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Fantasy By the Gods, Mortals and all that's in between!

ingis and flamebane brening able to sense the metoers go into action " go fetch Flamebane" Ingis yells and vortexes off to one and Flamebane going after another. They get all three and make them the size of marbles and Ingis pockets them inside his trenchcoat
Ferrak opened his eyes, his vision was slightly blurred, but he could tell where he was. He rose up from his bed in the Halls, surrounded by nine Bearer's, these were special though, his favoured companions.

Eight of the nine Bearer's wore dark blue robes, a pair of dark blue eyes peering out from underneath the hood, the ninth was standing closer to him, wearing a dark green robe, a pair of dark green eyes peering up at him. All the Bearer's were holding up there arms, revealing that not only were their robes coloured, but there skin was a lighter colour of the robe they wore. A bright blue mist streamed from the fingertips of the blue robed Bearer's, a bright green mist from the ninth Bearer, all of which was pointed at Ferrak, they were slowly trying to help restore his power.

Ferrak was still very weak, but he sat up from his bed, placing his head into his hands and cursing at himself for having hurt his dear sister..He couldn't bare to know any of his kin were in pain, but he couldn't control himself...

"I'm sorry.." He whispered into the air, thinking that by some divine miracle she heard him.
Addarra awoke in a dream world. She could tell by the uniformity of the place and by her location. "This must mean my power is low and I am deep within sleep... or a coma" she thought aloud to herself. I'm sorry drifted into this world. "Ferrak!" She called out hoping she would see him... alas there was no one there. She was alone in this dream world. The clouds were a deep red and the open field she was in was a deep blue. The horizon revealed mountains and a forest stood behind her. Somewhere on the horizon there had to be someone because smoke billowed.

--The Stronghold, Domain of Addarra--

"Get me some healers, and sorcerers, send emissaries to the Human and Elven nations and tell them to send scryers and people of powerful magic. The Goddess is in need of help, she needs power. Someone send a messenger to the Faded Halls to check on Ferrak!" Yelled Vahdim. The state Addarra was in concerned the Councillor. He had seen many things, he had seen things that only the Goddess cared to show him, but this was beyond him. He couldn't give the power he held to her, that would lead to massive destruction throughout the Universe. He would keep things in check while his mistress was incapacitated, but he didn't know how long he would retain her strength and her power. A healer was laying warm cloths on her forehead and she was beneath blankets to help keep her warm. Time seemed to fly by as night turned to day and then night again. Power was being given to Addarra but wasn't changing her state.
Ferrak tried to stand up, one of his knees giving out in the process, "Damnit!" He hissed to himself. One of the blue Bearer's shifted it's position to help him back to his feet. He hobbled his way down to the throne room, the nine Bearer's not leaving his side, to see Deitra.

"Master!" She hollered, making her way over to Ferrak, "I am so glad you are awake!" She yelled.

"Addarra.." He whispered, "Is she..is she okay?"

"I..I do not know.." She seemed saddened as she spoke, "Please, let me help you..I can give you some of my power to-"

"No." he interrupted her, "I need you to keep an eye on things..I trust you Deitra, and I need you now. I must go and find my sister."

Deitra regrettably agreed and went back to her duties, keeping an eye on him as he hobbled out of the throne room to the entrance of the Halls. As he walked out of the entrance, a messenger came running up to him, having appeared out of one of the shadows inside the Halls.
--The Faded Halls Entrance--

The Messenger looked and paled when he saw Ferrak. "Sir," he said before kneeling to deliver the message. "Vahdim, your sister's Councillor has assumed duties in the Stronghold and the realm of the Goddess. She is still unconscious and Vahdim is summoning healers and sorcerers from all the human and elven realms on the planet to aid in giving her strength. He believes she is now in a dream trance... a state that he is unsure of how to break. Enough power may not be all she needs." The messenger said.

--Realm of Dreams--

Addarra had been walking for what seemed like hours, she had made it over some hills and had spotted a village at this point. "People," she said to herself looking and seeing figures walking around the village. She summoned her best armor and her sword, along with a bow and some arrows for protection. She continued down the hill and began walking to the village with her head held high, wondering for how much longer this dream would go on.

