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Keeley is happy to have found a fellow introvert, though. And I feel like Keeley would take a long time to warm up to Ahmi because her 180. At least, Caio had a good reason, and they moved on. Imagine if there was an electric car! He's scared of Aia for the same reason as Balor+Ahmi. He's not sure about Elara.
Ahmi has only been in the Belle Reve for only 3 days so it will be a while for her to finally come around when she realizes who he really is. So will be in time before that happens, But yeah as soon as thats happening... she gunna throw a karaoke party for kicks lol. I kinda like the little weird not-so romantic triangle happening her with Caio... all at poor Keely's expense. Punch and dissed before people like him awwwwww lol
If Ahmi and Aia’s relationship is good enough then Aia will just run away and cry XD even like as acquaintance standards she’ll cry if Ahmi shoots at her
No Ahmi won't shoot the crying puppy. Wellllll... the gun will come out. Then her level aim will falter and slowly her eyebrows would slant away.

A sigh. A head shake. "Naaaaaahhhhhhh shiiiiit.... okay, okay, OH-KAY!! Enough with the wetworks... I wasn't gunna shoot you... well, not today at least. .....aaaand defo Not while you're awake and can fight back,...hah. Just... just clean up after yourself this time, kay? You're fine, kay? Good girl. Who's a good girl--Noooo... no... NO Down! Ewwww dont' lick me with that you just ate a dude! Sanitize that thing! Dirty filthy mutt prolly cleans the holiest of holes with that thing-- Naaaaahhhh don't start crying again... i was only joking... just finish eating so we can go already. Ey! Balor. EYO, BAY! Bruh. Ease back. Stop mocking her! Rememberr what happened last time...?!"

sorry i'm late, been really busy this past week! :)
Elara will probably be silently observing everyone analyzing their personalities and past traumas according to their behavior. Most likely taking notes in her head since she's not allowed to have a journal anymore on account that she was always psychoanalyzing the security guards, it really rubbed them the wrong way. but I mean, they're security guards, they're always on an ego trip, right? lol

I can see Elara getting along most with Caio because he loves learning and is altruistic. He is kind of like the group's Deadshot or Colonel Rick Flag. She will likely be more open to approaching him the most.

She will be perplexed by Aia, but not surprised, since she saw many creatures like Aia at the lab where she was experimented on before she escaped. She is kind of like the group's King Shark, who is just adorable!

Balor will freak her out a little bit lol. Balor is kind of like the group's Weasel from Task Force X, a funny, chaotic wildcard.

Elara doesn't particularly enjoy loud, aggressive people so she will keep her distance from Ahmi, admiring her talents from afar. She wouldn't know what to do if Ahmi started flirting with her, though she thinks Dr. Sky would really like her. The Gunmother is like the group's Bloodsport with the high-tech weaponry.

Keely is a handsome hacker but I think Elara would be indifferent about him. Not sure who he's like in the group. Peacemaker, perhaps, since he's a vigilante who does good? :P
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Elara will probably be silently observing everyone analyzing their personalities and past traumas according to their behavior. Most likely taking notes in her head since she's not allowed to have a journal anymore on account that she was always psychoanalyzing the security guards, it really rubbed them the wrong way. but I mean, they're security guards, they're always on an ego trip, right? lol

I can see Elara getting along most with Caio because he loves learning and is altruistic. He is kind of like the group's Deadshot or Colonel Rick Flag. She will likely be more open to approaching him the most.

She will be perplexed by Aia, but not surprised, since she saw many creatures like Aia at the lab where she was experimented on before she escaped. She is kind of like the group's King Shark, who is just adorable!

Balor will freak her out a little bit lol. Balor is kind of like the group's Weasel from Task Force X, a funny, chaotic wildcard.

Elara doesn't particularly enjoy loud, aggressive people so she will keep her distance from Ahmi, admiring her talents from afar. She wouldn't know what to do if Ahmi started flirting with her, though she thinks Dr. Sky would really like her. The Gunmother is like the group's Bloodsport with the high-tech weaponry.

Keely is a handsome hacker but I think Elara would be indifferent about him. Not sure who he's like in the group. Peacemaker, perhaps, since he's a vigilante who does good? :P
I feel like Keeley would have the same reaction to Elara as Elara does to him. Also,hope I don't have a rude tone, but I don't think Keeley would be peacemaker because he targets random people(some good,some bad) and he got punched in the face and a diss track.
ISHTAR ISHTAR Suitably for a character with a dual identity, Elara/Nexa will be viewed with mixed feelings by Caio. On the one hand, he and Elara will probably immediately hit it off, as he'll respect her gorgeously intelligent brain and want to talk science with her. He will be absolutely entranced with Nexa and curious to the point of accidental rudeness in his attempt to understand what she is and how she came to co-habit Elara's body. On the topic of her mood swings, if they just stick to snappy retorts and crying, Caio will be caring and empathetic enough to endure her wrath to try and calm her down but also give her space when she needs it. He'll understand that, as a former human experiment, Elara must have a shitload of PTSD and shouldn't be judged harshly for having an emotional breakdown. However, if she starts unleashing destructive forces and hurting people as a result of her mood swings, Caio will absolutely stand up to her and tell her that she needs to pull herself together because she's accountable for her actions. He likes to help people through teaching self-help and is generally open-minded about people improving themselves, but if Elara/Nexa starts hurting innocents, he may never completely forgive her. Crossing that line is something he considers irredeemable, and Caio is gonna be a cold lil ball of ice to her until she can find some way to 100% assure him that it's never gonna happen again.
Question for everyone: how much does your character sleep within a day?
I was gunna reveal this IC'ly lol but k. Ahmi sleeps like 3-4hrs. The upgrades to her body coupled with the Archon reactor inside her makes it so that all she needs is 3-4hrs for resting her brain activity.

