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"...So then what is your favorite color? You knowingly gave me the wrong answer." :|
Ruby slowly turned her eyes away and resumed whistling.

Damn, she'd been hoping the flirtatious comment + kiss would have been enough to avoid a follow up question.
After what felt like about the tenth sliding door, they found themselves in a large, open laboratory with various scattered components and pieces of machinery lying around, some finished, some half-assembled, some gathering dust. They spanned just about every field from computing to cybernetics, but it only took a single glance to determine what the owner of the lab's true proclivity was; biology.

In particular, Grimm biology.

Numerous tanks lined the room's walls, and suspended in some kind of green viscous liquid were an absolute menagerie of the creatures so diverse and strange that even residing in Ozpin's shadow kingdom Ruby had never seen many of them before. One of the larger tanks contained something with the upper torso of a centipede but the lower body of a horse, and a face that looked almost disturbingly human save for the massive pincers dividing it in two. Another held some sort of eyeless abomination with a long, shiny dome of a skull, a tail that looked as sharp as a razorblade and what looked like some kind of an inner jaw, one that came with its own ridges of angular teeth. Within the next was something that gave the impression of a praying mantis, only instead of two mandibles it had twelve.

Most seemed to be sedated somehow, but those that more resembled the more noncorporeal geists all swiveled their heads to lock their gaze on Ruby from the moment she walked in the room.

She didn't hate the Grimm. They were Ozpin's creations. Why would she ever detest them?

That said, if any attacked her of course they'd be killed.

But even though she'd grown as a fighter, enough to handle any mere Beowulf, she quietly clutched at her stump as she avoided meeting the gaze of the creatures head on.

The encounter with the one that'd melded with Yang's body still fresh in her mind.
The bedding in the corner and opened food containers lying everywhere gave the sense that whoever owned this lab hadn't left it in days, if not weeks, and the man in its center certainly did nothing to disprove that theory. He was a rankled, disheveled old man in a scientist's uniform, his back to them as he hunched over an operating table with another insectoid Grimm strapped down. Their very nature meant it had to be alive, but appeared heavily tranquilized in its own right as he carved open its thorax with a precision laser tool, a number of vials next to him containing a serum of a similar green shade to the one the many creatures were suspended in.
What a ratty looking old man...
It was a spinny chair, and he suddenly pushed off the operating table to wheel it all the way over and closely inspect the Red Masque at a distance most people would've found quite uncomfortable. His lab coat's sleeves were pulled up, and Ruby could tell at this range that there was very little to separate the overall design of his cybernetic arm and the one she'd seen Yang wearing, right down to the odd, blood-red liquid that seemed to be running through some integrated plastic tubing, perhaps hinting at a more organic component than the Polendina-patented arm Yang had entered this world with.

He tapped his chin with one of its fingers, a wry smirk building at the corners of his lips.


"Why, my dear... you have simply the most marvelous eyes."

She'd done a damn good job of masking it if she did say so herself.

But the anger issues and feral nature didn't just leave after a lot of hand holding and a smooch.


Don't freak out, not in front of Weiss. You're doing so good! Don't spoil it now!!!
"Naturally. I even have one of the earlier prototypes for the other one you requested I can adjust to a smaller size rather than beginning anew. Do explain girl... what manner of arm might you be looking for? That of a craftsman? Or would you rather some more... assassinative implements? Tell me, are you abreast of the latest in cybernetic modifications?"

Weiss objectively knew this man was an unparalleled genius, but subjectively she also just found him... so dumb. She sighed. "She just needs an arm. Ruby, I've seen you tinkering with your old arm in Ozpin's castle. I'm sure you're aware of what's attainable. Are there any particular features you'd like him to implement?"
Ruby spared a glance over to her stump hidden away by her tied off sleeve as it was.

She'd thought back to how outclassed her Yang had made her feel back at the motel. Her silver eyes did little to faze the monster sharing a body with her. She wasn't at all Yang's superior in physical combat anymore.

She hated it.

She hated people getting on over on her. Making her feel weak. If she was weak then she served no purpose and if she had no purpose....?

Why even live?

"This might sound like an odd request but my beloved 'sister' has gotten a fair bit stronger than me over the years. Enough to whip me around the room as easily you or I would a tennis ball. It really, really pissed me off." She stated as cool and matter of factly as possible. "You made the arm for the other Yang right? I want one that's better than hers, that gives me the strength I'm looking for."

She seemed to grow more and more intense with each word before finishing up with-


"Also I'd love a built in handcannon. My old arm had it but I had to flip a whole bunch of switches to activate it!"

Her request given, Ruby leaned back to kinda-sorta whisper to Weiss.

'The other Yang said she totally just stole the arm she got from you and walked on out like it was nothing.'
Neo had cocked her head at Aurora at his question, still having not entirely banished the confused smile she'd given the poor bartender. Was she supposed to know who this was? Probably? She was getting more and more sure the longer they were here that their doubles had done... something to the old owner here, and apparently put themselves in charge, but whatever they learned during their tenure as the new Miss Malachite(s) obviously hadn't made the jump to their betters.

A part of her wanted to know where they went; the other Neopolitan was one of the people who....


She knew better than to ask though. She wasn't ready to face those answers herself yet, nor what to do with them.

None of this helped her with this dude though, and she gavea quick shake of her head in answer and just continued smiling at him

"No, sir, no, she's uh, she's a ward a' Miss Malachite. Poor little thing was lost in the streets after the tower fell, can't even talk. Little girl like that, runnin this establishment? Naww. Now sit tight buttercup and I'll have them bring somethin out." She said with a bright and absolutely strained smile towards Neo before she ducked back into the kitchen. "Hurry it up you lazy gits, do remember what happened the last time you were late with...."


"The hell you say?" Mercury demanded in an aggressive, confrontational tone, immediately coming back. :|

The flicker that came over Mercury's face at the mention of the Bound Ashes was of the unreadable sort, but it was hard not to get the impression that he was viewing Aurora in a different light entirely as he made his way back over to stand beside Emerald with arms folded, one eyebrow raised and mouth a frown as guarded as it was analytic.


Emerald didn't seem to share in whatever knowledge he did, a bit of a girlish sway to her posture as she tapped her chin and pretended to think about his question.

"Leeeeeet's see... yeah, you know what? I think it had something to do with... Nunya."

(and other previous shenanigans)

"Here you gooo miss, standard plate of scrambled eggs n' aww shit."

