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Realistic or Modern The Calling OOC

okay... i think i'm over stretching myself by trying to make a character for this so i'm afraid I'm going to have to pull out from this :(

this is a wonderful idea and i hope everyone has a lot of fun with it though!!
okay... i think i'm over stretching myself by trying to make a character for this so i'm afraid I'm going to have to pull out from this :(

this is a wonderful idea and i hope everyone has a lot of fun with it though!!
No worries, I completely understand! And thank you ^^
Might end up switching the dorm before we start. Not sure about the choice just yet lol
do we have a lot of freedom with figuring out the visions? like does it have to be statues and whatnot or could it have been out in nature and they just heard the voices and whatnot
do we have a lot of freedom with figuring out the visions? like does it have to be statues and whatnot or could it have been out in nature and they just heard the voices and whatnot
It doesn’t have to be statues. As long as they hear their parent’s voice telling them about the school and have the image of the map placed in their head anything is fine.
It doesn’t have to be statues. As long as they hear their parent’s voice telling them about the school and have the image of the map placed in their head anything is fine.
sweetness~ thanks
I just have her bio and family left on Aisha so I'm going to get the other wips up~
Am I going to be that guy who makes a loki kid?
... I just might.
4 characters is what I'm committing to. There shall be no others.
So! I just wanted to point that when picking a god/goddess, think of their forms. Gods who can shape-shift into animals are fine. The Egyptian gods are fine too! But if the deity doesn’t have a human form in their mythology then I don’t see that being able to happen biologically.
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I honestly still have no idea what to do for a dorm for Sophie... Also, I’m 99.99% sure that I’m going to be adjusting her vision bit a little more too.
Um, I would think Silva. Aphrodite being closely associated with fertility. It just seems like the best fit, generally.
I’m super super super sorry but I’m going to have to pull out my applications for this rp. I got really swamped with making an involved HP rp with a friend so I totally spaced on finishing my characters. Best of luck you guys~ everyone looks fabulous.
I’m super super super sorry but I’m going to have to pull out my applications for this rp. I got really swamped with making an involved HP rp with a friend so I totally spaced on finishing my characters. Best of luck you guys~ everyone looks fabulous.
I understand! And I wish you the best with your hp rp! ^^

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