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"I came here to place a bet."
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Hey, guys, this is just a thread where you can post any ideas you have for the RP, your character's relationships with others, questions or comments you may have, or if you simply just want to chat with your fellow RPers. Please, don't be afraid to put forth any ideas you come up with! Anything and everything are welcome. Just the basic rules:
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k so thinkin that Ahmi will be a noob. She's been at Belle Reve for only 3 days.

But like thinkin the only one that she may have past dealings with is Keeley since his is a hacker? But probably only knows him through anonymous, encrypted communications. Cuz she'd be looking for any info on the secret Canadian entity called Sector XTC and info on any of her Siblings. She'd try to find a little known hacker so that any snooping wont be traced back to her. lmk k?

She has allegiance with LexCorp so if anyone else does too maybe they know of each other?

k so thinkin that Ahmi will be a noob. She's been at Belle Reve for only 3 days.

But like thinkin the only one that she may have past dealings with is Keeley since his is a hacker? But probably only knows him through anonymous, encrypted communications. Cuz she'd be looking for any info on the secret Canadian entity called Sector XTC and info on any of her Siblings. She'd try to find a little known hacker so that any snooping wont be traced back to her. lmk k?

She has allegiance with LexCorp so if anyone else does too maybe they know of each other?
I like that idea, heck yes.
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Caio's father was a drug lord, and if you're interested, I'm thinking that maybe Ahmi was one of the soldiers sent to apprehend him? Which turned into them accidentally killing him, because he was sick and frail at the time. What do you think? The only flaw in the plan that I can see is that Ahmi is a Canadian soldier, whereas this would have happened in Oklahoma.
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Caio's father was a drug lord, and if you're interested, I'm thinking that maybe Ahmi was one of the soldiers sent to apprehend him? Which turned into them accidentally killing him, because he was sick and frail at the time. What do you think? The only flaw in the plan that I can see is that Ahmi is a Canadian soldier, whereas this would have happened in Oklahoma.
Maybe Ahmi was in Oaklahoma for some reason?
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Caio's father was a drug lord, and if you're interested, I'm thinking that maybe Ahmi was one of the soldiers sent to apprehend him? Which turned into them accidentally killing him, because he was sick and frail at the time. What do you think? The only flaw in the plan that I can see is that Ahmi is a Canadian soldier, whereas this would have happened in Oklahoma.
meeeehhhhh... thinkin its tooooo much of a stretch to connect them. Besides being Canadian, Ahmi was mostly overseas doing jobs there with her merc team. That's why it makes more sense to me that she'd olny be in touch with the Hacker of the Belle Reve squad really since they crossover on a mutually beneficial business relationship. Ahmi gets info off the radar from Keely and in exchange swaps miitary level coding techniques and files since she can interface with tech and AIs and stuff.

Ahmi would draw 25 then decorate half them with guns, puppies and vagina doodles and toss the rest in the air and shoot them as they fell for telling her what to do lol
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo No problem! We'll figure out some other plots for Ahmi and Caio, because I love your bean and I can't wait to interact with her!!!

Ashy_OCdesigns Ashy_OCdesigns If you'd like, maybe Keeley was the one to figure out where Caio's father (one of Brazil's most wanted criminals) was hiding out and sold the information to the government?
Ok so for Aia basically I have the idea that she “attatched” herself to someone else. Lol I’m other words who would like alien gurl to cuddle them the most 🤣
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo No problem! We'll figure out some other plots for Ahmi and Caio, because I love your bean and I can't wait to interact with her!!!

Ashy_OCdesigns Ashy_OCdesigns If you'd like, maybe Keeley was the one to figure out where Caio's father (one of Brazil's most wanted criminals) was hiding out and sold the information to the government?
that would work for sure. That was when he was in university, was what I was thinking. And he didn't do it for any reason beyond that he heard the news and wanted the challenge, wanted to have privacy from people for a bit and became hyper fixated on the news.
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Ashy_OCdesigns Ashy_OCdesigns When Caio finds out the hand Keeley played in his father's death, he'd react by punching Keeley once across the face, as hard as he can, and then calmly say, "We're all good now, homie. You want some ice for that?" Lololol
Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving I think it would be hilarious if Aia attached herself to EITHER Elara or Nexa, and then the other one she was constantly seeking to devour just like any other person. Or Aia understands that they're the same person and resents the alter ego whenever it appears for taking her beloved away from her. XD
hopefully sinead and ahmi like Aia XDD cause she aint gonna leave them alone due to their tattoos' XDD
Just call her Mother and she won't feed AIA a hollow point bullet sandwich lol Naw fr tho, i can see it going one of two ways. If the little alien gets too clingy, Ahmi wont hesitate to push back and hard. But i can see her also viewing aia as a little puppy that warms her heart. idk. we'll see how it plays out but one things for sure, she will be freaked out as soon as she sees her eat someone lol

