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Unlike Ahmi, he won't be particularly sympathetic toward her, believing that she's still fully accountable for her actions, traumatic past or not.
Not sympathy, more like a burning obsession to explode facilities and orgs like the one that took her own childhood. its what she been saving her pennies for lol .

It would honestly surprise her if Ahmi didn’t betray her when given the chance.
ey. you never know, these are just potential ideas. Ahni could just be looking at Kenna as a hump and dump lol. Naw there's a spark of interest beyond merely attraction, thinkin that the diff between Kenna and Caio's loner tendencies is that i think Kenna is actually giving herself a chance to come around. like Ahmi not trying to fix her by any means but when it comes to teambuilding with those she likes, she goes hard.

Also I hope I put it in her form, I thought I did, but she doesn’t usually read another persons mind until she is invited to. She will of course if desperate times call for desperate measures but it isn’t her go to.
yeah you put it in there. but you also said the magic words; "if desperate times call for desperate measures..." yeah, its happened to her before with another telepath. She seen what kind of lasting effects mind effery did to extract info from others. So yeah, not her fave thing.

Question: would the inmates still be allowed access to items as long as they are monitored? Or, would it too much temptation to their specialties?
This is ultimately the Boss Blithe's call but i got it in my head that the collar supresses Ahmi's major power but if she tried to use any weapon or interface with tech, she actually could but it'd be her own headless funeral. They are also holding her 'kids' over her head as leverage so she will comply and survive so she can get them back. Still i see her cell being like absolutely barebones with no electronics or things with mechanical moving parts in there with her, like all lights are outside her cell and out of arms reach. EMP blasters aimed at her at all times. They give her a good dose of EMP sandwich before anyone can enter the cell.
Aviator Aviator are there an unlimited number of open positions for the group rp? just curious lol it seems like we have quite a few powerhouse characters, too. personally think the characters need to be balanced out a little more for this to match suicide squad energy.
I think if anyone tried reading Elara/Nexa's mind, they'd just hear a whole lot of cosmic noise or galactic radio noise lol good luck trying to decipher any voices from the interdimensional nexus that Elara's mind has become
ISHTAR ISHTAR Suitably for a character with a dual identity, Elara/Nexa will be viewed with mixed feelings by Caio. On the one hand, he and Elara will probably immediately hit it off, as he'll respect her gorgeously intelligent brain and want to talk science with her. He will be absolutely entranced with Nexa and curious to the point of accidental rudeness in his attempt to understand what she is and how she came to co-habit Elara's body. On the topic of her mood swings, if they just stick to snappy retorts and crying, Caio will be caring and empathetic enough to endure her wrath to try and calm her down but also give her space when she needs it. He'll understand that, as a former human experiment, Elara must have a shitload of PTSD and shouldn't be judged harshly for having an emotional breakdown. However, if she starts unleashing destructive forces and hurting people as a result of her mood swings, Caio will absolutely stand up to her and tell her that she needs to pull herself together because she's accountable for her actions. He likes to help people through teaching self-help and is generally open-minded about people improving themselves, but if Elara/Nexa starts hurting innocents, he may never completely forgive her. Crossing that line is something he considers irredeemable, and Caio is gonna be a cold lil ball of ice to her until she can find some way to 100% assure him that it's never gonna happen again.
Ciao could kind of act as Elara's handler like Colonel Rick Flag was for Enchantress/June Moon ;)
Ashy_OCdesigns Ashy_OCdesigns That is an awesome question, and I had to employ the power of Google to answer, because I luckily haven't been to prison myself (yet). XD Anyway though, inmates are allowed the following items: jewelry, musical instruments, desk fans, typewriters, tupperware, books, photos, board games, prayer mats, stereos/CD players/casettes/CDs, gaming systems and video games (not online), TVs, personal care items, and clothing. An inmate's total value of possessions cannot exceed $1,500. Unfortunately for poor Keeley, no electronics that connect to the internet such as cell phones and computers.

ISHTAR ISHTAR Yes, there are unlimited open positions for inmates and guards alike! Really hope we get some guards eventually, otherwise our group is really gonna be a bunch of lawless rogues running around unchecked. XD Feel free to make a normie human character if you wanna help balance us out!
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If you're in need of a security guard, I can definitely assist with that (if we don't get any more applicants, that is!).
I think if anyone tried reading Elara/Nexa's mind, they'd just hear a whole lot of cosmic noise or galactic radio noise lol good luck trying to decipher any voices from the interdimensional nexus that Elara's mind has become
Haha don’t worry! That is where Tamzin’s Omnilingualism kicks in so she would be able to understand. But as I said she isn’t usually one to pry 😇
ISHTAR ISHTAR Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Both y'all, if you want to make a guard, be my guest! But beware that an additional character means more time and effort, so please don't feel obligated to. If we don't get any guards, I will absolutely take care of that myself and play either second characters or NPCs on an as-needed basis.
Aviator Aviator are there an unlimited number of open positions for the group rp? just curious lol it seems like we have quite a few powerhouse characters, too. personally think the characters need to be balanced out a little more for this to match suicide squad energy.
Yeah I get that and that's why I nerfed Ahmi. It's like in the first suicide movie with the fire elemental dude. He was waaaaay op for the squad but mental and emotional trauma nerfed him until he could cut loose.

Speaking of power...
Ahmi raises an eyebrow.

"Hold mommies beer..."

Rolls up her sleeves as her eyes ignite gold, "Amateurs..."

Marches up on a military airport...

ISHTAR ISHTAR Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Both y'all, if you want to make a guard, be my guest! But beware that an additional character means more time and effort, so please don't feel obligated to. If we don't get any guards, I will absolutely take care of that myself and play either second characters or NPCs on an as-needed basis.
If you really need guards prolly edit your int chk post and make it looking for guard charries? Personally I think we are pretty set up as a squad and having guards there as players would make interactions too slice.of.life.for my taste. Unless they are like the handler types that come with us.
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Yes, exactly! They would be handler types for sure and accompany our inmates on the mission. And have some function other than just being responsible, because no one wants that lmao.
Could we make a squad playlist? Not for individual characters, if this makes sense.
you could just take all the songs from our individual playlists and put it in the playlist lol but yeah i guess we need a universal theme song, huh?
I'm volunteering these songs for our Suicide Squad playlist ( may come up with more later )

  • "Army of Me" by Bjork (Suckerpunch remix)
  • "Hollow Moon (Bad Wolf)" by AWOLNATION
  • "Casualty" by Mothica
  • "Venom" by Little Simz
  • "Kill V. Maim" by Grimes
  • "Destroy Destroy Destroy" by Transviolet
  • "Deathwish" by Poutyface
Ashy_OCdesigns Ashy_OCdesigns first time hearing it and i love it!
RikuXIII RikuXIII that's a really good song too!

If we are going by "Sweet Dreams" theme, I volunteer these songs (i love):

  • "Dreams" by Beck
  • "Dreams" by the Cranberries
  • "Dream on" by Aerosmith
  • "Lucid Dreams" by Juice WRLD
  • "California Dreamin'" - the Mamas & the Papas

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