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You're leaving? (A 1x1 with Lexxy)

"I just want rest." Ashley said as she put the rest of her food back in the bag and then placed it by the flowers. She laid back and closed her eyes as she let out a sigh. She didn't look at Clay because she knew she would break down and say the words she didn't want to escape her mouth. The words that would keep Clay here with her and not chasing his dream.

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"Alrighty then I'll leave you to it," He says getting up from his seat and walking over to her and hugging her good bye. "Call me when you get to go home." His smile is gentle as he turns to leave the room.

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Ashley didn't say anything and when she knew Clay was gone she cried herself to sleep. "Just stay here... Stay here with me.." She said to herself in the empty room just to get it off her tongue. She sighed as she continued to cry and then finally fell asleep.

(Time skip?)

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(Sure ^~^)

With a sigh he closed the door behind him and walked to his truck. Finding his phone on the seat he saw her text message and tossed his phone on the dashboard before starting the truck for home.

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When Ashley was finally released from the hospital, she didn't bother texting Clay to let her know. Honestly Ashley was pushing Clay away. She knew if she saw him before she left, it would hurt more then now. She sat in her room since was on bed rest and stared at their pictures she had on the roof. After awhile and when she knew her parents were asleep, Ashley walked out of the house, even if it was fifty two degrees outside. She had no jacket and walked to the pier where she looked at the water and sighed.

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"It's nice to see a familiar face here," Jenna says turning to her friend Ashley. "What are you doing here? I figured you and Clay would be doing something together, the two of you are always glued to the hip." She says in a giggle seeing Ashley's expression turn to where it looked like she wanted to cry. "Oh Hun, I'm sorry, what's wrong? We can talk about it. But only after I kind you something to keep warm," She says handing her a blanket she brought with her.

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Ashley smiled softly at Jenna and wrapped the blanket around her and then said, "I'm not talking to Clay at the moment.... I'm trying to push him away." She sighed and stared at her reflection in the water. "He's living out his dream Jenna. He's going to the Army and I'm happy for him but I.... I just want him to stay here." She said as the tears fell and she couldn't stop them. She looked at the picture of them and put it in the water. "I can't do that to him though because this is his dream.... I can't keep him here because I'm selfish."

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"I don't think you're selfish. Do you know exactly why you don't want him to leave? Maybe you should look deeper into your thoughts and try to figure it out before he leaves. But my advice to you is not to push him away."

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Ashley thought about it and sighed. "I don't know honestly.... I feel like I don't want him to leave because I don't want to be left alone but in reality I won't be alone.... I also feel it's because I don't want him finding a girl who he will fall in love with who's in the army..." Ashley said and didn't even realize what exactly she said. She sighed and just shrugged. "I don't know but it's easier for me to say goodbye if I do push him away."

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"Pushing him away will only make him feel more guilty about this whole thing. It sounds to me like you're still confused. No, you're not alone but he has always been there for every milestone. It's going to be hard but do you want to lose your best friend because you pushed him away."

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Ashley sighed and she shook her head. "I don't want to lose him... I can't. If I did I'd be a lost puppy." She told her and sighed and held their picture to her heart. "I am still confused. Very confused." She added then got her phone and texted Clay.

"Hey um, I'm at the pier... Do you maybe wanna come and just sit with me like old times?"

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"Ashley, I'm not Clay by any means which means I can't read you but if you want my opinion they way you talk about him, it sounds like he might, maybe Be thinking of him as more than just your friends. I've never seen you brighten up they way you do when he is around you. I could be wrong but why else would you not want him to fall in love." She gave her a curious look hoping she didn't make her angry.

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Ashley blinked as this all hit her and she finally realized why she didn't want her best friend to leave. It was because to her, he wasn't a best friend but the person she fell in love with and fell hard in love with. Ashley sighed and said, "Thanks Jenna. You always know what to say. I guess I do love him that's why I don't want him to go. I just... That's just going to make things harder..." She added and then laid back on the pier and let out a deep sigh.