Thinkin that with Caio, Ahmi and he will defo butt heads. She's mouthy and doesn't like loners esp ones that don't do well in team situations. I think they will get along when it comes to working on tech but she will still sass him no doubt... ESP if she finds out that he is developing a crush on her lol

For Elara thinkin that she won't get along with the Dr, her being all intellectual and mood swingy. But with the entity i could see her being reallllly fascinated with her energy since Ahmi has weird energy harnessed/implanted within her. But thinkin that once Ahmi finds out that Elara has been experimented on, she will find cause to help get back at the facility.

For Keely thinkin that she will just view him as in the way and just cannon fodder lol. She'll constantly make annoying even offensive comments about how inept he is in the field. So basically bug him that he will be first to get killed. Then as soon as she finds out that he is the Hacker that has been working with her to get info on her greatest desire she will pull 180 and do everything to apologize all the mean things she said about him.

For Balor thinkin that she will get a kick out of the overgrown gremlin. She'd laugh and hype up his antics... then he'd prolly go overboard and Ahmi would have to try to reel him in. I could see them getting into fights since she would try to provoke him to clean up his messes; she haaaaaaates clutter. But they could get along working tech together too. On her former team there was another who was really similar to Balor but twice as tall. They were killed during that fubar that eventually lead to Ahmi's capture.

Still have to see Sinead finished before making some assuptions
Just call her Mother and she won't feed AIA a hollow point bullet sandwich lol Naw fr tho, i can see it going one of two ways. If the little alien gets too clingy, Ahmi wont hesitate to push back and hard. But i can see her also viewing aia as a little puppy that warms her heart. idk. we'll see how it plays out but one things for sure, she will be freaked out as soon as she sees her eat someone lol

Thinkin that with Caio, Ahmi and he will defo butt heads. She's mouthy and doesn't like loners esp ones that don't do well in team situations. I think they will get along when it comes to working on tech but she will still sass him no doubt... ESP if she finds out that he is developing a crush on her lol

For Elara thinkin that she won't get along with the Dr, her being all intellectual and mood swingy. But with the entity i could see her being reallllly fascinated with her energy since Ahmi has weird energy harnessed/implanted within her. But thinkin that once Ahmi finds out that Elara has been experimented on, she will find cause to help get back at the facility.

For Keely thinkin that she will just view him as in the way and just cannon fodder lol. She'll constantly make annoying even offensive comments about how inept he is in the field. So basically bug him that he will be first to get killed. Then as soon as she finds out that he is the Hacker that has been working with her to get info on her greatest desire she will pull 180 and do everything to apologize all the mean things she said about him.

For Balor thinkin that she will get a kick out of the overgrown gremlin. She'd laugh and hype up his antics... then he'd prolly go overboard and Ahmi would have to try to reel him in. I could see them getting into fights since she would try to provoke him to clean up his messes; she haaaaaaates clutter. But they could get along working tech together too. On her former team there was another who was really similar to Balor but twice as tall. They were killed during that fubar that eventually lead to Ahmi's capture.

Still have to see Sinead finished before making some assuptions
The dynamics are memes themselves lol
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo If Ahmi and Caio start to have negative interactions he'll act cold and indifferent to her so that she doesn't guess he's secretly enamored with her. Because he'd be absolutely mortified if she found out once they already have some antagonism established.
Just call her Mother and she won't feed AIA a hollow point bullet sandwich lol Naw fr tho, i can see it going one of two ways. If the little alien gets too clingy, Ahmi wont hesitate to push back and hard. But i can see her also viewing aia as a little puppy that warms her heart. idk. we'll see how it plays out but one things for sure, she will be freaked out as soon as she sees her eat someone lol

Thinkin that with Caio, Ahmi and he will defo butt heads. She's mouthy and doesn't like loners esp ones that don't do well in team situations. I think they will get along when it comes to working on tech but she will still sass him no doubt... ESP if she finds out that he is developing a crush on her lol

For Elara thinkin that she won't get along with the Dr, her being all intellectual and mood swingy. But with the entity i could see her being reallllly fascinated with her energy since Ahmi has weird energy harnessed/implanted within her. But thinkin that once Ahmi finds out that Elara has been experimented on, she will find cause to help get back at the facility.

