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Realistic or Modern You're The Best Mistake


Basic Bitches Not Wanted


You're The

Oh summer time, the perfect time to just sit back and relax after dealing with school work, annoying students and boring homework and tests and most importantly graduation. Just a few weeks after the 4th of july a group of 10 friends decided to spend these last few weeks together before they each go their separate ways. Two of the friends invite them to their family beach home on a private villa in the Dominican Republic, Where the water is clear and the weather seems to always be perfect. All of their plane tickets are booked and everyone is getting ready for the perfect summer.....

The group it self had suffered from some issues, the 10 of them have been close for a while but senior year really seemed to pull them apart. One problem none of them were expecting was a disaster that would force them to stay in their paradise longer than they may want. Can this group come together and make amends or will more drama ensue and by the end of the trip will they go there separate ways and never turn back.

Yeah so this is one of those summer friend RP (One of the ones I had done a while back but just changed the name), it's been a little while so I figured why not try this again

Best Mistake

Girl #1:

Girl 1, is the drama queen of the group. She's the bitchy girl that feels the need to basically be in control of everything. During the school year she was one to start things between everyone, or she wouldn't deny any of the rumors being said. She is Guy 3's sister, and a year ago she dated Guy 5 but broke up with him for Guy 2. In their relationship basically she wore the pants, and told him what to do and where he could go or talk to, at one point Guy 2 slept with Girl 4, and Girl 1 has her suspicions about it but has no proof, the two of them are at an awkward place in their relationship, but they are somewhat still together.

Girl #2:

Girl 2, She is the quiet one, the one who mainly kept to herself and tried her best to stay out of the drama between her friends. During school she was more the moderator between the fights, along with Girl 5. She has a little secret of her own, and that is that she is attracted to girls, and that she is basically in love with Girl 4. Because she doesn't want to scare her friends, she has strictly kept this to herself. She had dated Guy 1, but broke up with him at the beginning of the summer.

Girl #3: Taken

Girl 3, She is the popular one, the girl that is friends with everyone, and thankfully isn't really in the cross fire between everyone. During school, she was more focused on sports than the drama going on, but she definitely heard about it. For a while she has been secretly dating Guy 3, mainly because she doesn't know how her best friend , Girl 1, will take it. The house that the 10 of them are going to belongs to her family. She is Guy 4's sister.

Girl #4

Girl 4, She is the troublemaker, from just skipping school from causing problems with people. During school, the main place you could find her is in detention, for skipping class or cursing at the teacher or doing some other bad stuff. She had know Guy 2 for a while, and the night they actually sat down to talk one thing led to another and they slept together. She started acting shady around Girl 1, which probably raised her suspicions even more. Other than being a trouble maker she is a huge flirt, and has been know to make out with girls and guys. She has a weird liking for Girl 2, she is Girl 5's cousin.

Girl #5

Girl 5, she is the smart one, the one that has the highest possible grades in every class, and some believe to be a huge teachers pet. During school, she was slightly involved in the drama, mainly trying to help solve things like Girl 2. She was definetly more focused on her grades and looking into colleges. She has had a crush on Guy 2 for years now, but she is terrified of Girl 1, although they are friends, she knows how bad it will be if she finds out. She is Girl 4's cousin.

Guy #1:

Guy 1 is definitely the loud mouth out of the group. always having something to say about everything, never being one to bite his tongue. During school, he like Girl 4 always seemed to be in some type of trouble, just not as much with the teachers, more with the students. For a little while he dated Girl 2, he knew something weird was going on so once she broke things off with him, he wasn't as heartbroken as he probably should be. He likes Girl 1, even though she dated and dumped his brother, but things are weird because his best friend is Guy 2, although he knows Guy 2 slept with Girl 4, he doesn't want to be the reason they break up. He is Guy 5's Brother.

Guy #2:

Guy 2, seems to be in the middle of all the drama between the friends, During school he was basically the average guy, he wasn't all that popular, but once he became friends with Guy 3, he became a little more popular. He slowly became close to Girl 1, and when she broke things off with Guy 5, he stepped right in. Things were good, until she became a little too controlling, and one night when talking to Girl 4 ,one thing led to another and they hooked up. He has been going back and forth if he should just break things off or not.

Guy #3:

Guy 3, he is basically the king of the school, the one that everyone wanted to be friends with basically, he seemed to be in every school function there was, sports and clubs. In school he was and still is protective over his sister, Girl 1, which has gotten him a bad reputation. Towards the end of the year, he started secretly dating Girl 3, he wants to tell people, but respects what Girl 3 wants. He brought Guy 2 under his wing and started hanging out with him, it was really surprising that he started dating his sister. He is still every defensive about it, He is Girl 1's Brother.

Guy #4:

Guy 4, Basically he is the fun one, like his sister he seems to have a lot of energy and wants to be involved in things going on around him. During school, he finally came out of the closet, and he acted and seemed a million times happier than before. His family owns the house that everyone is staying at. He has a very awkward crush on Guy 5, so anytime he is around he can't help but start acting different. He was far more focused on his own life to worry about the drama going on among the friends, but after his sister filled him in, he is determined to help out as much as he can. He is Girl 3's Brother.

Guy #5:

Guy 5, he is the care free one of the group, he basically seems to care about what is happening in the moment, taking it day by day. In school, well he wasn't really there most of the time, he was normally at home, smoking or playing video games. For about 3 months he had dated Girl 1, but when she dumped him he just stayed at home more and started secluding himself off from everyone else. He was always questioning his sexuality, but once he finally met Guy 4, it scared him so he tried his best to convince himself otherwise. He is Guy 1's Brother.

I've Ever Made

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[QUOTE="Victoria Bradley]dang. You really want to be girl 5



I have yet to play a character like this so I really wanna give this type of character a shot!

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