The bartender's eyes shot wide as she caught the tail end of that conversation just after she bumped her way past the swinging doors that led from the kitchen, and the plate slipped from her hands as she forgot to hold it in favor of making room in her brain for far more pressing issues. Rather than the sound of shattering glass, there was a blur of movement beside Aurora, and Neo was leaned almost entirely over the bar, her foot resting on the stool, one hand balancing on the other edge of the bar, and her other just barely snatching the plate before it slipped out of reach and crashed to the ground.

She slowly pulled it back as she slipped into her seat, gave the bartender an apologetic smile, then glanced back over to the conversation she'd been listening in on with obvious and open interest, no concern yet apparent on her features compared to Mercury's.

"...T-thank you miss."
the bartender said with a weak grin towards Neo before she crossed her arms and gave Emerald an equally nervous frown and very slowly shook her head after sidling out of Aurora's peripheral vision.

Raven stared at that blank spot, that unfinished unsent message for a long time before she just sighed and backspaced until it was all gone, stowing her scroll away once more without sending any message.

There was one final gulp of what remained of her drink, the liquid courage not exactly going down easy but still welcome. She wiped at her mouth with the back of her hand and sighed before she tossed down some lien herself and moved to get back into her wheelchair. She wheeled out the same way Qrow had, but he was likely long gone by now, to...wherever he bunkered down at the moment. Her head lifted up to the Mantle sky and sighed again before going to use her semblance now that she was out of the bar. Qrow had been right, there was somebody she did need to talk to, and the drink had made her feel at least moderately more prepared to handle.

She wheeled on through the portal and that was how the crippled Raven suddenly got hit by a truck she emerged out the other end onto some different sidewalk on a different road(Atlas proper by the looks of it), and she shot glances around in an attempt to pinpoint Yang.​
This was Chicago tier traffic.

Yang didn't know what a Chicago was, but she was sure she never wanted to drive there if this is what it was like. Unsurprisingly, the only exit from one major city to another large, if shitter, city was jam packed. She understood so much better why everyone who could afford it used airships. Sure, you missed the excitement of feeling your wheels pounding on pavement, but it seemed like the tradeoff was you got to feel the excitement of moving more than two miles an hour. Yang hated traffic. There was nothing worse than, rather than being able to move or not able to move, being stuck in a godawful midpoint where you barely got to move. If you were stuck you could try to get out, if you were moving you were moving, but this.... this.... THIS...

This was why she drove a bike.

She groaned slightly and let her head drift forward, only to have to jolt awake as the person behind her slammed their horn because the person in front of her had moved forward a car length and Yang hadn't immediately filled the spot like she was vacuum sealed to their bumper. She growled and stuck her prosthetic out the window to give them a proper driving signal on how she felt about their input before she begrudgingly let go of the brake to skirt forward a few feet

She glanced over at Ilia, doing her best to keep the sour frown off her face as she checked up on the faunus. They'd... definitely gotten off on the wrong foot here, and Yang's usual conversational superstar skills had dried up after the first few minutes of the drive, and the ensuing silence had been dreadfully painful for the young huntress. It was like she was genuinely incapable of saying the right thing to this girl. Yet while Yang's willpower was strong in many things, shutting up wasn't one of them unless she was being passive aggressive to her warden/babysitter, and she started to try and say something.

"So.... I was curious, have you ever WHAT."

her glance at Ilia was enough to catch the sideview mirror, and who exactly was currently cruising down the sidewalk like some wheelchair samurai in pursuit. Yang didn't even manage to say anything about it past that, just stared blankly at the mirror in absolute, all consuming, baffled confusion. In theory, it all made sense; she knew her mom's semblance, and she knew her mom's back had been broken, but somehow even knowing the connective tissue that led to this visual didn't make it any less absurd in her mind.
She'd done a damn good job of masking it if she did say so herself.

But the anger issues and feral nature didn't just leave after a lot of hand holding and a smooch.


Don't freak out, not in front of Weiss. You're doing so good! Don't spoil it now!!!


"...Ruby. Please act your age," was all Weiss said, a scathingly noncommittal tone she reserved for feral women on the verge of hugely embarrassing her in front of a colleague, as if she really should've known better. Merlot's eyes just gleamed.

Her request given, Ruby leaned back to kinda-sorta whisper to Weiss.

'The other Yang said she totally just stole the arm she got from you and walked on out like it was nothing.'


"Oh she did, did she?"

The tone she took beforehand was nothing in comparison to the sheer, bitter incredulity dripping from the councilwoman's every syllable in response to that little tidbit, Weiss's eyes narrowing in a very sharp way. She had to take a deep, steadying breath to refrain from launching into a tirade at someone who wasn't even here at her gift being used to paint such an incompetent view of her, thankfully tempered by an understanding that Yang didn't have an accurate picture of current events and had most likely only been trying to protect her. She was just gonna go with that.

"...Well, Ruby... I mean this in the nicest possible way, given that Yang means very well. But I'm sure you're equally aware as I am that she's a bit... well... touched, don't you think? Her brains don't quite match her kindness or beauty, I'll put it that way. Oh, she likes to think she's very clever, and certainly doesn't lack for the confidence to play it off, but... Dare I say it? She's a complete dolt."

She crossed her arms and smirked, satisfied in what she saw as her very diplomatic and tasteful analysis.

"So forgive her her flights of fancy, but I'm afraid the only thing she stole from me was a month and a half in food and electricity bills. She's a wonderful young woman, however. Deserving of nothing but kindness and respect. If you don't mind my saying, I believe you and her other self could both learn a great deal from her; sadly, I don't believe the Yang of this reality to be capable of that, whatever may have happened to her to make her that way. But I think you might be."

She offered a gentle smile, taking a lock of Ruby's hair in her hand and curling it around her fingers.

"I hope I'm not wrong about that."


Merlot's mind was already racing a thousand miles ahead of whatever nonsense was going on before him, completely focused on the parameters Ruby had given him. "Well, my dear, understand that 'better' is quite the broad definition. I designed the other's arm in accordance to the remains of her previous one, which appeared to integrate dust-operated explosives and strike-enhancing ballistics based on Polendina work; in turn adapted from a homebrew weapon construction I judged to be her own schematic. Perhaps Polendina's are more humanlike in function, but my own vision of cybernetic genius already entails grip and lifting strength unparalleled in all of Remnant, owing to miss Schnee's gracious funding and some Grimm-derived chemical compounds from my life's work."

He smirked, unable to resist the temptation to show off as he reached over to a metallic workbench and casually warped its edge in his grip, prompting an exasperated flap of the hands from Weiss.

