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One x One ⤖ [ ѕprιng decadence ]

@Trignome ahhh okay so just to kind of regather/organize my thoughts

  1. we could make up a big city specifically for this? probably somewhere in north-ish usa. washington? i'll come back with name ideas and kind of lore of the city, but i'm thinking prominence on the level of boston and nyc for the nice city setting and also be big/rich enough to house an academy
  2. i was thinking that it would be kind of neat if our families had some sort of crest/symbol? i could nab an organizations tab and store we could store them with information on their prominence and reputation and dealings as we come up with them, and if like, say, you wanted your family symbol to be an owl, i could probably find a neat divider with an owl on it to stuff under their family name but idk how you feel about that?
  3. we're still on board with them having powers, right? but maybe keeping it confined to the kids? bc giving everyone powers might be a pain in the ass and like i was thinking that maybe the parents could be acquainted with each other because they did some genetic experimentation on their kids to make the kiddos superior together :^) and thus random power(s)
  4. and also i always pictured the families as only having a lowkey business history but not like super SUPER close anymore if you're still on board with that and if that makes sense?
  5. and also ALSO regarding the parents being kidnapped and all, they could have been the heads of the two ruling crime families (in their respective areas of expertise kind of) but it was a third rising family that ended up making this move on them? so less is known about the third family but they end up taking over the city. these are just my idea tho like idk if you have any others or want to modify them?? just lemme' know aye and yes yes we're still mostLY jumping straight into this LOL
  1. Washington DC/somewhere close to east coast is a good idea. Very urbanized, organized crime seems more common in bigger cities. So yes, I agree with you on location. If we need reference cities, I was thinking a fusion of Chicago and NYC.
  2. Oooooooh, crests? It's appealing in kind of a fantasty-esque way, so I like the idea. If we're going with animals, though, I call dibs on the tortoise. It'll work well with Asian folk lore I might add to my character's family organization.
  3. Powers are a must, but I agree that we should keep it with the kids. A good plot point, later on as the story progresses, is the possibility of other characters (allies or enemies) with powers as well. I'm not sure if genetic experimentation would be easy to work into the plot. Like, whether the parents would realistically run these experiments on their kids without testing it on other people first...which would create NPCs with powers that'd be too complicated to deal with right off the bat. I was thinking that, depending on the lore of the world we create, powers were a result of a rare mutation in the human gene. Some people are more prone to mutation than others, but the gene is dormant until two people carrying compatible gene mutation have a kid. Thus resulting in a human with superhuman ability. Because of the rarity, and also the secrecy of people who have this gene, it's more a legend/myth in our characters' world. And then, we could work in the possibility of genetic testing from antagonists/the third organization who knows the truth of these genes and is trying to artificially recreate the effect. etc...etc...
  4. Yes, it makes sense, especially if they're heards of different crime organizations, that their families' relations would be more business than personal. Afterall, they'd also be low-key rivals if they live/operate in such close proximity, even if their fields of criminal activity are different.
  5. I don't know about a third criminal family, it could be just an organization targeting the information/powers developed by the criminal groups. But I think it's a definite possibility that this third group begins to take over the city, possibly because they pose as a good/charitable organization and manipulate politicians and all that wickedness as villains are wont to do.

And then, we can probably jump right in! after we figure out the names of the organizations, city, school, roommates and such
hmmmM OKAy so picture this

so dig it

people with some royal bloodline from old monarchies (or related government structures) were more likely to have powers

maybe because people with powers had better means to come into power but that's beside the point

either way

so our two families are descendants from x country's royalty

and when they came to colonial america the city they were in was dominantly loyalists

so with that + having some royalty in their blood kind of eased them in their rise to power

and it could help kind of restrict powers to select members of their family

the further they move from their royal bloodline the more rare powers have become

and maybe something about people's belief in the holiness of a monarch could have been fuel for their powers back in ye olden day

but people are not as superstitious as they once were

as another reason as to why it's all kind of fizzled out

but yeah if we go with that then it would have to be on the east coast

ooooooooh i like the idea of the third group advertising themselves as like some moral salvation

like to a point it would be easy to call out our families on all the shit that they've done

and make them look better

whereas in reality they're just as bad lmfao

pickings were more slim than i would have liked but ne?






