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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Yeah I got it." She grabbed the towel.

Fate got in the car. Indigo sat on her lap.
The cellular regeneration beeped and the door opened. Scout stepped out and quickly took the towel. "How long's it been?" He asked.

"Alright it will be a long drive so get comfortable."
The cellular regeneration beeped and the door opened. Scout stepped out and quickly took the towel. "How long's it been?" He asked.

"Alright it will be a long drive so get comfortable."
"Five months" Venus answered.

"Alright" fate turned on the radio.
"Five months" Venus answered.

"Alright" fate turned on the radio.
"FIVE!?" Scout asked. "You were killed in another dimension. I had to recreate your memories and body from scratch " medic said. "That reminds me. You need to take a memory tea to make sure I got everything right."

It started playing pop. Ben turned in the cars auto driver and leaned back.
"FIVE!?" Scout asked. "You were killed in another dimension. I had to recreate your memories and body from scratch " medic said. "That reminds me. You need to take a memory tea to make sure I got everything right."

It started playing pop. Ben turned in the cars auto driver and leaned back.
Venus just nods. "Yeah five months"

"So when was the last time you went camping?" She asked
Venus just nods. "Yeah five months"

"So when was the last time you went camping?" She asked
"Wait remade me from scratch?" He asked. "Well not completely. I had a ablood sample. But rebuilding an entire body from a blood sample is a lot off guess work. Why do you think it took so long?"

"I don't think I've been since I came to this universe." He said. "By the way. I have something for you. And I won't take no for an answer. Its in a box on the back."
"Wait remade me from scratch?" He asked. "Well not completely. I had a ablood sample. But rebuilding an entire body from a blood sample is a lot off guess work. Why do you think it took so long?"

"I don't think I've been since I came to this universe." He said. "By the way. I have something for you. And I won't take no for an answer. Its in a box on the back."
"We would have brought you back sooner if we could" Venus said

Fate grabs the box and opens it.
"We would have brought you back sooner if we could" Venus said

Fate grabs the box and opens it.
"Yeah yeah I know." Scout said.

Inside was the old Omnitrix. She'd now notice the new one sitting on Ben's wrist. "Can't think of anyone else to give it to." He said. "And now that I made this one I think that someone needs to take the old one."
"Yeah yeah I know." Scout said.

Inside was the old Omnitrix. She'd now notice the new one sitting on Ben's wrist. "Can't think of anyone else to give it to." He said. "And now that I made this one I think that someone needs to take the old one."
"Well I'll let you get dressed " she walks out.

Fate looks at the omnitrix. "You really think I should have it?" Indigo meowed.she laughed. "No indy you can't have it"
They soon finished. "So Jenny you up to anything?"

"There isnt much for a 24 year old stuck inside a 12 year old body can do without scrutiny, I can't even go to a bar and get a drink, well technically I can but choose not too" she replied
"Well I'll let you get dressed " she walks out.

Fate looks at the omnitrix. "You really think I should have it?" Indigo meowed.she laughed. "No indy you can't have it"
He nodded and grabbed his clothes.

"I can't think of anyone who deserves it more." He said.
"There isnt much for a 24 year old stuck inside a 12 year old body can do without scrutiny, I can't even go to a bar and get a drink, well technically I can but choose not too" she replied
"Have you thought of finding a way to age yourself back to 24" she asked
Venus waits.

Fate puts it on.
"Okay you're good." Scout said.

THe omnitrix beeped. "New User. Factory reset in progress." THe Omnitrix turned back for a second than back to its normal color. "Alright. You want me to unlock the full functionality for you or do you want to use it in factory mode?" He said. (Facotry mode just means she starts with a set of 10)
"Okay you're good." Scout said.

THe omnitrix beeped. "New User. Factory reset in progress." THe Omnitrix turned back for a second than back to its normal color. "Alright. You want me to unlock the full functionality for you or do you want to use it in factory mode?" He said. (Facotry mode just means she starts with a set of 10)
Venus walks back into the room.

"Factory mode will work for me" she said

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