K Interesting question but bruh. Why you asking? How much does Keely sleep per night?
Caio formerly used to sleep like 4.5 to 6 hours because he naturally goes to bed late but had to wake up early for work. Especially if you consider that he did all his getaway driving late at night. If he had nothing better to do in the early afternoon when he got off, he'd maybe supplement his deficient sleep with a nap. Now that he's in prison and suddenly has a wealth of free time on his hands, he'll sleep from anywhere between seven to ten hours, because he's bored and depressed. 🙃
I was gunna reveal this IC'ly lol but k. Ahmi sleeps like 3-4hrs. The upgrades to her body coupled with the Archon reactor inside her makes it so that all she needs is 3-4hrs for resting her brain activity.

K Interesting question but bruh. Why you asking? How much does Keely sleep per night?
I just wanted to get to know the characters, but because Keeley is so fatigued, he clocks in 14 hours of sleep on average.
Question for everyone: how much does your character sleep within a day?
I bet Elara loved to sleep in all the time once upon a time, but learned and eventually got used to running on 5 hours of sleep while she was working and earning her PhD
In answer to the sleep question Kenna does not like sleeping and does her best to avoid it because of her dreams so she sleeps at most 4-4.5 hours a night and it is seldom peaceful. Tamzin doesn’t really sleep so she just meditates or pretends to sleep to act more human.
Sorry to post a third time in a row but I realize I never really gave much info about my characters in case y’all wanted to plot.

Kenna - Kenna is a very twisted and sadistic soul but she didn’t used to be and since being arrested certain parts of her former much kinder self have begun to resurface. She loves attention and also quite enjoys causing pain to others (usually crime lords or people in power). This is a super quick summary of her character and there is much more information about her on her form! Just know that she can be quite the little devil with an angel smile.

Tamzin - Tamzin is an alien and the last of her people after her planet was destroyed. She is very patient and kind which might make it surprising that she is an inmate at Belle Reve. When she first came to earth she was tricked into forming the bond with a villain named Jupiter who convinced her he was a good man with a noble cause. Tamzin willingly went to Belle Reve after Jupiter died in hopes of making up for the lives she took. She is very childish at times and is super fascinated by earth things. She is hesitant to form the bond with anyone else and will certainly never allow herself to be forced into forming the bond.
k so here are assumptions about Kenna and Tamzin. oh i also updated my charrie sheet with thoughts on the other charries so far too k

- For Kenna thinkin that Ahmi just fell into an Insta thirst trap lol. Physically: height, looks, style is every clubista bi-curious girl that she has every pusued and tried to take home. Defo some heavy flirty-flirtations right here! ...then she finally figures out that the other woman is 'the Snake Bitch.' There's a 'players only' finders fee from LexCorp to bring her in alive. Then she finds out that Kenna was experimented on. Ahmi will be torn from collecting a payout or lighting up the facility that took Kenna's life from her.

- For Tamzin thinkin' that this is the one that Ahmi has singled out as "I don't like you. Nope. Like i reeeeeeallllly don't like you. Here accidentally eat this C4 for me, kay?" That goodie-two-shoes and diabetes inducing persona makes Ahmi just wanna blow something up. It would just be snide remarks and laughs at the alien's expense, but as soon as she finds out that she is a mindreader... There are too many secrets inside Ahmi that are so not privvy for anyone. Not especially someone that can mind eff others. Thinkin Ahmi might go hard in trying to sabotage her collar. Like its really mean so i dunno. Prolly just have her think about it... and hope Tam the Brainal Exam doesn't read those thoughts lol
Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 After meeting Kenna, Caio will most likely be inclined to think that she poses as much danger to her allies as she does to her enemies and seriously question the logic and mental health of the higher ups who decided to appoint her as one of humanity's saviors. But he questions their logic on a daily basis anyway, so he won't be particularly surprised. While he does indeed believe that punishment is sometimes necessary for justice, he doesn't believe in causing any living being undue suffering, so he's going to seriously clash with Kenna on this basis. Unlike Ahmi, he won't be particularly sympathetic toward her, believing that she's still fully accountable for her actions, traumatic past or not. It's the same treatment he gives Dr. Sterling, whom he sincerely likes but will stand up to if need be. Neither will he waste much time or effort trying to "fix" Kenna, believing that it's something she has to want for herself. Essentially, Caio will give Kenna a wide berth and prolly interact with her minimally unless she does something to cross the line, in which case he'll confront her.