"With what you've requested, you still won't quite approach the same category of brute power when it comes to the amount of force generated by your strikes. However... it's a bit brutish, no? The parameters you've given me favor a more... versatile approach. A repulsor built-in to the palm, perhaps borrowing a bit of direction from that insufferably self-indulgent Penny Project, activated by simply flexing your fingers a certain way. Two dust canisters housed in the forearm, one hardlight to give the resulting beam its integrity; the other... well, variations abound. Double up on hardlight and you'll simply find yourself privy to a powerful energy beam; substitute the second canister for a more elemental Dust variant, and... I'll leave the possibilities to your imagination."

There was more and more of a dark satisfaction to his words the longer they drew out, and before he could talk any more Weiss very sharply held up a hand.

"Great. How long?"

"Three weeks."



"Fine, two. One more thing, doctor."

She moved things along, trusting that description would prove satisfactory to Ruby and eager not to dwell in this mad scientist mancave any longer than they had to. She glanced further down towards the shadowier end of the lab, where a sealed containment door led to a chamber that by the looks of things was submerged in complete and total darkness.

"...We'd like to take a look at the specimen."
Last edited:
This was Chicago tier traffic.

Yang didn't know what a Chicago was, but she was sure she never wanted to drive there if this is what it was like. Unsurprisingly, the only exit from one major city to another large, if shitter, city was jam packed. She understood so much better why everyone who could afford it used airships. Sure, you missed the excitement of feeling your wheels pounding on pavement, but it seemed like the tradeoff was you got to feel the excitement of moving more than two miles an hour. Yang hated traffic. There was nothing worse than, rather than being able to move or not able to move, being stuck in a godawful midpoint where you barely got to move. If you were stuck you could try to get out, if you were moving you were moving, but this.... this.... THIS...

This was why she drove a bike.

She groaned slightly and let her head drift forward, only to have to jolt awake as the person behind her slammed their horn because the person in front of her had moved forward a car length and Yang hadn't immediately filled the spot like she was vacuum sealed to their bumper. She growled and stuck her prosthetic out the window to give them a proper driving signal on how she felt about their input before she begrudgingly let go of the brake to skirt forward a few feet

She glanced over at Ilia, doing her best to keep the sour frown off her face as she checked up on the faunus. They'd... definitely gotten off on the wrong foot here, and Yang's usual conversational superstar skills had dried up after the first few minutes of the drive, and the ensuing silence had been dreadfully painful for the young huntress. It was like she was genuinely incapable of saying the right thing to this girl. Yet while Yang's willpower was strong in many things, shutting up wasn't one of them unless she was being passive aggressive to her warden/babysitter, and she started to try and say something.

"So.... I was curious, have you ever WHAT."

her glance at Ilia was enough to catch the sideview mirror, and who exactly was currently cruising down the sidewalk like some wheelchair samurai in pursuit. Yang didn't even manage to say anything about it past that, just stared blankly at the mirror in absolute, all consuming, baffled confusion. In theory, it all made sense; she knew her mom's semblance, and she knew her mom's back had been broken, but somehow even knowing the connective tissue that led to this visual didn't make it any less absurd in her mind.

"Have I ever...what?" Ilia repeated, absolutely just as confused by that sentence as Yang looked to be. "What?" The chameleon raised an eyebrow in said confusion, but after a few seconds she followed Yang's gaze over to the mirror where she caught sight of the wheelchair samurai. Her eyebrow raised even higher and her head shot back and forth from looking at Yang towards looking at the ever getting closer Raven. They...looked rather similar...one could almost hear the gears whirring in the faunus's mind as she connected the dots. "Oh!" Ilia snapped her fingers as she believed she had figured it out! "You...have another sister?! One who likes hair dye and is uh...er..." Was it tactful to point out the wheelchair? "...has red eyes?" She finished, deftly avoiding what she had been about to say. She was the epitome of smooth.

Ilia's head snapped back over to looking away from Yang though, and damn near jumped up from being startled that bad by Raven's hand knocking on one of the windows once she had gotten close enough.

"Let. Me. In."

"Have I ever...what?" Ilia repeated, absolutely just as confused by that sentence as Yang looked to be. "What?" The chameleon raised an eyebrow in said confusion, but after a few seconds she followed Yang's gaze over to the mirror where she caught sight of the wheelchair samurai. Her eyebrow raised even higher and her head shot back and forth from looking at Yang towards looking at the ever getting closer Raven. They...looked rather similar...one could almost hear the gears whirring in the faunus's mind as she connected the dots. "Oh!" Ilia snapped her fingers as she believed she had figured it out! "You...have another sister?! One who likes hair dye and is uh...er..." Was it tactful to point out the wheelchair? "...has red eyes?" She finished, deftly avoiding what she had been about to say. She was the epitome of smooth.

Ilia's head snapped back over to looking away from Yang though, and damn near jumped up from being startled that bad by Raven's hand knocking on one of the windows once she had gotten close enough.

"Let. Me. In."

"...Mom, why the hell-"


"-seriously???" She leaned out the driver's side window and screamed back "SHE'S IN A WHEELCHAIR YOU BLIND JERK!" She growled as she pulled her head back in and turned to glower at Raven. "...Why are you-"


Yang took a deep, calming breath that very obviously wasn't working because her narrowed eyes were flickering colors and the steering wheel had started to slightly groan and bend underneath her grip. She put the car in park, put up a finger to the other to to tell them to hold on for a second, and got out.


Yang walked back on the other side of the truck as she dusted off her hands and opened the back door as she gave Raven a level frown, much calmer than she'd been a second ago but seemingly by no means happy to see her mom, or even relieved to see her not dead and moving around. "Do you need help getting in?"
"Unwise otherwise and it is my duty..."

He was a little disappointed that was all he got out of her, though it wasn't enough to dissuade the sly grin behind the mask.

The amber in his irises beset circumferentially by the porcelain of the mask handed down to him by the Right Hand grew in intensity, darkening with the inborn predator's stare looking out over the Snake. The singular defining feature that set him apart from the humans, that identified him as a faunus with the distinctive lack of sclera. Or rather, the diminutive presence of it, the aforementioned irises of tempered gold claiming nigh the entirety of the eye's surface area. In a way, he was more human than any other faunus due to a subtle marker that was easily hidden with the careful positioning of the head and eyes that allowed him to avert the prejudices most often suffered. Though there were the occasions that it wasn't enough. Nor did it spare him the jealousies and umbrage of those with the more obvious features.

The glance Snake got was more of an incredulous stare, before he gave a shrug and let it go, rectifying the word he selected in his attempt to be brief. "The fair chameleon." He murmured, nodding with ease towards the use of the word, accepting the new nomination for the otherworldly Ilia. It was less a pointed jab towards Lucie's lack of appreciation for his poor wording and more a corrective change for ease of communication. Whether it was correct or not was debatable.