She arrived at the village and the people looked life humans and talked the common tongue. Some shot glances at Addarra but most just ignored her as some stranger. "Excuse me," she said looking at a woman behind a stall. "Can I 'elp you miss?" the woman said with a serious accent of being brought up in poverty. "Yes, what is the name of this place?" Addarra asked giving a slight smile. The woman frowned and looked Addarra from head to toe. "You ain't frum round here are you?" The woman said, "This 'ere is the mind of Lady Addarra," she said smiling and then letting out a laugh. That had been no help to the Goddess as she knew that... but these people seemed to also know that and the thought scared Addarra. Some dark clouds gathered on the horizon, and she looked back and saw a sign, "Deep Within Inn" Addarra quickly crossed the distance and went inside right as thunder clapped and lighting snapped causing the outside to grow dark. She took a seat at one the tables, a burly man with a deep voiced asked if she wanted something to drink. "Yes, please a Honey Ale if you don't mind," Addarra said with a smile. The man nodded and was soon back with the ale. "Thank you," he then departed back to the counter where an older woman was tending the bar. The taste of the Ale was sweet and the aftertaste left a warm feeling in her throat.

--The Stronghold, Domain of Addarra--

Vahdim had briefed the healers and sorcerers who had began to plan on ways to bring Addarra out of her coma. Most of them began to weep when told of her sacrifice to save the planet. When messages had been heard by many Kings and Queens, they too began arriving at the Stronghold, many were life long (their lives) friends with the Goddess as she had blessed this world with getting to know many of its rulers personally. Some like Meredith, Queen of Vallaria were her favorites. Meredith had come at the first news, leaving her husband to oversee her Kingdom. She now sat beside Addarra softly stroking one of her hands and making sure the cloth on her head didn't get cold. She cared deeply for Addarra and was seriously worried for her well being.
Faded Halls -

Ferrak cursed to himself again, walking over to the nearest wall, and punching it with every ounce of strength he had, causing a crack to form about the same height as him. A thick black liquid dripped from the crack, seeming to push it open wider, until finally a gaping, pitch black portal stood before him.

It was alot less eloquent than usual, but used alot less of his power, which he desperately needed to transfer to his sister. He walked through the portal, being followed by the nine Bearer's, a few of them still trying to heal him.

The Stronghold -

A large crack appeared in one of the columns outside of Addarra's room, a small part of it opening up, revealing some fingers, which grappled the edge of the crack and forced it open.

Ferrak fell through, his nine Bearer's following, one of which helped Ferrak to his feet. These Bearer's, unlike the others, were able to be seen by mortals. He opened the doors, starting to feel a little dizzy, and attempted to walk over to his sleeping sister.
--The Stronghold--

As the portal opened, the crack traveled and brought some stone crumbling down a little ways away. The Deinmaar began to swarm to the location but stopped once they realized it was Ferrak. They went back and resumed their duties. As the door opened to Addarra's Chamber everyone gasped seeing Ferrak and his Bearers. Queen Meredith and the other human and elven rulers dismissed themselves, kissing the cold hand of their Goddess and bowing to Ferrak as they filed out. The Healers and Sorcerers on the hand remained and continued to give the Goddess power. Vahdim crossed to Ferrak, "I wish we were seeing each other on better terms, Lord Ferrak but my mistress your sister has been unconscious since the event some days ago. Her power is restored but it escapes us why she is still in her coma," He said motioning to Addarra. Her beauty even in sleep was present. She slept while the world around her continued to move, if nothing had happened she would have appeared to just be sleeping like anyone else.

--Realm of Dreams--

The rain had yet to stop and it was clear it had been many days by now. Addarra grew impatient of waiting but no matter how hard she tried nothing she did seemed to end the rain or allow her to wake up. The Inns Keeper and her husband had been kind and allowed Addarra to rest there while the weather was foul. At night she could hear wailing in the distance but any time she would stand up and go to the window all she could see were glowing blue orbs that she assumed were eyes in the distance. Each night they drew closer and closer to the village, and any time she asked anyone about them, none had seen them or were willing to talk to her about them. Something was coming for her... but she didn't know what.
Ferrak knelt down beside his sister, his Bearer's all able to work on him again now, and whispered into her ear.

"It is okay, my dear..I am here now.." A tear formed in his right eye, "I..I'm sorry..."

He took her hand in his, scanning through every ounce of knowledge he had, thinking of ways to save her. Only one entered his mind, and it was a very stupid idea.

Ferrak stood up, wiping the tear from his eye, and looking at his Bearer's.

"Okay..okay okay...I am about to try something very dangerous, and I am going to need your help." He spoke softly, quietly.

He seperated the Bearer's into two groups of four, the green Bearer being given a special job. One group was to pour energy into him, the other into his sister, the green Bearer was to try and keep the two connected, once a connection was made. The blue Bearer's instantly started their new task, the green one waiting for it's cue.

Ferrak hovered above his sister, "This will work..I know it..." He whispered to himself, lowering his head and kissing her forehead. As he kissed, his eyes glowed both green and blue, almost blinding in intensity, before fading. His body falling completely limp on the ground.

