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Fandom Dashing through the Lane

"Just like Unicorn and the Illustrious-class!" Javelin exclaims.


"Friends... family..." Cooper was a bit confused, "can they really be one and the same? I've never really thought about it that way..."

A hand was placed on Cooper's head.


"Until that day truly comes, why not you spend time with Bremerton and me?"

"Baltimore-senpai?" Cooper smiles as she looks upwards. "I- I'd love to..."

Topless Topless Thepotatogod Thepotatogod PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss P PopcornPie

"Quite the terrible mood you're in. You'll definitely need a lot of time to make your decisions," Le Malin ponders, "why not you join us for dinner? You'll need all the energy the world has to offer if you're thinking of what to do with your new life. Thinking on an empty stomach will only make you revisit old ideas over and over, moving backwards without any new ones to move forward."

P PopcornPie

"WWAAAAAAAAH!" Sirius could only get frightened as she backed away from the sight. The dim lighting only strengthened her belief that someone with Pookybear's silhouette was- well, not a hamster..

Sirius seemed a bit too frightened to pay attention to the hamster's charades, intepreting them as something else for a change.

"St- stay back! I'm armed! This isn't a ceremonial sword! Well, it is, but it's also reeaal."

Sirius took out a sword, raising it in fright.

That was when the clapping of shoes against the ground came from two different hallways.




P PopcornPie
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"This late? It's pretty dark right now. You can always play when the sun's up again, can't you?" the redheaded Commander responds, "the only people out this late are night patrollers, and whoever keeps raiding Akashi's fridge, and even then they've got a job, very important job. Well, not the fridge raider, she probably has her own food, but you get me."

"Kanna, was it? Do you want to spend some time in my room tonight?" Ayanami asks.

Topless Topless Thepotatogod Thepotatogod PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss P PopcornPie
Kanna looked at Ayanami, thinking about it for a moment, before shaking her head in decline. "Nevermind, I'll just go to sleep then." She said.

Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Sougo Tokiwa || Woz--
Interaction: Crow Crow Topless Topless PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

"Yes. Spending time with them really helps." Sougo nods at Cooper as she is approached by two other shipgirls, he smiles, knowing that she would no longer feel alone again. It was then that Hermoine finally arrives with a meek greeting.

"Oh, Hermoine-san! Have you eaten dinner yet?" Sougo turned to his witch companion asks gleefully. "You must try this curry, it's delicious!" He reccomends as, just then, his plate is almost emptied out, having eaten most of them while Woz was telling his story.
"I don't know." Smartypaw answered. "If I return to the surface, I'll just be dragged towards that machine, and brought back to Yuchino anyway. I don't think they'll understand."
Pookybear was immediately alarmed! Why, these Shipgirl fiends were willing to dull their blades on our little rodent's spine-And our hero wasn't having it!

Grabbing a pen off the top of a desk, Pookybear waved its inky tip in front of the sword, bristling from his twitching nose to the very tip of his stubby tail. "Cheekoosqueaksquesqueaky! Awngarde! OIYEEEEE!" He sprung towards his assailant!
Senko giggled at Kanna, her ears flicking. "Maybe we can play a quiet game. Like cards, or hide and seek."

Crow Crow Topless Topless
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Senko's tails wagged. "I wasn't expecting a 'yes' from one as energetic as you." She looked around, her smile shrinking as her eyebrows knitter together. "Well, I don't see any cards lying about, so we will play hide-and-seek in the meantime. Would you like to hide, or seek?"

Topless Topless
"They won't if they don't know who you are," Le Malin points to the powder that she threw down the hole.

P PopcornPie

Sirius winces at the sight.


As Pookybear armed himself, charging towards Sirius with a leap, a very accurate shot was launched towards Pookybear - aimed towards his vitals. Fortunately, these weren't lead to be pumped for a kill, but non-lethal rubber bullets meant to stun through heavy impact after richocheting off.

"Bullseye. Let's identify our culprit."

P PopcornPie

"Speaking of hide and seek, I think it's about time I seek someone who's trying to hide from me," the redheaded Commander says, standing up, "I don't really know if now's the best time, but whether it's late or early, it can never be never. You all saw it, didn't you?"

P PopcornPie Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Topless Topless PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
Smartypaw looked down at the bun with uncertainty. "What is this, anyway? One of those fluffy makeup sponges with the fancy blush powder that makes you look like you're always embarrassed about something?" Well, she decided to start treating it like it was, letting it pat her all over her face.
Pookybear felt as though he was impressing his foe with his pen-fencing, only to be reminded the hard way that his foe literally had guns growing out of her body. Right after springing into the air, no less.

