"No, YouTube is a source of valuable information!" Megumin barked. "Mao Mao used it to show me lots of things! Were it not for YouTube, I wouldn't know many of my fighting techniques, nor would I know that you can feed corn chips to crabs!" She reluctantly scooted to the side as Sage took over, but her stormy eyes cleared up as she was taught to navigate towards a home page. "Woooah..."

    Instead of making a fool of herself online, Sage put her on communicator duty. She did still have the wireless headphones, but gods help her if she tried matching the frequency with these communicators. So the headphones would be used to pick up other sounds instead, just in case something interesting came up on the radio. "Hello? Anybody? Has anyone found anything regarding 'INRI'?"
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The Leprechaun would hear out Benrey's offer, before turning back to face Ben. "Well... that boy is right! Fairies don't lie!" The Leprechaun exclaimed, smiling over to Ben. "Turn into a Leprechaun and promise me you'll find me gold, and maybe I'll let ya off the hook!" He said, before swatting Benedict's golden shoe away with the back of his hand. "And I don't want your disgusting shoe, either!"

Crow Crow Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch BoltBeam BoltBeam

The following result would come up from Sage's search.

The initialism INRI represents the Latin inscription IESVS NAZARENVS REX IVDÆORVM (Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum), which in English translates to "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews" (John 19:19). John 19:20 states that this was written in three languages: Hebrew, Latin and Greek and was put on the cross of Jesus.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun P PopcornPie QizPizza QizPizza

All of Ciri's slashes against Jason were direct hits, each one resulting on large gashes across his chest, stomach, and finally his legs. The latter slash made him fall over, collapsing to a single knee, where he soon planted a fist into the ground. Orbeck's follow up attack was a direct hit on Jason, the hit sending him falling back towards the ground before he could fully pull himself back up! Even though he'd been heavily weakened, Jason still slowly pushed himself back up, grabbing his machete beside him in the process. Rather clumsily, he stood over Gretar and attempted to plunge the machete into his back, though the massive blood loss he'd been suffering, as well as the onslaught of attacks in general, was proving to slowly start overwhelming the machete wielding killer.

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla StaidFoal StaidFoal marc122 marc122 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod


The shots from Lealan's gun seemed to do damage to the masked man for a moment, the bulletstorm causing him to stagger back a bit. However, it only took a short moment for him to regain his composure and walk towards Leala, the rest of the shots not doing anything besides slowing him down a bit. Otherwise, though, he kept walking towards her, knife in hand.

"You're right under the--" Jason groaned as Lucky quickly climbed out of the hole and ran back outside, with his newfound RPG in hand. Sighing, he slumped forward a bit, facepalming. "Why do I even fucking bother? Seriously, why do I even bother?" He muttered to himself as he broke into a jog outside, only to find Lucky firing rockets at some dude in a mask with a knife. Jason flinched a little as he heard the sound, while the masked man in particularly leapt out of the way of the rocket at the last second before it hit him, the rocket now heading directly for Lealan!

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie StaidFoal StaidFoal

Soma would have found himself unable to outright open the bottle due to there being a cork in the way. Maybe there was a corkscrew around here somewhere?

Zamasu Zamasu

  • "...Oh, that means I was right!" Megumin stiffened. "It's some kind of religious motive...but what connection would these potions and experiments have with Jesus? Is Wesker trying to reach godhood?"
The Leprechaun would hear out Benrey's offer, before turning back to face Ben. "Well... that boy is right! Fairies don't lie!" The Leprechaun exclaimed, smiling over to Ben. "Turn into a Leprechaun and promise me you'll find me gold, and maybe I'll let ya off the hook!" He said, before swatting Benedict's golden shoe away with the back of his hand. "And I don't want your disgusting shoe, either!"

Crow Crow Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch BoltBeam BoltBeam

"A Leprechaun specifically? Well, I was about to just turn into Pesky Dust, but if you insist..."

Ben would attempt to scan the Leprechaun with his Omnitrix. If successful, he would turn into his new found transformation, complete with a luxurious tophat that could make Benedict jealous!

"I'd love to make the promise, but I need some hints before we can even do that, like where you last saw your gold. Or do my newfound Leprechaun-senses act as a radar to find it?"