"None. Hesitant to leave you be. But if it is what you wish."


"Whatever guards you'll take, double them."

That was the closest thing to an objection she'd get from Kyran.

"Just think of it as an extension of your duties dear; The safest way to protect me at this meeting is for me to not be there at all" she responded lightly, though her face didn't match her tone as it drifted into a somber frown.

"...Atlas was already enemy territory, but now moreso than ever. A fight on two fronts isn't one the Fang is going to survive if we want to keep a presence here. I have the utmost faith in your abilities Panther, but..." she turned to face him with her hands clasped before her and earnest eyes "....be safe, please. I'd rather lose our place in Atlas than a Talon."

She waved a hand as she looked away, letting a smirk cross her face "If for no other reason than the Hand beheading me should my needlessly overcomplicated scheming get you killed. Unlike the rest of you oafs, I do need my head to do my job."

"Well done."

Yang walked back on the other side of the truck as she dusted off her hands and opened the back door as she gave Raven a level frown, much calmer than she'd been a second ago but seemingly by no means happy to see her mom, or even relieved to see her not dead and moving around. "Do you need help getting in?"


"This is humiliating enough without you insulting me like that. Help? Why I never...how dare you even IMPLY such a thing would be necessary...the sheer nerve it would take to even suggest that I would-- yes do it already, okay?" Raven so suddenly switched her answer on a dime, and in such a quiet voice compared to what came just before, that it would have been easy to miss. Deliberately so, she didn't want to risk anybody else nearby hearing even so much as a syllable of that latter bit.​
"...Ruby. Please act your age," was all Weiss said, a scathingly noncommittal tone she reserved for feral women on the verge of hugely embarrassing her in front of a colleague, as if she really should've known better. Merlot's eyes just gleamed.


She took a deep breath and exhaled.


"...Well, Ruby... I mean this in the nicest possible way, given that Yang means very well. But I'm sure you're equally aware as I am that she's a bit... well... touched, don't you think? Her brains don't quite match her kindness or beauty, I'll put it that way. Oh, she likes to think she's very clever, and certainly doesn't lack for the confidence to play it off, but... Dare I say it? She's a complete dolt."
"...Huh, you know when you put it that way..."

Ruby paused to think over what Weiss had just said.


"...Yeah, just a big lovable dolt!~"
"So forgive her her flights of fancy, but I'm afraid the only thing she stole from me was a month and a half in food and electricity bills. She's a wonderful young woman, however. Deserving of nothing but kindness and respect. If you don't mind my saying, I believe you and her other self could both learn a great deal from her; sadly, I don't believe the Yang of this reality to be capable of that, whatever may have happened to her to make her that way. But I think you might be."
Ruby's face briefly grew angry at the mention of this world's Yang.

The less Ruby thought of her, the more....wrong...she'd be?

The phrasing of that sounded way better in her head.

"...You really think so?"

She offered a gentle smile, taking a lock of Ruby's hair in her hand and curling it around her fingers.

"I hope I'm not wrong about that."

"I'll do my best!~"
Merlot's mind was already racing a thousand miles ahead of whatever nonsense was going on before him, completely focused on the parameters Ruby had given him. "Well, my dear, understand that 'better' is quite the broad definition. I designed the other's arm in accordance to the remains of her previous one, which appeared to integrate dust-operated explosives and strike-enhancing ballistics based on Polendina work; in turn adapted from a homebrew weapon construction I judged to be her own schematic. Perhaps Polendina's are more humanlike in function, but my own vision of cybernetic genius already entails grip and lifting strength unparalleled in all of Remnant, owing to miss Schnee's gracious funding and some Grimm-derived chemical compounds from my life's work."

He smirked, unable to resist the temptation to show off as he reached over to a metallic workbench and casually warped its edge in his grip, prompting an exasperated flap of the hands from Weiss.

"Yesssss! The sensation of being able to bend things like metal like you were bending a banana!!"

That was the kind of strength she wanted.
"With what you've requested, you still won't quite approach the same category of brute power when it comes to the amount of force generated by your strikes. However... it's a bit brutish, no? The parameters you've given me favor a more... versatile approach. A repulsor built-in to the palm, perhaps borrowing a bit of direction from that insufferably self-indulgent Penny Project, activated by simply flexing your fingers a certain way. Two dust canisters housed in the forearm, one hardlight to give the resulting beam its integrity; the other... well, variations abound. Double up on hardlight and you'll simply find yourself privy to a powerful energy beam; substitute the second canister for a more elemental Dust variant, and... I'll leave the possibilities to your imagination."

There was more and more of a dark satisfaction to his words the longer they drew out, and before he could talk any more Weiss very sharply held up a hand.

If kissing Weiss Schnee hadn't been the highlight of her night(it was)this was a strong contender.

To have an arm that could do all that. It sounded like an absolute miracle! She'd get so much done!!! Her last arm needed switches to be pushed, codes to be inputted for certain functions to be activated. But this one sounded so much...cooler!!!
"Fine, two. One more thing, doctor."
Aaaaaaand she'd have it in two weeks!!!

She moved things along, trusting that description would prove satisfactory to Ruby and eager not to dwell in this mad scientist mancave any longer than they had to. She glanced further down towards the shadowier end of the lab, where a sealed containment door led to a chamber that by the looks of things was submerged in complete and total darkness.

"...We'd like to take a look at the specimen."
"...The Specimen?" Ruby echoed aloud as the various thoughts ran through her head.

Was it another one of these Grimm? Was it some other monstrosity born of science and madness?

Whatever it was, she'd have somebody by her side the whole time.

She caught herself instinctively reaching for her stump before pausing as she looked over Weiss.

Things were gonna be okay.

"Lead on, Doctor!"
Neo had cocked her head at Aurora at his question, still having not entirely banished the confused smile she'd given the poor bartender. Was she supposed to know who this was? Probably? She was getting more and more sure the longer they were here that their doubles had done... something to the old owner here, and apparently put themselves in charge, but whatever they learned during their tenure as the new Miss Malachite(s) obviously hadn't made the jump to their betters.

A part of her wanted to know where they went; the other Neopolitan was one of the people who....


She knew better than to ask though. She wasn't ready to face those answers herself yet, nor what to do with them.

None of this helped her with this dude though, and she gavea quick shake of her head in answer and just continued smiling at him

"Ah, that's a no then. Apologies for bothering you then! Miss...."

Aurora let that sentence linger hoping Neo would pass on her name.

Instead the two ended up just smiling at eachother instead.

'I hope she isn't stupid... I'd feel like such a jerk...'

"...Sorry, I should have been clearer. What's your name?"

