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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

He hugs her tightly and says "Im so sorry...."
He kissed her and said "I didnt mean to make you jealous, it just happened." He held her tight to him.
An adult sized black cat with shining fur and glowing red eyes walked in, he looked at Jay and Riley.
He holds her head to his chest and looks over to the cat. "Riley, its a cat..." He said to her
Riley looked confused but only moved her eyes "Odd.. Hey Ippy.... We have some company." she thought it was possible for it be her sister but she wasn't sure.
Ippy heard her name and shuffled awake a bit, "Myeeehhh..." She sat upright and rubbed her eyes, stretching.

As soon as ippy woke up, the black cat pounced on her, looking incredibly happy.

Ippy fell back as the cat jumped up, looking shocked and incredibly guilty.
Ippy did not respond, instead she played dead, hoping the cat would leave.

The cat did not leave, instead, he lay down on Ippy's chest and waited.
The cat looked up at Riley, confused and a little annoyed. It then looked around the room at all the pictures.
He looked over at them and then smiled and said to Ippy "Is that your sister?"
He walked up beside her and looked at the cat and smiled at it. He pet it and smiled at it.
I pet Ippy and said "What are you afraid of?" I asked her sensing her fear and guilt.
The cat thought for a moment before taking down one of the pictures and placing a paw to cover up Ippy. The only person in the picture left un-covered was Ippy's sister. The cat pointed his other paw at her sister.

Ippy flinched as Jay pet her, but stayed play-dead.
Ashley entered the school grounds and sighed. Having recalled something her mom asked before she left "why can't you trust people" she mocked as she walked around curiously "because I've been hurt too much" she mumbled answering her moms question from this morning before she left.

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