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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

"Just a small head ache..." He said smiling as he offered his seat to her
She shook her head but instead of taking the seat she took his hand "Do you need anything? I'd be more than happy to get it for you." she smiled softly and rubbed her eyes.
He smiled at her and pulled her up onto his lap. "I'll be fine, just want to spend time with you." He said smiling at her then kissed her cheek
She giggled and put her arms around his neck gently "Well I'm here and we can spend all the time in the world that we possibly can together." she blushed and smiled brightly.
Ippy came back into the room, carrying a muffin. She saw the two lovebirds, then slowly backed out as to not disturb them. Casually nomming her muffin as she did so.

(If you do anything, it would be mid-backing out... So you have a chance to stop her or whatever ;D)
He spied Ippy then said "Hey, wait!" He laughed and said "Come in, its not what you think"
Ippy walked back in as if she never backed away. She sat down again and said; "I wonder where she is now..." She was thinking out loud with a mouthful of blueberry muffin.
"Your sister?" He asked her as he slowly sat the sleeping Riley on the bean bag then walked over to Ippy.
"Yeah, I feel really bad just leaving her... Before I came here, me and my sister were living off eachother. I had put extra effort into gathering food for her and such... But she might not be alright..." A guilty look came over her face, it was clear she did something wrong, it was clear she knew she did something wrong, it was clear she regretted doing something wrong.
"Whats wrong..?" He asked here noticing her guilty look and felt sad for her. He put his hand on her shoulder. "You can trust me with anything, just tell me everything." He said as he re-reassuring smiled at her.
Ippy looked up and thanked him, "The thing is... I just abandoned her." She cringed as she said that, fully aware as just how mean it sounded. "I have no excuse no reasoning. All I can do for her when I next see her is apoligize..." She muttered. Comforted by Jay's reassuring smire.

(Sorry for delay, my internet randomly cut out .-.)
He hugs her and said "Its ok, don't blame yourself, you probably were under a lot of stress..." He smiled at her
Ippy flinched as Jay hugged her, "The thing is, I wasn't... I got the oppertunity to come to this school, and I just up and abandoned her overnight as she slept... Zu'u nis frolaaz dimaar fah tol." She said the last bit under her breath as she hugged back.
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"I'm sure she will understand..." He said smiling at her with his hand on her shoulder as he pulled away from the hug
"I hope she would..." Ippy was tired, not slept for a while. She found herself practically falling asleep in Jay's arms. By the time she noticed, she was already asleep, blushing deeply as her lucid dreaming began. However, just before she drifted off, she muttered; "Ahrk wah lein do gosvern zu'u envok."
He blushed and held onto her and hoped that Riley wouldn't wake up. He wrapped his wings around her and closed his eyes //gtg and what does that mean?//
(Well, it's dovahzul, dragon language from skyrim... Is actually translatable but in the RP i have it as ippy's private language she found with her sister ;d)
Riley rubbed her eyes and slowly rose from the beanbag, feeling a bit jealous she slipped up the little slide thing that they'd come through, hoping to go unnoticed.
He lay there asleep and had nightmares of terrible nightmares as he moved and twitched in his sleep.
Riley went to the roof and put her head in her knee's "What have I done wrong now?" she gave a sigh and put her wings around her, from a distance she just looked like another AC unit.. just a feathery one.

Wiping a few tears she just was in thought "I'm not good enough am I? I always mess things up!" she sighed softly to herself.
Thomas was sitting on the ledge of the roof. Hearing someone else, he looked around to spot Riley. He stood up and walked over. "You alright?" He asked reassuringly.
Riley jumped a little, startled she took a peak from her wings and then she looked back down. "Y- " She was prepared to lie but she couldn't.. she sighed "No.. Not really." she said peaking from the edge of her wings again but this time she stared at him.

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