Your First Ever RP Character?

Oh my gosh. My first RP character? I kinda remember them. It was a shiny Lucario since I was really, REALLY crazy about Pokemon when I was younger. That Lucario was a girl named Ylisse, since I wanted to be "special" and not cliche. She was like, super tsundere and was the typical tomboy. She also had another personality where she was super sweet and just all lovey-dovey and girly. She was super strong in her "tomboy" self, and then really weak and flirted all the other times. It was WEIRD. I have no idea what I was thinking when I made her.

Super embarrassing to think about. But not so much since I don't have to feel like the only one with a Marysue!
[QUOTE="Soul Evans]My first character for roleplaying was a girl based on Alma from F.E.A.R. She could control snakes and often shot them out of her body, using them as ammunition or physical shields. Her personality was a playful, carefree one with no morals who would create elaborate plans just to gain a simple result.

Hiya, Soul! How's Maka doing?
I BARELY remember mine. but i know the first character i roleplayed as was YUI from Angel beats.

But my FIRST original character? i have a very vague memory of that.. and i THINK this is the right one...

I Think her name was rini, she was a demon angel mix. her dad was basically some OP Demon like satan ((The character who was her OP dad was actually a person. and i have no control over his mix. )) she was basically just a powerless girl. one who relied mostly on other men to save her (( I WAS LIKE 10 //HWHEEZESS// PLS )) Until she had this OP rage. i think she had orangy hair and .. brown eyes?? she always wore this like white with polka dots hoodie. i had a picture but thats LOONG gone.

Gosh i remember the guy who roleplayed as her dad //cringes

he was the worst. the type of guy to " *THROWS PLANET EARTH AT HER, KILLS HER*" ugh. and if you werent dead it was like " No i hit you with earth you are dead"

Her name was Juliet Shannan, or at lest that was her name by the end of my time with her. She began with the nick name "Jewl". I miss spelt "Jewel" and the miss spelling stuck! Her nick name stayed with her. I played her for almost four years, so yes, I was REALLY attached and even though it ended five years ago I still am. Jewl lived in the world of Percy jackson. She was a daughter of Athena. She had a magic kitten named Diamond who spoke only to her in Ancient greek in Jewl's head. I actually miss playing her.
Okay let me be real here for a moment. My first ever character was an absolute trainwreck, in an absolutely awful forum thread by the ever original name of "Black Rose Academy" hosted on Gaia online. I'm pretty sure if you check there like I did about a month ago, the threads still exist even. All eight reboots and five spinoffs. ( WARNING: Don't try looking for all of them because I don't even remember how many there are, I just estimated. )

Back in my weeb days I thought it was a badass idea to creat a catgirl witch hybrid by the name of Izumi Koneko. Her brother was killed by her father and her mother decided she was going to run away as their home burned down for some reason? She also had the literal personification of wind possessing her body or something and she talked to a cat familiar that liked to look up her skirt, it's hard to remember after like eight years.

But sadly I couldn't part with her after all this time because of her sentimental value, so instead I just put years of development into her and slapped in a new name, so now she's not so god awful.
Oooooh, my first character...

Surprisingly, he wasn't quite a Mary Sue. I made him to be terrified of blood... But he was 100% cliche everywhere else. He was called Jay (I forgot his last name), and had super powerful weather control magic. Typical tragic "parents died" backstory, and yes, I may have godmodded sliiiightly... (How do you like hitting me when I'm a CLOUD, huh!?) Ooooh man. I was really bad back then... -cringe-

Surprisingly, this character still exists, just with a different name, appearance, VERY modified abilities, and a sibling.
My first real roleplay experience that wasnt me and my friends pretending to be other peoples in my friend backyard was probably when I was 16. My first character was actualy very human since it was a zombie roleplay on a indie game blog. Look them up if you wanna, it was sandswept studio.

It was a mix of a self-insert and my crush wich ended up becoming a pretty cool character template I still use. She was a troubled teen with a hammer and a rifle. She ended up getting kidnaped and held in a subway by some psychopats and the other players kinda forgot her so I had her escape and ditch the group. I will definitly use her on the next zombie roleplay I join. One of the players drew a picture of her.
Not sure about the first one, but the oldest I can remember was a wolf named Rós (probably "rose" translated into some fancy language, I'd guess?). Tough girl, I think, and I suppose she was suspicious and didn't trust anybody. Still I have this image in my head that she found a partner in the rp and even got puppies at some point and became softer and a good mom... Or am I thinking of some other wolf character? Well, not sure, but it might have been her.

