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Crerton, PA

The city of Crerton, Pennsylvania has long since been one of the most industrialized cities in North America, dating its creation back to colonial America. Lake Erie feeds directly into the Erie River, which cuts through the city until eventually it bleeds into the Eastern coast.

Having been built around it, the Erie River has played a pivotal role in shaping the city into what it is today. In the beginning, there was an attraction to it for ease of water travel. Inports and exports flowed through the city on an hourly basis. During the day, legitimate business prospered with the constant shipments, and by night, other goods were smuggled onto the ports.

The ease at which crime was able to set its foothold in the city set a course for the future, in which the morally loose could prosper on the principles of mutualism. The first true push for this was instigated by the Astors around the turn of the American Revolution. Crerton had a large population of loyalists who were upset by the the radical actions the patriots were making across the colonies. The Astors, related in kin to the royal crown, and many of whom would come to play important roles when the war began, were easily able to exploit the city's trust in them and build their criminal enterprise which would taint Crerton forever.

A series of political movements eventually turned the hands of power from the Astors over to the Engels and the Zhaos in the mid-1800s. Through absolute cooperation, barring a few hiccups over the course of two centuries that were compensated one way or another, the two families have solidified an iron grip over the city.

Organized crime can only flourish as well as its city, however. Crerton's niche had always been in its river transport, and with every strain of international relationships and the exponentially growing prominence of the railroad system, business suffered. The need for smuggling during the Prohibition Era spiked the families' relevance once more, but the laws were repealed within a decade, leading into the Great Depression. The coming of World War II aided their recovery, as well as the country's, but what truly advanced Crerton was the money pooled together to invest in hydroelectricity for the city. This put the city decades ahead other industrial areas with their inevitably cost-efficient methods.

Nowadays, Crerton is known for its beautiful cityscape, all without the smog that so commonly chokes other prominent U.S. cities. The clean air, clean water and criminal job opportunities keep the demography dense. While harsh winters exploit the city's reliance on hydroelectricity, the people easily forgive this for the exchange of being able to skate on the Erie River, the city collectively throwing a festival every time it freezes over. Summers are mild in Crerton and the proximity of the river and the lake keep the city at a fairly high level of humidity.
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