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Dice Exalted 3E - Tale of a Falling Empire OOC

Do question though.

This air aspect ability

Once per day, when the Air Aspect takes a nonextended social or mental action to uphold a Principle, she adds (Intimacy) non-Charm bonus dice on the roll.

Is it referring to the users intimacy or targets intimacy?
Alas, it must be a Principle, not a Tie. If you had a Principle of, "Do whatever it takes to get laid," then that would apply. It has to be more abstract than, "Satori (Lust)".
Alas, it must be a Principle, not a Tie. If you had a Principle of, "Do whatever it takes to get laid," then that would apply. It has to be more abstract than, "Satori (Lust)".
Lol I'm going to have to make a char like that one day.
I certainly haven't forgotten either, figure I oughta let the others catch up and post before I add another.
I'm just not quite sure what to do right now. I'm just hoping that I can get a good read on the bad guys and try to lead the Circle to their lair.
Deduce from the mud on his shoes and the kind of wood in their clubs what village they come from. Tell the preacher his ideas are intriguing to you and that you would like to subscribe to his newsletter. Tail them when they leave. Bribe street urchins with pastries to be your eyes and ears.

Also I'm going to do my best to delay the gala narratively as little as possible in case you want to skip to that. I'm fine with my meeting being very short/off screen/concurrent with the gala if people want to get the plot moving sooner.
At the very least, we need to resolve the confrontation between the Immaculates and the Cult of the Illuminated's speaker before we can proceed to the gala. I'll add a bit more involving that in my next post, Sherwood Sherwood and Psychie Psychie , if you don't feel you have enough to work with right now.
jaydude jaydude

May I roll to introduce a fact about attending to warstriders? Namely ways to do so quicker. And at a stunt and sacrifice of 1lhl and 2wp to force attunement in a minute.
That is if attunement to warstriders. Given their size, is like a hybrid of artifacts and manses/demesnes. And require time and essence.

Alrighty. Using my Excellency
Careful Insight-Gathering Study
Cost: 2m per success; Mins: Lore 1, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Air, Balanced, Excellency
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

Breathing deep of the world’s Essence, the Dragon-Blood pronounces her wisdom with impeccable clarity. She may add automatic successes to a Lore roll for two motes each. In addition, if she adds 2+ successes on a roll to introduce or challenge a fact (Exalted, pp. 237-238), she doubles 9s on the roll.

4mts for +2 sux and double 9s.
10 die.
2 die going to stunt it.

11 sux
Psychie Psychie
If you don't mind, what were you trying to do in your post? Instill a more pro-realm Intimacy in the crowd? Discourage them from violence? Or something else?
Interesting. Able to catch two arrows mid flight. Some kind of mortal empowerment Charm, or an actual Anathema? That's a dangerous skill to demonstrate in front of an audience of Immaculates.
Fair warning everyone; feeling really exhausted and anxious right now, so I might not be able to post for a while.
Can Manato tell whether or not Harun is an Exalt or a mortal, jaydude jaydude ? Not a terribly important detail other than word choice.

I have to agree with Random Word Random Word on the speculation as well. Sneaking into the populace like this hints at either a Lunar or a Night caste. Judging from prior wording I'd guess the former as I don't think there has been too much cooperation for an Anathema cultist to throw both of them in the same bucket. Then again, I could just as easily be cherry picking a trivial detail as something more important than it was intended, but that's half the fun with guessing games.

Even if this instigator were not an Anathema themself, it could easily be a gold faction co-conspirator as either a God-blooded or worst case Sidereal. The ass whooping potential is quite high. This should be entertaining.

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