and we could use this last one if i want to make my family crest be the hares or something lmao


and i can crop any of these if needed even the gifs

i know how to do that now 8'))
Okay, so we've got a (general) explanation worked out for the rare, genetic predisposition to powers, which both of our characters are born with. And we know the main antagonists' method of attack. Just gotta name a few things here, polish a few things there...

I'm. So. Psyched.

Aw yesssssss. These graphics are quite good. But I can't possibly have you do all the work!

I found this and was like: official logo of the tortoise team, get!


And then I found some cool hare designs too, if they might interest you. :)



Anyways, I'm really glad I found a suitable name for my character. Lynn's sort of a girlish name, but actually historically was a boy's name so I'm just going to go with it.

And get this: Lynn means "lake" from its language of origin.

The black tortoise is one of the 4 mythical beasts of China.

What are its attributes? Water and winter (ice)

...Which all ties in very nicely with Lynn's heritage and powers.

Also the black tortoise is commonly depicted with a snake wound around its shell. like a cute snake-y companion

Which could represent the joining of the two smaller organizations to create the criminal family that Lynn was eventually born into.
I'm glad ur getting excited m8.

Ooooooh yeah those look very nice. I was going to joke and say that rabbits are symbolic for fertility so I was going to make my dude's family into human trafficking... but I thought about it and it's definitely going to be a large part of their occupation now LOL.

!! That's really neat. I was trying to make sure that name origins matched up and everything with my dude but I just gave up at a certain point ngl LMAO. And fuck I just realized I picked an L name too.

Still need to figure out this roommate business. Mmmmm, I'm actually thinking we could jump in straight when they're meeting up in the safe house and bump into each other kind of for the first time-ish? Or should we start with some roommate shenanigans and then build up to that?
How could I not get excited? This is only the GREATEST RP THAT SHALL EVER BE RPED!!! \o/

Human trafficking...hmmmm, now how do I top that? Maybe some black market organ trade? This might make it more likely that the two families have vague business relations, since they both deal with human merchandise.

Though I did want to work in loan shark shenanigans as well. I'll have to figure this all out somehow.

Nah, I think it's better that we don't overthink the name-game. Because, truthfully, so many coincidences are unrealistic.

Then I went ahead and overdid it with the name connections anyways...orz

But doesn't their shared first letter just cement their future together even more? It's the fates' work, Pine. Fate!

I think, either way we start is fine with me. It would be funnier to see them try to figure out the boarding school schenanigans and be like, "who's that asshole" towards each other. And then meeting up at the safe house under the instructions to meet a fellow power user that's gonna be their ally, then seeing each other and being like, "Why does it have to be you?!"

But then, starting off with the safe-house scene would more quickly carry us through the exposition phase, which is usually the part that kills most rps. So it would be safer to start in with action, develop the plot more thoroughly at the boarding school, then WHAM! another situation.
\o/ !!

LMao catering for cannibals. But no really, you should def still do loan shark things. Like I was thinking maYBE there could be different """"branches"""" of the families that take care of lesser, smaller businesses even if they maybe have a main occupation (also defined territories but u kno).

LOL nah dude I think it's hella rad a++ naming names namely. Hahaha ohohohohohoho they're fucked.

Hmmmmmmm. Maybe we can do like a couple of hours of shenanigans before they get alerted about the situation. Like, maybe the roleplay will slow down sometimes, and that's fine, but I won't let our brain child be put down so easily. *pets threads* But idk I see the merit to both ways like really idgaf.

