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Fantasy By the Gods, Mortals and all that's in between!

Ferrak sat, confused for a few seconds, head spinnning. Who was getting into bed with him? Then it clicked, he had heard what she said, but it'd only just processed.

"Addarra!" His voice cracked as he squealed like the kid who had just woken up had just found out it was a snow day.

Ferrak wrapped his arms around his sister and hugged her tightly, so very happy that she was there with him.

*Sidenote* - The Bearer's standing outside the door started playing Patter Cake, silently with eachother.

((OOC: I love the dress! :3 That's a nice one.))
As Addarra just laid there with her brother she slowly gave him energy to hopefully speed up his recover. Little did he know that a child had seen his Bearers outside the door to the room, and asked if he and his sister could join them. Also unbeknownst to Ferrak but more than sixty of Addarra's Sorcerer Golems were now meditating in a chamber deep within the Stronghold feeding Addarra with a near limitless amount of spare energy, thus allowing her to give some to Ferrak without tiring herself out. She smiled to herself as she lay on his chest.

((Thanks... I had to really search Deviantart for that one... lol about the Bearers.))
Ferrak just laid there, beaming to himself, he'd done it! He'd saved her! And Avonch must have been watching over him because he made it out too!

"I'm sorry.." He whispered into her ear, his smile fading a little, "I..didn't know if I'd make it out..but I needed to see you safe...I'm so sorry Addarra.."

The Bearer's outside the room stopped, staring at the small children, before hovering around in circles around them, chattering to eachother in a gibberish language, then forming a small pathway, arching their arms into the air, for the children to walk to the door.

((I love my little creations, they're nine special lil' people. :'3 More special than the rest hehe))
Addarra let her tears fall, "Brother be silent now and hold me, for I am tired and need some rest of my own," she said as the tears soaked into Ferrak's shirt. She would save her frustration for another time, as now was a time of joy... and sleep she thought. The children outside the door let out little laughs as the Bearers spun around them and talking gibberish. The little boy stepped forward and looked at the green eyed Bearer, "You are different," the child said bluntly, "I like that." He returned to his sister and they continued to laugh and jump up and down holding each other's hands.
Ferrak held his sister tightly, staring up at the ceiling of the room. He blinked back some tears as he felt himself starting to fall back to sleep.

"Goodnight, Adda..rr......" He drifted off back to sleep mid sentence, a single tear falling from his right eye.

The green Bearer seemed to jump for joy, it's eyes perking up a little. The other Bearer's gathered around the green one, picking it up and spinning in circles, their free, small, wrinkled hands clapping. Their gibberish language seemed to go a slightly higher pitch as they spoke.
Addarra soon nodded off as well, "Goodnight darling brother," she said before fading into sleep. She was happy that both she and her brother had made it out of the Realm of Dreams, for that place could have killed the two and brought about destruction on unknown scales. However that had not happened and peace seemed to settle over the pair.

Outside the room the children smiled widely at the Bearers and a couple elven children had joined the two human ones. Their parents were sitting amongst their fellow rulers and watching their children and smiling happily. One of the elven girls walked over to the nearest Bearer and ever so lightly tugged on its robe. Once it turned and looked at her she smiled and said "You and your brothers have beautiful eyes, and we want to play games with you all," she said smiling and motioning first to the other Bearers and then to the other children.
((I can't even touch the sleeping scene anymore, it's too precious right there. <3 ))

The blue Bearer that the girl had talked to lit up, it's eyes glowing now. It turned to it's brothers and said something in a high pitched voice, jumping and spinning around. The other Bearer's looked at eachother before squealing themselves, and hovering after the children, jumping and bouncing off eachother.

The Bearer's played games with the children all evening! They were making funny noises, running about all over the place, the children trying to copy their noises. Each attempt made the Bearer's squeal even more, for they had never seen such gentle mortals.

As soon as it had started though, the evening ended, and the Bearer's noticed the children getting tired and sluggish, one had even fallen asleep, attracting the other children to join. One of the parents walked over to the sleeping child, about to pick him up when all of the Bearer's started circling the children, seeming to waft the parent away.

When the parent was out of the way, the Bearer's laid on the ground next to the children, and closed their eyes, starting to purr softly. A gentle hum could be heard throughout the hallways, accompanied by a few stray, quiet squeals.
((Screw it.. now I can't touch this scene either... I guess we should call it a night considering the rough spot we just put ourselves in... lol. We can post after someone else does. :D This... this was a good Arc... and I have much love for those Bearers.))

((OOC: Lol we have three pages of just us...))
((I agree! :) And I look forward to another, hopefully equally meaningful arc with you! ^_^ I just created them tonight actually..hehe started putting some real meaning into the marks on his body. I'm quite glad I created them now. :3 ))

((OOC: This is a good thing, everyone can enjoy our amazing arc!))
((OOC: I hope that they read the arc. It wasn't thought out but just flowed... hehe the sub-arc of the children and the Bearers... now that was downright precious. Yes I very much look forward to other arcs and to rping with you. It is really really enjoyable.))
Arc's that just flow are so much better than arc's that're planned though! For one it actually means something, and for two so much thought, so much raw emotion goes into it, it's like the perfect arc really, because of all the feelings that were poured into it.

