus and the Step-Father assumed control of the droid. "Ha...This mech is stronger than you think Son." The Voice boomed as it threw a punch at Markus's visor which made a loud cracking sound and threw him into the wall. Markus grabbed the droid and threw it to the floor but the droid fired a shot of the hot plasma into Markus's chest plate. The Plasma melted through the chest plate and melted the artificial lungs as well, Blood began to seep through the hole in the chest plate, and Markus collapsed.
The droid got up and stared at Markus as he choked, Then he moved toward Thia. "Hey...You! Engaging Automode." The voice came from the droid.
Markus slowly rose to his feet weakly and the droid ripped off his arm as Marcus groaned in pain. The droid swung at Markus's helmet and it flew off and hit the floor with a loud clang. Markus used what energy he had left, and threw the droid out the window as he held onto it.
The two hit the hard asphalt street and Markus got back up ignoring the pain, The blood had been shut off from flowing in his chest and he rerouted it. The Droid fired two more shots at Markus and the plasma melted through his armor but he ignored it. He approached the droid and stomped on its head repeatedly until it stopped moving.
His body had used up what Oxygen was left and he fell to his knees and his head drooped down low.
Markus had served his Purpose, and his Father would've been proud.
Xavier’s would find his dads location and he would summon a sharp like bone from his hand.”Tell me where “he” is .org I’ll send this through your neck....” Xavier didn’t really care about the others just his business and he thought of something more logical,”I’ll make a deal with you tell me where he is and I’ll do anything you say I’ll be your-“ he thought of a word “Your servant-.... I’ll follow your orders just tell me where “he” is.”
Marcus Nexus

"Well, You see..." The Father started. The Mech pointed the gun at them and before It could register a shot Markus reassumed control of his body. The Mech switched its gun to Markus and the Step-Father assumed control of the droid. "Ha...This mech is stronger than you think Son." The Voice boomed as it threw a punch at Markus's visor which made a loud cracking sound and threw him into the wall. Markus grabbed the droid and threw it to the floor but the droid fired a shot of the hot plasma into Markus's chest plate. The Plasma melted through the chest plate and melted the artificial lungs as well, Blood began to seep through the hole in the chest plate, and Markus collapsed.
The droid got up and stared at Markus as he choked, Then he moved toward Thia. "Hey...You! Engaging Automode." The voice came from the droid.
Markus slowly rose to his feet weakly and the droid ripped off his arm as Marcus groaned in pain. The droid swung at Markus's helmet and it flew off and hit the floor with a loud clang. Markus used what energy he had left, and threw the droid out the window as he held onto it.
The two hit the hard asphalt street and Markus got back up ignoring the pain, The blood had been shut off from flowing in his chest and he rerouted it. The Droid fired two more shots at Markus and the plasma melted through his armor but he ignored it. He approached the droid and stomped on its head repeatedly until it stopped moving.
His body had used up what Oxygen was left and he fell to his knees and his head drooped down low.
Markus had served his Purpose, and his Father would've been proud.
-She launched out the window, hitting the ground hard but her wings helped her not land as hard. She did one of her most complex symbols and a huge bolt of light was moving around Markus' ruined body.- "Your not aloud to leave yet buddy. No no no!" She tried to pick him up and tears glistened as the waves of light moved over him.

-She was shaking him slightly and pulled out what little she had left in the vial she gave the child and tried dumping it over Markus'. She was shaking as she did put she moved the bright light over the liquid to help it spread. She was rewarded by sparks. She tried to look at what parts were worse and decided she needed to focus her light healing there. She was growing tired as she moved the light over Markus' body but didnt stop trying to heal her friend.- {You can decided if he is healed or not}

-She closed her eyes and thought," Xavier you need to get over here... Forget about the dad.. please..." She pushed the thought into the distant mind of Xavier hoping he would come. She opened her eyes and was trying to push more energy over Markus.-
Marcus Nexus

"Suit Online. Condition: Near Critical. Releasing Nanites. Left Arm Missing. Chestplate At 15 Percent. Lungs at 26 Percent and Escalating. Prepping Defib Unit. Shock One. Registered. Shock Two. Registered. Shock Three. Successful. Heart Online. Brain Is Slightly Damaged. Unknown Energy Source Entering Body. Energy Source Is Speeding Up The Process. Neural Activity Detected." The AI spoke from Markus's helmet that was nearby.

Markus's fingers twitched slightly and soon balled up into a fist. *Cough*Cough* He spat blood onto the street and stood up. "...Am I..." He spoke to himself as he turned around and saw Thia. He hugged her tightly as the Nanites slowly rebuilt his chest plate. He backed up quickly and reached the top of his metal spinal cord and pulled out a Micro-Chip and crushed it. He reattached his own arm and picked up his helmet and put It on.
"Im gonna have to spend all night fixing up all of this." He said to Thia.
Marcus Nexus

"Suit Online. Condition: Near Critical. Releasing Nanites. Left Arm Missing. Chestplate At 15 Percent. Lungs at 26 Percent and Escalating. Prepping Defib Unit. Shock One. Registered. Shock Two. Registered. Shock Three. Successful. Heart Online. Brain Is Slightly Damaged. Unknown Energy Source Entering Body. Energy Source Is Speeding Up The Process. Neural Activity Detected." The AI spoke from Markus's helmet that was nearby.

Markus's fingers twitched slightly and soon balled up into a fist. *Cough*Cough* He spat blood onto the street and stood up. "...Am I..." He spoke to himself as he turned around and saw Thia. He hugged her tightly as the Nanites slowly rebuilt his chest plate. He backed up quickly and reached the top of his metal spinal cord and pulled out a Micro-Chip and crushed it. He reattached his own arm and picked up his helmet and put It on.
"Im gonna have to spend all night fixing up all of this." He said to Thia.
-She watched Markus twitch and she gasped. She hugged him back when he pulled her into a hug. When he drew back she smiled- "Your ok and I can help you! I dont know much about.. robots or suits but im sure I can help. Xavier went to deal with your.. step-dad?" She said quickly.

-She was relieved that Markus was going to be alright and she let the light circling him fall. She was well beyond tired and the veins on her arm were black.- "We need to get to Xavier be-" She said before she passed out on the ground.

-She wasnt moving and her chest wasnt rising and falling either. Her wings retracted in and her eyes were closed. Her heart was still beating faintly and she was trapped in her own mind. She knew she used her power to much and she needed to do this so she didnt die.-
I love how this rp was normal then all this happened, Thia is going to have PTSD from this-)

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