"No, sir, no, she's uh, she's a ward a' Miss Malachite. Poor little thing was lost in the streets after the tower fell, can't even talk. Little girl like that, runnin this establishment? Naww. Now sit tight buttercup and I'll have them bring somethin out." She said with a bright and absolutely strained smile towards Neo before she ducked back into the kitchen. "Hurry it up you lazy gits, do remember what happened the last time you were late with...."
"Oh, is that so?"

Aurora's smile took on a sadder weight as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

"I'm really sorry to hear that. The tower falling was major news and the Ashes have been trying to do as much as we can to pitch in and help the most affected areas. I like to think the Boss is doing a great job..." He paused. "...But not amazing if people like you have to suffer hardships such as this. If you ever need anything from the Ashes, you just let me know, okay?"

'The Boss doesn't like when I'm so friendly but....I can't pass up someone in need...'
"The hell you say?" Mercury demanded in an aggressive, confrontational tone, immediately coming back. :|
He'd already been punched once today. He really didn't need to go through that whole painful song and dance again.

"That you're interesting, that's all!" He exclaimed while holding up his hands in a placating manner.

"I don't want to fight or anything..."
The flicker that came over Mercury's face at the mention of the Bound Ashes was of the unreadable sort, but it was hard not to get the impression that he was viewing Aurora in a different light entirely as he made his way back over to stand beside Emerald with arms folded, one eyebrow raised and mouth a frown as guarded as it was analytic.
The raised eyebrow didn't go unnoticed, it's timing seeming quite interesting to Aurora.

'Hm. Seems my mentioning the family got his attention. If he's really Marcus's son...'


"Something the matter, Mercury?"
Emerald didn't seem to share in whatever knowledge he did, a bit of a girlish sway to her posture as she tapped her chin and pretended to think about his question.

"Leeeeeet's see... yeah, you know what? I think it had something to do with... Nunya."
Aurora giggled.

"Okay, okay, I get it. You know and you don't wanna say or you don't know and I don't wanna be a bother, that's fine."

'Can't believe I almost fell for that Nunya bit...Is Nunya the girl with pink hair...?'

"Here you gooo miss, standard plate of scrambled eggs n' aww shit."

The bartender's eyes shot wide as she caught the tail end of that conversation just after she bumped her way past the swinging doors that led from the kitchen, and the plate slipped from her hands as she forgot to hold it in favor of making room in her brain for far more pressing issues. Rather than the sound of shattering glass, there was a blur of movement beside Aurora, and Neo was leaned almost entirely over the bar, her foot resting on the stool, one hand balancing on the other edge of the bar, and her other just barely snatching the plate before it slipped out of reach and crashed to the ground.

She slowly pulled it back as she slipped into her seat, gave the bartender an apologetic smile, then glanced back over to the conversation she'd been listening in on with obvious and open interest, no concern yet apparent on her features compared to Mercury's.
Aurora blinked at how quickly Neo seemed to react ot the falling plates. Another mental note to take down.

'Quite the fast one, huh? These guys just keep getting more and more interesting...'
"...T-thank you miss." the bartender said with a weak grin towards Neo before she crossed her arms and gave Emerald an equally nervous frown and very slowly shook her head after sidling out of Aurora's peripheral vision.

"Your friend's pretty fast on her feet. Couldn't save breakfast though, huh?" Aurora commented plainly as he finished off what was left of his glass.

"A ward, a bouncer, and a...replacement for Miss Malachite. Interesting how things seemed to have changed..." He mused, his hands resting on his thighs as he idly kicked his feet back and forth. Aurora admitted he was probably the least intimidating person he knew. His relationship to the Boss aside, people who either didn't know that he was a member of the Ashes or how close he was with it's reclusive leader often took advantage of him. Situations like the one with Vernal often did end up with people jacking his wallet and him laying on the ground in a crying heap.

Strangely enough, those people never reported to work or home later in the week.

Aurora knew the weight of his position as the Boss's envoy to most of the outside world. He didn't flaunt it or use it to throw his weight around. Unlike his 'friend', he believed a softer approach was more essential for running an organization. Fear and strength worked to keep people submissive but being kind prevented them from stewing in rebellion. Still, intimidation was a key tool.

Just ask what's left of the PIs the Hitman Team hired.

So, it was with a small amount of hesitance that Aurora smiled.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. All three of you as a matter of fact."

"Well done."


"This is humiliating enough without you insulting me like that. Help? Why I never...how dare you even IMPLY such a thing would be necessary...the sheer nerve it would take to even suggest that I would-- yes do it already, okay?" Raven so suddenly switched her answer on a dime, and in such a quiet voice compared to what came just before, that it would have been easy to miss. Deliberately so, she didn't want to risk anybody else nearby hearing even so much as a syllable of that latter bit.​
"You do know its normal to need help if you're in a wheelchair right?" Yang drawled as she nonetheless gingerly scooped Raven up in her arms and suplexed her straight into the pavement to see how she liked it placed her in the back of the cab before folding up the chair and throwing it into the other side of the truck when she walked back around. She hopped into the driver's seat, took it out of park, and was delighted to see that traffic had moved two car lengths.

The silence in the vehicle was absolutely deafening, Yang resolutely staring ahead at the road as she drummed her fingers on the wheel.
"You do know its normal to need help if you're in a wheelchair right?" Yang drawled as she nonetheless gingerly scooped Raven up in her arms and suplexed her straight into the pavement to see how she liked it placed her in the back of the cab before folding up the chair and throwing it into the other side of the truck when she walked back around. She hopped into the driver's seat, took it out of park, and was delighted to see that traffic had moved two car lengths.

The silence in the vehicle was absolutely deafening, Yang resolutely staring ahead at the road as she drummed her fingers on the wheel.

Not for me, it isn't.

That was just one more reason she had to get over this condition as soon as possible, force herself to do so if needs be. This...this couldn't be allowed to be her new normal. Not for very long. Ilia looked about the truck in a very awkwardly charged manner, not sure how to take the heavy silence now in the ride. Or how to even attempt to break the silence. It lingered for a minute or two longer before the chameleon started to speak up. "So, you were sayin--"

"Yang." Raven herself finally spoke. "How...how are you?"
"...The Specimen?" Ruby echoed aloud as the various thoughts ran through her head.

Was it another one of these Grimm? Was it some other monstrosity born of science and madness?

Whatever it was, she'd have somebody by her side the whole time.

She caught herself instinctively reaching for her stump before pausing as she looked over Weiss.

Things were gonna be okay.

"Lead on, Doctor!"