Crow Crow Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch BoltBeam BoltBeam thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long

Camp Iwannapeepee
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Freezer) (Burn)

Yang was almost knocked off her feet by Jason's tug on her foot, but she had managed to yank her leg off Jason's hold. However, this came at a cost of nearly tripping over. As she did so, she, this time, stood back, waiting for a good opening on the serial killer as Weiss started to reload a few of the Dust canisters that had been spent, both by her and Megumin. Although the canisters being replaced could still be used, they were starting to run a little low.

Just as Weiss finished reloading, Jason's arm had been hacked clean off. This was starting to look like the time they'd fought Roman in that prototype mech.

"Weiss!" Yang said towards her fellow teammate. "On a count of 3!"

As Yang counted up to 3 -- "1! 2!" -- Weiss held out Myrtenaster, center towards her facing up, as she swapped to Lightning and pressed the trigger. As she did so, she closed her eyes while a clockwork Glyph appeared underneath her, its hands rotating at a rapid pace. Then, she opened her eyes, and made a faster dash than usual towards Jason, as she generated several Glyphs surrounding the killer. Then she boarded a Glyph that she spawned underneath her and then prepared to jump towards Jason.


Just as Jason tried to plunge his machete into Gretar, Weiss boosted herself towards Jason and made a quick swipe at his body, only slightly slower than she could blink. Then she jumped from Glyph to Glyph, slicing at him at a similarly blinding speed, before she made her latest landing on the Glyph residing on the tree's trunk, having sliced at Jason again. Then she jumped from there, slashing downwards at his head to further disorient him before she broke into a flip that transitioned to a smooth landing, facing the serial killer with her rapier dragging against the ground.

Now, it was Yang's turn.

While Jason would try to recover, and Weiss was just about to land, Yang charged towards him and gave him a few swift punches, one of them heading towards his stomach, before performing a high kick to his head, then to his torso using her right leg. Then she grabbed his good arm and then slammed it into his face before proceeding to perform another kick, this time to his torso.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Jason Voorhees, Chucky), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Ciri), Laix_Lake Laix_Lake (Orbeck), Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 (Gretar), FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Kassandra), bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 (Dennis), @Riven (Umbra), StaidFoal StaidFoal (Corvo)

  • You know the drill, yeah? Price was there, lurking in the shadows... observing. Waiting for the most opportune moment to strike- oh, the fight's over? Well, he was still there, by the side of Blood Gulch+ as they entered a new world. As they reach the next- oh, we're past this part too? The narrator flips through the script, skimming the words inked onto the many, many new pages. Right, okay, Price was there, there... and there, too. Helping, in his own way. Moral support, clapping when someone does a good.


    A figure appeared behind those at the locked door, and Kassandra wasted no time in taking him down, a move John had no objection to. "Trying to take him down" would be a more appropriate phrase, as he was entirely unbothered by the spear lodged in his neck, having ripped it out without so much as a flinch. Okay, not a normal bad guy. Supernatural bad guy. That's fine, that's fine. He then began sauntering towards Kassandra's location, the intent to murder her clear as day.

    Ciri told them to run, attempting to run for the locked cabin herself, which was an odd move. Why would they try and hide from a large, unkillable man rather than get the hell away? Either way, it wasn't going so well, but Kassandra began drawing his attention so the rest of them could escape. Price ran with Ciri and the others, not wanting the group to get split up. He's seen horror movies. Not enough, obviously, but he's seen some.

    The cabin they ended up outside of was also locked, but inside was... a deeply unsettling sight. A man, in a white mask, admiring a corpse of another man, who was pinned against the wall by just a knife. It was clear the mask killed him, and if he was anything like the first man, they did not want him to join the chase. Charles began reminiscing about his first kill, which Price just tried to ignore. Why do they keep him around, again? He's giving John the creeps.

    Corvo appeared, using his magic on the pursuing psycho. It didn't really do anything, and he continued towards the group. Ciri attempted to distract him, but that didn't work either. Instead, someone punched him, which, while a bit of a stupid move on said someone's part, did turn the maniac around. A suit of armor Price recognizes from Blood Gulch appeared as well, slashing into the man's back. Ciri began attacking again, as did Corvo, and- okay, yeah, most people were attacking at this point. He was getting seriously injured too, albeit only physically, mentally he was still as persistent as ever. Even if he is unkillable, it doesn't really matter. They don't need to kill him to stop him. Destroying his body to the point where he can't use it will win the fight as well. And, as he is getting very injured, they can do just that.