Ah, remembering those one-liner script style roleplays... Yup, makes me shudder now.
Haha, my first RP character? Wow, that's a trip back. If I remember correctly it was a half-demon, half-celestial, super over-powered and ridiculously arrogant. My goodness. Yeah, he's unsalvageable now. He was supposed to be the 'epitome' of the split between good and evil, essentially the 'first human' (even though there were already humans when he was born?) and he had an ego about it. He had a little sister who was completely celestial (unimaginatively named Celeste) who more or less was on a constant sugar high and was WAY too happy about everything.
My first character was a fourteen-year-old named Elizabeth Hollton. She was rude, cynical, and had a slew of self-esteem issues. There wasn't a lot of details about her, except that she had a dog named Beethoven. The character herself wasn't bad -or at least I don't think- but golly did I give her a lot of drama. Boys didn't pay attention to her so she stabbed herself, she didn't have parents, and she fled the city at some point.

I don't really use any of my characters from back then just because their roleplays were so damn cringeworthy.
My first character was me. Not a self insert, at least not in the traditional sense, because I didn't even conceptualize what I was doing was roleplay or understand the 'rules of the game' so I didn't really get the whole IC and OOC split. It was a long time ago and that was kind of a period in my life I don't usually reflect on so my mind's scrubbed most of the details away.
Mine was a Pikachu named after myself. Actually, no. It was more of a "oh I like Pikachu and Glaceon so let's make this thing transform between the two ALL THE TIME." It was a shameless self insert that ended up becoming part demon for whatever reason. Did I mention that the thing had gijinka forms for its Glaceon and Pikachu forms and acted sue-like a lot of the time?
Oh lawd

I started roleplaying in chats when I was like eight maybe??? So needless to say. Painfully bad.

I don't even really remember what she was like except an attempt at a dark-haired action girl with purple eyes(yeah as if you couldn't tell from my age how bad a Mary Sue she'd be) and had that generic, "Don't mess with me," tough girl attitude that people use to try and drive the point home that a female character isn't a damsel, you know? The "I can take care of myself, back off" thing where they sit in the corner and snark at everyone else? Yeah, that. I don't remember anything else about her.

I got out of it for about a year or two before ending up back in chat rping and by then I was doing the Warriors cats thing. It wasn't a bad series to start out with tbh, but then it just... Kept going.....

Anyway though

This cat

She was from the stereotypically "evil" group (which was always my favorite and still is to this day despite no longer reading the series) and looked exactly like a main villain from the first series(one of my favorite villains of course) and I think she was related to him??? I remember her way better.

Her name was Iceclaw. (Lawd just writing that name. So much nostalgia.) So Iceclaw, she was this brown tabby cat so I never did make a big deal about her being pretty, she was kinda generic looking. What she WAS though.

She was SPESHUL.

She had something like 5 lives and was chosen by the ancestors for — for something. I don't remember what. But she had a starlike mark on her shoulder (the stars are a big deal in that series) and the guidance of this spirit bear, that occasionally appeared to give guidance and she fell in forbidden love with a cat from the stereotypically "good" group of cats, and even defied her group's leader over it because of a thing where he nearly killed the love interest, and then she was a rogue for awhile and I think she killed a fox this one time, there was something in there with a ghost cat called Dawnsayer?????? I don't remember.

Eventually her boyfriend disappeared and she turned evil

I've gotten so much better at characters
oh no, I started RPing when I was 11... Alright, let's see. My first ever character is one I've morphed into a completely better (or so I think, I am biased, after all) one. But her name was Elizabeth, and she was very British, could do all sorts of magic, had some sort of tragic backstory I don't really remember, and for whatever reason, was very, very, very angry/negative for no reason a lot of the time-- likely because I thought it was an endearing/cute quality for whatever reason. So, needless to say, yikes.
I started roleplaying at really young (Probably 11/12.) I was one of those people who made 'characters' that were just pretty crappy self inserts of myself. Not to mention that I was also just getting into anime at the time, so it was a really big train wreck. It would just be some godawful splice of myself with cat ears or something. I don't think I started making semi-proper characters until I was 14... maybe 15.

For some reason, I was really hooked on the name 'Kriyu'. So Whenever I used her for roleplay and needed to change her up depending on the genre, it was always her name. I have some logs saved- I can't look back without cringing.
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I was pretty young and inexperienced with these foreign concepts of "power playing", "over powered", and "god-modding"

He was a homestuck troll, he was a bit of a gary/mary sue, having infinite hacking skillz or whatever (I can't even remember what he usually did) As you can tell, roleplays with him didn't last very long.