Weiss would've forgiven Ruby for there being somewhat of a dampener placed on that shining confidence when Merlot disarmed the door's surface-level security measures with a fingerprint scan, grunted as he used his arm to release the pressure seal of the door's circular handle, and gave a somewhat deferential nod to Weiss before returning to his work at the operation table without another word. Weiss glanced at the now-accessible containment door with a neutral expression, then turned to Ruby with what she hoped was a reassuring nod.

"I think it'll be best if you proceed by yourself from this point. You'll understand why once you're inside. I'll be waiting for you right here, don't worry. You trust me, Ruby, don't you?"
Weiss would've forgiven Ruby for there being placed somewhat of a dampener on that shining confidence when Merlot disarmed the door's surface-level security measures with a fingerprint scan, grunted as he used his arm to release the pressure seal of the door's circular handle, and gave a somewhat deferential nod to Weiss before returning to the operation table without another word. Weiss glanced at the now-accessible containment door with a neutral expression, then turned to Ruby with a nod.


The way this 'Specimen' had been locked away...It felt as if they were unlocking a beast from it's cage.

And she was the lion-tamer going in and the door being locked behind her.

Her breath hitched and she nearly whimpered.

'if...If Weiss wanted me dead, she'd have just killed me back in the kitchen. She could have used the glyphs to crush my limbs, sever them, decapitate me. All kinds of things. She wouldn't hurt me...'

"I think it'll be best if you proceed by yourself from this point. You'll understand why once you're inside. I'll be waiting for you right here, don't worry. You trust me, don't you Ruby?"


She bit her lip but took care not to tear it open like she had before.

"I do."

Her life had been in Weiss's hands since she broke into her mansion. This was no different, they'd just changed locales.

Whether she trusted her or not didn't matter.

This was going to happen one way or another.

She deigned not to look at Weiss as she walked in.

If this was a ploy to hurt or kill her, she'd rather not have her childish love marred by hatred and betrayal.​
"...T-thank you miss." the bartender said with a weak grin towards Neo before she crossed her arms and gave Emerald an equally nervous frown and very slowly shook her head after sidling out of Aurora's peripheral vision.

Emerald saw her, but literally just blanked any attempt at a warning. Any front they tried to keep up against some larger criminal organization was just gonna unravel within about a week anyway. She literally didn't even know who Miss Malachite was, sooooooo...


"Tell you what, guy with obvious underworld affiliations. I could try to con you right now. You seem so polite, it prolly wouldn't even be that hard, since polite people are suckers and all. Instead I'm gonna be honest: we just run this place now. Miss Malachite doesn't matter."

Mercury cleared his throat, leaning over the bartop on his elbows with a sly look at Aurora that complimented just how suddenly the son of an assassin seemed to appear beside him.


"Yup. We could've tried to lie to you, or bluff you, or whatever else our hired help just tried to cue us to do behind your back just now. Not gonna, though; sounds like a lot of effort we could avoid right here, right now. See, I'm sure your boss understands that the way Mistral's been going lately? Old scores get settled. The crooks who can't adapt? Well, they get muscled out. So tell him this, courtesy of us."

There was nothing out-and-out threatening about the way he put a hand on Aurora's shoulder, but it definitely seemed like an act that was a little overly familiar for someone who'd been talking about shaving his head about two minutes ago.

"Miss Malachite's is under new management. We don't have any problem with the Ashes, or your boss, and whatever setup he had going here we'll be happy to keep going. But this is just the way things are now. We live in a flexible time, and I'm sure the guy you take orders from won't mind if a crew just that bit tougher, smarter, and better connected take the reigns of this particular operation going forward without turning the whole thing around on him. Right?"

He tousled that hot pink hair, then rubbed his hand on his trousers.

"The old lady, let's just say she retired. She whittles ducks now, same as my old man. Tell your boss the son of Marcus Black said so, that we're just as happy to help if he ever needs it, and he hopes that isn't any kind of a problem for him. If it is? I'll bet he knows where to find me, but I'll put it this way. I'm pretty much just a hired hand around here. Let's just say my friends are another breed. If he has any kind of problem... we'll be stoked to make it up to him whatever way we can. Sound good?"
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The young fall maiden wasn't sure just how much further she could go with this. Already she could feel the burn, and not the fun or really warm kind of burn she normally felt. Her eye roved over to the side where, unlike her, the hyperactive ball of energy, lightning and sugar that was Nora Valkyrie was still going strong. The girl didn't even show so much as the slightest hint of slowing down! If anything she was speeding up!!!

How? How could anyone even...?

Cinder wondered if the slightly bigger, far more douchebaggy Nora that lived here could have eaten just as much as this one. If not more so.



"That's what we get if we win, right?"
"...Really?" Robyn couldn't help but echo Fiona, her eyes shifting towards somebody in particular once she'd put together what was going on here herself. "Really, Cobalt? Are you actually encouraging this or was it in your idea in the first place? Because if so...I approve." Her tone suddenly changed, giving the leader a half smirk and a thumbs up. Couldn't hurt to let off some steam now and again. "You know, you could join in if you wish." Robyn added, turning her attention back to Fiona by tapping the sheep faunus in the back at the same time she said those words.​
"Well shucks, ah'm just along for the ride, miss Robyn! Ah wanna measure my potential!" The gunslinger declared cheerfully, halfway through rapidly guzzling their second processed food puree.

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"And BOY HOWDY, does that answer that question! This don't lend itself to eatin' quickly at ALL! Ah actually feel REALLY SICK!"

Fiona watched the leader of the Happy Huntresses, her leader, seemingly open with a almost castigatory remark that seemed so out of place-- yep, there it was, the sardonic slide into the commentary of approval. That was typical of Robyn, who favored towards leveraging the unpredictability inherent to everything as something of her own to manipulate, oft times for circumstances where humor slotted in place perfectly.

The result was Fiona snorting through the nostrils, a squeaky toot, as she giggled before she shook her head insistently. "No way, jose. These kids eat me under the table without any trouble-- look, the Maiden's already giving in awwww."

And on that cue...



The young fall maiden wasn't sure just how much further she could go with this. Already she could feel the burn, and not the fun or really warm kind of burn she normally felt. Her eye roved over to the side where, unlike her, the hyperactive ball of energy, lightning and sugar that was Nora Valkyrie was still going strong. The girl didn't even show so much as the slightest hint of slowing down! If anything she was speeding up!!!

How? How could anyone even...?

Cinder wondered if the slightly bigger, far more douchebaggy Nora that lived here could have eaten just as much as this one. If not more so.



"That's what we get if we win, right?"

The little manic pixie did prompt a puzzled expression of approval from the sheep before she craned her head back towards Robyn, a contemplative air about her that was difficult to maintain with the roiling energy ongoing all around her. "Saaaaaay, why don't you join! Hey, Hey! Gretchen, right?!"