Okay, so I was thinking setting-wise that in addition to the loyalist history, they could have maybe built the city around x river? So now they're kind of super dependent on hydroelectricity (idk like 60% electricity? if that isn't too high) but also it's also made shipping a very big part of the city... which in turn made any trafficking/smuggling pretty easy. Idk if you'd be cool with that, or if you wanted to add/change anything? Also city/state/river name pending.

aaaaaaaand with that i'm off to bed lmao
It makes sense that there would be branches, especially with how large each organization is. And then plot twist: secretly some of the branch families betray the head families to the third organization...

Yes, it would be quite fun to have some boarding school time before they "officially" meet at the safe-house. Then there's the question of: are they new to the boarding school, or have they always been educated there?

I assume they were homeschooled/educated separately, and that they've both been sent to the same school due to the emergency situation of their parents disappearing and what not.

I was thinking that, at least for my character's family, they are a relative newcomer to the area, as opposed to your character's long-established hold on the region. Like, originally it was a branch family that was present during the loyalist history, and only in the greater Asian migrations of 1800's-1900's did the main family begin slowly transferring overseas. I did an ungodly amount of research which will come in handy when I get around to writing out the history of the Zhao family.

Also, as ethnicity and histories go, it seems to work out verily well that your character descended from European royalty, while mine comes from an Asian lineage. This puts into possibility there being a few other families who also harbor the gene within their blood. Like a Roman/Mediterranean line (Alexander the Great, Caesar), or a South American line (Mayan kings) and such.

The river idea is a good one. We'll probably have to rewrite the geography of the RP America a bit, since the only viable, large river in reality would be the Mississippi, which is a bit too far west and slow-moving to be effective for hydroelectricity of an eastern city. So maybe we should shift the Mississippi over about a hundred miles, connect it directly to the great lakes, and then make it faster. Problem solved!

As for names, I suggest: City City, in State, America, along the Big River.
Trignome said:
And then plot twist: secretly some of the branch families betray the head families to the third organization...
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

which, with their betrayal and all, could be reason for why they're going to be so weak at the start of the roleplay

like it wasn't just them kidnapping the heads of the families

but simultaneously having people in those minor branches, and select branches as a whole, moving against them

*claps claps*

i was thinking they've been at the academy for a while

maybe they were homeschooled for a while

but i at least know that my dude probably would get like a kind of cabin fever after a while


either way, the academy would be muy rico very $$$$ so that's good education, good security, whatever else

potentially like i was saying

my dude got sick of being in the same scenery and his incessant whining was able to move him to the most prestigious (local) academy in the area

and assuming something like that wouldn't apply to your character, then loan shark business could have gotten tight over the past couple of years and they couldn't focus on educating their son

(shrug emoji)

so maybe in that case your dude has been there for a year or two, mine four or five years

also uh......... . .... . .. i was thinking our characters would be the same age or around it but... how old are they? LOL

i was planning probably 16 after seeing your dude but idk what u were thinking

oh yeeeeeeeeeeeees okay okay

i was going to mention that yesterday

that european royalty wouldn't make much sense coming from lynn's side but LMAO obvi you figured that out well enough

but yeah that makes well enough sense

and the generations prior had been able to strike a long-standing deal

maybe the zhao family had helped the engel family push out some rival family and have been cooperating since

and i'll just pretend that engel isn't a german name (unless they were german and it was the brit family thing people that were pushed out)

but yeah yeah that works really well with the powers thing

yeah, i was trying to look up existing rivers and i couldn't find one that i liked

so i like the idea of a river that feeds from the great lakes

so disregarding your wonderful name suggestions this could be in pennsylvania?

moore river? if not just erie river from coming straight from lake erie

and uh idk

crerton, pa?
*claps along* Exactly! For whatever personal reasons in each family, the seeds of discontent have been sown. And with the falsely good name of the third organization, they were easily able to apprehend the two notorious criminal heads without any resistance from the local law.

I think my character has been at the school for a couple years, but not any more than yours. His parents probably thought it was good for him to make connections with kids of other influential people, start building his own network of allies or what not, so they sent him to this prestigious academy. Social skills can't be learned alone, after all.

