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Zacharie x Batter /1x1\

The purring was weird, in a slightly endearing way Batter contemplated. He reached out a hand and stroking Zacharie's head, ruffling his dark curly hair in all directions. His hair was soft and extremely messy, did this guy own a hair brush? His lips quirked into a smug smirk at the thought of Zacharie attempting the brush his horrible tangle of hair.
Zacharie felt Batter curling his fingers into his hair. He still purred and found his self nuzzling against Batters hand. Before long, the cart came screeching to a hault. In which Zacharie pulled away from Batter and smiled widely. "Come on! It's our stop" he said. Grabbing his hand as he soon had stepped off onto the floor. Looking around happily.
Batter let himself be pulled around like a ragdoll, stumbling along trying not to step on Zacharie's feet and trip him. He looked around once they got off the train, he limply held on to Zacharie's hand, not quite used to physical affection. Letting out a long breath he glanced down," Well ล‚ead the way then".
Zacharie smiled happily as he soon had trotted off to the amusement park. After a long while of dragging the taller male. He soon entered it and gave a happy laugh "so, Amigo. What would you like to ride first?" He asked. Looking up at Batter as he blushed faintky behind his mask.
Batter idly pointed at a particularly tall rollercoaster that would sate Zacharie's excitement. He didn't care for amusement parks, they were a waste of time and energy, but Zacharie seems to like them enough to own one. Was he even old enough to own an amusement park? He was obviously atleast 20, but that's hardly old enough to be such a successful salesman.
Zacharie felt himself getting more excited as he let go of Batter and to the roller coaster. He obviously hadn't gone on it in quite a long while. He ran up the stairs in quick strides. But found it hard because of his short size. He soon had made it up and climbed into the cart. Panting as he waited for Batter, who was slow. In which he thought that, but he didn't know
Batter slowly climbed the steps in long strides, his long legs letting him go up a few steps at a time. He decided he was in no mood to rush as Zacharie did, bouncing happily up the steps despite his short legs. He watched him in the distance looking down at him impatiently, not walking any faster despite the boys excitement. After finally reaching the top he put the bat over his shoulder, and got into the cart then placing his bat carefully in his lap.
Zacharie rolled his eyes after a few minutes when Batter had finally got to the cart. "You took forever" he complained. Sitting back in his seat as he buckled up for the ride. Looking down a bit, noticing that was a bad idea. Soon getting second thoughts about the ride, but he didn't want to chicken out right now. So he just said nothing and stayed were he was. Biting his lip behind his mask in slight worry.
Batter shrugged," You walk too fast" he grumbled adjusting his seat belt with a click and a loud curse when it pinched his finger. Glancing over at Zacharie with mild interest he noticed him squirming a little in his seat," What do you need to pee or something?" he asked in exasperation. He glanced over the edge of the ride ahead of him, it was pretty tall.
Zacharie looked over at Batter and gave a light chuckle. "I'm fine, judt excited" he lied. Slwoly pushing himself close to Batter right when the cart stoppe moving. And he felt as if he would have almost had a panic attack. Gripping onto the bars tightly as he soon noticed they were facing down. By the time they shot down, he gave a cry. Keeping close to Batter.
Batter startled at Zacharie's random outburst, letting go of the handle in front of him with one hand to grab onto his sweater as the boy clung to him in a panic. He understood why Zacharie was acting even stranger than usual now and he was slightly annoyed, who owns an amusement park and builds rides he's afraid of? Zacharie apparently, he knew this was going to make from an interesting picture the camera undoubtedly took on the first big drop.
Zacharie soon had noticed that the ride was over and he soon had climbed out. His stomach churning as he coughed. "Oh my god" he said. Sitting down to stop his mind from spinning. He shut his eyes and soon waited for batter to come out from the cart. Hoping he wasn't affected, or as worse as he was.
Batter slowly got out of the cart, dragging his bat across the flooring as he approached Zacharie with a questioning raise of an eyebrow. "Why would you be excited to ride something if you are scared of heights?" he asked incredulously. Zacharie was truly something strange, completely incomprehensible to the Batter. He awkwardly patted Zacharie on the head, not wanting him to get sick on his shoes.
"I didn't think it would be that bad, I never rode a ride before" Zacharie said. Soon catching his breath as he had his mind clear and he wasn't dizzy no more. He stood up and hugged onto Batter and coughed softly. "I feel better now" he gave a small smile and looked up at the taller male.
Batter shook his head, what a weirdo. He stroked Zacharie's hair as he snuggled against him, smirking down at him. "Well what would you like to do now?" he asked cautiously. Hopefully nothing that would cause him to freak out again.
"I'm tried, it's been a long day dealing with customers and such" Zacharie gave a soft yawn as he blushed happily when Batter had snuggled against him. Almost finding his eyes closing from how nice it felt. He dragged Batter back to his home and soon had fell on his bed. Which wasn't the best, but it was still good. "If you want, you can sleep here and the head out tomorrow" he said.
Batter nodded looking around Zacharie's home, it was alright, strangely small for a guy that owns an amusement park. He rarely slept, it wasn't something he needed that much it seemed, the Puppeteer usually didn't allow much rest time, he's surprised he's been allowed the day to follow Zacharie around when there's still zones to be purified. He sat down on the mattress next to Zacharie, laying his bat next to the bed and stripping off his uniform shirt to his plain white undershirt.
Zacharie had just kept in his warm clothing. Having himself curled under the blanket. He felt a dip of the matres, noticing that Batter was deciding to sleep with him. Which surprised him, he didn't think earlier that the male would want to travel around with him. So he smiled happily under his mask. Before long he had pulled it off. Letting it rest down on the floor as he gave a smile. Not minding that Batter had tagged along though. It made him happer than anything else.
Batter laid down, though not too close to Zacharie. He stared ahead at the objects in his line of vision, a pile of clothes on the floor, some random crumpled credits strewed across the bedside table. His mind was buzzing from the activities from today, and from the thoughts of what the Puppteer might be planning to do tomorrow. He shifted uneasily in the bed from his cluttered mind.
Zacharie frowned from not feeling the warmth of Batter. He soon had found himself rolling over slightly and nuzzling into him gently. Before calming down and yawning happily. Curling up a bit more, wondering if the puppeteer was watching them. It would be weird, but at least they would know that he loved the batter more than anything else.
Batter closed his eyes at the touch of Zacharie getting closer to him, contact was settling his nerves a bit. He wondered if he was going to be allowed to sleep for once as he counted the heart beat of the man snuggled up behind him.
Zacharie stayed curled up on his side, which his back faced the batters. He was in a deep slumber, his chest rising and falling gently. He was still worried that the puppeteer was watching them. Maybe form how adorable it was, the puppeteer would let it slide. He smiled and continued to rest.

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