"Yeah, that's me! What's up?"

"Wow, you're loud. Not as bad as Nora though. So! An idea to go along with Mister Grey! Why don't you--" She forked a thumb towards Robyn "--Yoink her into your table of judges? Nobody else is literally more impartial when it comes to the use of her semblance, at the least, you'll have the veracity of the fourth state and more!"

The orchestrator of the chaos took a moment to digest the idea, a growing grin that connected ear to ear a preemptive confirmation of her approval. A twinkle of the eyes glinted conspiratorially between the two and Robyn found herself shanghaied into judging the proceedings even though it was in the middle of the contest.

After all, there was still Hazel to contend with Nora, alongside Colbat!

But that was not all, for like the boundless capacity of her semblance, her creativity at his moment endowed upon her a very fine idea, a perfect candidate for another judge, to round them all over. "I'll be back! Promise!"

Before anyone could even so much respond, all that was left of the faunus was a black outline of her figure, a closing divide the only indication of her presence as she moshed through with an objective plain on her face. It wasn't long for her to bound through where she had been moments ago, tracking where she'd seen the platinum blonde saunter through, where she surmised she was likely going to be. A cordoned section of the facility she had claimed for herself as an office of sorts where she tended to her duties in a routine of some kind.

It was honestly a quality Fiona could appreciate, even though she had some idea of how too much of it could have been a bad thing.

"Hey. Hi. Sorry if I'm disturbing you, Miss Schnee. I wanted to see if you'd like to come back to the mess hall? Something real goofy is underway and maybe you'd enjoy the festivities of it. Everyone's taken to it for the morale booster it seems like, these kids are doing us good. But I don't want to gangpress you into doing something you don't want or anything! I understand if it's not your cup of tea or anything. See, I had the idea you'd be... a judge. The third judge to round out our daring reporter Grey and bearer of the truth Robyn!"

Oh gods, she was rambling again.

"I'll stop now before I get out of hand."
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The young fall maiden wasn't sure just how much further she could go with this. Already she could feel the burn, and not the fun or really warm kind of burn she normally felt. Her eye roved over to the side where, unlike her, the hyperactive ball of energy, lightning and sugar that was Nora Valkyrie was still going strong. The girl didn't even show so much as the slightest hint of slowing down! If anything she was speeding up!!!

How? How could anyone even...?

Cinder wondered if the slightly bigger, far more douchebaggy Nora that lived here could have eaten just as much as this one. If not more so.



"That's what we get if we win, right?"

Hazel could put food away when he wanted to, though he never generally had the desire to, favoring to savor the flavor profiles of the meals he ate. Which incidentally meant that beyond the fast foods that he made good on the very definition of, he made it something of a grand spectacle for himself in his dining. Hazel was even the kind of person that took the time to count his chews so as to make sure it was digested properly. That was not the case here obviously, the barrel sized arms worked to aid their equally hefty hands in delivering heaping scores of the food into the gaping maw that was his mouth, before a series of quick chews was followed by a swallow.

His pace was consistent, just a little under Cinder's though the quantity he could consume in a single go was more than compensatory, a veritable basis for argumentation to be had revolving around whether it was approximately commensurate with the vacuum that was the Valkyrie's piehole.

Except his speed was slowing down now, which elicited Gretchen's attention who sidled over by with a frown that quickly dissipated as she realized what was to come, a giddy smirk emblazoned on her fair face as she swiveled away out of range. To Cinder, it probably seemed like was losing speed, ready to pause and thereby forfeit in sequence on the basis of having eaten plenty. The reality of it was that it was more a drop in the velocity of his consumption to allow for an opportunity to do what every other living, breathing human being had done, when they'd ingested air by swallowing their food as hastily as they could. In the Maiden's mind, it probably was going to be burp exercised with some decorum at least, a long storied remembrance of the incessant politeness and respectfulness the elder Rainart had demonstrated throughout their friendship.

Gretchen, on the other hand, knew better. The reason she had re-positioned herself predicated on it. Hazel's posture scrunched momentarily in preparation, his arms set side by side the platters, before pulling back with his head cocked down as something of a small, sharp intake of breath followed with a hiccup, an expression of uncertainty.

Mid Snack.png

Then he opened his mouth and it came.

It was at first a low rumble, the bass of it barely present yet it was enough for those side by side to genuinely feel force that was expelled. What was so alarming about it was that it persisted for a few seconds before seeming to increase in intensity, growing to a droning roar with the vibrations compounding the sensory experience of it all. At its apex, it was tantamount to a foghorn that penetrated the clamoring chaos, bringing everything to a standstill indubitably for as long as Hazel sustained the thundering belch. It didn't so much last as twenty seconds yet the experience of it for those that witnessed it was so raw, so primal that it felt as if it lasted longer, an act that was so unbelievable to even conceive let alone witness presenting itself as difficult to digest, impossible maybe.

The silence certainly hung longer than the duration of it, which seemed to not perturb Hazel in the slightest as he resumed his carnal devouring of the meals that lied before him with a hungering glint to his eyes. If anything, it seemed he was eating faster now, the whole scene that had transpired serving to embolden him onward.
The little manic pixie did prompt a puzzled expression of approval from the sheep before she craned her head back towards Robyn, a contemplative air about her that was difficult to maintain with the roiling energy ongoing all around her. "Saaaaaay, why don't you join! Hey, Hey! Gretchen, right?!"

"Yeah, that's me! What's up?"

"Wow, you're loud. Not as bad as Nora though. So! An idea to go along with Mister Grey! Why don't you--" She forked a thumb towards Robyn "--Yoink her into your table of judges? Nobody else is literally more impartial when it comes to the use of her semblance, at the least, you'll have the veracity of the fourth state and more!"

The orchestrator of the chaos took a moment to digest the idea, a growing grin that connected ear to ear a preemptive confirmation of her approval. A twinkle of the eyes glinted conspiratorially between the two and Robyn found herself shanghaied into judging the proceedings even though it was in the middle of the contest.


Before she could even say anything, whether in agreement or refusal, Robyn found the choice taken out of her hands as she got roped into being a judge of this silly kids’ game...which she simply shrugged at and accepted. Sure, why not? Couldn’t hurt to play along, if Fiona was that adamant about it. “I pledge to hold myself up to the esteemed status of this most noble position—pfft.” Okay she couldn’t even finish saying that, even sarcastically, without snorting.​
Then he opened his mouth and it came.