    The fight went on, and Jason was getting severely damaged, having already lost an arm. After an onslaught from Ciri, the man tried to plunge his machete in Gretar's back. John, only a few yards away, reacted accordingly. He raised his rifle to meet the crazed psycho, and began firing controlled bursts into his center mass, allowing the recoil to kick up, a moment between bursts to allow him to reset his aim, resulting in a vertical line of bullets piercing the air to meet his chest and mask. Even if it doesn't kill him, it'll at least daze him to help the others, specifically the hammer-wielding tank of a man being attacked right now.

As time went by Sora would find more materials under the scraps. “A gas mask. Maybe this’ll come in handy.” Sora puts the gas mask in the same pocket with the ripped one. Then he would turn his attention to the crumbled pieces of paper. “I guess I can use a little break. What’s on these anyway?” Sora sits down and starts to read what’s on the papers.


Rex manages to save the old man and he introduces himself as McGucket, spitting onto his on for Rex to shake.
“ ‘Thank you’s’ work too, McGucket.” Lilith on the other hand, was sorta mad at Rex got him while the garage was collapsing. “Sorry. I thought he was gonna get crushed given enough time and- never mind.” Rex turns to gucket. “Anyways. I’m Rex, and that’s Lilith. Do you have another place to go?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials

Something hot and primordial could suddenly be felt in the small group inside a certain cabin. Air moved and cracked with intensity behind the group, as dust moved about. Hot, hot, hot, even hotter and hotter...But not overly so. This heat felt...Different. It didn't feel like literal heat- no, no. If it was literal heat, perhaps many of the group currently present would be sweating bullets at the sheer magnitude of it. It felt...Different. Like their very souls were feeling this 'heat.' This...Essence.

Something old and powerful was behind them.
If one were to turn around and face whatever was forming that heat, they'd see something quite threatening. 6'03" in height alone. Bulging muscles that could easily snap someone in half- glowing, red eyes that shone behind the swirling vortex of red, fiery aura around this being. And a pair of long and sharp horns on top of his head announced his presence as something inhuman. Something that gave fear to mankind in the east years ago.

The first thought one might have is 'demon'. But this being didn't feel like one or look like one. For one, his skin wasn't red all over, and he looked somewhat human despite his appearance. But, what gave it away that this wasn't some sort of western demon was his clothes- a mix of red and black in a colorful meeting of colors. Patterns like fire along with his long and open eastern clothing, giving away his nationality. Small tusks profused from his mouth- fit for chewing meat and whatnot, a single, shining golden light from his right ear.

Oni. Youkai. One of the main 'faces' of Japanese mythology. Man-eating beasts that stole women and loved to drink, battle, and eat fresh, raw meat...

A limb went to his side- a gourd was pulled, liquid splashing inside. He drunk it for one, two seconds.


...And with a single phrase, the broke the current character he had going for him in a strange manner, as his eyes shined like stars as he looked over the cabin- then the small group within it.

"...Wait a sec. This ain't a drunken dream of mine, izzit?"

Kyou Tana
Local dumbass
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"Wow, you're pretty durable huh? She begins to charge the Dragon Head pistol to launch a massive ball of fire, when the Masked Man leaps to the side, the glow of her plasma reveals an RPG round heading for her! "SON OF A BITCH!"
The Rocket nails Lealan in the chest, and while her armor kept it from killing her, she is still thrown spiraling backward, smashing into a tree and landing face first on the ground. She drags herself to her feet. "whoever fired that rocket had better be expendable, because I am going to eat their arms for that." She stores her Neo Magnum and looks for the knife wielding maniac, Dragon Head Pistol ready to blow his torso off. Or the jackass who shot her, whichever comes first.
P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mr. Righteous

As the battle continues to fire up, Kanon lays his gun on his shoulder, just watching the fight against Jason. "This gotta be one of the greatest parties of all time with all this chaotic nonsense commencing, ain't that right Mr. Righteous Man." Kanon attempts to say to Dennis, however, right after he turns around to speak with him, Dennis is nowhere in sight. Kanon starts feeling a bit of guilt in his body because he assumes that he killed his own partner, his own friend, with his Math laser gun. "D-D-Dennis........????!!!!!" Kanon says as all he sees is a White collared shirt, a Brown suit, & a pair of Bright shiny glasses, piled up neatly & strangely organized, covered with a bit of sticks & leaves.

