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You're leaving? (A 1x1 with Lexxy)

"How can you say that? Ashley you can't be serious can you? You're pretty darn important if you ask me, we grew up together, you were there for me when mom died.. You mean a lot to me, please don't say those things about yourself. It makes me feel like I've been a bad friend in showing you how important you are."

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"No no no. Don't think like that. You've showed it all the time Clay I just...." Ashley said as she sighed. "I'm just being difficult." She added and then felt her chest getting tight. No this couldn't be happening. It happened back when she was 15 but never after that. Ashley began to cough and as her chest got tighter se brought her finger up to her nose and tapped it twice. There signal so Clay knew an asthma attack was hitting her. She then held up 4 fingers so he knew the pain from a 1-5 raining like she used to do.

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At first he looked at her confused as she tapped her noise wondering what she was doing. It wasn't until she help up her fingers for a pain scale he remembered. He it hadn't happened in four years mentally he began to panic as she fell to the ground. He knelt down beside her as she began to wheeze he remembered where she kept her inhaler, quickly he jumped into her truck and dumped the contents of her purse on the front seat in a hurry. In the corner of his eye he found it and handed it to her "Here," he says in a concerned gentle tone taking it out of it's cover.

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Ashley looked at the inhaler and weakly brought her hand to put it in her mouth but she dropped it as she fell limp. It was to late and Ashley wasn't getting oxygen to her heart. Her pulse was small but it was there, that was all that mattered. Her wheezing never stopped however so you knew her chest was still tight. She had fallen unconscious basically. This hadn't happened in four years and she never thought it would happen again. They said her asthma wasn't that bad anymore. She thinks with the crying and the stress, it was probably what caused it but she wouldn't know.

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"No, no, no." He began to shout louder and louder before crouching down next to her. It was a flashback of the worst day of his life except it was reoccurring. In a chain reaction he pulled her phone out if her pocket and dialed 911 before holding the phone to his ear checking her pulse and starting CPR to keep oxygen running through her.

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While unconscious all Ashley saw were flashbacks. Flashbacks of the times of her life and of course Clay was in most of them. Clay.... She needed to fight for Clay. He's been through so much more then her and she knew if she were to die then Clay wouldn't be able to handle it. She knew her best friend and she hated seeing her best friend in a state where he was depressed. Te dispatcher for 911 answered and said, "911 What is your emergency?"

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"My friend, she's having an asthma attack and is unconscious. I started CPR. Please hurry." His voice was desperate at his dad came and took the phone when he saw what was happening. He told them their location as Clay continued CPR. "Ash, stay with me. Stay with me please." Tears started to burn the edge of his eyes but he pushed them away putting all his effort into keeping her heart pumping he knew not to press too hard though or he could break something.

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Ashley could faintly hear her best friend pledging and a few moments after that she faintly her the sirens of the ambulance. She couldn't feel anything but did know when they put the oxygen mask on her face. The paramedic looked over at Clay and his dad and said, "I'm sorry but on one can come." He said knowing that it was hard for them to choose in an event like this. Soon Ashley coughed and then weakly said, "Clay..." The paramedic went to the ambulance and fixed the oxygen levels. Tears were falling from her eyes in fear of her life being taken away.

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In the moment he heard her faintly call him he looked to his dad and he nodded. Quickly Clay ran to her side. "Ash, Ash I'm right here don't be afraid," He said looking down at her deteriorating state he gently ran his fingers through her hair.

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Ashley's breathing became heavy and her eyes were slowly shutting but you could tell she was fighting it. She didn't want to die. She couldn't leave Clay alone. "I am scared.... I.... I can't fight any longer Clay.... I-it hurts." She said quietly and weakly as more tears fell.

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"Don't be scared you'll be okay, I know you'll be okay I know it. You're a fighter. I know it hurts, it's going to" now he was just rambling to keep himself from losing it, it's what he did, she knew it too.

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Ashley weakly brought her hand to cup his face and smiled a true smile weakly. "Those words are to comfort you... Not me. I know you. I-I'm sorry if I don't make it Clay just know if I...." Ashley didn't finish because she fell unconscious again and her hand fell down to the side. The paramedic tried to keep her pulse going and so far it was working. He looked at Clay and said, "She'll be alright. I think this happened from stress. She'll be okay."

