Avian Racing Cable

Avian Racing Cable

A 1334x1000 render of a cheaper-to-produce and quickly replaced yet important cable.
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Jungle Renders (Check the captions!)
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This cable is similar in size and shape to the standard-edition cable used in the towns, but this one is easily distinguished by it's lesser amount of cables and thicker lubricating lacquer layer.

The four cables inside are made of more readily available brass (rather than steel) coated in a layer of pot metal, and as a result it's lifetime is shorter. These cables are used on cable-show arenas, which quickly eat away at them thanks to their extravagant performances. As such, the cables are usually replaced every month or so, or when the brass becomes visibly damaged on any section.

Scrap and waste cables are harvested for the lacquer and metal and are usually melted right back in to more racing cables. There are a few thieves, however, who take advantage of the often cable replacements as the brass inside can be quite useful to sell.

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