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"It only makes things harder if you let it, a little third party observation, it isn't hard to tell he might feel the same way. He looks at you the same way you do at him. Look Ashley, if he knows how you really feel I know he'll stay the question is, so you want to give it a shot? And I don't want to put bad thoughts in your head but you never know what things could happen to him when he leaves. War is a dangerous place and you shouldn't leave any unresolved things left unsaid, you might regret it later."

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Ashley sighed and the stood up then said, "You're right... I'll um... I'm going to go talk to him. I hope he hasn't left yet because I don't even know when he was supposed to leave. That's how bad I have pushed him away." She said then hugged Jenna tight. "What would I do without you?" She asked and then pulled away and ran to her truck then drove to Clays house quickly and ran up to his front door and knocked multiple times.

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Clay sleepily walked to the pounding door and answered it. Surprised to see Ashley on the other end of the doorway after not speaking to him after he sent countless messages and even went to her house. "Ashley, it's four AM, though I'm glad to see you're okay I can't help but wonder why you're standing on my front porch banging on the door."

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Ashley didn't say a word, she simply tiptoed and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him gently. She pulled away and let out a content sigh then smiled. "I had to do that at least once before you left." She said quietly and then pulled her arms away. "Sorry for coming at four in the mornin I just spent an interesting time at the pier with Jenna and she made me realize a lot of things. Then I didn't want to believe her and then it-." Ashley was rambling on like she did when she was nervous.

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He was taken off guard by her lips touching his and listened to her ramble which made him slightly laugh. "Shhhhhh don't wake the others," he whispers taking her hand and leading her to his room shutting the door behind him before she could continue her rambling he took her and pulled her closer kissing her long and gently in return.

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Ashley realized their were indeed others sleeping and she was being awfully loud so she followed Clay to his room and before she could even continued her rambling she was pulled close to Clay and soon felt his warm and soft lips against his. She was shocked from the kiss he returned and when he pulled away she smiled softly. "I wasn't expecting that from you in return." She whispered and looked Clay in the eye as she couldn't stop smiling.

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"Well I wasn't expecting you to run over here like there's no tomorrow and ramble like your life depended on it." He replied cockily smiling at her smiling like an idiot. "So you and Jenna talked eh? That's interesting, what did you two have to say to one another?" He asked leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

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Ashley just smiled softly and then sat on his bed and then said, "About how I was purposely push in you away because I thought it would be easier to say goodbye but she said there had to be a reason why I didn't want you to leave because when you leave I won't be alone since I have friends." Ashley said and sighed, "so she made me realize, I didn't want you to leave because I love you and war is a dangerous battlefield." She finally came out with it all even though she may have sounded like she was rambling

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He stepped closer to her and leaned down on to his knees in front of her. "Ashley, look at me please, I told you I wouldn't leave you if I knew that what you wanted. Then you come here and tell me this, I need to know what it is you want. And don't feed me that, 'I don't want to be the reason you're still here' crap because honestly, you're the only one who can change my mind and I never said that was a bad thing. The army thing was just a little kid dream. We all have those but to me you're the most important thing in the world, I don't want to lose that, I've lost too much already."

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Ashley sighed and looked at Clay and she simply smiled a smile that held hurt. "I want you to live out your dream. Don't call it a little kid dream because this dream has been with you even after you stopped being a kid and teenager. Look, I can't lie to you because you can read me like a book but i don't want you to go. Honestly and truthfully I don't. I however know this is your dream and I want you to live it. You just have to promise you will come home safe and in one piece." Ashley said then cupped his face and leaned forward to kiss him once more. She couldn't get over the touch of his lips on hers.

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Slowly he got up from his knees still kissing her and picked her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist. Eventually he pulled away. "I promise," He whispers smiling at her happily. "But this is a two way deal, you have to promise me you don't let this distract you from school, understand?"

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Clays request was a hard one to accept. He should know it would more then likely distract her from school. At least when he leaves it will. Ashley simply nodded and said, "Promise." She then kissed him quickly and softly once more then pulled away and said, "Sorry for trying to push you away..."

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