Where could Dennis Robbins have gone 🤔🤔🤔
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Aiming the next rocket towards Michael's spine was a pretty bad idea, because Michael still on the ground, and was still pretty close to Lucky! Once the buff rabbit had taken aim, Michael merely rolled out of the way before it hit him, allowing the recoil from the explosion to send him rolling off into the darkness of the woods. Lucky, meanwhile, would no doubt have been blown back in the opposite direction by the rocket launcher, more than likely losing it in the process.

P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp StaidFoal StaidFoal

Shanoa and Soma's search would eventually lead them to the garage area, where Rex and Lilith were conversing with Old Man McGucket. The old man in question either ignored or simply didn't hear Rex's part about the thank you, instead choosing to reply to the question at the end.


"Nope!" He exclaimed jovially, shaking his head. "I was hold up here all nice 'n tight like from them monsters out in the woods, and now you went 'n destroyed my one chance at not being brutally murdered!" He said happily, even laughing a bit.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Zamasu Zamasu ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials


"Well now, if I knew where me gold was, do you really think I'd be asking for help from the likes of you?"
The original Leprechaun asked when Ben asked him for any hints on how to find it on its own. And, unfortunately, there were no magical sensors inside of Ben's now form that would allow him to detect where this creature's gold had been hidden.

Crow Crow Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 BoltBeam BoltBeam

Weiss' myriad of slashes left Jason pretty immobile, having cut deep into his what little working muscle tissue he had left to prevent him from moving at all. Before he could even attempt to recover, Yang hit him with her follow-up attack, the series of punches and kicks ultimately ending with him colliding into the tree behind them. Struggling to even move at this point, which was something that Jason had never even thought he would experience, he could only look up as Price filled him with the remaining bullets. All he could do was take them point blank in the chest, as they lined up and went straight into his neck, and then finally his head. Jason knocked up against the tree once more as black blood oozed out of his wounds and splattered onto the tree behind him.

And then, finally, Jason Voorhees slowly slid down the trunk of the tree, slumping forward as the mask cracked from the gunfire and fell off of his face in two pieces, revealing it to everyone.


The horribly disfigured man's eyes both slowly looked up at you all for a moment, before they fell again, and all signs of life left Jason's body.

marc122 marc122 jigglesworth jigglesworth Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla StaidFoal StaidFoal TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

The papers appeared to all be invoices for various items, some of which were items that Sora had just picked up. Gas masks, syringes, beakers, and apparently bugs used for medical research? All of them were addressed to a man named "Jonathan Crane." The latter had a note attached to the bottom, which read...


We hope you find everything to be satisfactory. Mr. Wesker was very specific about the shipping details and we have followed them to the letter. By now you will have received the initial 15 shipments. The rest are in transit now and will be with you shortly.

The Umbrella Corporation

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

Leo's eyes would widen slightly as he felt the heat suddenly enter the cabin they were in. It was the same kind of presence that he felt every day back in his own universe. That same... primordial essence that only the various inhabitants of Hellsalem's Lot could give off. They were the kind of vibes that he had been used to feeling, yet here they felt so foreign... almost brand new, in a sense. When he turned around, he saw it. The demonic being before them. However, in Leo's experience, he knew that not all demons were bad. Far from it, in fact. Still... if there was one thing that this particular adventure had taught him, it was to take everything he encountered with a grain of salt, even this man's rather... nonchalant nature.


So, after what had felt like ages of not using them, Leonardo Watch opened his eyes again, examining the creature before him with his Mystic Eyes of the Gods.

"Who are you? What business do you have here?" He asked in not a mean tone, but rather a stern, protective one. He instinctively held his arm out and in front of Sage as he spoke.

Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun P PopcornPie QizPizza QizPizza
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--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Hiryu was not one to turn to drugs. In fact, even with his parents' money, he was too poor to even buy a singular drugs.Not a cocaine, nor meth. Hell, he didn't even know what Heroin was until he looked it up online. Regardless, he sat beside Gingerbread Man.

"I've never actually tried one of these in my life, but I heard it can fuck you up real bad." Hiryu admitted, observing the bong. However, he didn't take a huff of it. He's practically working after all. "How haunted are we talking here? Monsters? Serial Killers? Monster Serial Killers?" He asked staring at the gingerbread boi.