Yeah, judging by the appearances of our characters, they're probably around the same age. I think Lynn wound be 16-ish, so presumably your character is also in his mid-late teens.

Actually, it's possible that colonial America's break from British rule was instigated, in part, by the feud of Lonnie's family and a British one. Even though the American revolution was successful, there still remained a strong influence from the British family.

Fast-forward a couple dozen years, during the more industrial era, when migrant workers start coming from Europe/Asia, Lynn's family joins with what its smaller branch has established along the East coast.

They notice the British family has a stronghold in the city they're eyeing and (considering the animosity of Britain and China at that time, like with the Opium Wars and stuff) Lynn's family is like, "Nope!" and teams up with Lonnie's family to finally push the British organization out all together. And then the two criminal magnates decide to become...allies of sorts.

Gradually, the families create a secure system: they maintain the peace, do not encroach upon the other's business, and perhaps work together to fend off any intrusions from other criminal organizations.

Moore river sounds cool, but Erie river seems more legitimate, if it's feeding directly out of Erie lake. And I'm good with Crerton, PA. C for criminal!
yeah honestly it wouldn't be too hard to get a little sick of them at some point, i'm sure LMAO

yeah yeah

i was actually thinking that maybe one or both of the families personally helped fund the academy a lot so it's supposed to be super safe for them

but mayBE because of this whole betrayal thing the academy suddenly has gotten a lot less secure

hence them taking a leave of absence for a while

and the conflict might even be able to continue while they're in the school

like maybe not EVERYONE has their fingers in crime that goes there... but they def have some people on the payroll/that feel indebted to them

and those loyal hoes could have gotten the message to them first that shit was going down and they need to get to the safehouse (probably in like some coded speech sort of way)

and okay okay lmao i'll just say they can't drive because they're too rich to drive B)

okay okay good good good

good stuff

more ideas on the engel family pending LMAO because i think germany didn't have a monarchy until like the 1800s or something but i'll do my homework 8'))
Well, it's not as likely that Lynn's family would go out of their way to start an academy, but hefty donations are a definite possibility.

I think, even with the betrayal, the academy is still secure as a school. Hopefully, one of the families had the insight to install some higher ranking members as deans or administrative officials to protect the boys.

Too rich to drive, of course. A driver's license is for plebeians! B-)

Everything is coming along nicely. Perchance we can jump right in! I'd add more to the organization tab, but that would require more research...already, the trauma of long Wikipedia articles is getting to me
I was wondering, should we figure out the name of the third organization? Or will that be revealed in the story much later? Whenever it's relevant, we should probably add a section under the Organization tab for it.

Also, the rp is modern, but within an alternate world that includes this gene mutation. So, assuming that the rp takes place in 2016, the technology is still the same? Or would there be slight differences because of the gene mutation?

My assumption is that, because of the rarity and vulnerability of people with powers, their existence is like a myth; most people don't believe it's true, while a few others are fanatic about it. It's a "Bigfoot" situation, of sorts.

Then any historical records of superhuman ability is often dismissed as the unreliability of ancient historians.

Just for clarification: our characters' parents do know of their sons' abilities, right? Like, even if they don't have powers, they are aware of being gene carriers, because of their ancestry, and so were prepared for the possibility that their children undergo gene mutation.

And at what point would the powers manifest? Because there are three possibilities:

1. they were born with genetic mutation already active

2. it manifests during puberty, when the body goes through significant hormonal changes

3. severe physical trauma which, during recovery, sends cell regeneration into overdrive, increasing the likelihood of gene mutation.

It wouldn't necessarily have to be one possibility.

We could also pick whichever we think is suitable for our characters and their respective powers. Though, if you also had some ideas of how your character discovered/developed his powers, I'd verily much enjoy reading them.

hand over your plot candies...!
Mmmm, then maybe it's just my dudes that started it up to save face. I think I'll eventually add information regarding the academy itself to the settings/locations tab thing in a separate post.

