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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

"You can do it." He said to her smiling
She stretched out her wings, leaned forwards and started flapping them, barely in time as she dropped off.
"Come on, You can make it," He encouraged her
Ippy barely managed to hover over to them, eyes shut tight, following their voices. She landed infront of them in a stumble, falling forward as she did so. She stood up as if she never fell, clearly terrified from what had just happened.
He caught her from stumbling and said "See told you you'd be fine."
"Ok now lets get down from here." He said looking around
Ippy walked over to the roof top generator and brushed up the gravel laying next to it revealing a large trapdoor. "p-please keep your eyes closed when going through here..." She said, opening it up.
He walked to the generator-door and slid inside grasping his arm
Ippy led them both through, hoping they had closed eyes. The room was dimly lit and had pink walls, there were photos of two young neko girls all over the room, a pile of very old books and a worn out beanbag in one corner, there was an exit door around one side, leading out to a door labeled Private in the corridor.
He had his eyes opened and said "Dont worry. i'll keep it a secret." He smiled at her reassuringly
Ippy looked at him, noticing he saw it. She started blushing heavily. Once they were out, she locked the door behind them. Using her claws as a key again.
He held his arm and said "My magic is coming back, I'll be able to heal soon."
"I told you, our secret." He said smiling at her and used a bit of magic to slightly heal the bone
He stretched his wings and said "The pain is gone now..." His eyes shined bright blue and he continued to heal his arm
"What I assume is a room were you sleep and relax with whoever that other girl was." He said almost finishing healing

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