It was at first a low rumble, the bass of it barely present yet it was enough for those side by side to genuinely feel force that was expelled. What was so alarming about it was that it persisted for a few seconds before seeming to increase in intensity, growing to a droning roar with the vibrations compounding the sensory experience of it all. At its apex, it was tantamount to a foghorn that penetrated the clamoring chaos, bringing everything to a standstill indubitably for as long as Hazel sustained the thundering belch. It didn't so much last as twenty seconds yet the experience of it for those that witnessed it was so raw, so primal that it felt as if it lasted longer, an act that was so unbelievable to even conceive let alone witness presenting itself as difficult to digest, impossible maybe.

Then he opened his mouth and it came.

It was at first a low rumble, the bass of it barely present yet it was enough for those side by side to genuinely feel force that was expelled. What was so alarming about it was that it persisted for a few seconds before seeming to increase in intensity, growing to a droning roar with the vibrations compounding the sensory experience of it all. At its apex, it was tantamount to a foghorn that penetrated the clamoring chaos, bringing everything to a standstill indubitably for as long as Hazel sustained the thundering belch. It didn't so much last as twenty seconds yet the experience of it for those that witnessed it was so raw, so primal that it felt as if it lasted longer, an act that was so unbelievable to even conceive let alone witness presenting itself as difficult to digest, impossible maybe.



She bit her lip but took care not to tear it open like she had before.

"I do."

Her life had been in Weiss's hands since she broke into her mansion. This was no different, they'd just changed locales.

Whether she trusted her or not didn't matter.

This was going to happen one way or another.

She deigned not to look at Weiss as she walked in.

If this was a ploy to hurt or kill her, she'd rather not have her childish love marred by hatred and betrayal.

Ruby may not have been looking back, but there was an unwavering opacity to Weiss's own gaze held on her as she went in, only the softest touches of a smile on her lips to ease her discomfort. It was perfectly understandable, given the circumstances, and she couldn't help but hope her own calm resonated with the girl. In just a few moments, all would be clear.


The room the Masque found herself in was dark.

So dark it was haunting. The only light at all poured through the door's viewing pane, the faint blue glow of the lab's hardlight equipment all there was to light her way. It was a nice color, it had to be said; soft, tranquil, soothing. The natural opposite to red, a shade that seared like the inferno in all its passion and intensity, one that could warm yet also burn if left unchecked. Blue was the calm to that storm. It was the ocean. If serenity had a color, it probably would've had to be blue.

But it was faint, and it didn't give her a very good sense of where she was at right now as her eyes tried to adjust to the darkness. The occasional vague edge or outline told her the room was furnished, a shape that was probably a bed in the furthest corner, some scattered objects on the floor here and there that might've even been toys. Then, without any warning, one of those dark outlines moved.

"...That smell... I think I know that smell. Who is that?"

The voice she heard was scratchy, weathered, like it had seen some years. The shape it belonged to was almost unfathomably tiny as it shuffled its way through the shadows, apparently making its way for the door. Or for Ruby. What its intentions were, she couldn't say, but she did know one thing. That voice sounded familiar. Different, old, a little bit absent or confused, maybe. But familiar.

Twin, mechanized eyepieces blinked open in the dark, the light that filtered through them even more pertinently familiar to her. For just a brief moment, it was silver; then it flickered that same calm, peaceful blue.

"Could it be... Whaaaaaaaaat? Ruby? Ruby Rose?!"

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But the tiny, wrinkled face that appeared as the hunched-over figure came hobbling forward from the darkness was the most familiar sight of them all, its crooked beam sparkling with glee as it reflected that soft azure light and Maria screeched in unbridled excitement.

"MY Masqueykins??!?!?"
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Ruby may not have been looking back, but there was an unwavering opacity to Weiss's own gaze held on her as she went in, only the softest touches of a smile on her lips to ease her discomfort. It was perfectly understandable, given the circumstances, and she couldn't help but hope her own calm resonated with the girl. In just a few moments, all would be clear.


The room the Masque found herself in was dark.

So dark it was haunting. The only light at all poured through the door's viewing pane, the faint blue glow of the lab's hardlight equipment all there was to light her way. It was a nice color, it had to be said; soft, tranquil, soothing. The natural opposite to red, a shade that seared like the inferno in all its passion and intensity, one that could warm yet also burn if left unchecked. Blue was the calm to that storm. It was the ocean. If serenity had a color, it probably would've had to be blue.

But it was faint, and it didn't give her a very good sense of where she was at right now as her eyes tried to adjust to the darkness. The occasional vague edge or outline told her the room was furnished, a shape that was probably a bed in the furthest corner, some scattered objects on the floor here and there that might've even been toys. Then, without any warning, one of those dark outlines moved.

The Masque said nothing

Frightened breaths escaped her mouth every now and again the further she went in.

It felt strange in a way she couldn't fully comprehend.

She'd been at Ozpin's fortress for so long, she had no problems residing there. It'd become like Home to her. For all intents and purporses it was.

But the darkness here set her nerves on end.

She was scared...

"...That smell... I think I know that smell. Who is that?"

The voice she heard was scratchy, weathered, like it had seen some years. The shape it belonged to was almost unfathomably tiny as it shuffled its way through the shadows, apparently making its way for the door. Or for Ruby. What its intentions were, she couldn't say, but she did know one thing. That voice sounded familiar. Different, old, a little bit absent or confused, maybe. But familiar.

Twin, mechanized eyepieces blinked open in the dark, the light that filtered through them even more pertinently familiar to her. For just a brief moment, it was silver; then it flickered that same calm, peaceful blue.
Another voice...?

It couldn't have been a Grimm. Even in all her time serving Ozpin she'd never seen or heard of a Grimm that could speak.

The very idea of it sounded absolutely terrifying.

She came to a stop and flared her nostrils.

Whatever...or whoever...this was. She wasn't going to run. She had no choice but to face it head on.

The only thing that bothered her though: Where had she heard this voice before?
"Could it be... Whaaaaaaaaat? Ruby? Ruby Rose?!"

Screen Shot 2020-05-02 at 15.38.49.png

But the tiny, wrinkled face that appeared as the hunched-over figure came hobbling forward from the darkness was the most familiar sight of them all, its crooked beam sparkling with glee as it reflected that soft azure light and Maria screeched in unbridled excitement.

"MY Masqueykins??!?!?"

It couldn't be....The other Yang had told her that..

"is...is it really you...?"

Ruby's hand drifted away from the hilt of her sword and she raced towards the figure, kneeling down and scooping her up in a hug. Not too quick or harsh though, because she was honestly looking kinda old.

"Maria!! I'm so...soo glad to see you again! Everyone...*sniffle* Everyone told me you were dead and I thought so and and and-"


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