There was also Platinum, who cam a few months later. Completely original, for a (currently abandoned) idea of a vast RPG-type game that was modestly sci-fi, but also fantasy, like magic and guns. He was the leader of a rather troublesome and VERY aptly named group the Trouble Makers (Honestly it was just a thing with my friends, don't judge), he was rather superhuman, skilled in "white" magic (healing, purity things, his trademark was bringing people back from the recently dead. Have a stabbed comrade? Don't worry, Platinum has him covered!) The co-leader (for good reasons) was the soon-to-be chaos "god", Edison (Also a thing with that specific friend, no judging plz), and there was a running gag, the Chaos entity himself, Robocow. Robocow was for livening up the roleplay by causing serious problems such as: replacing all pumpkins with squashes of the same shape, Turning your immune cells inside out, turning you inside out, replacing your blood with high-fructose corn syrup, and many other random things. He usually actually ended the roleplay because of his murderous effects, but hey, he's always there for a good laugh, before you die a horrible death! Anyways, bedtime, see y'all l8rz
Spinoceratopsrex said:
I remember when I first started this hobby, I just thought it looked fun and tried creating my own RP for the first time. Naturally, I also had my first ever Character, I really liked him, he was quite fun to play, and I think he was reasonably good for a first try. Oh yeah and guess what?
He was a freaking dinosaur. Yeah, I know, big surprise right? Anyway, his name was Dapple, he was a meat eater, coloured black with green bands and a green feather mohawk, the RP didn't last for long, but I did manage to give him a little bit of a personality, he was sort of peaceful, not liking to fight with others unless desperate, or defending his home. His last post was him about to fight a really huge, powerful enemy, but that was when it died..... :(

So basically, what was your first ever RP character? What were they like? How good do you think s/he was, were you attached to them? Stuff like that.
A dinosaur? Well, that's a better start then a Meerkat, lol. Now, that was years ago, so don't hold it against me. The character was basically everything my childish self wanted to be, strong, tough, fearless, always ready to fight. From there on out, my characters began to get way more diverse.
Well. I remember that most of my roleplays characters were prodigies tee agers. My first roleplay character was Silver (his codename) otherwise known as Harper Kaiser he was a 15 years old kid. By that time o had 10 years and got based on what i would like to be when i was a teenager. Well, he was petty much a scientific but also a young wizard. He had most of all lightning powers that he discovered at the age of 14. He was the reencarnation of a Lightning mancer. I didn't specified name because i allready was a bit late on the rp i wanted to participate. At first Harper was well received by the comunity, keeping a bit of realism but also implementing fantasy. Yup! People seemed to like him. Then, when i tried to make friends at the next month. My first friends on the roleplay left me alone, i didn't understood why. But then after a month i decided to watch some posts on the thread. And what did i saw? People fighting to gaim admiration. Yup exactly. But....if the battlefield was lonely. How could people notice that those characters were fighting? It was a Middle Age roleplay? (Knights, kingdoms and stuffs. Also the roleplay master there had the most important kingdom under his controll xD ) aaaaaanyway, my character passed from being a nice kid that liked to be a thief and sometimes a bountyhunter. I remember i could do almost anything and people would be like "He is robbing a store...." "Yeah...poor kid." became bored, i practically gained a lot of money in the rp. You had to throw the dices and then it will appear a number, a don't remember the rules exactly but depending on the number was how much you could rob. People were so inside of their shells that i could rob localstores easily. Until i reached level 25. My character had people that hated him and all that stuff, but he also was like a Robbing Hood. So he had a small bunch of friends that were thankfull with his help. Anyway. What made me angry was that the roleplay master first: Dedicates all his efforts to make me stop roleplaying.

Second: he changed the rules because noobies were getting better than him so he became something like a garysue (he changed the rules to be the only one excepting for a friend of him to be overpowered .__. He also used to take the battles very personal, he would bully you if you beated him in a battle. Like, he would use another character and take an advantage that your character has lower hp to kill you xD )

Third: he succeeded. I quited roleplaying in that forum (but people kept and keeps ignoring me xD )
That's funny, I actually have the character sheet of my first ever OC.

Read at your own risk:

Name: Trevor Hoffman.

Age: 18

Gender: Male.

Personality: Trevor is a pretty calm guy that doesn't get angry very often. He is very optimistic and he will always try to find the bright side of any bad situation. He is also a very honest guy....maybe a bit TOO honest. He likes to party but he is not a "party animal". He is also pretty lazy and it's kind of hard to wake him up.

Likes: Music, Sleeping, Watching TV, going out to party.

Dislikes: Mean people, dishonest people, his alarmclock.