For Keely thinkin that she will just view him as in the way and just cannon fodder lol. She'll constantly make annoying even offensive comments about how inept he is in the field. So basically bug him that he will be first to get killed. Then as soon as she finds out that he is the Hacker that has been working with her to get info on her greatest desire she will pull 180 and do everything to apologize all the mean things she said about him.

For Balor thinkin that she will get a kick out of the overgrown gremlin. She'd laugh and hype up his antics... then he'd prolly go overboard and Ahmi would have to try to reel him in. I could see them getting into fights since she would try to provoke him to clean up his messes; she haaaaaaates clutter. But they could get along working tech together too. On her former team there was another who was really similar to Balor but twice as tall. They were killed during that fubar that eventually lead to Ahmi's capture.

Still have to see Sinead finished before making some assuptions
If only Aia could talk lol. I can so imagine that interaction already Ahmi finding Aia gorging herself on one of their enemies like a wild beast only to notice Ahmi and completely forget the meal. Prancing over all cute and innocent looking while covered in blood XDD
If only Aia could talk lol. I can so imagine that interaction already Ahmi finding Aia gorging herself on one of their enemies like a wild beast only to notice Ahmi and completely forget the meal. Prancing over all cute and innocent looking while covered in blood XDD

Bullet sandwich it is lol
Ashy_OCdesigns Ashy_OCdesigns Regardless of their personalities, I can see a bond developing between Caio and Keeley just due to the fact that they're the only normal humans (so far) in the Suicide Squad. Caio has never been one to doubt his senses before, but the first few times he receives a harsh reality check like Aia devouring someone whole of Balor's reality-bending inventions, he'll instinctively look at Keeley, the only other regular guy there, and be like, "Am I the only one going WTF right now?!" Keeley is gonna be Caio's measure for whether he determines whether this shit is real or if he's gone off the deep end. Other than that, Caio will greatly admire Keeley's skill with tech and be asking him for tips and life hacks of all kinds. He'll want to learn from Keeley for sure, especially because he's skeptical of tech now and isn't particularly adept with AI and computers like he is with more straightforward mechanics like car parts. At the same time though, Caio will reluctantly laugh at Ahmi's jokes at Keeley's expense, knowing that they're cruel shots but good comedy nonetheless. When Ahmi's attitude toward Keeley changes, Caio will be confused, and if she starts fawning over him, maybe even a little jealous.
Ashy_OCdesigns Ashy_OCdesigns Regardless of their personalities, I can see a bond developing between Caio and Keeley just due to the fact that they're the only normal humans (so far) in the Suicide Squad. Caio has never been one to doubt his senses before, but the first few times he receives a harsh reality check like Aia devouring someone whole of Balor's reality-bending inventions, he'll instinctively look at Keeley, the only other regular guy there, and be like, "Am I the only one going WTF right now?!" Keeley is gonna be Caio's measure for whether he determines whether this shit is real or if he's gone off the deep end. Other than that, Caio will greatly admire Keeley's skill with tech and be asking him for tips and life hacks of all kinds. He'll want to learn from Keeley for sure, especially because he's skeptical of tech now and isn't particularly adept with AI and computers like he is with more straightforward mechanics like car parts. At the same time though, Caio will reluctantly laugh at Ahmi's jokes at Keeley's expense, knowing that they're cruel shots but good comedy nonetheless. When Ahmi's attitude toward Keeley changes, Caio will be confused, and if she starts fawning over him, maybe even a little jealous.
Keeley is happy to have found a fellow introvert, though. And I feel like Keeley would take a long time to warm up to Ahmi because her 180. At least, Caio had a good reason, and they moved on. Imagine if there was an electric car! He's scared of Aia for the same reason as Balor+Ahmi. He's not sure about Elara.

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