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"Yeah, I know she'll be okay," he admitted truthfully not leaving her the whole ride there. He watched as they wheeled her into a room where he parents meet him there. Her mother of course thanked him before she ran in the direction of where they were taking her daughter. He stood there in the empty hallway for a moment thinking about what could have happened if he wasn't there. In a split second he decided something and rushed out the door before she woke up.

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After the doctors were able to stabilize Ashley's breathing and made sure her oxygen levels were normal, they gave her her own hospital room and she slowly woke up. She looked around the room looking specifically for Clay but didn't find him. She sighed but smiled as her parents hugged her tightly. Ashley asked her mom for her phone and she texted Clay from it. Perk of knowing your best friend number by heart.

"Thanks. You are and always have been my hero. So go be my hero who fights for our freedom. Love you like a brother Clay."

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He didn't pay attention for his phone, he was on a mission. He gathered all the things he had in mind. His phone was in his truck that his dad dropped off for him to use. With all the things he had in mind in a hand, Flowers and her favorite food, because he knew she would be hungry he made his way to the room he watched her mom go into.

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When Ashley smelled the scent of Chick-fill-A , she couldn't help but smiled and looked over at Clay and flashed him a weak smile. She knew Clay didn't like seeing her like this but there was nothing she could do. "Hey there." She said softly and her parents sat by each other and they smiled at Clay. "Thank ya so much Clay. I don't know what would have happened to our baby girl if you weren't there." Ashley mother said and Ashley sighed and looked away from Clay. Her father stood and said, "Let's give them some time to them selves." And then lead his wife out. "I just woke up so I didn't tell ma you are leavin'" Ashley said still weakly but with her southern side.

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Clearing his throat he looked sympathetically over to her setting the bag and it's contents in front of her and the flowers on the stand nest to her bed. Silently he took the seat next to her before he quietly whispered "I'm sorry, this is all my fault."

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Ashley slowly dug into the bag and took out the items inside and then ate a French fry. She blinked and looked over at him and raised her brow. "Why would you even think that? It was an asthma attack Clay. You couldn't have caused nor prevented it from happen in' " she told him and then added, "Thanks for the flowers and the food by the way."

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"I told you I was leaving and then this happened. You don't have to lie to me, they told me it was stress. It's my fault Ashley." At her thanks he just nodded and turned away. "That's what friends do."

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"Don't believe what they tell you Clay. It wasn't from stress. I just didn't take my inhaler in the morning and it caught up with me." Ashley told him even though she knew she was lying. She just didn't want to believe Clay was the reason this happened. "You're my hero Clay. You always have been and always will be and well, it's about time I share my hero with the country so, I want you to go be everyone's hero and fight for our freedom." She told him and smiled weakly then ate another fry.

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"You can say whatever you want but I know you'll never be fully okay with this." His hands were now clasped together as he watched her eat, he was more than glad to see she had an appetite which meant she was getting better. "I'm glad you're okay," he finally admitted. "You sure gave me and dad a scare."

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"I am fully okay with this Clay. Just realize that I am. I'm being an open book for once." Ashley said as she smiled. She didn't want him to leave but maybe it was time to share him with the world. Ashley would get used to not having him around. She had other friends. "I'm only okay because you were.... There." She said realizing what she said and sighed. "I'll be okay even when you're gone."

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"You can't promise that, what if this happens and I'm gone. What if your friends, what if they can't help you? I told you I wouldn't go if I knew that's what you really wanted." He didn't want to leave her if he knew she wouldn't be okay.

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"They can help me Clay. I'll give them an inhaler for me, I'll tell them was my signals mean, I'll be fine. Trust me I will be." Ashley said as she sighed and just played with her food. "I don't want you staying here because of me Clay. I'm the only thing holding you back and I don't want to be that best friend who kept her best friend from his dream."

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He bit his tongue from his initial response. "Okay then." He surrendered from the conversation not wanting to talk about it anymore. "Is there anything else I can get for you? Do you need anything? I'd be more than happy to fetch it for you. It's not trouble." He kept his blue eyes on her trying to engrave her appearance in his mind while he could. So he knew he wouldn't forget any detail about her while he was away. He still wasn't sure just how long he would be away but it was starting to become reality he was going through with his one dream he never thought he'd catch.

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