The green Bearer started chanting and hovering his hands over Ferrak and Addarra.

"Addarra!" His voice echoed, but all he could see was the darkness.
--The Realm of Dreams--

Addarra heard her brother yelling and darted out of the Inn again using his voice as direction. She came to the top of the hill and saw her brother standing there looking frantically around. "Idiot" she cursed aloud. He had merged their consciousness allowing him to peer inside her mind. Something that was both dangerous and lethal if done wrong... he was desperate. She crossed the distance and quickly grabbed hold of her brother. "Ferrak you idiot," she said before hugging him tightly, "I love you" she said smiling into his shoulder. She used a little energy to unbind him. The transfer only worked if the newcomer would be bound until touched by the owner of the mind. Being bound meant he could be killed in reality as well as in the dream, he couldn't use his powers and he would be blind. Fortunately she was the ruler in a strange sense in this place so she could life the binding upon him. "You should not have come here, for we are both surely trapped," she said punching her brother in the chest. Her anger was more than clear.
Ferrak welcomed the hug, and pulled his sister in for a deep embrace. He hated himself for having done this, and also accepted her smack to his chest, he deserved worse than that and was sure he was going to get it.

"I had to!" His expression was one of complete desperation, "I couldn't just!....I couldn't just leave you..This was MY fault!" He yelled that last part.

"I..I think I can get us out of here!" He spoke in a serious tone, "Or at the very least, you!"
Addarra upon hearing him say it was hit fault grew very very angry. Her eyes flashed red and the red aura surrounded her once again. "Say it again and you won't ever survive. We are both leaving here, together," she said before sending her brother flying a good fifteen yards with a punch that knocked the wind out of him. His land caused a small crater. She returned to normal and walked to her brother. Helping him to his feet. "Now what is that plan of yours dear brother," she said smiling, her anger completely gone.
Ferrak stayed in the crater, his eyes tightly closed shut, from the pain and his concentration. The markings from before started burning into his skin, shooting down the left side of his body again, but this time he was in control.

He lifted up his left hand, a circle burned on it, some runic like glyphs surrounding the inside of the circle, there were eight other markings just like that one going up his left arm, but the one on his hand was glowing a bright green, it was connected to the Bearer that was currently keeping his consciousness in tact.

Ferrak opened his eyes, a glow of the purest, lightest, most delicate blue pierced through the darkness. He pulled out a knife from his pocket.

"I need you to stand back, sister. And trust me," He stared into her eyes, "Please."
Addarra did as she asked with a smile and a nod. "Brother I trust you with my life," she said giving a small wink. Her pun towards Ferrak being God of Life and Death... She gave a small laugh to herself thinking about the pun some more.
Ferrak chuckled to himself, before looking at his right wrist, bringing up the knife and sliding it across, making a deep incision.

"Damn.." He hissed, letting the blood start trickling down his hand until it reached the tip of his index finger.

He brought his finger up to the circle that was glowing on the back of his hand, and wrote two symbols, one for each of them, inside the circle.

With a smile, he got up and walked over to Addarra, holding out his left hand, which was now glowing even brighter.

"Take it, Addarra." He smiled, hoping to Avonch that his plan would work..if it did, she would be safe...
Addarra quickly grabbed her brother's hand pouring energy into him. She hoped that this stunt her brother was pulling would work but she would never forgive him if he never made it back. "You better see me on the other side," she said looking at him and giving him a smile. The air around them seemed to be teaming with energy as the two of them concentrated.

((OOC: This had better not kill you or I will be one hella mad Goddess))
Ferrak stared down at his hand, closing his eyes, pouring all his power into it. Then he opened his eyes, the glow had faded. A smile crossed his face.

"Don't wait up for me.." He showed her his largest, toothy grin as she faded into the darkness, he was left alone, engulfed in a thick cloud of smoke.

((OOC: I'll be honest with you, it won't kill me, but just roll with it like she doesn't know that. ;) Have a lil' fun hehe))
Addarra awoke screaming and crying, she quickly calmed when she saw that she was back in her quarters safe inside the Stronghold. Though Ferrak's body still seemed lifeless. She saw his Bearers and looked and saw Vahdim standing over her looking somewhat relieved that his mistress was now awake. She was angry that Ferrak had waken yet though things like this sometimes took time. She ordered the Bearers that were clearly giving her power to now divert their full attention to their master and she quickly instructed everyone else in the room to also do so. "You better wake up dear brother, for I must still punch you!" She yelled, as tears flowed over her blush ridden cheeks.
Ferrak heard Addarra's words clearly, and he laughed out loud on a bed of darkness, knowing he could do nothing to save himself. It was all up to the green hooded Bearer, the only being in the universe that could save him. The only being in the universe that still held a connection to him.