--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

Whisper prepared to fire several missiles as soon as the masked murderer set their sights on Orbeck. However, it seems the plan deviated as it set its eyes on Gretar instead. Just like that, however, the fight has ended, prompting Whisper to get off of her tree, landing with a kneel. She didn't do much, but damn it was close. At least they don't have to worry about him ever again.
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long

Spawncampers Get Off My Fucking Game
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Freezer) (Burn)

Just like that, Jason went down without putting up a fight at the end, Captain Price having delivered the final blow. As his cracked mask fell off, the two, who were taking a moment to catch their breath, saw what appeared to be a horribly disfigured face that had been hidden from everyone within his proximity, looking up to everyone within the group as the two watched his final moments against the tree. Weiss bit her lip while Yang's eyes were widened just from how grotesque the face had appeared to be.

How did he even get there? Did they want to know?

"Is... Everyone alright?" Weiss asked, slowly at first, as she looked around towards the others, checking up on Dennis in particular. As she checked in with the others, Yang looked at her communicator to check on where everyone was on the map Jason had downloaded. Lucky, Lealan, and B.J. were near the forest, having apparently moved from the weapons cache, but their positions appeared to be shifting, indicating that there was danger wherever they were.

"Think we should keep going," Yang said, "Hopefully find the others while we still can."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Jason Voorhees, Chucky), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Ciri), Laix_Lake Laix_Lake (Orbeck), Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 (Gretar), FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Kassandra), Thepotatogod Thepotatogod (Whisper), bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 (Kanon, Dennis), @Riven (Umbra), StaidFoal StaidFoal (Corvo, B.J.), jigglesworth jigglesworth (Price), P PopcornPie (Lucky), DerpyCarp DerpyCarp (Lealan)
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"Well now, if I knew where me gold was, do you really think I'd be asking for help from the likes of you?"
The original Leprechaun asked when Ben asked him for any hints on how to find it on its own. And, unfortunately, there were no magical sensors inside of Ben's now form that would allow him to detect where this creature's gold had been hidden.

Crow Crow Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 BoltBeam BoltBeam

"Well, this won't be an easy quest but... we promise to find your gold, Mr Leprechaun, isn't that right guys," Ben says, "Benedict I think that's enough."

Crow Crow Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 BoltBeam BoltBeam thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Chronology (1).jpg

Location: Camp Crystal Lake
Expression: Quiet a Bit
Interaction: Open

Jett nodded at Blake as she said that they should go back to the cabin right before following the cat eared female as a sign of when it comes for trouble in the cabin, she looked around the camp as it is very quiet not your typical camp that is very loud of the music, the partying, & of course the love from the campers. She was thinking on her thoughts that the camp was being abandoned but she will shake her head in order if there is no more possessed cars or boats to deal with, Jett will whistle softly while trying to flip her knife in order to calm herself down from the mess that the small group encountered earlier.

Chronology (2).jpg

Location: Camp Crystal Lake
Expression: Being Nice
Interaction: Open

Meanwhile Thorne was trying to have fun with her orbs by having to make a orb that will make her allies healed in a certain distance but she failed many times when she was following Blake, the small group are having some quite interest from her since she is now being allies with the group & the previous group that they are being saved earlier. She was looking at Jett when she is flipping her knife while whistling a bit since she is getting bored after the encounter from earlier.
After a moment, the Gingerdead Man shrugged and took another hit from his bong. "More for me!" He exclaimed as he listened to Hiryu's questions. "Pretty much all of the above, pal. Hell, I'm pretty sure I should be out there killin' with the rest'a them freaks..." He smirked a bit, before ultimately shrugging. "Then I saw those fuckin' weird powers you guys have, and I decided I'd rather not die on account of the fact that I'm literally a fuckin' cookie with a dinky knife."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

The Leprechaun had half a mind to end Benedict's life right then and there after the kick struck him in the side of the head (of course, it didn't even leave a scratch on him), but Ben intervened before that could happen. "You'd be best to listen to your friend, otherwise for our deal, I just might not keep my end!" He laughed.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Crow Crow Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 BoltBeam BoltBeam