And thank you! ^_^ Hehehe
Every night that I walk away from this RP I just get a nice fluttery feeling of warmth and butterflies because I am actually proud of being in the RP. @GrigoriLord Thank you! This RP is so wonderful and is such a nice pick me up.

We should also move this discussion to the OOC thread otherwise another few pages might pop up.
It is definitely a beautiful creation! The story AND the people in it. :) <3 Much love.

I was just thinking that last bit myself actually haha!
Inigs sat on the grassy ground "these where made there too even too round" he growled "who would do this why would they do this" Inigs eyes where still a lava red as he talked to Flamebane holding Avonch might have a anwser
Upon awakening, Ferrak's senses returned to him with some curious information. He was groggy when he went to sleep but he didn't remember the bed he was in being quite those soft and warm or the sheets being the color of gold for that matter. Another curious thing that caught his eyes was that the room was rhythmically moving up and down, almost as if the entire rest of the room was moving in pattern to something breathing. @Maven @StoneyJr

Meanwhile somewhere on the planet of Ignis' domain it began to rain. It can't rain on Ignis' domain, there's literally no water on the entire planet. That said, it was raining very hard, as if someone had taken an entire ocean, evaporated it all and took the condensed vapour then put it all around Ignis' domain. At it's current rate Ignis' large expansive deserts would turn into ocean beds and his volcanos would cap and become mountains. It was not a natural storm surely. @fire master
Ferrak tried to open his eyes as best he could, squinting, he looked around the room that was moving rhythmically up and down, his eyes finally resting on Addarra, fast asleep next to him.

"Something must be very wrong with my head.." He whispered to himself, stroking the golden sheets unfamiliarly, "I can't have been that..no..."

He groaned to himself, wiping his eyes, trying to make sense of the environment around him as he looked around once more. Had something gone wrong when he re-entered his body?
Glaliel stalked the lich queen, for a while. He couldn't risk for the creature to escape, but he needed to act now. He unsheathed his swords, and begun making a battle plan in his head, but one aspect he forgot to take account for,he was alone. Glaliel raised his sword, and released an energy bolt, that would serve as a flare.
During the time in which Ferrak was searching his direct surroundings he noticed that the bed they were lying on wasn't a bed. It was a large golden furred lion with an ethereal mane of blue energy. They were currently lying on the beasts back, with the pillows and sheets from the bed still serving their use. The lion didn't seem to be asleep, as it was flexing its front paws and putting its front claws near its face. @Maven @StoneyJr

The Lich Queen had finished casting her many spells, confidant that no one would find her where she hid, nor would anyone be able to find her due to her many wards and spells. She set her undead troops to the many defensive positions within her location. Once the defenses had been put up she began casting the Scrying spell to speak with her master.

Far away, near the center of the universe, the enormous gravity well of the black hole whipped on, as it had for as long as any could remember. The creature within slid another planets distance out from the center, beginning to rarely shift itself, as if in slumber instead of a coma.
Ferrak's eyes widened to a comically large size, his breath catching in his throat as he looked down at the large, extremely proud looking beast. His movements slowed to a complete halt as to not draw attention to himself. How the hell had he not noticed this before?! It must be a very powerful creature to trick two such powerful beings without being spotted by anyone else..

Ferrak slowly moved his hand over to Addarra's shoulder, trying to wake her without alerting the beast to his awakened state.
Still sitting in the grass clenching and unclenching his fists one of the fire elementals falls out of a vorex drunk like " master there are bad times in the plains.....i..it..it raining"

WHAT RAIN THATS.....THATS NOT POSSABLE." Inigs yelled the elemental use to his out busts just started at the ground. Inigs vorexed to the plains and saw that it was true " CURSE THE ONE DOING THIS ILL.....ILL BURN THEM FROM THE OUTSIDE IN. "anger surgeing through him " master what well we do?" " WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM YOU FOOL GOD OF WATER, THE BEST I CAN DO I SLOW IT SO WE DONT ALLL FUCKING DROWN."

