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Fantasy OOC for snowbrush village (harvest moon rp)

I just keep seeing the pool game cutscene from stardew 💔😭 haha this is all so precious, I don't think my heart can take it.
While this love war rages on, Argo will sell t-shirts supporting other townspeople despite the fact he is technically running against them
we can come up with a few more activities for the spring festival! and have some characters host them?
if that makes sense-

also seo would be helping samson with the scorekeeping/hosting/etc kind of thing and he might push her into the couple-based thing.
and ahhh im imagining a lot of scenarios right now but its hard to word. ive got a lot of little ideas and such if anyone would be interested in hearing them? uwu
we can come up with a few more activities for the spring festival! and have some characters host them?
if that makes sense-

also seo would be helping samson with the scorekeeping/hosting/etc kind of thing and he might push her into the couple-based thing.
and ahhh im imagining a lot of scenarios right now but its hard to word. ive got a lot of little ideas and such if anyone would be interested in hearing them? uwu
Always like to hear ideas
if anyone is interested in trying to woo seo let me know :closed eyes open smile:

jk but also

not rly a jk pls let me kno

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