After enough walking, the car group made their way back to the cabin. There, they would have of course found the newcomer demon - Kyou Tana - and the group looking at him rather wearily. Specifically Leo, who appeared to be questioning him, having even activated his All Seeing Eyes of the Gods to do so. Leo hadn't notice you all enter, too focused on the newcomer. Luigi hid in the back behind Akari, gripping the back of his shirt akin to how Sage had been gripping Leo's earlier. He was shaking profusely, his teeth chattering violently as he observed the newcomer's sight.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Celestial Speck Celestial Speck quadraxis201 quadraxis201 QizPizza QizPizza P PopcornPie
Lealan cracks her neck as another explosion sounds out, illumination Lucky blowing himself up and sending the Rocket Launcher and Michael flying away. "Good riddance." Lealan mutters, pulling out a Red Stim Pack and injecting herself. With the healing juices fixing up her wounds, she turns to continue on her way to the generator, at a more sedate pace than before. "Stupid Team-Killing Fucktard."
P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore StaidFoal StaidFoal
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Benedict would straighten up his tie, if it were any other child in any other situation he would kick Ben in the head as well.....but the businessman realized himself that he had released too much of his anger on homeless people to the tiny gremlin man.
Ah, apologies hobo.....hopefully your lesson has been learned, gold is gold.....
He would say to the leprechaun
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
BoltBeam BoltBeam
Crow Crow
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

  • PicsArt_07-25-09.31.12.png

    After getting over the initial wave of terror, Megumin jumped onto Kyou, seemingly trying to pin his neck to the ground with her staff. "The only dream you'll be having is a dying one, you Devil-crafted nuisance! Engarde!"
P PopcornPie | thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore | A lot of other people.
The man simply blinked as he held the gourd in place as Leo opened his mystical eyes- his face squinting into a face of confusion, as his eyes narrowed. He seemed still not sure what's going on- And Leonardo's eyes could tell such. The All Seeing Eyes of God, after all, could see souls and emotions, past any sort of 'illusion', and as such, it was only natural one such as Kyou, whose aura while currently returning to his body, was still visible to everyone- making Leonardo's job easier.

...But to say the least...This lad was...Unique.

He didn't just sense one soul- instead, he saw two. One was the same he Just felt- fiery, powerful, ancient, like it could burn him alive if he tried to reach out to it, but filled with confusion, and a sense of growing worry and weariness. This man- whoever he was, didn't have a hint of malice to him. He seemed genuinely confused as to where he was, but...

Well, the same couldn't be said to the thing inside of him.

Leo's eyes burned a little bit as he stared into what amounted to a monster lurking deep inside the man's soul. It's emotions rushed, hard to understand, primal, yet smart- confusion, anger, hunger, analysis, hunger...

...And as Leo stared deeper, 8 pair of eyes stared from the man directly into him.

Kyou didn't hold any malice, but the thing inside of him certainly did. However...He didn't attack, not the creature or the man, only letting out 'uhs' and 'wait a sec' from his mouth, as if trying to find the right words to say. As more people popped up, it didn't seem to help, as the massive man just seemed more confused, and his emotions of worry growing, despite him not showing.

"...Uh, wait- what's going on--?"

He didn't have a chance to finish his question, as Megumin jumped onto him with her staff. Now, while normally such a scene with this type of wording would give a funny reaction and quip from Kyou, this wasn't the case right now.

His hand was a blur, it moved faster then she could react- as-- grab!

The man's hand gripped the girl's staff firmly and strongly- and did not let go. He was...Strong. Very much so. And it was clear by his appearence and muscle- although truth be told, he was able to react quickly because of his experience with martial arts, as well as the fact, well...Megumin was really tiny compared to him. (No offense intended.)

"Oioioioi!! What the hell is wrong with ya?! I don't mean any of you any harm, ya weirdoes! Where the heck am I?! Where's my family?! Is this a divine prank?!"

The man didn't attack, but he pushed Megumin back away from him- he seemed distressed, reality seemingly sinking him into him, as his skin heated up, alcohol dissapearing from his system, and getting a clear view that this was, indeed, reality.

"...And I'm a HALF ONI! The kindest one ya gon' meet all day, desu yo! (Y'hear?!)"
Chronology (1).jpg

Location: Camp Crystal Lake
Expression: Confused of Leo & Kyou
Interaction:: Leo & Kyou

After having a long walk with the small group to the cabin, Jett saw a man who his eyes were glowing while interacting with an another person & tries to calm the situation down by walking towards the two saying "Okay, okay. Calm down, eh." She simply said to the two while trying to not to snap by not have Blade Storm & accidentally hurting the two or it will be a nightmare for her.

Chronology (2).jpg

Location: Camp Crystal Lake
Expression: Being Quiet
Interaction: Open

Meanwhile Thorne was trying to not intervene Jett as she looks at the three after she saw two males that are interacting with each other & face palms in quite awkwardness & embarrassment to her saying on her thoughts 'Same Jett all over again. Why do I get to have this awkward situation now??'

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