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Realistic or Modern Zodiac Detective Agency

While she was grateful that there was even more people to help especially the help of the coroner, Lucia would have rathered less distractions. She was antsy to get moving. "We need to get moving. What we'll do is ride in two cars." Since they had, let's see, Elliot, Skylar, Florence, Lorelai, Sam and now Spindel, that was half of her squad excluding Lucia. Since they only had max of five person cars, two made since. Might as well split them down the middle. "Elliot, Lorelai, Florence and Skylar will ride in one car, the rest will ride with me. Take the squad car." She opened the car door as she said so, making the decision in a split decision based on the ones who knew what was going on and those who didn't. Leaving no room for argument, Lucia climbed into the driver's seat then waited for the others to get in.
Gunny Gunny Berries Berries zenguardian zenguardian The Chronicler The Chronicler Alyce-Marie Alyce-Marie StarryKnights StarryKnights
Spindel Faustine

Spindel wasn't really sure what was going on, but whatever it was Lucia was anxious to get going. So, she looked to Sam, smiled and spoke. "Shot gun". she chuckled before moving and getting into the passenger seat. Spindel was tall for a woman, she hit six feet if she wore high enough heels. Today, thankfully, she wasn't wearing her dress shoes, however she was still tall enough to not want the back seat. They probably weren't going far, but Spindel didn't want do drive there with her knees up to her chest. Folding her umbrella she climbed into the passenger seat, buckling her seat belt she looked to Lucia. "I know you probably already briefed the team...so could you give me the cliff notes...? I'm usually not called in so...". she assumed there was a body or something, why else would she be called?

NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49 Berries Berries
Violet O'connel

20 // female // currently: talking

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Vi was blissfullly unaware of what was going on down at the station. She had to take care of her horse Boku before anything. With mucky trousers and a hoodie on, she wasn't in her usual upbeat clothing. Picking up poop and chucking hay everywhere wasn't something you could do it shorts, well at least not in Vi's mind. It didn't take long before she was finished, picking up an apple from her car she walked back over to Boku, 'Here you go boy. Enjoy!"
She said as he began to munch along the red skin before reaching the juicy goodness. That was until her phone went off. "Oh! Time to go, see you later Boku!"

Vi rushed home, had a shower and got changed. Smelling like horses is not something she wanted and not something she was going to. Quickly running to her car she sped off towards the station, singing along to the radio. Once there she noticed everyone was jumping into the cars. Sighing to herself she realised it was for those who went out into the field. Shrugging she grabbed her paperwork before walking over. "Morning guys!" Skipping quickly over she stopped outside the car. "I'll get the paper work ready I guess? Make a few calls, anyone in particular Captain?"
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Skylar N. Reeves | Virgo | Police station - Outside | Gunny Gunny The Chronicler The Chronicler Alyce-Marie Alyce-Marie

Skylar smiled at Florence, actually surprised at the girl’s response. The Aquarius had a talent for sleuthing, which suited her. She worked as a P.I., but Skylar always found it odd that people actually hired her. To be fair, though, their station did get lodged with complaints about her… uncoverings, if you can call them that. But in such a small town such as Hike, there weren’t very many options to choose from, he supposed. He wondered how many times she scrapped hard incriminating evidence in favor of cryptic ones that point towards the supernatural, such as some kind of mystery goop. Skylar was a firm believer that if she could get over her fantasies, she had the potential to be one of the best damn private investigators in Hike. “Great,” he responded. “I’ll email you.” He paused. “… you do still remember your email information, right? Last time you said that you’d gotten brainwashed somehow and changed all your passwords out of fear that the government would have access to all of your ‘top secret files’.”

"Heeeeey, uh, Skylar..? So, you know, uh.... it'd be pretty uh.. efficient for us as a group if we, uh... y'know.. carpool! So uh..." Florence looked down at the floor as her face turned red.

"Could I ride with you?" She finally asked. "I don't like running in the rain..."

Skylar sighed, nodding his head at her question. “Yeah, sure. We should get going soon.” More of the Zodiacs were showing up, confirming his suspicions that Lucelia had intended for everyone to be involved in this case. Even Violet had shown up. She wasn’t often called in for field operations. Lucelia had given them their driving arrangements, Skylar inwardly groaning as he was assigned to ride with Elliot. He didn’t hate the man by any means. He just preferred to handle him in limited intervals. Skylar moved over to one of the remaining squad cars and got behind the wheel, motioning for the others to follow. He clicked on his seatbelt and adjusted the mirrors and his seat. Putting the key in the ignition, he turned of the windshield wipers, clearing the droplets from his field of vision. He beeped the horn briskly, hoping that Elliot would hurry up and leave the building.

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