I'll get to his opinions on Tamzin in a little bit!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I am so happy y’all are enjoying my characters! These plot ideas were such a wonderful thing to see getting off of work!

- For Kenna thinkin that Ahmi just fell into an Insta thirst trap lol. Physically: height, looks, style is every clubista bi-curious girl that she has every pusued and tried to take home. Defo some heavy flirty-flirtations right here! ...then she finally figures out that the other woman is 'the Snake Bitch.' There's a 'players only' finders fee from LexCorp to bring her in alive. Then she finds out that Kenna was experimented on. Ahmi will be torn from collecting a payout or lighting up the facility that took Kenna's life from her.
Kenna will love the flirtation for sure as well as the fact that she gets attention from Ahmi! I am honestly so excited for these two to interact because I knew instantly when I read Ahmi’s form that Kenna would be very interested in her as well! Also the conflict between collecting a payout or going after the people who destroyed Kenna’s life is such an amazing plot idea. Kenna doesn’t trust anyone anymore so she will likely expect that the members of the team would turn on her if they got the chance. It would honestly surprise her if Ahmi didn’t betray her when given the chance. Overall I am super excited to see these two interact because I know it is gonna be seriously flirty and I am just picturing Ahmi towering over Kenna because DAMN that height difference is sooooo good! Please ignore me gushing over these two haha!

- For Tamzin thinkin' that this is the one that Ahmi has singled out as "I don't like you. Nope. Like i reeeeeeallllly don't like you. Here accidentally eat this C4 for me, kay?" That goodie-two-shoes and diabetes inducing persona makes Ahmi just wanna blow something up. It would just be snide remarks and laughs at the alien's expense, but as soon as she finds out that she is a mindreader... There are too many secrets inside Ahmi that are so not privvy for anyone. Not especially someone that can mind eff others. Thinkin Ahmi might go hard in trying to sabotage her collar. Like its really mean so i dunno. Prolly just have her think about it... and hope Tam the Brainal Exam doesn't read those thoughts lol
Yeaaaaaah this is about what I figured most of the group would think of her. She is VERY much not the classic villain, just a victim of trusting the wrong person. She will catch on to the remarks made at her expense but she likely won’t do anything in regards to it until it goes too far. Also I hope I put it in her form, I thought I did, but she doesn’t usually read another persons mind until she is invited to. She will of course if desperate times call for desperate measures but it isn’t her go to. I can easily see tho that Tamzin would likely not create the bond with Ahmi haha. Ahmi just wanting her dead and Tamzin sitting there like “yeaaaah you and about every other bounty hunter in the galaxy, please feel free to get in line”.
I love Kenma's nickname so much. It's both funny, but also epic sounding at the same time.
Thank you haha! She owns it 🤣

EYO just to sure... I dint.come up with that name. It was on her sheet k? I'm not that.mean lol
Nah I know you didn’t haha! I totally did because I know Kenna would own it lmao! 🤣

Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 After meeting Kenna, Caio will most likely be inclined to think that she poses as much danger to her allies as she does to her enemies and seriously question the logic and mental health of the higher ups who decided to appoint her as one of humanity's saviors. But he questions their logic on a daily basis anyway, so he won't be particularly surprised. While he does indeed believe that punishment is sometimes necessary for justice, he doesn't believe in causing any living being undue suffering, so he's going to seriously clash with Kenna on this basis. Unlike Ahmi, he won't be particularly sympathetic toward her, believing that she's still fully accountable for her actions, traumatic past or not. It's the same treatment he gives Dr. Sterling, whom he sincerely likes but will stand up to if need be. Neither will he waste much time or effort trying to "fix" Kenna, believing that it's something she has to want for herself. Essentially, Caio will give Kenna a wide berth and prolly interact with her minimally unless she does something to cross the line, in which case he'll confront her.

I'll get to his opinions on Tamzin in a little bit!
This makes sense, this makes a lot of sense hahaha. His initial thoughts aren’t exactly wrong tho lol. Kenna serves herself first and being part of a team is gonna be a totally different experience for her. There are probably a ton of people wondering what the higher ups were thinking by putting her on the team. She is a valuable asset though so long as they can keep her in line but I totally understand why Caio wouldn’t see it that way. She will certainly not be a fan of him since it sounds like he won’t be giving her much attention. Likely she will view him as expendable but that could also change as the rp goes on. I feel like this duo will be hella complicated and their interactions will certainly be tense. I look forward to their interactions and whatever plots we cook up with them! Also take your time on Tamzin, I know she is an aquifer taste haha!

I am so sorry if this response post is lacking my own ideas at the time! I just got off work so my brain is fried! I will be around all night tho if anyone would like to plot or discuss characters! I adore y’all’s babes so much already and am so excited for my girls to interact with them! I also have one more lass who will be joining the party and will likely be posted tonight!
Question: would the inmates still be allowed access to items as long as they are monitored? Or, would it too much temptation to their specialties?
Yay more characters to read tomorrow! I already love their looks so far can’t wait! Wonder what they will think of Aia lol

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