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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

Thomas sat down next to her, "You feel like talking about it? I'm glad to help if you need it." He said, Thomas always liked helping others, he was still trying to get over the incident at combat club...

(if you need a refresher image for thomas,)

Riley continued to look at him, slowly unwrapping herself from her wings and wiping her tears away "I-I guess.." she gave a soft smiled and looked down at her feet.

(Thanks :3 I went back to find it..^-^ )
"Just say what you're comfortable with, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to." Thomas put his book away and sat upright, ready to hear whatever Riley had to say.
Riley sighed "I don't know.. I just get jealous easily and I really like someone, Jay.. I don't mind Ippy but every time I seem to wake up.. their cuddling and I don't know what to do.." she wiped another batch of tears away and looked down, fiddling with her fingers nervously.
"Does Ippy and Jay know this is a problem for you? Have you talked to either of them about it?" Thomas asked, thinking carefuly about what he says, as not to 'cut the wrong wire' so to speak.
Riley looked at him "I-I ran once.. I told Jay but.. it just happened again and now their both asleep." she sighed and laid back "There's something wrong with me.. There has to be.." she closed her eyes and put her hands on her face.
"Try telling Ippy?" He suggested. Thomas took Riley's hands away from her face; "If there was something wrong with you, it would be your self-doubt. You do not trust yourself enough, you blame yourself too much." And as he said that, Thomas took a small green gem out of a pouch and placed it in her hands. "So, to make you trust yourself more, I am going to prove to you that I can trust you."
"But what if Ippy gets upset with me and Jay too.." she watched as he took her hands and placed the gem "I guess I am pretty bad at that.. b-but what if I don't keep it or it gets lost?.." she said it softly, scared and sat up while looking in his eyes. Riley was really worried.
"Just take the gem, and go tell Ippy that it bothers you." Thomas gave a reassuring smile as he went back to the ledge and sat down.
"Will you come with me?.." she stood up and walked over to him while moving her hair from her face "Please?" she said it almost whispering and gripped the gem tightly in her hands.
"Oh wait! Ippy wanted this place a secret.. you'll have to close your eyes." she ripped a small piece of her dress and tied it around his eyes, making a blindfold she took his hand "It's a slide, keep your arms and feet together till you come out the bottom." she smiled and led him to the slide.
"Alright." Thomas adjusted the blindfold so it won't slip off as he went down the slide, waiting at the bottom.

Ippy was still fast asleep.
Riley slid down, almost hitting Thomas she whispered "Sorry.." she led him to the bean bag and walked over to Ippy, tapping her on the shoulder "Ippy.. could we please talk?"
Jay woke up and sleepily looked up and blushed and walked over to the other beanbag.
Riley took her hand and led her a bit away from Jay "Um.. I-I don't really feel comfortable when you cuddle and sleeping with Jay.. I-It makes me upset and jealous.. I-I can't really handle it.." not noticing Jay awake, she said it kind of loudly and rubbed her eyes to keep anymore tears from coming.
Scar sighed and looked at his watch, "Bored? Then how about you follow me for a bit then leave me alone! I'm 99.99% sure the next half an hour is going to be pretty cool so It might cure your boredom."
Ippy saw Riley's tears, "Oh, sorry... It's just old habits. I will try to keep away from those!" Ippy looked around and sat down on another beanbag, curling up and going back to sleep.

Thomas smiled, "Went well, I guess." His hand behind his back, fiddling with something, as he is often seen doing.

Turais looked at him again. "Okie!" She stood up and said; "The corridors are back to normal!" And then Turais stood behind him, ready to follow.
Riley nodded and then looked at Thomas, she saw him messing with something but gave him a hug anyway, she whispered "Thank you, very much." She wasn't sure what to do or what would be said next so she slowly walked to the door, taking Thomas with her and shutting it she untied the blind fold "Sorry for dragging you away, I appreciate your help."
"No problem, I hate to see students upset." He said, putting the object away. His smile had not faded. "As for the gem, keep it. When you figure out what it does, it will be pretty handy."
Riley cocked her head "Your a teacher?" she hadn't been around long so she didn't know much.. Looking down at the gem she made an odd face "B-But it's yours.. I can't keep it." she was going to find a way to give it back to him if he didn't accept it right then.
"I am not really a teacher, just staff member, I run the combat club. And the gem is yours." He walked off before she had a chance to hand it back.
Riley cocked her head for a moment "Oh.." she muttered to herself.. Seeing him walk away she made an odd face and sighed, turning around she opened the door and watched him walk away for a minute before walking back inside.
I walks over to Jade and said "I-i'm sorry..." He looked down feeling guilty and blushed alot. He headed to the door to leave.

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