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Fandom Yugioh GX Roleplay! (Have knowledge of the game)


New Member
Welcome to my Yugioh GX Roleplay! Btw this is my first ever roleplay. Basically, just post character profiles and I will decide if you're in. I ask you know how to play the game. And please take this seriously. No links or pendulums allowed. I will be playing all of the side characters such as students, professors, and test proctors. So, I will not be playing my own character. If you have other questions, I will post all of the details about the RP after deciding characters. Also, I would like to keep this RP rolling and make sure it doesn't die. So, please take this seriously. Anyway, here's the introduction.


Dear (your name),

You have been given a chance to enroll in Duel Academy! This a place full of excited duelists. There are three ranks. Obelisk Blue, Ra Yellow, and Slifer Red. You will be ranked according to your performance at the tryouts. We ask that you fill in the proper paperwork to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Please fill out the information below. Thank you!

Sincerely, Professor Marco






Relations with students (Brother, sister, etc.):
By knowledge of the game, do you mean the actual card game, or the yugioh gx game for game boy advance?

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