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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

Ippy gave a sigh of relief, then an unconvincing "Yeah... That's it..." Her secret was safe for now, Jay had no clue what he saw.
He could tell that wasnt the truth and said "Ippy, look you can trust us and I just broke my arm dont you think we deserve an explanation?"
"You already found out about the catnip... And I uhh... Fine." Ippy gave up, she was too sympathetic. "It's uhh... A room filled with memories. Photos of me and uhh... My sister..." Ippy sighed as she unlocked the door again.
"You have a sister?" He asks walking behind her, his arm fully healed other than a scar on his elbow.
"Yeah... She is a little older than me, but she acts and seems younger..." Ippy showed them to a few of the photos, the other girl looked something like...
"Does your sister live here?" He asked her looking at the photo
(Ippy only just found her dorm room, after being led there. She needs dean's help to find them xD )
//gtg might be on later tonight//
LuttyNetto said:
(Ippy only just found her dorm room, after being led there. She needs dean's help to find them xD )
(( Alright cx and Okay Lunar!

(( *magically drags Ippy to the supernatural thread* huehuehue
"Oh ok....." He said knowing it was a touchy subject "Its a nice place." He said
Ippy simple huddled into the corner with a beanbag, sat down and nodded, blushing while looking down.
Patience was on the window seal, sitting on it while looking out of it. Her wings down as she had her knees to her chest (( yEs I finally said something in this thread lol
JadeWuvsCookies said:
(Hey.. I never got any notifications. Catch me up?)
(You didn't miss much at all, only one page or so i think? Ippy let Jay and Riley into that room of hers, her sister's picture is all over the place ;D)
(Ahh okay. Thanky ^-^)

Riley looked around silently "You both are very pretty." she smiled and then looked down "I thought you didn't want anyone to see."
"I uhh... Am not sure if m-my sister would like other people being here..." Ippy mumbled, looking further down at the beanbag she sat on.

"It's p-probably fine... I'm sure my sister won't mind.. I'm sure she won't even notice..." Ippy muttered again, looking at one of the pictures.
"Your decision..." She stood up and headed over to the door "I'm gonna grab a muffin." She said, leaving.
//catch me up as well no not is ;-;\\
I sit down on a bean bag and sigh waiting for ippy to come back

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