BANG! The bullet coursed right through our hero's body!...Okay, not really. But he could feel it crush his ribcage like a saltine cracker. And it hurt. A lot. Releasing the pen from his grip, his eyes wide and his jaw agape, he fell limply to the floor, with the pen's clattering against the floor producing an echo. Pookybear did not reclaim it. In fact, he did not move at all. His face remained frozen, releasing an endless, silent scream.

Was this the end? Did our poor hamster just go out in a blaze of glory?
Senko tilted her head, letting her ears flop to the side along with it. "Who could possibly be hiding from us? I don't think we were followed home by any of those copies. Unless...Oh, you mean the rabbit, don't you? With the fleeing speed of rabbits, I'm afraid she's long gone by now. She's probably made herself a deep network of tunnels beneath this island. We probably won't see her again. Until spring, that is."

Crow Crow

"Hmmm... I need to rethink my methods for smaller targets," a voice said as Pookybear's consciousness faded, the last face he would see before so right before him. "Just a hamster? But whose?"

P PopcornPie

Its aftereffects were visible. With every bit of powder applied, Smartypaw's fur would turn white like a snowshoe rabbit's.

"Avoid talking, too. Well, you can, but keep your volume down so that no one but us can hear you," Jupiter adds.

P PopcornPie

"Nein, nein, I meant... Zerstorer 23. Besides, I think my senpai knows what to do with the rabbit. That rabbit was someone she wanted to teach many things to... I, on the other hand, am a Kommandant with much to learn!"

Our reheaded Commander dashes out.

P PopcornPie Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Topless Topless PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
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"That'll be easy...I think." Smartypaw would finally appear from her burrow, pure white from head to toe, with the sponge firmly between her paws.
The only signs of life from Pookybear were the occasional back foot twitches.
"I hope you can find her. I could probably sniff out the rabbit, if you need me." Senko waved farewell as the commander ran off, then turned her attention back to Kanna. "Do you want to help in the search, or do you still want to play?"

Crow Crow Topless Topless
With an understanding smile, Senko nodded. "If you're going to help with the rabbit, then I will help, too. Now, how do we track down a bunny..." She tapped her chin. Smoking her out was the obvious option, but, especially seeing as Smartypaw had human-level intelligence, it sounded like unnecessary cruelty. Suppose they tempted her out instead? "Kanna, do you know what rabbits usually eat? Mayhaps a carrot or two will bring our missing friend out of her hiding place."

Topless Topless
"Never feed a rabbit carrots. Rabbits are fickle. Bailey learned it the hard way," Laffey said as she performed the iconic G*ndou *kari headrest pose.

MHX was legitimately frightened by Laffey's presence.

P PopcornPie Topless Topless Thepotatogod Thepotatogod PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

"Oh, hello, strange guests, done with dinner I assume," Le Malin waves to Senko and Kanna as Jupiter walked beside her, gently holding a white rabbit. Le Malin's eyes widen at the sight of Kanna. "Oh, Laffey, did you shrink? One of Akashi's hijinks?"

P PopcornPie Topless Topless
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Kanna shook at the presence of Laffey. Just what is it in this girl that makes her so cute yet so terrifying? By then, two people arrive to greet them, one of them holding a white rabbit. Le Malin looks at Kanna and mistakes her for Laffey. "I'm not Laffey, I'm Kanna." The dragon girl spoke.

Crow Crow P PopcornPie
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"Oh, really...?" Senko's ears tipped forward. "How interesting! I am not good with animals, I am afraid. I believe the most experience I've had with rabbits before was simply eating them."
Smartypaw didn't resist being carried. In fact, she was more likely to resist being put down; these were warm, soft arms.
Le Malin's eyes lit up in the dark night with a blink, before it returned to normal. "Ah, I see. You have blue eyes, she has red. There certainly are similarities, however. I am Le Malin, the elegant destroyer and evil blade of the Vichiya Dominion!"

"... and I am J-class Destroyer, Jupiter," Jupiter introduces as well.

Their stomachs growl.

"Oh dear, I wish that our conversation could be extended, but it appears that my friend and I will need to have our dinner soon. See you around~!"

"Bye bye..." Jupiter adds.

P PopcornPie Topless Topless

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