Other: He has a small Bugs Bunny tattoo on his back.


From the RP:

2014 - The Summer House
It wasn't from this site, but I remember that the very first roleplay I joined was a Hunger Games Roleplay, set in an AU where Katniss Everdeen died and the revolution hadn't taken place. I'm pretty grateful for the roleplay because I met this person who 4 years later (ohmygosh) is my best friend. The character I made was this little thirteen year old girl from District 10 who was apprenticing her father in the art of butchery (District 10 is known for its cattle). She was quite fun to play, and I think a good starting point in characters. She died later into the game which made me kinda sad though.
Oooh god.

Well, I can't remember her name, but she was a 'desert elf', whatever that is, with red hair. She was an extremely good archer, of course, but also telepathic. She had a telepathic horse and a telepathic eagle, and she was also literally a general in the desert elf army until she had to leave because someone tried to assasinate her.

And I do remember she had a boyfriend named Bane. That's right - someone actually RPed the boyfriend of this hellbeast. Whoever you are, I'm very sorry. I was about twelve.
[QUOTE="Tiny Turtle]It wasn't from this site, but I remember that the very first roleplay I joined was a Hunger Games Roleplay, set in an AU where Katniss Everdeen died and the revolution hadn't taken place. I'm pretty grateful for the roleplay because I met this person who 4 years later (ohmygosh) is my best friend. The character I made was this little thirteen year old girl from District 10 who was apprenticing her father in the art of butchery (District 10 is known for its cattle). She was quite fun to play, and I think a good starting point in characters. She died later into the game which made me kinda sad though.

And I'm like, ohhhhhmygod, this was my roleplay.


Okay, yeah, that was the first roleplay I ever made, and, therefore, my first character. My character was a career (worked her entire life up to the Hunger Games to volunteer when she was 18). Looking back on it, she killed like, 8 people, which is too much honestly. Also she was friends with that girl from Disctrict 10 until the girl died at which point my character cried it was poetic and fun
Dru said:
And I'm like, ohhhhhmygod, this was my roleplay.

Okay, yeah, that was the first roleplay I ever made, and, therefore, my first character. My character was a career (worked her entire life up to the Hunger Games to volunteer when she was 18). Looking back on it, she killed like, 8 people, which is too much honestly. Also she was friends with that girl from Disctrict 10 until the girl died at which point my character cried it was poetic and fun
[psychotic] and [unstable] trait double activate!
"Isn't it solo much fun to find all the ways to kill someone? I love counting the amount of people I kill daily, and looking at the steadily increasing average!"

[psychotic] and [unstable] traits deactivated!
I had like a hardcore cringe shiver attack when I looked back to my old role playing days. I think I started role playing during 7th grade because I was on some weird app called Virtual Space that had a bunch of angsty pre-teens and a small group of actually decent role playing older people (or at least my recollection tells me that). But this is sort of helping me realize how much I've grown now only in writing style but as a person.

I was for some reason super into Asylum/Vampire type role plays back then, and had some weird fascination for Yuki from Vampire Knight (gaaaah getting goosebumps from just thinking about it). And that scene where she went bat shit crazy and was sucking the life out of that white haired dude got me into this whole fantasy spree (I'm hella judging myself too...I just re-read this and wow okay no I didn't mean it that way I meant blood but I'm sure you got that). Okay anyhow.

I was in this role play about a group of teenagers who disappeared one Halloween night and became mutated creatures in some weird ass hidden doctor's lab. (Honestly the scenario itself didn't make sense...none of the characters made sense....nothing made was literally just a bunch of hormonal vampire/dark angel/werewolf/half-cat teenagers stuck together in a house and we all know how great that turns out.) My character was a suuuuppppeeerrr weak vampire girl with super long brown hair and red eyes and a fear of blood...yes you read that right...a vampire...WITH A FEAR OF BLOOD. I was a fucking genius. 11/10 character am I right. And my character was really into sucking blood out of her own wrist because she was "Scared of sucking blood out of other people". And later on she got captured by the doctor and one of her romantic interests came to save her and she lost a lot of blood because she got chained to the wall by some weird braces that had spikes stabbing into her throat and limbs (btw not something the doctor roleplayer did herself...I godmodded and did that to my own character to generate pity for my character and to get the character's man running over because he was flirting it up with some cat chick). And when that guy character offered his own blood, my character (well technically I) spat out that blood to opt for licking her own blood off the ground. First of all, that's gross af. Second of all, are you a vampire or a cat. Third of all...why. Just why....did any of this happen.

Sorry. Went a bit overboard there. I'm just going to go cry in a corner now.

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