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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Why wouldn't she?" He asked. "He's got money, looks, personality, and they were set to get married. I'm just... A highschool drop out who can shoot guns and run fast." He fell back on his bed. "What's so special about me?'
"You are someone who cares. I'm sure after you two started hanging out she started to develop some feeling. Those won't just vanish" she sat on the end of his bed.
As he walked down one the empty streets, Zeke became aware of several nearby energy spikes. He didn't have the foggiest clue who any of them belonged to, or what could be inspiring their emotions, but it was good sign that was magick, or at least other impossibles, in this realm. He felt very ill at ease, however, as the usual reason that he accidentally fell into foreign realities like this one was because one or more of his enemies had already invaded. Impossibles or not, these people didn't deserve to have to put up with his responsibilities. He drew his hood over his head, his face becoming shrouded in in shadow, as he probed through the symphony of energies he could sense here to find anything that was TOO familiar.

Then, just as he turned out of the residential area and onto a more arterial stretch of road, he heard a violent explosion. He turned to see where it came from, and sure enough watched a couple of crooks he knew from back home rushing out of what was left of the entrance to a bank. He spatial blinked several times until he was between the thieves and their escape route.

"Straum...who told you you were even allowed out of prison, let alone of our universe?" He asked a tall red-haired man with a crazy row of eyebrow piercings over his right eye. Behind him stood stood a younger looking woman Zeke didn't immediately recognize...at least not physically. "Mara, you're just running with wanna-be Sith-lord now?"
They reached the bathroom "Thank you, we will handle the rest from here. Your room is the fourth door on the right if you wish to wash up." Walter said as they took Joey in and closed the door.
Eris gasps. "I have a room too!? Neat! I could definitely go for a relaxing shower right now." She skips over to her room and opens it.
As he walked down one the empty streets, Zeke became aware of several nearby energy spikes. He didn't have the foggiest clue who any of them belonged to, or what could be inspiring their emotions, but it was good sign that was magick, or at least other impossibles, in this realm. He felt very ill at ease, however, as the usual reason that he accidentally fell into foreign realities like this one was because one or more of his enemies had already invaded. Impossibles or not, these people didn't deserve to have to put up with his responsibilities. He drew his hood over his head, his face becoming shrouded in in shadow, as he probed through the symphony of energies he could sense here to find anything that was TOO familiar.

Then, just as he turned out of the residential area and onto a more arterial stretch of road, he heard a violent explosion. He turned to see where it came from, and sure enough watched a couple of crooks he knew from back home rushing out of what was left of the entrance to a bank. He spatial blinked several times until he was between the thieves and their escape route.

"Straum...who told you you were even allowed out of prison, let alone of our universe?" He asked a tall red-haired man with a crazy row of eyebrow piercings over his right eye. Behind him stood stood a younger looking woman Zeke didn't immediately recognize...at least not physically. "Mara, you're just running with wanna-be Sith-lord now?"
Alex was walking down the street running some errands. He heard the commotion. "What's going on.'
Eris gasps. "I have a room too!? Neat! I could definitely go for a relaxing shower right now." She skips over to her room and opens it.
It was a Victorian style room, damn fancy and the bed was huge, big enough for two people. On the other side of the room was a door to the bathroom. There was a personal tub and shower as well as toilet and sink with mirror. There was also a tv.
He sat up. "Well I guess we'll see..." He said.

Maddy heard Dark in her head. Hello I'm here to make your desicion easier. Break Scout's heart instead of Joeys.
"How does you telling me make it easier." Maddy said as she walked. "I don't want to hurt either of them."
It was a Victorian style room, damn fancy and the bed was huge, big enough for two people. On the other side of the room was a door to the bathroom. There was a personal tub and shower as well as toilet and sink with mirror. There was also a tv.
Eris stares in awe. "It's.....it's beautiful....I love it!" She runs straight to the bathroom to shower. "This. Place. Is. Awesome!!"
Alex was walking down the street running some errands. He heard the commotion. "What's going on.'

The one Zeke called Mara suddenly looked over at person had approached and took on their exact appearance, marching toward them with deadly malice in her eyes. Zeke's eyes glowed a dangerous shade of red from under his hood as he blinked in between the two, reappearing with a blue shield made of bands of light hanging from his right arm. Straum turned and fired several bolts of electricity directly at the shield, and Zeke collapsed to his knees but held the shield up against the attack.

"Look, I don't know you and you don't know me, but if you're good in this kind of fight this would go a lot faster with some help." He groaned through the excruciating pain caused by Straum's attack.
Yeah well of you choose Scout there's a good chance Joey will got bat shot crazy and take over the world so...
" And if I break Scout's heart what happens then? He could go his own version of crazy, try to hurt himself? " Maddy stopped walking and rested her head against a brick wall. "I hate this"
" And if I break Scout's heart what happens then? He could go his own version of crazy, try to hurt himself? " Maddy stopped walking and rested her head against a brick wall. "I hate this"
Dark said his piece and left her alone.

Scout stood up. "I'm going for a run." He said.
The one Zeke called Mara suddenly looked over at person had approached and took on their exact appearance, marching toward them with deadly malice in her eyes. Zeke's eyes glowed a dangerous shade of red from under his hood as he blinked in between the two, reappearing with a blue shield made of bands of light hanging from his right arm. Straum turned and fired several bolts of electricity directly at the shield, and Zeke collapsed to his knees but held the shield up against the attack.

"Look, I don't know you and you don't know me, but if you're good in this kind of fight this would go a lot faster with some help." He groaned through the excruciating pain caused by Straum's attack.
"Sorry don't know magic but I got my own kind of tricks." He set his bag down and his arm changes into an energy canon. He fired a beam at the two.
"Sorry don't know magic but I got my own kind of tricks." He set his bag down and his arm changes into an energy canon. He fired a beam at the two.

Zeke watched as the beam passed through the ring of sludge Mara had morphed herself into and slammed into Straum. The lightning stopped and Zeke stood tall. "Much appreciated, Robocop," He reached his right hand toward the defending shape-shifter, enclosing her in a bubble of blue light. Then he marched up to Straum as chunks of the road ripped themselves from the surface and wrapped around his left hand like a gauntlet of asphalt and used said gauntlet to grip his throat and lift him off the ground. "I'm only going to ask you once, Pat. How did you get into a foreign reality?!"
Zeke watched as the beam passed through the ring of sludge Mara had morphed herself into and slammed into Straum. The lightning stopped and Zeke stood tall. "Much appreciated, Robocop," He reached his right hand toward the defending shape-shifter, enclosing her in a bubble of blue light. Then he marched up to Straum as chunks of the road ripped themselves from the surface and wrapped around his left hand like a gauntlet of asphalt and used said gauntlet to grip his throat and lift him off the ground. "I'm only going to ask you once, Pat. How did you get into a foreign reality?!"
"So what's the deal with these two? What's the deal with you?" He asked

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