Ruprecht laughed in disbelief, but untied the cloth from his sword anyway. "Spirit of the wild? Should I seek your blessing for this hunt, or would that be a bit too grim, since I would be tracking and killing a beast from your domain? Regardless, I'm glad you don't hold my culture against me." He chuckled quietly under his breath and gently retied the cloth around the pup's neck. "I always suspected there was another force at play with the hunts we undertake; just something to keep all sides even until the bitter end. At least, I assume you have some part to play in it. For all I know, you just observe and any turnabouts in the fight are just down to sloppy mistakes or the vagaries of luck. Though," Ruprecht sighed and shook his head, resting his arm back on his knee. "I don't know if either of those had any part in what led to our meeting, spirit. That beast is far older than the Lantknecht. It knew where I was from just by the markings on my armor and what few tattoos weren't covered enough. I'm very heavily outmatched, and I don't think the next time we meet that I'll have the fortune I had before." Ruprecht shook his head again, slowly and sadly, and stared off at the horizon. "I have to try, though. If I have a chance to stop it from returning to Lantknecht, even at the cost of my own life, I'll take it. I won't leave much of a corpse, and even if they found it I wouldn't make it into the necropolis, but at the very least my line won't be shamed in the great plains of the after-death, gods willing."

A few minutes of silence passed between the two of them, and was summarily broken by Ruprecht. "So, I assume you're the spirit responsible for making a beast dire, or allowing a champion to ascend into legend? I mean, I had never heard of any sort of spirit of the wild until this day. The wall of tales doesn't say much about anything spiritual other than owing worship to the Skyweaver for her interference in Sigurd's exile, and a few scattered recipes for foods made with the beasts we hunt. If you were, I suppose there is a reason you wouldn't want the Lantknecht to be too aware of your existence, though I could never fathom what that is." Ruprecht said conversationally, trying to clear the air from the somewhat depressing topic he had been on before. He felt like he ought to be trying to track this hydra down, but there was one additional thing that nagged and nipped from the edge of his thoughts before barging to his tongue unbidden. "I owe you my life now, spirit, like Sigurd owed his to the Skyweaver. Are there any tasks you would have for me? I could never repay this debt, but further along the history of the world one of my line might look on this story on the wall, and it hardly seems fitting for there to be a debt unaccounted for."
"Ignis, whatever is causing rain in your domain obviously isn't natural. I know not why it would be happening as I am currently quite busy. You can look into it and handle the matter without my aid I'm sure." Avonch sent a quick thought to Ignis before he exploded into a rage. @fire master

The tail of the enormous lion, which had a tuft of hair exactly the same as it's mane on the end, was flicking down by the hind legs of this beast. The lion seemed unaware or uninterested in the two on it's back but the fur on it's back twitched every time Ferrak moved. @StoneyJr

"Seeking my blessing wouldn't give you any extra powers over someone who asked the blessing of a common stone." The pup replied in a playful tone. "I wouldn't refer to myself as the counterbalance for your people, I would equate myself more to the scales themselves, neither patron to you or the beasts of the wilds. I am an agent of the balance of the natural order, when your people get too powerful, I aid the poor creatures of the forest, and when it is your people who are loosing, I aid your people." The pup replied with a slight tilt of the head to the mans question. "Ruprecht, you are meeting me now for no reason greater than I wished to speak with you. That Hydra isn't as old as you think, yes it's older than your towns, but compared to others of it's kind it is a youngling still. As for your people, most creatures of the wilds in this part of the continent know your tribe and their body markings, tis nothing requiring great intellect. As for fighting the Hydra again, I think you will find yourself on a more even battle field." The pup says with a nod to his armor on the last sentence. "You know nothing of my existence simply because no one in your civilization has interested me enough for me to reveal it too them. You should feel honored to be the first of your kind to meet me." The pup says while puffing her chest out. "You wish me to set forth for you a task? I will give you a simple one. You are on some hunt to prove your worth as a champion? Continue your hunt, I will contact you once you are skilled enough for my ends. Until then favor to you, do not expect my aid again until you have proven yourself worthy of it." As the final words slipped out of the pups mouth she began to dissipate until she was translucent and then turned into new fallen snow.
Inigs just gumbles and closes his eye puts his hand up toward on of the volcanos it erupted stronger then the normal would be, the blast shooting 500 feet in to the air. The elemental jumped at the strange behavior "master?"

"Ok now that's over." Inigs opens his eye they are back the the amber honey color. "Come you two we have we have work to do..... I have no idea what to do but let's try" Inigs walks away with the elemalental and Flamebane traveling at his heels.
Ferrak wasn't sure what was happening to him, or how this beast even got here, but he didn't trust it and didn't want Addarra to get hurt.

He closed his eyes, trying to summon up some of his power to aid him. Ferrak took a deep breath in, and released from his mouth a thin, white mist, that made it's way over to his sleeping sister, slithering around her and seeming to grasp onto her. The white mist rose Addarra into the air, gently holding her in the air on the other side of the room, though she was still in exactly the same position, as if a bed was still under her.

When his sister was out of harms way, Ferrak rolled onto his front, with not enough strength in him to try and cover his movements.

"Who are you?.." He whispered out to one of the ears of the beast, as if he thought it could reply.
"You have forgotten my leonine visage already Ferrak?" The lion said in a deep regal voice. "I didn't think you would forget the look of the one who made you," the lion said as it shook Ferrak off it's back and turned to face him. The lion had a mighty air about it and stared hard at Ferrak. @StoneyJr

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