The green Bearer looked up at Addarra, his dark green eyes staring into hers, almost fearfully. "Help.." He stated simply, in a slightly croaky voice, "Kneel.." The Bearer motioned for her to kneel in front of it, it's left hand glowing a bright green, but with no markings.
Addarra as quickly as possible scrambled to kneel before the green eyed Bearer. She had failed to realize she was stark naked causing many to shroud their eyes at the sight of their goddess. Vahdim draped a fur cloak over her, though if she stood up it wouldn't stay on... well that's what he thought at least. "Anything, I will do anything, please save my brother!" She screamed chocking back tears and sobs. She fed all her energy that had been given to her to the Green Bearer hoping that was enough, it was enough to collapse worlds, to make worlds to stir the very cosmos. That was the power of a Goddess of the Earth and Moon.
The green Bearer's eyes glowed even brighter, some blackened markings appearing on the back of it's left hand. It took Addarra's hand, leading her over to Ferrak, whose body had a small smile on his face.

"Calm.." The Bearer croaked, placing her hand upon Ferrak's forehead, before placing his left hand on Ferrak's, and his right on Addarra's.

For a few seconds, nothing happened, but the Bearer, content to stay very still, closed it's eyes. It's veins glowed a bright green, almost white in it's intensity, as the whitish green liquid made it's way from one hand, to the other, disappearing at Ferrak's forehead. The mark on it's hand faded as Ferrak's head shot into the air, his eyes glowing that soft, bright blue from before. He took a large intake of breath, and screamed like he had when he had lost himself, thousands of being's voices were packed into his scream that lasted but a few seconds, before the blue in his eyes faded, and he fell to the ground, breathing slightly heavier than he normally would, but otherwise alive.

The green Bearer started copying it's brethren, shooting it's power into Ferrak. He was back. He was alive.
Addarra cried and cried cradling her brother. Hearing the scream that Ferrak had let out dozens of beings Deinmaar, Elves and Human rushed into the room ready to defend the God and Goddess against any foe. They all knelt and began to pray when they saw Addarra crying over Ferrak's body. Their prayers filled the air, and proceeded to the heavens with their pleas. Addarra lost track of time but when she calmed she began to lightly stroke Ferrak's hair. It was rather matted from his sweat but it was still lovely as ever. Addarra loved her brother and wished no harm upon him. She would stay by his side until he awoke, eventually sending all but his Bearers out, all of whom were deeply in concentration in giving power to their master. Those who had been sent out waited in the antechamber outside the Goddess' chambers for any news.
Ferrak slept the days away, going through phases of heavy breathing, expressions of fear, right back around to smiles and happier dreams. The Bearer's that surrounded him concentrated without fault through all that time, their small, wrinkled hands shooting various steams and mists into him.

After the days passed, Ferrak started moving one evening, rolling onto his side, mumbling quietly to himself.

"Addarhhah...." He mumbled a little louder this time. The Bearer's finally stopped concentrating, pulling their tiny little hands back into their robes, and just standing there, staring at him. Ferrak brought up a hand and gently rubbed at his eyes, his vision blurred as he looked around, unable to tell where he was located.
The night had settled in a few hours earlier. Addarra was clothed in one of her finer gowns, resting next to her brother holding him and gently stroking his hair, as she had done over the past few days. Vahdim had assumed many of her duties for now... Hearing Ferrak say her name made Addarra blush a little, pleased she was on his mind. "Yes, brother?" She said ever so softly. "I am here, for now and always," she said smiling to herself. She waived the Bearers, which at this point had stopped sending power to their master, to wait outside the door.
The Bearer's followed the order without hesitation, shifting over to the door and waiting outside. Literally just waiting outside, not sure of what else to do.

Ferrak rolled onto his front, trying to push himself up, his arms shaking violently, but he managed to shift himself into a sitting position, the blanket he was under wrapping around him in a slightly uncomfortable fashion, trapping his legs. He squinted his eyes, his vision still blurred, looking around the room, then at his lap.

"Wh-here's Addarra?.." He spoke softly and innocently, almost like a child who'd just woken up in the morning, "I need t-to help her.." He whispered the last part through a small yawn.
Addarra smiled to herself. "Dear brother, I am sitting next to you," she said in a sweet melodic tone. She shifted her dress and moved to get closer to Ferrak. His body was a bit cold, so she joined him under the covers. "Brother, you saved me and for that I am deeply in your debt." She said snuggling up on his chest and breathing softly, silently hoping that this would never end, the peace she had had over the past few days had been nice. If this was what is was like to be mortal then she wished to be mortal, though deep down she knew that would never happen.


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