Search results for query: *

  1. Vashet

    Futuristic -Children of Aspera-

    Lucy Osteler @Chelle Lucy listened to the two men, argue. One of them seemed rather crazy. Revive a race of Asperans? Impossible. They were simply to rare. She decided to keep her heritage a secret, she didn't want a deranged man such as this to try to recruit her. The girl kneeling beside...
  2. Vashet

    Futuristic -Children of Aspera-

    Lucy Osteler @Chelle Lucy squinted and raised her head unsteadily. The world was exceedingly bright, and blindingly white snow was whipping her hair into her eyes. As her eyes adjusted to the snow, Lucy saw a girl with lavender hair pulled back kneeling next to her. Lucy groaned, sat up and...
  3. Vashet

    Riverview Academy

    I'll post but I can't really do anything seeing as all we're doing is sit in a theater. I think it will start moving along if the teachers post their introductions quicker, and we can get out of the sort of passive/watching stage. It might help if in a stage such as this, were you have very...
  4. Vashet

    Futuristic -Children of Aspera-

    Lucy Osteler The old cargo plane creaked and shuddered in the gale, its fifty year joints straining to hold it together. Lucy gritted her teeth as they hit more turbulence, and wondered for the thousandth time why she had gotten stuck with the oldest plane on her fleet for her very first...
  5. Vashet

    Sword Art Online: Server in ruins

    Sorry my grandma recently passed away and I've neglected this role-play. I'd like to start playing it after the funeral(tomorrow) but if you'd rather I just drop out I'm fine with that. Sorry again I kind of forgot about this it's just been kind of hectic
  6. Vashet

    Realistic or Modern Riverview Academy

    --Tara Bove-- --The Amphitheater, back left-- --Interacting with Ashton Aamon @Gh0st Tara was sitting comfortably by herself, spacing out and wondering when the headmaster would start talking, when she heard the soft clank of chains. She lazily turned her head to see a tall boy, still...
  7. Vashet

    Realistic or Modern Riverview Academy

    --Tara Bove-- --Location: Amphitheater-- Tara watched as more students began to trickle into the courtyard. Most of the students seemed normal enough, not unlike kids from her home town. But a few stood out, like the student who was escorted, no dragged, onto the premises on chains...
  8. Vashet

    -Children of Aspera- Lucy Osteler 16 A. ppearence: Short, wiry and pale, Lucy is often mistaken to be much younger than she really is. Her innocent-looking eyes are almost always obscured by her shoulder length fiery hair, and her lips lie in a perpetual smirk. Lucy dresses practically while...
  9. Vashet

    -Children of Aspera-

    Ok thanks :P
  10. Vashet

    -Children of Aspera-

    @Gilzar on the character sheet, under the powers section you specify it is limited to basic elements. Does this mean fire water earth air or something different?
  11. Vashet

    Realistic or Modern Riverview Academy

    Accidental second post, ignore sorry
  12. Vashet

    Realistic or Modern Riverview Academy

    --Tara Bove-- --The Academy Gates-- Tara stared at the cracked leather seat of the taxi as they pulled up in front of a decrepit looking building. She glanced out of the window and nearly gasped. Nearly dead vines climbed the sides of the school and an overgrown fountain sat in the...
  13. Vashet

    Sword Art Online: Server in ruins

    Ah sorry I fixed the mistakes :P
  14. Vashet

    Riverview Academy

    Thanks! I"ll be editing my character sheet now, she should be in year 3
  15. Vashet

    Riverview Academy

    Hey! I have a question about the different years, because I'm trying to figure out the year my character is in. There 8 years of available ages (12-19). However, in the application, there are six years of school, and your year depends on your age. So my question is which ages are lumped...
  16. Vashet

    Sword Art Online: Server in ruins

    Name: Leora Raymond Sex: Female Online handle: Onoen53 Appearances: Ingame: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c1330a159_Animenight.jpg.bb9f0a7c796d5c22cefeacd47a617756.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38541"...
  17. Vashet

    Fandom Looking for handful to fill out a SAO game

    I'm interested, if you still have room
  18. Vashet

    Hello there!

    Well I've already applied for two, but I tend to like more detailed role-plays in the fantasy genre. That said, I'm open to any role-play that has a fascinating concept!
  19. Vashet

    Hello there!

    Hello, I'd just like to say hi, and introduce myself. I'm Vashet(not my real name obviously :P ) , and I'm 16 years old. I live in Minnesota, in the US. I like roleplaying, kendo, fencing, skiing and reading, and I'm very excited to meet new people an participate in some awesome role-plays! See...
  20. Vashet

    Riverview Academy

    @Highly Unorthodox Is it ok if I play a librarian as well as a student?