Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

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When people don’t communicate what they want to do during a roleplay.

E.g. Person 2 asks Person 1 if they have any storyline ideas, and Person 1 is like “Ummm euughh not really.”

So Person 2 suggests something and checks if it’s something they’re down for and Person 1 is like “Not really but we can try.” Then when a RP has started, Person 1 says it’s not for them and they want something different.

Or when you figured something out for your character and they do the exact same thing

Yeah, this can be highly frustrating. Because it can be a few reasons. Some innocent, some not, some just feel like a time waster. Uncertainty with new people. A really bad time when they have brain freeze. A case of someone second guessing if they want to RP. Or they are not wanting to say what they want because they figure you'll be against it and want the RP on the way before they throw it in.

If it's just uncertainty then you may get the RP started, or end up ghosted pretty fast. If it's simply a bad day or the person is shy getting started with new people you may actually get a pretty great RP going once they open up.

As for the just wanting to get started to slip in weird stuff then that speaks for itself.
When people make a search thread to then MIA. Sometimes I message people within a hour of posting their search and they never reply or just fall off the face of the earth! Hope they are okay.

I think that’s their way of saying they aren’t interested. I have multiple pms out now with no reply which I just take as them not being interested in my plots.

now if they have replied and stop that’s when I get worried. But if they never acknowledge me at all I just figure I’m not their cup of tea and move on.
When you take the time and effort to write almost thirty paragraphs in the beginning of a 1-2-1 to set the scene and general feel of the start of things and the other person replies with three paragraphs that come across as very generic and vague, almost too cautious as to not interact with any of the environment laid out before them.


I want to cry 😂
I can't take characters seriously that are half-dragon or half-any other animal. Realistically, it's not even possible. Even in a fantasy world it's not possible. Dragons are vicious creatures that would not be breeding with humans, even if their biology allowed for it.
The D&D nerd in me find the need to correct you.

There are several fantasy worlds in which Dragons can and will mate with humans and are usually intelligent. Heck, ancient mythologies had plenty of intelligent and sentient dragons so it's not like this is some new thing.

Most dragons are also arrogant assholes in a lot of settings so how the hell they convince someone to mate with them is beyond me but that's not the point.

Also, Dragonborn, a race in D&D that is the result of a human and dragon breeding hella long ago (or they were just spawned straight from the dragon god. Depends on the setting.)

Anyway, I'm not all that fond of it too just because of the cliche but I can tolerate it so long as it's justified in the setting.

Rant on a topic that's probs already over ended.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
A better example would be taking a Vampire and sticking them in a Law and Order episode.
Okay, off topic, but I would actually love to see a story where a Vampire is on trial. Like, a traditional, honest to god modern count Dracula style vampire being accused of, not murder like you'd expect, but 20 cases of Arsony, 15 cases of vandalism, anf 75 cases of Jaywalking.

That would be hilarious.
The D&D nerd in me find the need to correct you.

There are several fantasy worlds in which Dragons can and will mate with humans and are usually intelligent. Heck, ancient mythologies had plenty of intelligent and sentient dragons so it's not like this is some new thing.

Most dragons are also arrogant assholes in a lot of settings so how the hell they convince someone to mate with them is beyond me but that's not the point.

Also, Dragonborn, a race in D&D that is the result of a human and dragon breeding hella long ago (or they were just spawned straight from the dragon god. Depends on the setting.)

Anyway, I'm not all that fond of it too just because of the cliche but I can tolerate it so long as it's justified in the setting.

Rant on a topic that's probs already over ended.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

Idk, even in a fantasy world the idea of dragons and humans mating reeks of bestiality to me. Yuck. I know they're sentient, but still yuck.
Idk, even in a fantasy world the idea of dragons and humans mating reeks of bestiality to me. Yuck. I know they're sentient, but still yuck.
Nobody said it had to be consensual.


Edit: this isn't support of bestiality and non-consensual sex (aka rape). It's just me pointing out a common literature trope.
Idk, even in a fantasy world the idea of dragons and humans mating reeks of bestiality to me. Yuck. I know they're sentient, but still yuck.

They don’t have to necessarily be animals when the mating happens or for that matter mate in the physical sense.

Like there are a few species of dragons in folklore that take human form. And sense they are magical beings nothing to say they don’t have magical means of procreating.

Maybe it’s like you drop your blood on a ritual alter and they breathe the fire of life onto it.

It wouldn’t necessarily have to be any more like bestiality than having a human mate with a werewolf.
Also, they'd have to take human form because Dragons are still giant winged lizard beasts. They just so happen to be sapient giant winged lizard beasts.
Nobody said it had to be consensual.


Edit: this isn't support of bestiality and non-consensual sex (aka rape). It's just me pointing out a common literature trope.
Oh you chickened out. Rpn is like a bunch of middle aged women who get offended at the wind blowing. Lolololol
That moment when you turn to your partner with a plot, which they say they’re down for only to leave you with all the work. You constantly offer ideas, prompts, and questions to move plotting along, only for your partner to hit you with a “That’s great.” Then, when you inquire about their thoughts they dodge. Then, you offer that maybe you guys should do something else, since they don’t seem interested. Only for them to plead “No, that isn’t true” and then the whole bloody cycle repeats. Why do people do this? Just say you’re not interested. Please!
That moment when you turn to your partner with a plot, which they say they’re down for only to leave you with all the work. You constantly offer ideas, prompts, and questions to move plotting along, only for your partner to hit you with a “That’s great.” Then, when you inquire about their thoughts they dodge. Then, you offer that maybe you guys should do something else, since they don’t seem interested. Only for them to plead “No, that isn’t true” and then the whole bloody cycle repeats. Why do people do this? Just say you’re not interested. Please!