LOL yeah def, relatively speaking. It would be a bit public for someone to try something, and if they've been able to get to the family heads, then their children wouldn't be much of an immediate concern, in comparison to loyal workers/branches.

Yeah, I think the only major thing to work out before the roleplay starts would be the roommates, since they'll be involved in the first few posts (either that or no interaction, since our dudes would not be dealing with each other obvi). Just because I haven't figured out who I'll use yet and if these characters can act like they have good relationships with their roommates or not huehue.

Yeah, I was definitely thinking of throwing them into the organizations tab later. I was toying with the idea of them maybe being a special sort of police/military branch that works close-ish to the government, but like a smaller, more concentrate kind of CIA/FBI kind of deal? Or maybe they have ties with religion? por que no los dos I really have no idea LMAO.

We'll have it as powers never having been a REALLY prominent thing. Previously it may have been referred to as some sort of witchcraft or something, in which the superstitious would avidly believe but others may have been in denial. We'll say that the use of powers all just kind of slotted into with the timeline of our world and aided in how things have come to be the way they are. So essentially, yeah, still same tech. It'd be a pain in the ass to figure out otherwise. Now I would say that it's definitely a sort of Bigfoot, mythology, Homer type of deal where few have heard any details(/facts, in this situation) and even far, far fewer believe in it any longer.

As for the parents and the children... do you have a preference? I imagine it is ultimately up to us and our individual ideas of our character's life up until this point. I would venture to say, though, that perhaps even within these royal families, powers have died out such that their existence at first may just seem like some sort of wives tale or something, with only a fEW in the family having powers of their own (and perhaps we COULD toy with them laying dormant).

I'd had the concept for powers a while back that people each had dormant powers, but they had to expose themselves to intense conditions relating to their power in order for them to unlock it (alleviated by the amount of "magic" that was at the place at the time, in which a higher amount made it more accessible). If we wanted to go with that, then I think a neat idea for one or both of our families would be some sort of tradition that every child at a certain age be taken to x holy ground near x holy object and subject to a series of rigorous tests in an effort to unlock any powers they may have... but if not that, then puberty sounds fine LMAO. So the parents could know, they may not know, depending on if and how we choose to let these powers manifest.
So our characters are safe at the school. For now. Ufufufufufufufu....

I was thinking I might add a small footnote to my original post in the characters tab, just introducing the roommate and stuff. Who knows, they might play a supporting role to the main characters later on in the rp.

And I shall call him John.

Because my creative juices are scarce in the morning.

A governmental association would be most realistic, considering who they're apprehending and their methods for doing so. It'd be cool for them to have a religious background as well...maybe the leaders of the third organization/government official sponsoring the group's activity has a secret agenda: to capture/test for supernatural ability.

I know that, for my specific character, I'd worked out that his family's organization is very heavy on tradition and ceremony, as well as a bit of superstition. The presence of the supernatural ability in the history of their organization has several prominent moments, usually resulting in good fortune/prosperity for the group. The existence of ability users is closely guarded knowledge in the head families. However, because of the rarity of the genetic mutations, and recent growth/diversity of population globally, there hasn't been another ability user to lead the group in the past several generations

It is up to the head families of each faction and branch to watch for any children of the organization who might potentially have this genetic mutation. Those who actually show signs of having powers are sent to the headquarters in mainland China to undergo testing and tutelage by the head family of the entire syndicate. It is considered a great honor, and so many prospecting families have falsified information and sent non-ability users to ream a bit of glory for themselves. Because of this, the trials that a candidate goes through for proof of their ability have gradually become harsher.

I'm guessing that how the powers manifest depends on the individual, as different powers implies different sequence of genomes that are mutated. For my character, I decided on the puberty route. His family is actually the head family of a secondary faction, not the main faction of the syndicate. and they did not want to send him to the headquarters in China. So, when his powers began to manifest, they had to sit him down and give him "the talk". I mean, both talks, but especially the one about dangerous powers and how to keep it hidden to protect himself.

But I don't know, that's just what I chose for my character. And all that extensive explanation was unnecessary, but I got super excited about all the speculating. Sorry.
Wait, so I just want to double check... we're still on board with playing the other character's roommate, right? Like I would be roleplaying Lynn's roommate and you would be roleplaying Lonnie's roommate? That way we should, for the most part, constantly have two characters interacting (since, from the start, Lonnie and Lynn would be deliberately avoiding each other in theory). BUT that's just the idea that I've had, and if you had something else in mind that you wanted to do then that's fine LOL. (Or were you on the same page all along and I'm just confusing myself now?)

Mmm, personally, I'd rather not go the absolute "human experimentation" route. Maybe a couple or so members within the organization would be cool, but I think that political (or power otherwise) gain as their ultimate goal would be my preference. I've seen too many "government experimenting on X-men kids" roleplays in my life time LMAO.

YOOOOOO no it's cool dude, that sounds awesome & interesting I don't mind at all. I'm thinking for my part, Lonnie's family is going to be a lot more straight forward and simple about things LOL, in their own way. I'm still working out a lot of details, but I would say that overall they've dismissed powers as paranoid speculation of the superstitious. At most, they'll probably believe in good luck and bad luck, so any manifestation of Lonnie's powers have been swept away with some other explanation.

But yeah, I definitely have some things to work out. The history of Germany's government is a mess lmaO.

excuse me if this message gets redundant i'm tired omgg
Yes, I think we should still rp the other character's roommate, if extra roommates are still a part of the rp. Otherwise, interactions will be very one-sided. (Don't worry, I'm on the same page.)

Then, will we pick the fcs for the roommate we are playing, or would you rather pick your own roommate?

Also, is it an all-boys school, or co-ed?

If all the swapping and initial side characters become too much, we could always say, "due to unfortunate circumstances, Lonnie and Lynn have now become roommates." Because we are the mighty creators, and this world shall bend to our will.

Agreed. Then the third organization will definitely keep their nefarious plans from including our characters, since targeting children might not be good for its public image. Oh, don't forget the many rps where "children of X-men have miraculously escaped from said lab and are now on the run towards no definite storyline whatsoever." Good fandom rps are so hard to find.

It sounds like you've got a plan, then!

Seriously, good luck with the lore of your family. (I can't believe we picked two countries with some of the most poorly organized history.)

Where is the neat lineage of kings? Why were there so many invasions and international wars?

I want to switch Lynn's country of origin to Switzerland so badly.
... You know, I was originally thinking that the roommate would be completely the design of the person roleplaying them... but now I'm thinking it would be fun for like if you were to create some framework for Lynn's roommate and I were to just flesh them out from there. What do you think of that? LOL. Kind of weird, not something I've ever done but it sounds weird omg.

Also, I was thinking that the academy itself would be co-ed, but rooming would be same-sex. I'm good either way, though. It makes the most sense imo, but we could always just wave our creative license if you have a different preference. :'^)

(LMAO yeah. Tbh if that ever happens we could just conveniently force Lonnie and Lynn back into the warehouse for an extended period of time, which I can imagine would make sense story-wise sometimes anyway, esp. around the beginning of the roleplay.)

Dangerous children on run from government because powers are dangerous and they want to make military grade weapons via mechakids and evil government likes torturing sixteen year olds or commit genocide on runaway kids.

Same. Red heads actually originate from a genetic mutation found in Asia, but Switzerland has the kind of climate to foster that gene? I think?
An interesting proposition, dear Pine. I accept the challenge! Then what framework would we make for each other? Just a fc, a one-line quote, or both...? And any other suggestion you might want to add!

Nah, it's good either way. I was just ensuring that, should we have some growing pains, for our children are in the springtime of their youth, then there will be room for some female characters too. (Ah...springtime: allergies, thunderstorms, and bees.)

Just imagine the severe cabin fever that would develop the longer they have to be stuck in the safe house together.

I shall prepare for all the wonderfully snarky conversations that will ensue.