If they are reluctant at first it may be they wanted to try it but weren't sure and it turns out not as fun as they thought it would be for them.

If it happens despite you offering to change it and keeps going. Well, in that case it seems to be they are desperate for attention. I've had partners that fizzled out pretty fast as it just seems they want to see that alert they got a reply more than anything else.
That moment when you turn to your partner with a plot, which they say they’re down for only to leave you with all the work. You constantly offer ideas, prompts, and questions to move plotting along, only for your partner to hit you with a “That’s great.” Then, when you inquire about their thoughts they dodge. Then, you offer that maybe you guys should do something else, since they don’t seem interested. Only for them to plead “No, that isn’t true” and then the whole bloody cycle repeats. Why do people do this? Just say you’re not interested. Please!

I avoid 1x1s on this site like the bloody plague unless I know the person because of this. I like to converse with my partner, bustle around ideas, but 99% of the rps never get off the ground because of this cycle. At least in my experience. 1x1s don't succeed without patience of the gods and determination. Ain't nobody got time to converse with a brick wall.
"Put the thesaurus down, buddy."

If your post doesn't communicate what it needs to because you have replaced every word with a more flowery synonym with no concept of the fact that few words have many direct, replaceable, cut n paste synonyms then it is pointless. Abusing a thesaurus does not equal a "writing style".
"Put the thesaurus down, buddy."

If your post doesn't communicate what it needs to because you have replaced every word with a more flowery synonym with no concept of the fact that few words have many direct, replaceable, cut n paste synonyms then it is pointless. Abusing a thesaurus does not equal a "writing style".
Purple Prose everybody! Hurts every time. Even worse when there's meaningless fluff.

(Note: Private Eye monologues are exempt from this, flowery dialogue and metaphors is the point in that case).
Purple Prose everybody! Hurts every time. Even worse when there's meaningless fluff.

(Note: Private Eye monologues are exempt from this, flowery dialogue and metaphors is the point in that case).

I feel like purple prose is a slightly different issue, although I'm not a big fan of that either. XD

The thesaurus abuser not only wants to embellish their language, but is also ignorant of the meanings of the words they use. You can't just go through a block of text and replace every word with one (or more) from the thesaurus, because it will end up with a wildly different meaning or many times, no meaning at all. For example if I write "He dropped dead" and do a quick bit of thesaurus abuse, ending up with "The male plummeted inert" then that does not mean the same thing.
I feel like purple prose is a slightly different issue, although I'm not a big fan of that either. XD

The thesaurus abuser not only wants to embellish their language, but is also ignorant of the meanings of the words they use. You can't just go through a block of text and replace every word with one (or more) from the thesaurus, because it will end up with a wildly different meaning or many times, no meaning at all. For example if I write "He dropped dead" and do a quick bit of thesaurus abuse, ending up with "The male plummeted inert" then that does not mean the same thing.
I'm sorry but I couldn't help but laugh at that. "The male plummeted inert." That's hilarious.
When you have a partner that expresses wanting to do character sheets, you go through all the steps of making one for your character only for your partner not to do one after the fact. Bruh.
When you talk to someone and it should be clear you're looking to play your characters and them play their own. You talk awhile about ideas and everything seems set. And then when it comes time to start the the RP they suddenly start throwing in you need to play some important plot point in their characters life before you can even start the plot where our character meet.

So . . . we are playing pre made characters we have both supposedly fleshed out. Yet you need to play the traumatic back story out before the plot can start. With me playing characters you made and have all kinds of rules to follow. If you need me to know this stuff to RP with you write this as a short story for you partners to read then.
if you know from the get go that my responses will take a few days , don't complain to me that i didn't get back to you with a response in an hour. some days it's a miracle for me to even be able to write a paragraph or two. patience. please.
I think one of the things that has annoyed me the most in the past, and something I want to still say sometimes in regard to roleplaying experiences is this:

I understand if you are on a certain standard for your writing. I understand if you like to detail EVERY little part of your OC. I know I'm not the best writer, but don't insult my OC just because I don't make her personality match exactly what her astrology sign should be! And don't insult my character just because she's justifiably depressed! It's not edgy if written correctly and respectfully, it's also not edgy if you've DONE YOUR RESEARCH

Second- Don't put your pressures and your happiness onto your partners! If they're 15-17 years old or around that range you're messing with their heads. I get consoling in friends but there is no reason for a 16 year old to carry the burdens of a 23-26 year old. Don't make your partner (regardless of age!) feel like your mental health depends on them and how fast or often they respond to you! It is one of the worst feelings in the world and there have been so many times I wish I said these things but I didn't.

I was too scared.

(Sorry if I come off intense no disrespect or anything of the sort is meant in my post)
Second- Don't put your pressures and your happiness onto your partners! If they're 15-17 years old or around that range you're messing with their heads. I get consoling in friends but there is no reason for a 16 year old to carry the burdens of a 23-26 year old. Don't make your partner (regardless of age!) feel like your mental health depends on them and how fast or often they respond to you! It is one of the worst feelings in the world and there have been so many times I wish I said these things but I didn't.

This to the max.

It is extremely mentally draining and harmful to put a lot of this emotional burden on someone, especially at such a young age. You can make friends with your partners for sure and even confide in them when you two have become close enough, but never make someone else feel like they are a crutch to your emotional state. It will just hurt both people in the end.
People who format everything to be in the middle

Like this​
Abusing colors when posting.

Describing abilities and such vaguely.

One, two, or three-liners.

Longer signature than posts.

Clearly not reading all the posts before yours.
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