Ah, fandom rps. Honestly speaking, though, most rps that involve supernatural abilities always fall back on the "SECRET GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIMENTATION THE GOVERNMENT IS EEEEEEEEVIL".

Yes, we could make this work. Lonnie is a Germanic Swiss mixed heritage, and Lynn is...uh...Swiss because cheese is yellow...and he is too?
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LMAO I have no idea. We could each do it differently. I would say mostly I just need to know how they've been getting along with your character and what general personality they have that would enable them to have that relationship with your character. Presumably, they've been living together for at least a couple of months, which should be enough to establish some sort of rhythm between them. Personality overview: leaves dirty dishes in the sink, doesn't cap toothpaste, leaves pubic hairs in the shower. Those would be the only essentials, but a name and fc would be neat too. <: Or a written physical description, but who wants to bother with writing that out, right? Right?

I look forward to the onslaught of cabin fever they will inevitably have to endure. Lonnie is going to be the first to get struck with the ailment and cause problems, I imagine.

(Tbqh I don't even know about it as a fandom roleplay. Back on Neo, there was always at least one thread in the rp forum that would be titled "gifted on the run." It was a genre of its own.)

hek hek
Okay, then. Here's my shot at a character framework:

Douglas Smith, 15


I see you're the clueless sort. How quaint.

3 words: bossy, arrogant, prudish

Relationship with Lynn: "Oh, he's tolerable. Better than the foul-mouthed blokes I had to suffer before."

Relationship with Lonnie: "Who?" (You can change this part, if you want.)

And anything else you might want to change, or need more information on, don't hesitate to request. I've never made an rp character for someone else before so this is like fish out of water...and into a fire.

In my mind, I'm already thinking of wonderful situations where they passive-aggressively piss each other off. lol Lynn will probably only get cabin fever if Lonnie does. He's impressionable like that. Otherwise, he's going to sit in a chair and read books until they both die of boredom.

"Gifted on the run"...really? The unspeakable things you've endured, Pine. Unimaginably terrible things. Horribly inconceivable things.
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Spencer Ortiz, 16


Really? Mid-calf socks and low-top sneakers? What is this, Full House?

3 words: Sassy Gay Friend™ judgmental, materialistic, idealistic

Relationship with Lonnie: "Well, it's been two years and I haven't requested a roommate change. Yet. Paperwork would be a bigger pain in the ass than he is, if you'll believe that."

Relationship with Lynn: "Who?"

disclaimer: does not have to be openly gay

(No for real ur free to adjust whatever you need for the character as well lmaoo. I've never done this before either but I'm excite.)

also lmao should i make a neutral characters tab for these idiots i'm thinking yes, and also for any future idiots

(also what spencer meant to say was they get along at fluctuating levels of friendship and poorly acquainted. lonnie does a number of things to annoy him on a weekly basis that sours whatever good vibes he might have gotten the night before or w/e. spencer just didn't know how to actually directly admit to any of that... at all. that's just my idea tho and again, can be changed.)
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Ohoho...this will indeed be an interesting character to rp. I'm not sure if I can nail the "sassy gay friend" vibe, but gaddammit, I will try!

Yeah, we probably should make a separate tab for all the neutral/side characters. (roommates and teachers and penguins and whatnot)

I'm so excited to get this rp started! *does a little happy dance around the OOC tab*
Step 1: Resting bitch face

Step 2: Criticize everything

Step 3: Pop culture references

I believe in you.

okay okay neutral characters tab is up now and... i guess we can just post whichever character we'll be using?? LOL

so btw here's the image code for him in case u need that

*vibrates* Same. I don't know when I'll be able to post, depending on how events turn out this evening, but I think that's all the planning I needed to get out of the way before the roleplay starts, so... expect the first post to be up in the coming days? I'm just going to finish slapping down my ideas for the city in the settings/locations before I have to leave for work again lmao. I have tomorrow off (in theory) but I might be busy anyway. orz Oh well.
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